Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 144 Deceiving the King, You Should Be Severely Punished!

Chapter 144 Deceiving the King, You Should Be Severely Punished!
I don't know when it started. From Henan to the capital, news of smallpox ravaging Suizhou was spread wildly along the way.

But "Da Ming Daily" did not report the matter.

Xia Yunyi, the governor of Suizhou, did not report to the imperial court that smallpox was rampant in Suizhou.

Even Marquis Zhanggui of Suizhou, who was ordered to inspect Suizhou, did not send a fast horse to Beijing to report the incident, but rushed back to the capital with a group of family members and the Xichang official school.

However, the more rumors spread and the less the "Da Ming Daily" under the control of Xichang did not report the incident, and the more Xia Yunyi and Zhang Guijie were ignorant of the accident, the more they were allowed to stay in the capital to conspire A certain red-robed official who planned the smallpox outbreak in Suizhou was satisfied.

"The truth cannot be suppressed!"

"Zhang Gui and Xia Yunyi think that if they don't report this matter, and don't let their "Da Ming Daily" publish this matter, they can hide it from the world?"

The red-robed senior said with a sneer, then stroked his beard and said to his trusted disciple: "After all, paper can't contain fire!"

The student's name is Guang Shiheng.

Guang Shiheng is good at judging the situation. After being a Jinshi in Enke, he did not rashly oppose Zhang Gui and others who supported the reform like many civil servants, so he has been staying in the capital as an official smoothly. Now he has been promoted To Dali Temple Shaoqing.

But even though he became the Shaoqing of Dali Temple, Guang Shiheng did not express any dissatisfaction with the reform on the surface, but only tipped off his master and planned for him how to stop the reform secretly.

After the red-robed official said, Guang Shiheng said: "What Enfu said is that I believe that in the near future, more and more courtiers will know about it, even the emperor will know about it."

It didn't take long for Tianqi to know about the smallpox in Suizhou.

He knew it through Liu Zongzhou, the right deputy capital censor.

"My minister impeached Xia Yunyi, the prefect of Suizhou, for hiding smallpox and not reporting it, and also impeached Zhang Gui, the uncle of the country who went to Suizhou, for not hearing about it, and just sat and watched the smallpox ravage, and the militiamen died of the plague, so that smallpox began to appear in nearby counties and counties! "

"Hundreds of officials are afraid of the power of their relatives and dare not report it. I am planning for the safety of His Majesty's society and the people of the world. Now I am risking my life to report to Your Majesty. I hope His Majesty will send someone to investigate!"

Liu Zongzhou played to Tianqi in this way.

Tian Qi was also quite surprised when he heard this, and quickly asked, "How do you know that smallpox is raging in Suizhou?"

Liu Zongzhou replied: "Nowadays there are many rumors about the road, and many people even in the capital are talking about it, but His Majesty lives deep in the palace and doesn't know about it yet."

Liu Zongzhou didn't say clearly that Tianqi loves carpentry too much, that's why he doesn't know about the outside world, but what he said also had an insinuating meaning.

Tian Qi also didn't care about Liu Zongzhou's insinuation, he was also starting to feel uneasy about Suizhou because of this smallpox, and he focused all his attention on it.

Not to mention that smallpox is already scary in this era, not to mention that Suizhou is one of the places where he asked the Planning Department to carry out reform experiments.

Therefore, at this time, Tianqi only hurriedly ordered: "Wei Zhongxian, the cabinet sent an urgent message of [-] miles to ask the uncle Zhang Gui and the prefect Xia Yunyi about this matter, and let them report the truth about the smallpox in Suizhou, and they must not neglect ! In addition, ask your Dongchang to investigate whether it is true that there is smallpox in Suizhou!"


Tian Qi then looked at the other ministers: "So, you have also heard rumors about smallpox raging in Suizhou?"

At this time Yuan Keli came out of the shift and replied: "Return to Your Majesty, I have indeed heard about it."

"Since I've heard about it, why didn't I report it?!"

Apocalypse asked sternly.

At this time, Liu Zongzhou said: "Go back to Your Majesty, some people dare not, and some naturally don't want His Majesty to know?"

"How do you say that?"

Tian Qi stared at Liu Zongzhou and asked.

Liu Zongzhou replied: "I don't dare because I am afraid of the power of my uncle, and I am afraid of getting into trouble. I don't want to, because everyone knows that the rampage in Suizhou is undoubtedly caused by the punishment of God caused by the reform and new policy in Suizhou. Those who support the reform are naturally unwilling to let the emperor recognize the new policy as bad after knowing about it.”

University scholar Sun Chengzong also stood up at this time and said: "Your Majesty, as Vice-Xian Liu said, the courtiers did not dare to report this matter because they were cautious and did not dare to spoil the state affairs! The most important thing now is to find out the truth, that is, Suizhou Is there a large-scale smallpox outbreak? If not, it is a good thing; but if there is, it may indeed be because of the New Deal."

Tian Qi nodded after hearing this: "What Mr. said is pertinent, so let's discuss this matter here. We will discuss everything after Zhang Guoshu, Xia Yunyi's memorabilia and Dongchang's investigation results arrive!"

"Qi Zou Your Majesty! Xia Yunyi's report has just arrived at the Department of General Affairs."

At this time, Huang Zunsu, the Tongzheng envoy, stood up and reported something.

Tian Qi then ordered: "Give me his playbook immediately!"

Soon, Tian Qi got Xia Yunyi's playbook.

Xia Yunyi faithfully stated the effect of the New Deal in Suizhou after the pilot implementation in the memorial, and also mentioned the smallpox issue.

Tianqi also talked about the content of Xia Yunyi's melody to the ministers who were in charge of the government, saying: "Xia Qing said in the melody that the New Deal was implemented very well. It was prosperous before, and there were no homeless people in the cities of the city. He also said that after the implementation of the government-gentle payment system in Suizhou, the taxes of the people have been reduced a lot, and the number of people who are willing to contribute to public water conservancy has also increased a lot. Due to the fact that the local treasury officials and gentry pay a lot of corvee silver, they can give wage subsidies to the people who are willing to serve."

Speaking of this, Tian Qi smiled and said: "And he also mentioned smallpox, saying that he and his uncle Zhang Gui eliminated smallpox in time, and in the end there were only [-] infected people, and among these infected people, six of them were taken care of in time. And be healed."


Zhou Yingqiu, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, couldn't help shouting at this time, and then went out to play: "Your Majesty, once smallpox appears, it will destroy villages and destroy countries, and those who encounter it will die. Hundreds of people were infected, and those who were sick and died did not reach [-]% of the infected! What Xia Zhizhou played is probably deceiving the king!"

Seeing this, Guang Shiheng didn't stand up and speak out, but just observed the situation secretly.

And Liu Zongzhou also echoed at this time: "Your Majesty, I also believe that Xia Zhizhou may be concealing the report, and the purpose must be to prove that smallpox has nothing to do with the New Deal! Obviously this person is suspected of flattering and catering to the powerful!"

"But in fact, everyone knows that in order to promote the New Deal in Suizhou, he forced the officials and gentry to accept Qingzhang and pay the grain. For this reason, he did not hesitate to use some officials and gentry to resist the New Deal as an excuse to destroy their families and families. It is not cruel. ! And it is because he did such a cruel thing that he provoked the anger of the heavens and the people, and even sent down the punishment of the heavens!"

"Your Majesty, he, Xia Yunyi, who deceived the Lord, should be severely punished!"

Tian Qi asked coldly after hearing this: "So, Liu Aiqing also thinks that the New Deal should not be implemented, and also thinks that the New Deal is harmful to the people?"

Liu Zongzhou replied: "Your Majesty, although the new policy is to make up for the deficiency, it cannot be enforced, but it disturbs the people so much that the people's resentment boils over and the heavens are dissatisfied!"

"And Xia Zhizhou is doing just that!"

"In Suizhou, he enforced the New Deal and was mean to the scholar-officials; instead of showing his interests to the officials and the gentry, treating them with courtesy, explaining the sacred meaning, so that the scholar-bureaucrats understood the imperial court and only knew how to use the techniques of the school of law, so that the New Deal came into being. Evil government has led to the wrath of heaven and human resentment!"

"Your Majesty, it's not that Xia Zhizhou didn't first tell the officials and gentry of Suizhou their interests, and hoped that they would take the initiative to cooperate. Even Yuan Gong wrote to his fellow countrymen, hoping that they would support the reform, but most of the officials and gentry did not cooperate, and even secretly encouraged them. Xiangyong resisted the new policy, so he had to enforce it. But Liu Fuxian doesn't know the basics, and talking about it here will undoubtedly confuse the king and harm the country!"

At this moment, Chen Zizhuang couldn't stand it anymore, so he stood up and argued.

Liu Zongzhou retorted: "Nonsense! Scholars are the heads of the four people, and they are the most loyal to the emperor and patriotic. How can they not understand the imperial court's national policy?"

"Besides, at the beginning of human beings, human nature is good. As long as the court understands it with reason and moves it with emotion, people in the world will only understand the court and are willing to dedicate themselves to the community. How can Chen Butang decide that he is the governor of Xiazhou to the officials and gentry of Suizhou? Did you do persuasion work, instead of deliberately saying that these officials and gentry did not cooperate in the act of stealing?!"

"Your Majesty! I believe that Xia Zhizhou has no such selfish intentions!"

Chen Zizhuang couldn't deny that "at the beginning of human beings, nature is good", so he had no choice but to force Xia Yunyi to vouch for him.

"Let's wait for Uncle Zhang Gui's return and Dongchang's investigation results."

Apocalypse did not directly draw a conclusion, but said this sentence.

At this time, Wei Zhongxian rushed back: "Qi Zou Huangye, Dongchang found the result!"

(End of this chapter)

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