Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 145 Scolding Confucians!The corrupt scholar was so angry that his seven orifices smoked!

Chapter 145 Scolding Confucians!The rotten Confucian was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke!

Tian Qi hurriedly told Wei Zhongxian: "Say it quickly!"


Wei Zhongxian took a few breaths, and then said: "The news just received by the servant girl is the exact news brought back by the hundred households in Guide Mansion in our East Factory."

As he said that, Wei Zhongxian took out the urgent report brought back by the hundred households: "And the hundred households said."

"Your Majesty! Uncle Guo has returned to Beijing and asks His Majesty to see you!"

At this time, Liu Ruoyu also walked in and reported to Tianqi the news of Zhang Gui's return to Beijing.


Tian Qi immediately stood up and gave an order.

Liu Ruoyu agreed and stepped out of the hall again.

Here, Tian Qi ordered Wei Zhongxian: "You continue to talk."


Wei Zhongxian agreed, and then replied: "According to the report from the [-] households stationed in Guide in our East Factory, smallpox is indeed rampant in Suizhou, and it has even spread to Guide's Mansion."


Guide Mansion is a place where nobles gather, so many bureaucrats from Guide in the court feel uneasy for their family members at this time.

Tian Qi was also quite surprised: "Really?"

Wei Zhongxian said: "This is indeed the news brought by the people of the East Factory, the servants dare not lie to the emperor!"

"Could it be that Zhang Gui and Xia Yunyi are really hiding it from me, and don't want me to be disappointed because smallpox happened in Suizhou?"

Tianqi slandered, but he was still not willing to believe this result.

He didn't think that the reform of making up for the deficiency would dissatisfy the heavens. Otherwise, why didn't the heavens be dissatisfied because a large number of people were destroyed by evil gentry and powerful?
"Your Majesty, Dongchang has already found out, so is this matter still false?"

Liu Zongzhou immediately asked a question.

Then, Liu Zongzhou said aggressively: "Your Majesty, please punish Xia Yunyi severely for the crime of deceiving the emperor! And immediately send the imperial envoy to Suizhou to deal with the smallpox, and I am willing to take orders to go!"

"Your Majesty! As Liu Gong said, smallpox is raging in Suizhou because of Xia Yunyi's strict enforcement in Suizhou. I also ask Xia Yunyi to be punished for his crimes, and another minister is sent to Suizhou to implement the new policy! I recommend Wu Xing, the county magistrate of Yongcheng! Because I heard that Wu Xing was very effective in carrying out reforms in Yongcheng, and he was loved by the people!"

Zhou Yingqiu, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, stood up and said.

University scholar Sun Chengzong also said: "I also heard that Wu Xing was a good official in Yongcheng!"


University scholar Zhu Guozuo also echoed, and also said: "Now it seems that Xia Yunyi's method in Suizhou is really not going to work, we should withdraw Xia Yunyi and ask him about the crime of deceiving the emperor!"

"Your Majesty, please punish him for the crime of deceiving the king!"

At this time, Liu Zongzhou made another statement.

"Does Your Majesty think that Uncle Guo will also deceive the King?!"

Chen Zizhuang asked a question at this time, and said: "In my humble opinion, Dongchang's one-sided words are not credible! You should listen to what Uncle Guo has to say."

Here, Tian Qi glanced at Wei Zhongxian.

Wei Zhongxian was rather embarrassed, and thought: "I really didn't mean to have trouble with Xia Yunyi and Uncle Zhang Guo, but how did the people in the East Factory report it? If I lied, wouldn't I even deny the emperor? Do you only recognize the uncle of the country? Then you are still the servant of the emperor?"

After hearing what Chen Zizhuang said, Tian Qi only asked, "Is Zhang Qing here?"

Just at this time, Zhang Gui had appeared outside the hall: "Mr. Zhang Gui saw that you were late!"

"No courtesy! Hurry up and come in and answer."

Tian Qi yelled, and quickly asked, "Is there smallpox raging in Suizhou?"

"Return to Your Majesty, there is no smallpox raging in Suizhou!"

Zhang Gui hurriedly replied.

Tian Qi said: "But Wei Zhongxian said that the people from the East Factory discovered that there was indeed smallpox raging in Suizhou."

Zhang Gui glanced at Wei Zhongxian after hearing this.

Wei Zhongxian was quite embarrassed and smiled awkwardly.

Zhang Gui replied here: "Your Majesty, Dongchang must have misheard the news. Although there were people with smallpox in Suizhou, they were quickly wiped out, and I sent people to wipe them out."

"is it?"

Apocalypse asked.

Zhang Gui replied: "How can I hide this from Your Majesty?"

"Uncle Zhang Guo, above the main hall, how can you deceive the emperor like this!"

At this moment, Liu Zongzhou scolded Zhang Gui.

Zhang Gui also looked at him.

Liu Zongzhou continued: "Who doesn't know that once smallpox appears, it will wreak havoc and kill eight or nine out of ten. How can it be eliminated?!"

"What do you know, a sour scholar!"

Zhang Gui responded unceremoniously to Liu Zongzhou.


Liu Zongzhou has always enjoyed a high reputation in Shilin, no one has ever dared to scold him like this, but Zhang Gui just directly called him a sour scholar, which surprised him for a while.

Many civil officials who admired Liu Zongzhou also glared at Zhang Gui because of this.

Only Tianqi looked at Zhang Gui with admiration at this time, and said in a slander, "This Zhang Gui, actually scolded something that I dare not scold!"

At this time, Zhang Gui asked Liu Zongzhou: "Isn't it?"

"How dare you call it a corrupt scholar!"

Liu Zongzhou said in a complaining tone like a child.

Zhang Gui asked Liu Zongzhou again: "Do you know the book "Elbow Reserve Emergency Prescriptions" and the "Boji Prescriptions for Acne" written by the Grand Sima Guo Wending?"

"Duke Guo Wending wrote this book?"

"What is "Elbow Reserve Emergency Book"?"

All the officials were a little curious after hearing this.

Liu Zongzhou had no choice but to admit honestly for a moment: "I really don't know, but so what?"

"So you are a rotten scholar!"

Zhang Gui continued to emphasize unceremoniously.


Because of this, Liu Zongzhou immediately smoked from his seven orifices!
Zhang Guidao: "Isn't it true that you don't even know these books, so you are ashamed to talk about smallpox with me here. Do you think that you can understand everything because you have profound Confucianism?"

Zhang Gui then told Tianqi that he used the two books as a reference to prevent smallpox with the technique of vaccination.

After hearing this, Tian Qi said, "So that's how it is."

"Your Majesty, what I said is a truthful report. If you feel that I am not right, I would like to ask Your Majesty to go to Suizhou to check it out, or send Dongchang to check it."

Zhang Gui replied.

"I believe in you!"

Apocalypse replied.

"Your Majesty! The king must not be partial! I request you to go to Suizhou to find out the truth for Your Majesty!"

Liu Zongzhou said unconvinced at this time.

Zhang Gui said: "Your Majesty! Liu Zongzhou cannot go."


Apocalypse asked.

Zhang Gui replied: "Because the smallpox happened in Suizhou is not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster!"

"Man-made disaster?"

Tian Qi stood up again, and his face sank.

Zhang Gui continued: "In the past one or two years, there has been no case of smallpox in the customs, but it happened suddenly in Suizhou. At that time, I and Xia Zhizhou thought it was strange. The poison of smallpox. And this person has been caught by the servants, this person is waiting outside the palace, and he is willing to confess the mastermind behind the scenes."

"Hurry up and get in!"

Therefore, Tianqi hurriedly ordered.

Soon, a strong man with a broad face and square cheeks was escorted in by the Xichang official school.

Tianqi asked the man: "Have you been tortured to extract a confession?"

The strong man replied: "No."

Tianqi asked again: "The smallpox in Suizhou is really related to you?"

"Yes, but I didn't expect that they would wipe out smallpox so quickly!"

The strong man replied.

Tianqi then asked: "What's your name, and who is it you're instigated by?"

"Che Chongren, my master instructed me."

The strong man replied.

Tian Qi asked seriously, "Who is your master?"

"Your Majesty, you personally promised that it would be a capital offense to spare me, so I will say it!"

The strong man asked suddenly.

Tian Qi smiled coldly: "Okay, I promise you."

Liu Zongzhou felt a little uneasy at this moment.

Guang Shiheng also pursed his lips, looking uneasy.

And the strong man also replied: "My master is in this court."

For a moment, all the officials in the court showed their complicated expressions.

Tian Qi also cast a disdainful glance at these people, and asked in a deep voice, "Who is he?"

Che Chongren replied: "Master's surname is Liu, he taboos Zong Zhou, and his character starts from Dong!"

Tian Qi stared at Liu Zongzhou coldly after hearing this.

(End of this chapter)

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