Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 146: Imprisonment!Interrogate the Great Confucianism!

Chapter 146: Imprisonment!Interrogate the Great Confucianism!

At this moment, Liu Zongzhou looked at Che Chongren excitedly: "You are talking nonsense! I don't even know you!"

However, Che Chongren glanced at Guang Shiheng first, and then cried directly to Liu Zongzhou: "Master, I am sorry for you, but I want to live too!"

As he spoke, Che Chongren burst into tears.

Then, Liu Zongzhou looked at Zhang Gui: "Uncle Zhang Guo! You are clearly framing me! How could I throw smallpox to harm the people! As you said, if I am really just a corrupt scholar, how could I use such despicable methods! Uncle Zhang Guo, why are you so despicable and shameless, killing me!"

"Send Liu Zongzhou to prison!"

Tian Qi was very disappointed with Liu Zongzhou, so he gave such a direct order.

Liu Zongzhou was detained for this reason.

When Liu Zongzhou was taken down, he shouted: "Your Majesty! I have been wronged, and I was framed!"

At this time, Sun Chengzong hurriedly stood up to intercede for Liu Zongzhou: "Your Majesty! Liu Fuxian has always been an upright person. Even if he is really pedantic, he would not have such a despicable heart! Please learn from Your Majesty!"

Zhu Guozuo also interceded for Liu Zongzhou: "Yes, Your Majesty, Liu Zongzhou has profound knowledge and good character. It is impossible for him to do such a despicable thing. I also ask your Majesty to learn from you."

For a while, many Qingliu civil officials interceded for Liu Zongzhou.

Zhang Gui said: "A person who is eager to sit back and watch the New Deal fail to be implemented, and is willing to see the world starve to death, how can he not do it?"

Apocalypse nodded.

Zhang Gui then continued: "Your Majesty, since the officials are not convinced, I am willing to interrogate Liu Zongzhou in person, to give an explanation to the people of the world, so that the people of the world can see Liu Zongzhou's true face!"

"Quite! Liu Zongzhou will be interrogated by the Marquis of Suizhou himself!"

Apocalypse therefore ordered.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhang Gui replied.

Next, Zhang Gui came to the prison and met Liu Zongzhou.

When Liu Zong saw Zhang Gui on Monday, he snorted disdainfully, and said, "Traitor! Are you satisfied now? Relying on the grace of heaven, you can easily frame me and go to prison! But, what means do you have? Anyway, I won't plead guilty!"

At this time, Zhang Gui's face did not show any complacency.

Because in fact, he has long believed in his heart that the real mastermind behind the scenes should not be Liu Zongzhou.

Zhang Gui, who has been a man for two generations, knows Liu Zongzhou very well. He knows that Liu Zongzhou, who died on a hunger strike for the Ming Dynasty in history, may be a bit paranoid and pedantic, but he will never use this method to harm others.

The reason why Zhang Gui still chose to pretend to believe Che Chongren's confession, and let him come to Yuqian to confess to Liu Zongzhou, was to continue to play tricks and lure the snake out of the hole.

Even Zhang Gui had secretly observed the expressions of many ministers in the court hall before.

He already had a rough idea in his mind.

Therefore, he is not in a hurry to find out anything from Liu Zongzhou now, but just sneered in a low voice: "You are really a rotten scholar, you were framed, but you can only blame this Marquis."

After hearing this, Liu Zongzhou looked at Zhang Gui in surprise: "What do you mean?"

"Benhou knows that you didn't do this, but Benhou won't let you out now."

Zhang Gui replied in a low voice, and then said: "You just stay here."

Immediately, Zhang Gui left the prison.


"Vaccination can prevent smallpox? How is that possible?! It's impossible!"

The red-robed official who concocted the smallpox incident with one hand knew from Guang Shiheng that there was no large-scale smallpox outbreak in Suizhou, and after he also found out that the occurrence of smallpox in Suizhou was man-made, he said it inconceivably.

"But the Che Chongren we sent was indeed caught by Zhang Gui! Fortunately, according to our plan, this Che Chongren confessed to Liu Zongzhou who he knew! Otherwise, we would be in trouble, Enfu."

Guang Shiheng replied.

The red-robed official nodded: "So, the news of Suizhou smallpox spreading on the road was actually caused by Zhang Gui deliberately spreading it?"

Guang Shiheng nodded: "Enfu Yingming!"

The red-robed official slapped the table with his palm: "This Zhang Gui is really cunning! If the old man hadn't prepared a backhand, he would have fallen into his trap!"

After speaking, the red-robed official said: "It seems that in the future, we have to be more cautious."

"Enfu said so!"

Guang Shiheng replied.

Then, the red-robed official sneered again: "But that's fine, he Liu Zongzhou is a master of learning, and he is quite famous in Shilin! Sun Chengzong, Zhu Guozuo, and Liu Hongxun all have good relations with him. Liu Zongzhou is now being impeached by Zhang Gui After the imperial edict is issued, there must be many ministers in the court who will think that Zhang Gui is waiting for an opportunity to retaliate because he knew about Liu Zongzhou Shangshu's impeachment, so Zhang Gui will definitely become the target of public criticism!"

"What Enfu said is that he, Zhang Gui, can split us civil servants, and we can also make the people around Zhang Gui who support the reform also split, and conflicts will arise, so we don't have to worry about not being able to split and disintegrate in the future!"

Guang Shiheng followed with a smile.

After hearing this, the red-robed official said: "Next, we just need to wait and see what happens, and wait for the opportunity."



"Secretly investigating the whereabouts of these officials, we must use all means to find out their secrets, but we must also be careful not to startle the snake, understand?"

Zhang Gui here provided a list to Zhou Neng.


Zhou Neng nodded, and left Zhang Gui with the list.

And not long after, Tianqi suddenly announced to see Zhang Gui.

Zhang Gui went to Xiyuan.

"Has Liu Zongzhou recruited?"

As soon as Zhang Gui came, Tianqi asked about Liu Zongzhou.

Zhang Gui replied: "Return to Your Majesty, he hasn't been recruited yet, this person is still very stubborn since he was transferred to our prison in the West Factory!"

Wei Zhongxian interjected from the side at this time: "My lord, this servant feels that torture is necessary for this matter."

Tian Qi nodded and asked Zhang Gui: "Have you used torture?"

"not yet!"

Zhang Gui replied.

"Why not?"

Apocalypse asked.

Zhang Guidao: "For the time being, it is not appropriate to use punishment."

After hearing this, Tian Qi said: "We must recruit him as soon as possible! When I think of how despicable he is, he wants to use smallpox to undermine the New Deal, I can't wait to kill him!"

Then, Tian Qi asked Zhang Gui: "When you go this trip, what do you think of Xia Yunyi's new policy experiment?"

Zhang Gui replied: "The goals of enriching the country, strengthening the army, and benefiting the people have all been achieved."

Tian Qi said: "However, many ministers in the court said that Xia Yunyi's New Deal in Suizhou was very bad, saying that the New Deal was very disturbing to the people, and that Xia Yunyi used the name of implementing the New Deal to amass money wantonly, ruined his family and family, and even became an official. Never."

Wei Zhongxian's eyelids twitched when he heard this, and thought: "If this is true, the Xia family is worth copying."

"Your Majesty, this is not true."

Zhang Gui replied.

"I know this is not true, but many of them said that Xia Yunyi's reform is not as good as Wu Xing's new policy in Yongcheng."

Apocalypse replied.

Zhang Gui said: "Since this is the case, seeing is believing, and hearing is false!"

"What do you mean by your words?"

"Your Majesty, I think that since you are the lord of the world, which one, Xia Yunyi or Wu Xing, will carry out the new policy better? It's better for you to go and see for yourself!"

"You don't have to support Xia Yunyi just because I'm on Xia Yunyi's side, and let the officials who support Wu Xing feel dissatisfied!"

"By the way, Your Majesty can also take this opportunity to take a tour of the south to truly understand the effects of the new and old policies on the people. Just like the students of Chen Xilin Academy, go and have actual contact with the people."

"Go out of the people and come out of the people."

"If this is the case, His Majesty will surely benefit the people of the world! Achieve an extraordinary prosperity!"

(End of this chapter)

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