Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 163 Clean up the vassal king, and then turn the table!

Chapter 163 Clean up the vassal king, and then turn the table!

"The ministers have no objection, Your Majesty is wise!"

The ministers, either sincerely or against their will, did not raise any objections, and the court seemed to be very harmonious.

Therefore, Tianqi continued: "You don't have to be like this, the speaker is not guilty, everything can be discussed, and what can't be discussed."

"Your Majesty, I have no objection!"

The ministers still responded like this.

Seeing this, Apocalypse didn't force it anymore.

But after noon, Xia Yunyi was on the way out of the palace, but a courtier spat at Xia Yunyi face to face: "Bah! How dare you be a lackey of your relatives, I don't know that your ancestors are not ashamed now!"

Xia Yunyi didn't want to be rude in the palace, so she just glanced at the official without saying anything.

But some courtiers made an inch of it because of this, and said: "All treacherous and villainous people are like this. If you want to be a prosperous official, you don't need loyalty, integrity, shame, let alone let him change the ancestral system, let him change his surname, I'm afraid he is willing!"

"Hmph! You can be proud now, but don't think about the future. You can be proud now, but if you become notorious, even his descendants will be ashamed in the future!"

Seeing this, Xia Yunyi had no choice but to ask: "How did I offend everyone?"

An official from the Ministry of Rituals came over and said, "I didn't provoke you, it's just that I can't see the villain succeeding."

Xia Yunyi ignored her with a cold face, and went home with her anger. A few days later, she went south with Zhang Gui to Henan.

"Do you really want to go?"

The bride Shang Jinghui asked reluctantly while serving the dishes in front of Zhang Gui.

Zhang Gui smiled and said: "Your Majesty asked me to inspect the world's officials and people again on behalf of the emperor as the admiral of Xichang. The actual intention is to go to Henan to support Xia Yunyi, and to prevent Xia Yunyi from making up his mind to attack the vassal king."

"Isn't he very strong in Guide?"

Shang Jinghui then asked.

Zhang Guidao: "Villagers are different from officials and gentry."

As he said that, Zhang Gui said: "After I leave, you should continue to learn the Yi language I taught you for your future use. Don't slack off, you are smart, you can learn this much faster than Xiaochan and the others, after all, you are a famous family Lady!"

"Also, when the empress invites you into the palace, ask more about the clan women and their husbands, who are dissatisfied with the current marriage system of the clan women."


After returning, Shang Jinghui said: "Eat!"

One month later, Zhang Gui and Xia Yunyi came to Luoyang first, and hosted a banquet for Fu Wang Zhu Changxun in Luoyang.

Because Zhu Changxun is the vassal whose blood is closest to Tianqi, and is Tianqi's uncle.

Therefore, Zhang Gui and Xia Yunyi wanted Zhu Changxun, a pro-imperial uncle, to set an example and be cleared first.

Zhu Changxun did not refuse to participate in the banquet, but at the banquet, Zhu Changxun took the initiative to say: "Fu Wang's mansion cannot be cleared up, nor can it be paid as a errand like a scholar!"

"Why is this, please enlighten me, Your Highness."

Xia Yunyi glanced at Zhang Gui in surprise.

Zhu Changxun deliberately showed that he, the emperor's uncle, was not easy to provoke, so he slapped the table and said angrily: "Is there even a question? How can there be any reason to treat the emperor's uncle harshly?!"

After hearing this, Xia Yunyi cupped his hands and said, "His Royal Highness, just because you are His Majesty's uncle, you should be more concerned about the safety of our Daming Ancestral Temple!"

However, Zhu Changxun slapped Xia Yunyi fiercely: "You bastard! This Daming is from my Zhu family, so what does it have to do with you! I don't need you to teach me a lesson!"

As Zhu Changxun spoke, he looked at Zhang Gui: "Uncle Zhang Guo, what do you think?"

As he said that, Zhu Changxun pointed at Xia Yunyi, and said to Zhang Gui: "He is a scholar who is only from Juren, what qualifications does he have to talk about the ancestral temple and society in front of Gu? Just because he is your dog? Say something that is not afraid of your Uncle Zhang Guo being angry, You only have this dignity because you are related to my Zhu family, how can you not know how to be grateful? I don’t know that for the sake of the emperor, you should be more considerate to Gu, the emperor’s uncle, instead of doing something Let the emperor treat his own uncle harshly!"

Zhu Changxun said again: "Anyway, Gu explained today that the New Deal, especially those involving suzerains and vassals, can only be targeted at those who are not higher than the seniority or younger than the emperor, otherwise, Gu will set up a case to cry out to the emperor. Ancestors and clansmen, cry out that you instigated your majesty to treat the elders of the clan harshly!"

Xia Yunyi endured the burning pain on his face, panted heavily, and immediately stood up, glaring at Fu Wang Zhu Changxun.

But at this time, Chen Qiyu, the Henan Zuo Buzheng who accompanied him, hurriedly pulled Xia Yunyi back and said: "Zhongcheng! Bear with it, after all, he is His Majesty's uncle, you can't push him too fast, otherwise, I'm afraid it will really make the emperor holy." Virtue is at a disadvantage!"

At this time, Wang Yehao, the right chief envoy, also persuaded: "Zhongcheng, please bear with your majesty!"

After speaking, Wang Yehao said to Zhang Gui again: "I also ask Uncle Guo to be patient for His Majesty. Don't let your emotions make the implementation of the new policy more difficult. Not to mention, it will also make it difficult for Your Majesty."

At this time, Chen Qiyu also said to Zhang Gui: "If you follow human relations, Lord Hou is your majesty's wife and brother, but His Royal Highness Fu is your majesty's uncle, so His Royal Highness Fu is also regarded as the elder of Lord Hou. As the saying goes, the small stick receives, the big stick walks, Xia Zhongcheng receives Even though Lord Hou has a good relationship with Xia Zhongcheng, he should accept the humiliation of the royal family, instead of haggling with the elders. What does Uncle Guo think?"

Zhang Gui didn't say a word, he could see that Zhu Changxun was relying on his status as the emperor's uncle, and was trying to show him off, otherwise he wouldn't dare to beat up the governor rashly. He would not do anything to an elder like him, and the implication was telling himself that even if Xia Yunyi was the governor or Zhang Gui's man, he would still beat and scold him whenever he wanted.

And the two civil servants in front of them made it clear that they wanted to make big things into small things, and they wanted to use the method of Ning Qu, a young and low-ranking Uncle Zhang Guo, to avoid increasing the difficulty of implementing the New Deal involving suzerains and vassals at the beginning, so they started Be a peacemaker.

But this also aggravated Zhu Changxun's arrogance, and he couldn't help threatening: "Come here, order someone to prepare an incense table, and the whole palace is ready to cry for the spirit of the late emperor at any time!"

Then, Zhu Changxun also said to Zhang Gui: "Uncle Zhang Guo, in fact, they are right. If you don't let Gu's Prince Fu's Mansion suffer, other vassals, Gu can support you."

After speaking, Zhu Changxun also asked Zhang Gui: "What do you think?"

Immediately, Zhu Changxun turned the two big steel balls in his hand, and began to wait for Zhang Gui to say something nice, saying that he, the King of Fu, was right, and that even if he wanted to implement the New Deal, His Highness the King of Fu would not suffer.

Because he felt that Zhang Gui would endure it, after all, he could not do without the support of him, the most respected King Fu among the feudal lords, if he wanted to clear up the fields and acres of the feudal lord.

But Zhang Gui did not choose to endure, but chose to flip the table.

So, he smiled and picked up the teacup in his hand, and stood up.

Then, Zhang Gui stopped his smile and threw the teacup on the ground: "Come here! Take His Royal Highness King Fu to this Marquis!"

Zhu Changxun was taken aback when he heard this: "Marquis of Suizhou, you want to rebel against my Zhu family?!"

"Now it is clear that you are rebelling!"

Zhang Gui said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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