Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 164 Tianhuang Nobles Have to Kill, Too!Hacked to death!

Chapter 164 Tianhuang Nobles Have to Kill, Too!Hacked to death!

"All of you in Prince Fu's residence are rebelling against His Majesty!"

Zhang Gui said to Fu Wang Zhu Changxun in an unquestionable tone.

Chen Qiyu and Wang Yehao were surprised by the civil officials, and said, "Uncle Guo, why do you do this?"

"This Marquis inspects the interests of the people all over the world, and has found out that the Prince Fu's Mansion has set up arbitrarily collected taxes on Guanluo and other places, causing great harm to merchants! This move is undoubtedly usurping the imperial power, which is no different from treason!"

From the mid-to-late Ming Dynasty, local vassals robbed people's interests rampantly. It was very common to collect commercial taxes that should be collected by the imperial court in some important commercial ports, and even mine without permission.

And Fu Wang's mansion is the most respected vassal king in Ming Dynasty at the moment, and naturally it is no exception, not to mention, Fu Wang Zhu Changxun himself is notoriously greedy.

Therefore, as long as Zhang Gui dared to turn against the vassal kings, he would not have to worry about not having criminal evidence against these vassal kings. It can be said that he would catch a lot of them, not mentioning King Fu, just like Wanli's younger brother, King Lu, who built a tomb according to the scale of the imperial tomb. It is fine to convict him of treason.

Now, when the two civil servants were about to persuade each other, Zhang Gui interrupted him and said, "What is the reason for this King Fu to usurp the imperial power, interfere with the civil affairs, and collect the interests of the people? It's not just to gather troops to rebel! But you two, one It’s Henan’s left chief envoy, and the other is Henan’s right chief envoy, but they turn a blind eye to them! They don’t even dare to report them! It’s even worse!”

"In a word, since you civil servants dare not take care of it, then I, the West Factory, will take care of it! Our West Factory has the right to regulate the world's commercial order, and it is a franchise of the imperial power. You can kill it first and then play it!"

Zhang Gui said to Xia Yunyi again: "If Xia Zhongcheng is willing, please also ask Xia Zhongcheng and Benhou to present this matter together."

Xia Yunyi said without hesitation: "Of course the lower officials are willing!"

Then, Xia Yunyi looked at Chen Qiyu and Wang Yehao again, and asked, "Are you all part of King Fu's party?"

Chen Qiyu and Wang Yehao, two civil servants, heard Xia Yunyi's question at this time, and they looked at each other, and finally they had to be pressured, and replied: "Your officials are also willing!"

But Fu Wang Zhu Changxun was a little at a loss here.

Things were beyond his expectation, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

At this time, the Xichang official school brought by Zhang Gui had already walked in.

Seeing this, King Fu knelt down in front of Zhang Gui, and slapped himself: "Gu beat me! I shouldn't have humiliated the ministers of the court! Please calm down, uncle! Don't punish Gu for treason!"

Zhang Gui smiled and said: "It's late, Ben Hou even dropped the teacup! The tea that fell on the ground can't be recovered."

At this time, the official school of Xichang also dragged Fu Wang up.

King Fu shook his chin and said, "Uncle Zhang Guo! What are you going to do? If you do this, you won't be afraid to offend the princes of the world and everyone in my Zhu family in the future?!"

Zhang Guidao: "As long as the vassal kings in the world have conscience, they should thank Ben Hou for cleaning up their house today! If Your Majesty understands, he will also know that Ben Hou is protecting his majesty as a monarch!"

"The world belongs to the people of the world, not the world of one family and one surname! If there is more than enough damage and what is not enough is made up for, it is for the sake of the people of the world, and it is not me who will last forever!"

"This is what His Majesty wrote in the edict telling you and other vassals to cooperate with the new policy. You must not disobey the holy will. You must feel that you are more respected than the king, and treat the people of the world as cattle and horses!"

Zhang Gui then said something in a cold voice.

"The world is the world of the people of the world, not the world of one family and one surname" is apocalyptic in the "Six Secret Teachings" written by Jiang Ziya in the pre-Qin "The world is not a world of one person, but a world of people in the world."Those who share the benefits of the world will gain the world; those who are good at the benefits of the world will lose the world. After the influence of the content of the book, it also accepted Zhang Gui's "subjugation of the country and the subjugation of the world" theory, and specified in the imperial edict that "the world is the world of the people of the world" to encourage the people of the world to care about the affairs of the world, and Don't think that the rise and fall of the world is just a matter of the emperor's family.

Apocalypse only quoted this sentence based on actual needs.

As an emperor, he is not pedantic, and knows to use these words to buy the hearts of the world.

Of course, what Tianqi said does not mean that he no longer admits that he is the master of the world. After all, what he said is just to say that the rise and fall of the world is everyone's responsibility, not my own responsibility. , nothing to say.

At this time, Zhang Gui also used the emperor's words to refute the blessing king Zhu Changxun who said "what does the world have to do with you non-Zhu family members".

After hearing this, King Fu said excitedly: "Then you can't kill the orphan for the crime of treason! Gu is a nobleman in heaven and should not suffer death!"

Zhang Guidao: "Although you are a man of heaven, you are also a minister of the Ming Dynasty. The emperor has the power to kill people in the world, and this Marquis exercises power on behalf of the emperor in the local area, so he has the right to kill you!"

After speaking, Zhang Gui ordered: "King Fu's usurpation of the imperial power is like conspiracy, but in order to prevent the matter from protracted and changing, we should act cheaply and deal with it quickly, so we immediately took him out and hacked him to death with knives! In place of Ling Chi's death sentence!"

Zhang Gui did this in order to deter other feudal lords and let them know that this is the fate of disobedience to the New Deal!

Therefore, at this time, Zhang Gui decided to directly execute King Fu, and by the way, to express his anger for Xia Yunyi, to let his own people know that his uncle in this country will not let his own people suffer. At the same time, he also wanted to tell others, Don't mess with yourself!Otherwise, the consequences are serious.


After the Xichang official school agreed, they dragged Fu Wang out.

As far as the middle and lower officials in Xichang are concerned, they are influenced by the internal education that the world is mostly burdened by greedy clans. They have long hated these vassal kings, especially Fu Wang, who has the most interests in the world. Eat it alive!

Therefore, the Xichang officials and schools actively carried out Zhang Gui's order and dragged King Fu out.

King Fu yelled anxiously: "Forgive me, forgive me! It's wrong to be alone, can't I be wrong, Gu is a nobleman!"

But no matter how Fu Wang yelled, Zhang Gui ignored him.

In the end, King Fu was dragged out, and on the street, in front of the people in Luoyang City, all Xichang officials and schools pulled out their embroidered spring knives and slashed at King Fu.




As the knife fell, the obese Fu Wang was about to be chopped into a piece of pork, and the meat paste and blood flew all over the place, and he himself kept screaming.

Passers-by were terrified.

But soon, there was also a calm and sharp-eyed man who recognized this person as King Fu, and couldn't help shouting: "Good! Good! The biggest scourge of our Luoyang City has been hacked to death!"


"Master Hou, now it seems that we can only forcibly clean up the husband."

Xia Yunyi reported to Zhang Gui at this moment.

Zhang Gui nodded and said: "Let your standard battalion use cannons to clear the way and forcefully go to Qingzhang!"


It didn't take long for Xia Yunyi to bring his standard battalion to Prince Fu's mansion first, and Zhang Gui also rushed over.

At this time, Zhu Yousong, the eldest son of Prince Fu's Mansion, had learned in advance that his father had been hacked to death, so he ordered the closure of the royal city, and refused to send Chang Shi out to meet Zhang Gui and Xia Yunyi, to cooperate with Qingzhang, and even shouted : "What happened to my Prince Fu's House collecting taxes for His Majesty? Zhang, you dare to use this as an excuse to say that we have rebelled, aren't you afraid that you will also be hacked to death in the future?!"

(End of this chapter)

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