Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 165 Use cannons to implement the New Deal and take down Prince Fu!

Chapter 165 Use cannons to implement the New Deal and take down Prince Fu!
None of the people in Fu Wang's Mansion were beaten by Li Zicheng during the Chongzhen period as in history.

Therefore, Zhu Yousong, like his father, was still a little arrogant, so he dared to scold Zhang Gui loudly in the royal city.

After hearing Zhu Yousong's scolding question, Zhang Gui only smiled lightly, and then replied loudly: "Then let's see if this Marquis will also usurp the imperial power?!"

Zhu Yousong was so angry that he couldn't speak, and he said for a moment: "No matter what, unless His Majesty comes here, you can't steal my Fu Wangfu without authorization! You are risking the disgrace of the world by doing this!"

"This Hou is on the hunt on behalf of the Son of Heaven, and has the right to kill first and play later."

Zhang Gui only replied one more sentence, and ordered: "Give this Marquis a cannon to blow away his royal city!"


Not long after, a cannon was pushed forward through the cannon cart and aimed at Fuwangwangcheng.

Seeing this, Zhu Yousong also became a little nervous, and couldn't help looking at Chang Shi Shen Xianyou: "Chang Shi, what should we do now?"

Shen Xianyou said with a sullen face: "He, Zhang Gui, and Zhu Youxiao behind him are not afraid of being infamous for killing the clan, so we have no choice but to use people as knives and me as fish! Now we can only rely on the guards of the palace to resist desperately." , as long as we can repel these officers and troops, there may be a turning point, after all, it is impossible for other feudal lords to be willing to see our Prince Fu Mansion end up like this."

"What you said is that the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. Anyone who understands other princes should understand this truth."

Zhu Yousong replied.

Shen Xianyou said again: "However, Your Royal Highness, the salary of the guards of the palace has not been paid for a long time, can you make up for it? In addition, they need to fight for the palace now, so they can't do without rewards to boost morale. I also ask the prince to order to withdraw from the palace. The money will be rewarded first to protect the official school in the palace."

Zhu Yousong thought for a while and said, "Let's talk about it after repelling the officers and soldiers. What if we can repel the officers and soldiers without spending money? After all, my King Fu's city is taller and thicker than the city wall of Luoyang."

Shen Xianyou did not dare to say clearly that when he was ordered to supervise the construction of the royal city, he actually cut corners and materials. He did not use all blue bricks to build the wall, but only covered two layers of bricks on the outside, and all the clay in the middle, so he had to continue to use the guards to boost morale For reasons, he said: "But if you don't motivate the morale of the guards in the palace, I'm afraid you won't be able to keep it! Your Royal Highness!"

Zhu Yousong was still a little unwilling to hand over the money, so he just said, "Let's have a look first."

Shen Xianyou: "..."

On Zhang Gui's side, Xia Yunyi's sub-battalion has already started bombarding Fuwang City.

Not long after, Fuwangwangcheng collapsed in many places, bricks and stones fell to the ground, and a large amount of mud was exposed.

Seeing this, Zhu Yousong was taken aback immediately, and asked, "Shen Changshi, what's the matter with the walls of the royal city? Why are they filled with mud!"

Shen Xianyou was a little ashamed: "This minister doesn't know, it may be because the subordinates cut corners!"

"Corrupt officials and officials mistake orphans!"

Zhu Yousong was so angry.

"His Royal Highness, the artillery of the official army is powerful, and the royal city is not strong, so it can no longer be defended. Before the official army rushes in, you should hurry back to the palace, distribute money, and let the guards escort you out of the siege! "

Shen Xianyou hurriedly suggested.

Zhu Yousong snorted, and grabbed Shen Xianyou's lapel: "Up to now, you only think about the money of my Prince Fu's Mansion, what is the difference between you and those traitors outside!"

Saying that, Zhu Yousong pushed Shen Xianyou away, saying: "Directly order to break through! Go to Kaifeng to seek refuge with King Zhou!"

Shen Xianyou hesitated for a moment.

Therefore Zhu Yousong ordered: "Go!"


Only then did Shen Xianyou reluctantly agree.

But after Shen Xianyou went down the inner city wall, he found that the guards had long since disappeared.

Then, Shen Xianyou saw that many guards of the palace had rushed to the Fuwang mansion, and the door of the Fuwang mansion was wide open. There were even house slaves carrying their belongings, leaving the mansion with their families and fleeing.

The tree fell and the monkeys scattered, and the officials and schools of the Fu Wang Mansion obviously knew that the Fu Wang Mansion could not protect itself, and they all wanted to go back to the mansion and take away their family members to escape.

Therefore, Shen Xianyou rushed back to Zhu Yousong and said: "His Royal Highness! It's all messed up! The guards all ran back to the mansion, and those people below have already copied the palace by themselves. I just saw that your wet nurse is hugging you. Your pair of bead bottles ran to the west gate!"


Zhu Yousong hurriedly walked towards the palace.

Not long after, Zhu Yousong came to the palace and saw a guard running out holding a pile of jewels.

Immediately, Zhu Yousong stopped the guard: "Bold! Dare to rob the palace, do you want to live?"

The guard was stunned for a second, and then kicked Zhu Yousong, who was about to kick Zhu Yousong to the ground, and shouted: "Go away! Think of yourself as a prince, you are a traitor now!"


Zhu Yousong sat down on the ground, and was about to curse, when he turned around and saw three guards committing crimes in a gang, threatening several eunuchs with knives, and came out carrying a box of gold and jewelry.

Zhu Yousong immediately scolded: "You are committing a crime! You are going to be beheaded! Take these back to Gu!"

One of the leading guards directly drew out his knife, intending to stab Zhu Yousong, and said, "My sister was killed by your order. I just happen to avenge my sister now!"

Seeing this, Zhu Yousong got up and knelt down: "Don't kill me! Although I don't know who your sister is, you can't delay your fortune by killing me! Our palace has a lot of money, so hurry up and take this box away. Hiding it, maybe I can come back in time to take another box away."

The guard felt that what Zhu Yousong said was reasonable, so he withdrew the knife and said, "I'll force a few more people to carry it!"

Zhu Yousong laughed flatteringly here.

After these people left, he stood up, and couldn't help but gritted his teeth and cursed for a moment: "Damn it! Take it without asking, what's the difference with thieves! We have to deal with them hard!"

Zhu Yousong hurried out of the city after speaking.

Shen Xianyou hurriedly followed after seeing this, and shouted anxiously: "His Royal Highness, where are you going?"

"Gu is going to invite the officers and soldiers to kill these house thieves! Gu would rather let these properties fall into the hands of treacherous court officials, and never allow them to fall into the hands of house slaves! All house slaves who betray Gu deserve to die!"

Zhu Yousong cursed angrily while walking quickly.

Here, Zhang Gui and Xia Yunyi have entered Fu Wang Wang City in a bulletproof four-wheeled carriage.

After entering the royal city, Zhang Guizheng was wiping the flint in his hand before loading the pistol and talking to the people below: "Let the document write a letter to Bi Maokang of the Industry Department in the name of this lord, and tell him that this lord will try to Well, his self-generating flintlock pistol is well designed, and this Marquis will ask His Majesty for credit for him, and tell me that although this pistol is good, it still needs to be improved, and Thunder Mercury must be developed as soon as possible."

While Zhang Gui was speaking, Zhu Yousong's voice came from outside.

"Gu Te came to plead guilty to the Marquis of Suizhou and Xia Zhongcheng! He also asked the Marquis of Suizhou to quickly send troops to stop the bandits, and don't let them evacuate all the property of the palace!"

At this time, Zhu Yousong was shouting this outside.

Seeing this, Xia Yunyi got out of the carriage first, came to Zhu Yousong and others, and said: "We have already sent people to each city gate, you don't have to worry!"

After speaking, Xia Yunyi ordered: "Take down Zhu Yousong and Shen Xianyou!"


As a result, Zhu Yousong, Shen Xianyou and other people from Fuwang's mansion who came here were all arrested.

Zhu Yousong and Shen Xianyou were shocked by this.

(End of this chapter)

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