Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 189 Destroy the rebels and serve the country, stabbing the rebels several times!

Chapter 189 Destroy the rebels and serve the country, stabbing the rebels several times!

Seeing that Wang Yongguang recommended Mao Yujian so strongly, Zhu Changhao thought that Wang Yongguang would not have any selfish intentions, otherwise he would not let the imperial court's official ministers improperly assist him, so he agreed and let Mao Yujian still lead the general Soldiers and horses from the five provinces attacked Guanzhong.

Zhu Changhao also had to tighten his belt again, and took out 30 taels of silver to Mao Yujian as military pay for the Raiders of Guanzhong.

At this point, the center of gravity of the rebel army's offensive has also shifted from east to west.

The Gyeonggi of the Ming Dynasty was temporarily relieved of the crisis of being attacked by the rebels.

Tian Qi was silent for a long time after seeing Mao Yujian continue to serve as the prime minister of the five provinces of the rebel army, and then said to Zhang Gui: "My rebellious uncle was misunderstood by people like Wang Yongguang!"

Zhang Gui also said: "What Your Majesty said is true, but this is a good thing for the imperial court."

Tian Qi nodded, and asked again: "How is the liquidation of the officials and gentry in Shunde Mansion?"

"Still in liquidation."

University scholar Zhu Guozhen replied at this time.

At this time, Xie Sheng stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the strategy of liquidating the gentry proposed by Yuan Keli and the others may not be conducive to countering the rebellion. Once the gentry is strictly liquidated, it will make the gentry in the cities occupied by the rebel army better." They don't even want to surrender."

Seeing this, Zhang Gui asked Xie Sheng: "Could it be that they are allowed to wantonly betray the imperial court and not bear the consequences? How can the majesty of the imperial court be so high?"

Xie Sheng replied: "But it's better than letting more people die in order to suppress the rebellion in order to maintain the court's discipline!"

"The liquidation now is to prevent more people from losing their lives in the future!"

"Otherwise, if a family betrays the court and does not pursue it, more people will betray the court at will in the future, and that will only make the rebellion easily spread like a prairie fire in a short period of time!"

Zhang Gui then retorted.

Tian Qi waved his hand and said: "After recovering a city, it is a national policy to liquidate the famous gentry! No need to talk about it."


Xie Sheng and other civil officials who opposed the liquidation of the gentry had no choice but to accept the reality.

As a result, the gentry in Shunde Mansion were also liquidated by the imperial army.

A liquidation team composed of a group of students from the Armed Forces Academy had already conducted a public trial on these gentry, and like Xia Yunyi, they dug up the sins of these gentry, shot many heinous gentry, and confiscated many gentry fields and gave them to the people.

And this did arouse the shock and dissatisfaction of the gentry in other state capitals who had defected to the rebels.

They didn't expect that the court would be so ruthless that they would liquidate them. The key point was that even if they couldn't find any evidence that their gentry had colluded with the enemy, they would confiscate most of their land on the grounds of infidelity.

These gentry were naturally unwilling to give up their land.

For example, the gentry in Quang Binh Mansion are now unwilling to give up their land, and are forcing Quang Binh prefect Li Quang Lu to stay with these gentry, just like they were forced to join the rebels before.

"The imperial court did not practice benevolent government, but extorted violently! It has long been unpopular! Therefore, we would rather resist to the end than let Guangping City fall into the hands of treacherous ministers like you."

Therefore, when Tianqi's army arrived outside the city of Guangping Mansion, all the gentry in Guangping Mansion shouted like this.

"Your Majesty, we have found out from our detailed investigations that the gentry in Guangping Mansion guarded the city for them in order to coerce the people in the city, and maliciously said that our emperor's own army burned, killed and looted in Shunde Mansion. Not good, there are bandits who are like a comb, and soldiers who are like a grate, so the common people believe it very much, so they actively guard the city for the officials and gentry in the city. The smoke and dust on the city is the common people who are cooking us overnight of golden juice."

"We can directly bombard the city gates with artillery, but it is conceivable that we will still encounter resistance after entering the city, causing casualties."

Lu Xiangsheng returned.

At this time, Xie Sheng followed up and said: "Your Majesty, I have already said that instead of worrying about whether the dignity of the country's laws is upheld, it is better to think about how to avoid losing some lives. Fortunately, these gentry directly coerce the people to fight against the court. In the end, it’s really worth the candle!”

Tian Qi said: "There is no one who is undead in battle."

"Your Majesty! The minister has a way to defeat others without fighting."

Zhang Gui said at this time.


Apocalypse replied.

Zhang Gui replied: "In the presence of His Majesty, since the people of Guangping Mansion still resisted to the end and did not open the city to surrender, or kill the traitors and dedicate the city to the imperial court, it means that they have all betrayed the imperial court."

"Then there's no need for us to be in a hurry to conquer Guangping Fucheng, why bother to fight for the gains and losses of each city and pool."

"Open up your mind, first carry out the liquidation work in the countryside outside the city, and divide the land outside the city of these gentry who have betrayed the imperial court!"

"After all these lands are distributed, the city of Guangping will probably be surrounded by food and grass. By then, the city of Guangping will naturally be destroyed."

"Who taught you this? Why are you always able to outperform?! You actually thought of encircling the city from the countryside, meat-eaters, it is probably hard to think of such a strategy!"

Tianqi asked Zhang Gui in surprise, and then said: "But the siege still has to be attacked. How can I do it without seeing any blood on my own army? According to my order, Zhu Guozhen, a bachelor, and Bi Ziyan, the left servant of the household department, led the officials in the retinue. In charge of dividing the fields outside the city, Marquis Zhanggui of Suizhou and Lu Xiangsheng, the left servant of the Ministry of War, will command the army to attack the city together with me!"


So, next, the prefect Li Guanglu and the gentry on the Fucheng of Quang Binh Prefecture soon saw these court officials leading the official school to clear their fields outside the city, and even forcibly took over their shops outside the city and inn restaurants.

"They are planning to divide our fields and property outside the city first! Why are they so despicable! They are not here to suppress the rebellion, they are here to rebel!"

"what should we do?"

"Masters, quickly think of a way!"

"Everyone has a good plan!"

"Why don't you just take Xiangyong out!"

"We can't fight out. If we don't defend the city, we are no match for the tyrant's own army. The tyrant's army is a powerful army that even the Tartars can defeat! Moreover, not long ago, Mao Gong's 12 army also Because of going out of the city for a decisive battle, we were defeated by them, not to mention that we are only strong people, so it can be seen that there is no chance of winning if we go out of the city!"

"Then we can't just sit back and watch them divide the fields of our various clans, gentlemen!"

The gentry in Quang Binh Mansion became anxious, like ants on a hot pot.

At this time, the artillery of the Guards also rang.

Guangping Fucheng was bombarded with bricks and stones flying across, and it didn't take long for a large piece of the city wall to fall down.


And at this moment, killing sounds came from outside.

Seeing this, Li Guanglu, the prefect of Quang Binh Prefecture, said: "Quick! Go and block the collapsed city wall!"


As soon as Li Guanglu finished yelling, he suddenly felt someone push him from behind, followed by a sharp pain.

Li Guanglu looked back, and it was Dai Xingde, the younger brother of the local gentry Dai Xingsu, who stabbed him in the back: "You!"


At this moment, Li Guanglu felt that someone had stabbed him in the abdomen again, and he couldn't help turning his head to look, but another local gentry, Liu Xiuzong, had stabbed him in the abdomen.


"It's today to get rid of the evil and serve the country!"

Then, another gentry boy yelled and stabbed Li Guanglu with a knife.

From the moment the imperial court officers and soldiers outside decided to distribute their fields to the refugees, they knew that they had no cards to fight!Because the countryside can live without the city, but the city cannot live without the countryside.

(End of this chapter)

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