Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 190 The Great and Wise Emperor Has Arrived in the Suburbs of the Royal City!

Chapter 190 The Great and Wise Emperor Has Arrived in the Suburbs of the Royal City!

Xie Sheng, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, looked at the gentry of Guangping Prefecture who were kneeling outside the moat, holding Li Guanglu's head, feeling very uncomfortable.

He didn't want to see this scene!
That is, the gentry of Quang Binh Mansion will directly kill the prefect and offer the city to surrender to the court.

Because of this, Xie Sheng gave Zhang Gui a helpless look.

He didn't know how Zhang Gui thought of skipping the habitual counter-insurgency thinking of attacking a big city, but dividing the land in the countryside outside the city first!
As a result, the gentry who took refuge in the rebels lost miserably.

But whether Xie Sheng wanted to see this scene or not, Guangping Mansion was indeed taken back by the guards so quickly.

The gentry in Quang Binh Mansion would admit defeat when they knew they would lose, and they would even sell out officials who stood on their side without hesitation.

Li Guanglu, the governor of Quang Binh Prefecture, did not expect that after he chose to cater to the wishes of the local gentry and join the rebels, these local gentry would kill him without hesitation when they didn't need him or even needed to get rid of him.

"My minister Dai Xingsu, who was originally a Shanxi political attendant, led the villagers to welcome Wang Shi! And present the head of the rebel minister Li Guangping!"

Looking at Li Guanglu's head and listening to the words of Dai Xingsu, a gentry from Guangping Prefecture, Tian Qi couldn't help but smile contemptuously, and then said: "It's your meritorious deeds!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"


"The emperor has taken Guangping Mansion! His Royal Highness King Lu's foundation is in jeopardy!"

Soon, the rebel "Ming Li Pao" also reported the news of the fall of Quang Binh Mansion, and began to reveal disturbing information in the text.

Zhu Changhao was also very disappointed about this, and said: "Why did Guangping Mansion fall so soon! Didn't he say that Zhu Youxiao was unpopular?!"

"Your Highness, there is no need to be depressed. The fall of the Guangping Mansion was caused by internal thieves, not because of the people's support for the stupid king. The stupid king just had better luck this time, but his army is undoubtedly at the end of its strength now. I would like to ask you to help me." Superintendent, go to Zhangde Mansion to face the unrighteous teacher of the faint king! To relieve His Highness' worries!"

At this time, Wang Yongguang persuaded himself to ask himself to be the supervisor.

Zhu Changhao was very moved after hearing this, and hurriedly said: "It's good to have Wang Qing's words! I only believe in Wang Qing!"

As he said that, Zhu Changhao said: "Give Gu the sword to Wang Qing, and Wang Qing can control all the soldiers and horses outside Weihui City on behalf of Gu!"

"I respectfully obey the king's orders!"

Therefore, Wang Yongguang replied, and said: "It's just that the soldiers and horses have not moved, and the food and grass go first. Your Highness, if you want to resist the unrighteous army of the foolish king, please allocate more money."

Zhu Changhao choked up and said: "Wang Qing doesn't know, my palace is almost empty!"

As he said that, Zhu Changhao wiped the corners of his eyes with the patched sleeves of his robe, and then said: "Last night, I asked the eunuch to take some antique jade articles from the palace to sell, and I exchanged more than 20 taels, and gave it to the king. Qing 20, this is the last bit of Gu's possessions, Wang Qing must make these family members worth their money!"

"Your Highness, don't worry!"

Wang Yongguang replied.

But he didn't feel sad because of Zhu Changhao's crying miserably, but felt that his supervisor only had 20 taels of silver, which was not even as good as his subordinate Mao Yujian!
Therefore, Wang Yongguang thought for a while and said: "His Royal Highness, Mao Yujian is going to play, his army's attack on Guanzhong is like a broken bamboo, and the cities along the way are waiting for the wind, and now he has won Mizhi, but he thinks that the current fortune is difficult, so he should be frugal. Expenses, so It is recommended to abolish the post station, which can save a lot of expenses, and it can also be used to raise troops. The minister thinks it is very appropriate, and thrift can govern the country, which can lead to Yao and Shun. In this way, the 30 taels of post fees saved can be used for the ministers and supervisors. use."

Zhu Changhao now also thinks that if he can spend less money, he will spend less money, so he said: "Then let's abolish it, and the saved money will be used for Wang Qing's supervisor."

"His Highness Shengming!"

Wang Yongguang replied contentedly.

Wang Yongguang then came to Zhangde Mansion with tens of thousands of rebels and 10 taels of silver.

However, at this time, the officials and gentry of Zhangde Mansion were already panicked.

Because they already knew the situation of Guangping Mansion, but they didn't know how to deal with the imperial army.

Especially Duan Shucheng, the magistrate of Zhangde, he has been unable to sleep for several days and nights, and now he regrets the decision he made to join the rebels with the gentry.

He also had to admit that the current imperial court really had expert guidance, and it would even think of dividing the land outside the city first to cut off the way out for people like himself.

Duan Shucheng was very desperate, he knew that he was on the verge of death, and now he didn't even have the chance to be a loyal minister and protect his people.

But Duan Shucheng decided to try his best to be a loyal minister.

Because this is better than waiting in the city to be betrayed by the gentry.

When Tianqi led the army to Zhangde Mansion, and all the gentry in Zhangde Mansion were about to kill the magistrate and offer the city to save their lives, Duan Shucheng had already sneaked out of the city first, and after Tianqi and other troops arrived, he suddenly appeared, embarrassed Weeping unbearably:

"Your Majesty! I have failed your high hopes, and I have failed the country!"

"The evil gentry in Zhangde Mansion have no king and no country. They colluded with the subordinates and kidnapped the ministers. In the name of the ministers, they dedicated the city to join the rebel army. They also published articles in the rebel newspapers in the name of the ministers. The ministers just have nothing to say. Ah! Your Majesty, please enlighten me!"

"For the sake of the common people, I had to pretend to serve King Lu as the master, so I had a chance to be released, but I really don't want to be a disloyal minister! I heard that His Majesty's personal conquest, so I came out of the city first, and told His Majesty directly. Chen! Let Your Majesty know the loyalty of the minister! And present the gentry's confession to the enemy!"

Then, Duan Shucheng said again: "To prove the loyalty of the minister, the minister is willing to commit suicide by taking poison, so as to show the minister's day!"

After finishing speaking, Duan Shucheng took out a small bottle from his sleeve, pulled out the small stopper, and poured a few drops of liquid into his mouth.

Not long after, Duan Shucheng fell to the ground and twitched.

At this time, the gentry who had already opened the city gates to welcome them were greatly astonished, and thought: "The magistrate has already left the city! But he first showed his loyalty, what should we do!"

"Seize Zhangdefu City immediately!"

Seeing that the gate of the city had been opened, Tian Qi immediately issued an order first.


Lu Xiangsheng led the cavalry to rush in first.

And Tianqi asked Wei Zhongxian to pick up Duan Shucheng's confession, and after reading it, he said: "Don't let any of the gentry above go! Exterminate all the clans!"

This time, Duan Shucheng, the magistrate, won the gentry of Zhangde Mansion.

The gentry in Zhangde Mansion were naturally annoyed by this.

However, at this point, the official army successfully captured Zhangde Mansion again.

"His majesty the wise and great emperor has regained Zhangde, and the soldiers are pointing directly at Weihui's mansion. The rebellion will be put down just around the corner!"

However, when Tianqi's army successfully captured Zhangde Mansion and came to Weihui Mansion, the "Ming Li Bao" of the rebel army also reported the matter, but all of a sudden it praised Tianqi.

Naturally, the person who hosted the newspaper was preparing for his own future.

After all, no one expected that the imperial army would arrive so quickly.

Wang Yongguang didn't expect that before he arrived in Zhangde, he heard that Zhangde had been breached by the guards, so he had to withdraw to Weihui and reported the matter to Zhu Changhao.

Zhu Changhao was also very shocked when he learned about it, and he couldn't help asking Wang Yongguang: "Wang Qing, is it wrong to follow the teachings of Confucian officials alone and practice benevolent government? Otherwise, why is there such a result!"

(End of this chapter)

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