Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 193 Suspend the rebellious officials outside the city to show the public, destroy their clan

Chapter 193 Suspend the rebellious officials outside the city to show the public, destroy their clan, and let the people share the food!
"That makes sense! Even if my Zhu family deserves to die, I can't be used by these ungrateful guys."

Tian Qi nodded at this time and said, "I decided not to kill you, not because your crime is forgiven, but because there is such a rare person in the clan who recognizes their faces, it is a pity to kill them!"

"But you can be exempted from death, but you can't escape from life. King Qilu's title will be abolished, all family property will be confiscated, all land will be distributed to the common people, and all your descendants will be demoted to common people, and sent to southern Liaoning! You yourself."

Tian Qi said and looked at Zhang Gui: "You have a lot of ideas, tell me how to deal with it?"

Zhang Gui thought for a while and said: "It's better to let the emperor go to various cities in the world and talk about how he was used by evil gentry like Wang Yongguang, so that people all over the world can know the viciousness of Wang Yongguang. ! So that the clans and scholars of the world are no longer easily bewitched by these people, so that they know that those who talk about benevolence and righteousness may not necessarily believe in benevolence, righteousness and morality in their hearts."

"Your Majesty! The criminal minister is willing, the criminal minister is willing to tell everything to the world, confess his sins, and expose the sins of the evil gentry and hypocrites!"

"Even if they are woodcutters and pawns, I will tell them, begging them to listen! Tell me how these traitors deceive you!"

Zhu Changhao knelt down and said, "Please forgive me! It is better to let the guilty minister do such a thing than to kill the minister directly!"

"It's Zhang Qing!"

Tian Qi said something with a smile, and was about to agree, but at this time, Wang Yongguang hurriedly shouted: "Your Majesty! Although Zhu Changhao is the uncle of the emperor, he is the chief villain of conspiracy. How can he be tolerated! Your Majesty must not mess with the king's law." , without killing this person!"

Ding Qirui also hurriedly shouted: "Your Majesty, the sage king since ancient times will never condone traitors! Your Majesty, please bring Zhu Chang to justice!"

"I'm a foolish king. I can do whatever I want, and I will tolerate and raise traitors. What can you do? If you have the ability, you can rebel again! At worst, I will lead the army to conquest again!"

Tian Qi replied shamelessly to Wang Yongguang and other officials like how can you see me.

Ding Qirui: "..."

Wang Yongguang also felt very depressed, and thought: "It's really bad luck. The emperor he met is not as easy to control as King Lu. Talk to him about etiquette, he tells you about the laws of the country, and he talks about the laws of the country with you, and he plays hooligans with you again." !"

At this time, Tianqi was so stunned that Wang Yongguang and others were speechless, and said to Zhu Changhao: "I'm sure! According to the decree, Jinyiwei set up a mission department and sent a team to escort Zhu Changhao to patrol the world and order him to speak to the people of the world. The reason for treason is to tell anyone you meet, regardless of rich or poor, high or low."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhu Changhao was overjoyed and knocked his head loudly. At the same time, he also glanced at Wang Yongguang and the others, wanting to see how Tianqi would deal with them.

Tianqi looked at Wang Yongguang and said, "Wang Yongguang, you said just now that you made compromises with the rebels to make it easier for me to quell the rebellion. His foundation, let me ask you again, are you really doing this for me?"

Wang Yongguang replied loudly: "Your Majesty! I did this for Your Majesty. Your loyalty to Your Majesty can be learned from the world, from the sun and the moon!"

"Did I ask you to do this?!"

Tian Qi suddenly roared and said: "As a scholar-bureaucrat, you keep saying that you want to serve the people of the world! In the end, you did not hesitate to make the common people suffer from additional taxation for the sake of destroying the foundation of the rebel army! Do you know that you have increased the taxation twice in a row? How many more refugees will be added, how many more people will starve to death, and how many people will commit suicide because they can't stand the tyranny! What do people's lives matter in your eyes? Where have you read all the sage books, and you keep saying that you did this for me? Did I beg you to do this?! Do I need you to do this to put down the rebellion?!"

"You bastard!"

Tian Qi swore at Wang Yongguang with a whip, and then said, "I'm not Lu Wang, so I'm not so easy to fool!"

As he said that, Tian Qi pointed at Wang Yongguang and Ding Qirui with his horsewhip: "Don't think I don't know why you came to seek refuge with King Lu! I know it very well! It's nothing more than that I failed to let you ride freely. Domineering over the common people, did not obey your orders, and be an emperor that conforms to the image in your heart!"

Tian Qi laughed as he spoke: "However, you lost, and you lost completely!"

Then, Tianqi looked at Wang Yongguang again and said: "Wang Yongguang, this is the result of you letting King Lu practice benevolent government? You also said that you are all in the dynasty, and my court is full of treacherous officials. In the end, why did you all come to kneel to welcome me instead?" gone?"

"Your Majesty, calm down! I really don't have such thoughts! I just advise His Majesty to be kind to the common people and gentlemen, not to be unkind like King Lu!"

Wang Yongguang still pretended to be extremely wronged and shouted.

"Wang Yongguang! Why are you so shameless!"

Zhu Changhao became even angrier when he heard it.

Wang Yongguang objected to Zhu Changhao and roared angrily: "Zhu Changhao, you are shameless. You are ashamed of your Majesty, you are ashamed of the late emperor, and you are ashamed of the people of Henan. If it weren't for you, how could this happen! You still want to put all this Falling on our heads, you ask yourself, if you are not so ambitious and want to be emperor, who can force you to rebel?!"

Apocalypse fired a shot.

Wang Yongguang fell to the ground on the spot, with blood bubbling from his back, and looked at Tianqi in astonishment: "Your Majesty, this is you."

"You are too noisy!"

Tianqi replied, and then ordered: "Hang Wang Yongguang outside the city to show the public, let him be exposed to the wind and sun, and relieve the local people! In addition, punish his family and raid his home!"

As he said that, Tian Qi looked at Wang Yongguang again: "You don't need to offer the money you swallowed yourself. I am the master of the world, so I can take it myself!"

"Your Majesty, can you not hang on to your ministers? There are too many hungry people, so the ministers will be eaten by the hungry people!"

Wang Yongguang pleaded with his last breath.

Tian Qi smiled faintly: "This is the best!"

"Your Majesty! You!"

Wang Yongguang closed his eyes angrily.

Then, Tian Qi looked at Ding Qirui and the civil servants who knelt to greet him: "Although you surrendered voluntarily like him, Wang Yongguang, you also played a part in instigating King Lu to rebel and treating the people harshly. Therefore, Ling Chi can be spared, but death is inevitable. Otherwise, it's not enough to be a good scholar!"

Tian Qi said and ordered: "All shot, just like Wang Yongguang, hanged outside the city for public display, and let the hungry people and wild dogs eat their flesh and blood."

"His Majesty!"

Ding Qirui yelled at this moment, and said: "Your Majesty has a holy candle, and that minister dare not deceive you. The ministers are ashamed of your Majesty and the country, but since ancient times, there has always been a lord who has been lenient to the nobles, and even refused to investigate. And to avoid unrest in the world! Before my sister-in-law Mao Yujian went to Guanzhong, I had conspired with him. If Your Majesty wants to punish us and other gentlemen today! Then my sister-in-law will be slaughtered and plundered every city in Guanzhong! Your Majesty can be wrong Your Majesty Huairen, do you really want to massacre a city in Guanzhong and cause hundreds of thousands of people to lose their families because of His Majesty's cruelty because of your lack of gratitude to them?!"

After hearing this, Tian Qi's heart trembled suddenly.

Although he said he disdained to be a tyrant and a fool, his heart was softer than anyone else.

If hundreds of thousands of people really died because of his cruelty to these gentry who surrendered to the enemy today, he would really feel sorry.

Therefore, after hearing this, Tian Qi seemed to be caught by Ding Qirui, so he couldn't help gritting his teeth and said, "How dare you threaten me like this?!"

Ding Qirui sneered: "Why don't you dare to do it?! Your Majesty really let hundreds of thousands of common people be buried as ministers?"


Tian Qi angrily pointed at Ding Qirui and said, "Are you still human?! Are you still Han Chinese?! Are you still worthy of being called a scholar?!"

Ding Qirui was quite proud of seeing Tianqi's loss of composure: "Hundreds of thousands of common people are just a number. After killing them, there will be more, like weeds, why bother! Since your majesty doesn't care about being a tyrant, why should you care about the life and death of these lowly people?" What? Is it possible that His Majesty really wants to forgive me because of them?"

"His Majesty!"

Zhu Guozhen, a bachelor, and Lu Xiangsheng, the left servant of the Ministry of War, couldn't help standing up and shouting at this moment.

Although they now feel that it is despicable for people like Ding Qirui to threaten His Majesty with the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, but as civil servants with conscience, they really don't want His Majesty to execute Mao Yujian and lead his troops to slaughter the city in Guanzhong because of the execution of these gentry who defected to the enemy.

The middle- and lower-level officers and soldiers of the imperial guard camp also looked at Tianqi with burning eyes, because they are all newly educated officers and soldiers, and they all have a sense of responsibility to share the worries of the king and keep peace for the people. The life and death of the surname will naturally affect their sense of reverence for the emperor Tianqi.

At this time, Zhang Gui stood up: "Your Majesty! Your Majesty Mao Yujian is currently in Qishui Town, not far from here. Your Majesty, please give him an audience!"

After Ding Qirui heard this, he suddenly looked at Zhang Gui: "What do you mean? Didn't Mao Yujian, as the prime minister of the five provinces on his rebel side, lead tens of thousands of rebels to attack the city in Guanzhong?"

Tian Qi also looked back at Zhang Gui.

Zhang Gui replied: "Your Highness! Wang Yongguang's work is fake, but it doesn't mean that the rebels didn't have real work! If he is not one of us, he can escape in a donkey cart, it is possible that His Majesty really thinks that he is as good at driving as Song Taizong ?”

(End of this chapter)

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