Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 194 Li Zicheng wants to raise troops for the emperor, respect the emperor and quell the rebe

Chapter 194 Li Zicheng wants to raise troops for the emperor, respect the emperor and quell the rebellion!

Tian Qi looked at Zhang Gui in surprise: "Is Mao Yujian a secret work of the imperial court?"

Zhang Gui nodded and replied: "Your Majesty, you promised that Xichang can develop its own eyeliner, but I just haven't had time to report it to you. I have already instructed him to take away tens of thousands of rebels in order to return to the division to rescue Wei Hui." Name, temporarily stationed in Qishui Town. Waiting for your summoning now."

"Say goodbye."

Apocalypse said something.

After noon, Mao Yujian rushed over.

As soon as Tianqi saw him, he asked, "Mao Yujian, when did you join the West Factory?"

Mao Yujian replied: "When I heard that Xia Zhongcheng mobilized refugees in the Huaiqing Mansion to divide the fields in the countryside and besieged the city, I was contacted by Xichang because I mentioned to the staff that the rebels would not succeed. Became a member of Xichang."

Tian Qi looked at Ding Qirui, and asked again: "Is he really your uncle?"

Mao Yujian nodded: "Yes!"

Tian Qi asked again: "Did he really write to you saying that if I kill them, you will slaughter the city in Guanzhong?"


Mao Yujian took out the letter as he spoke.

Seeing this, Ding Qirui yelled at Mao Yujian with red eyes: "Mao Zhenghuan, you are shameless! How can you do the meticulous work of Xichang! Do you still have the integrity of my scholar-bureaucrat?!"

"That's better than you asking him to massacre the city!"

Tian Qi yelled, and said: "Preach my will, the traitor Ding Qirui has committed a heinous crime, his conscience has been destroyed, Ling Chi is like Liu Jin, and he will be eaten by the hungry people!"

After hearing this, Ding Qirui felt as if he was hit hard, and immediately cried out: "Your Majesty! Please be merciful! The guilty minister was just confused for a while, and only wanted to use hundreds of thousands of people to threaten His Majesty!"

"Unfortunately, hundreds of thousands of people will not be buried with you."

Apocalypse said something.

Immediately, Tian Qi looked at Mao Yujian and said: "Since you have surrendered first, and you have not followed Ding Qirui's intention and slaughtered the city in Guanzhong, I will spare you the death penalty as a meritorious atonement, but you betrayed me first, so you cannot fully redeem it." , since you are willing to be the eyeliner of Xichang, then be a small official in Xichang instead of expecting the official to return to his post."

Mao Yujian said: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Tianqi then ordered: "The rest of the traitors will also be dealt with like Wang Yongguang! Lu Xiangsheng, the left servant of the Ministry of War, is promoted to the Prime Minister of the five provinces, and the rest of the cities that betrayed the imperial court will be recovered immediately!"


Although Weihui Fucheng, which belonged to King Lu's fiefdom, had been recovered by the imperial court, there were still many prefectures and counties that had voluntarily turned to the rebels and had not been recovered.

Especially after Mao Yujian led some rebels to attack Guanzhong under the orders of Zhu Changhao and Wang Yongguang, many officials and gentry in Shaanxi and Shanxi fell against the wind because they were dissatisfied with the New Deal or simply did not want to resist.

Therefore, there are still many prefectures and counties in Shanxi and Shaanxi that are still ruled by rebels.

Mizhi County is one of such prefectures.

As an ordinary postman in Yinchuan post office in Mizhi County, Li Zicheng, now named Li Hongji, never thought that he would become a clerk under the command of the rebel army in a daze.

Originally, Li Zicheng enjoyed the life of a postman very much.

Because since Zhang Gui let Daming publish newspapers, Li Zicheng, as a postman, had an extra part-time job delivering a large number of newspapers to the local area for Xichang.

This allowed him to increase his income a lot.

After all, as the number of newspaper readers increases, the demand for newspapers also increases.

Crucially, Li Zicheng also had the opportunity to receive training at the Xichang night school and learned a lot of characters, so that when the officials and gentry in Mizhi County changed their banners and surrendered to the rebels, he had already taken an extra job in Xichang. A part-time job reading newspapers to local people.

Li Zicheng worked so hard in order to save more money and buy some land as soon as possible.

But because the officials and gentry of Mizhi County surrendered to the rebels, Xichang's offices in Mizhi County had to withdraw one after another, and his part-time job naturally disappeared.

But what Li Zicheng didn't expect was that the rebels actually wanted to abolish the post, and even his superiors fired him because he had no background and money.

After Li Zicheng lost his job, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, especially after he had some ideological education through Xichang, and the behavior of the local gentry really made him dissatisfied.

Therefore, he feels even more that the officials and gentry in Mizhi County are a group of traitors who betrayed the emperor and oppressed the people, and his current predicament is also caused by these traitors.

Coupled with unexpected changes, Ai Juren asked him to collect debts, colluded with the county magistrate and beat him up, and his wife Han Jiner put a cuckold on him. Li Zicheng killed his wife in a rage, and then killed him. Ai Juren.

Therefore, Li Zicheng was desperate, so he simply changed his name to Li Zicheng, and mobilized the refugees to rebel against the local officials and gentry, and under the banner of honoring the emperor and beating traitors, he threatened to lead his own rebel army to wipe out the rebels for the emperor!

Because of the constant natural disasters and many refugees in the Shaanxi area, and the withdrawal of the West Factory, many people who could rely on newspaper delivery and work in the store opened by the West Factory were unemployed, and the post station was abolished by the rebels themselves. Many people are unemployed, not to mention, Xichang can also receive enlightenment education in non-governmental organizations, so, for a while, there are many followers.

Even many scholars from poor backgrounds joined in, wanting to follow Li Zicheng and other rebels to honor the emperor and beg for traitors, and carry out a class revolution in the name of countering the rebellion for the court. For a while, many prefectures and counties were recovered by these rebels.

But these rebels are mostly peasant troops composed of refugees in essence, so they are naturally not so gentle with the officials and gentry.

What's more, in their eyes, these officials and gentry are still traitors and disloyalty.

Therefore, for a while, all the gentry in these places were slaughtered.

And the number of rebels increased, and it didn't take long for them to reach [-].

"What! You listened to Wang Yongguang's instructions and asked Lu Wang to issue an order to dismantle the station?!"

Zhang Gui just learned from Mao Yujian that the inn was abolished, which made him feel very shocked, and had a premonition that something more chaotic would happen.

Mao Yujian replied: "Wan Sheng was his accomplice at the time, so he had to listen."

"But do you know what the consequences of this will be?"

Zhang Gui asked dumbfoundedly.

Mao Yujian asked: "What consequences can there be? It is nothing more than that many postmen will be unemployed and will return to their hometowns to work in agriculture."

Zhang Gui waved his hand: "I can't explain to you! I just hope that people like you and Wang Yongguang won't become eternal sinners."

"Uncle Guo, Wansheng doesn't understand?"

Mao Yujian asked puzzledly.

"Your Majesty! Lu Butang came to report from Jiezhou, saying that there are more than [-] rebels operating in Mizhi, Suide, and Yongning, under the banner of respecting the emperor and beating traitors. Most of the cities that betrayed the imperial court in this area have been taken by them. , all the gentry were killed by him, and only a few cities were stubbornly resisting. Now, Lu Butang specially came to ask His Majesty, how should we deal with these rebels?"

Not long after Zhang Gui and Mao Yujian talked about the abolition of the inn, Zhu Guozhen, a bachelor, also reported to Tianqi the latest report from Lu Xiangsheng from the front line.

Tian Qi was also quite astonished after hearing this: "One hundred thousand volunteers?"

For a while, Tian Qi couldn't help but read Lu Xiangsheng's memorial carefully, and felt depressed for a while: "How did it become like this! Xia Yunyi still has 12 peasants and soldiers who don't know how to arrange them, and now another [-] have emerged. Rebels!"

At this time, Zhang Gui told about Wang Yongguang's urging Zhu Changhao to dismantle the post station, and said: "Your Majesty, it seems that there are so many farmers, soldiers and rebels. These places that belonged to the rebels exploited the people too much. In addition, the rebels abolished the station and reduced the expenditure on disaster relief, so that there were more unemployed people in these places. The rebel army, or imperial officials organized farmers and soldiers to suppress the rebellion, so there were so many soldiers at once."

(End of this chapter)

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