Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 198 The status quo of Ming Dynasty after the division of fields

Chapter 198 The status quo of Ming Dynasty after the division of fields

"There are no rebels fleeing to Shandong. Why does Uncle Guo want me, Lao Li, to go to Shandong to fight the rebels? I really don't understand what Uncle Guo means!"

"Didn't the imperial court really want to recruit our rebels? They also said that Wang Zuogui and the others were just killed by the dog officials, not the imperial court's intention. But why, don't you let me, Lao Li, take the big guys to accept the recruitment?"

"I still want to go back to the post station to work, or if the court thinks I have meritorious service, it's okay to give me a post post!"

"My old Li likes to send and receive newspapers, letters, food, ordnance at the post station."

"I also read newspapers and letters to the villagers, and taught them how to read. I like to see them look at me, Lao Li, listening to the newspaper carefully, and then laugh and cry on their faces."

Li Zicheng complained to Mao Yujian puzzledly, and also explained his true inner thoughts.

The current Li Zicheng has not yet developed the ambition to fight for the world. In addition, not long ago, because Zhang Gui was inspiring people's wisdom through Xichang, he, a grassroots postman, lived a very prosperous and meaningful life. Therefore, now he just wants to go back to the stable and prosperous life before, and enjoy the respect of the villagers.

Li Zicheng is raising troops now to restore that kind of life scene.

Therefore, now Mao Yujian asked Zhang Gui to go to Shandong, although he did not dare to disobey, but he was indeed somewhat reluctant in his heart.

"Brother Li, a man should become famous and save the people with his sword, instead of just thinking about going back to be a postman! Besides, the uncle of the country is willing to support you now. Letting you go to Shandong naturally has a deep meaning of."

"My little brother will also tell you the truth. If you really want to live a stable and prosperous life for the rest of your life, then you must come to Shandong!"

"Because, if the family in Shandong, which is servile to the outside world and mean to the inside, is not pulled down from the altar, all the people will still have to continue to be cattle and horses, and don't want to be rich and peaceful. For example, this time, the broken old My brother lives in peace, and even those evil gentry and dog officials who want to slaughter my brother and others, all respect the family in Shandong and set it as a benchmark for themselves to be superior to others. What we have to do now is to take this The pole was cut."

Mao Yujian spoke earnestly to Li Zicheng.

Only scholars understand scholars best, and only disciples of Confucius and Mencius understand Confucius and Mencius best.

Mao Yujian, who was born as a Jinshi, naturally knew better than Li Zicheng what kind of things the Confucian family, Yan Shenggong, respected by Confucian scholars all over the world, was.

Therefore, Mao Yujian now speaks bluntly to Li Zicheng that the Confucian family is servile to the outside world and mean to the inside.

Mao Yujian has no principles.

Therefore, as long as it is beneficial for him to become a public servant again and gain power and status in the future, he doesn't mind digging the grave of the Kong family after joining Xichang, and naturally he doesn't mind exposing the true face of the Kong family in front of Li Zicheng.

Li Zicheng did not understand Mao Yujian's words very well, but he understood the meaning of Mao Yujian's words, that is, if he did not go to Shandong, then the stable and prosperous life he wanted would not be guaranteed, and he would not be able to be stable and prosperous all his life.

Li Zicheng, who was born as a farmer, wants most of his life to be stable and prosperous, and he is willing to work hard for this.

So, Li Zicheng let go of his unhappiness and said, "Then, my old Li will go to Shandong and drag that family you mentioned from the altar."

Mao Yujian nodded, laughed, and wrote a letter to Zhang Gui overnight, reporting his conversation with Li Zicheng, and sent the letter through the intelligence system inside the West Factory.

After Zhang Gui received Mao Yujian's letter, he was already on his way back to Wei Hui, and he took away the first batch of [-] rebels who had been screened out. Cheng Huben army, and carry out the military mission of expanding the border.

During this period, apart from Tianqi’s personal conquest, which took back all the state capitals occupied by the rebels in Northern Zhili and northeast Henan, Lu Xiangsheng and the rebel army recovered the state capitals in Shaanxi and Shanxi that had defected to the rebels, and Xia Yunyi recovered the western part of Henan and the Central states.

Therefore, the rebellion started by King Lu was completely put down.

Due to his achievements, Xia Yunyi was promoted to Minister of the Ministry of War and Yudu Yushi, Prince Shaobao, Governor of Henan Military Administration, and continued to preside over the New Deal in Henan.

Because the rebellion is over, the New Deal in Henan will naturally continue to be implemented.

However, thanks to this rebellion, many vassal kings and gentry were liquidated, so that many fields were distributed to the people, making the resistance of the New Deal even smaller in Henan after that.

"Each household receives one piece of farming tools, and the cattle are owned by the whole commune. We should finish farming as soon as possible before the end of spring plowing, so that we can eat the food we grow ourselves in the coming year!"

Luo Yuquan, the former agricultural sentry officer who chose to disarm and return to the field and served as the head of a farming community in Weihui Prefecture, was standing in front of a pile of newly arrived farm tools and a few strong cattle, shouting to a group of people.

These people were all smiling, looking at the agricultural tools and strong cattle behind Luo Yuquan with burning eyes, and after hearing what Luo Yuquan said, they lined up under the organization of the local farmers and soldiers, and began to receive the agricultural tools. Somebody takes the oxen to plow the fields they have been given.

These farm implements are all manufactured by Xishan Industrial Division's iron and steel branch in Henan.

Xishan Industrial Division has advanced iron-smelting technology, which makes the forging cost of agricultural tools lower. Therefore, after Henan increased its fiscal revenue through the new policy, Xia Yunyi asked for permission from Tianqi to order a large number of agricultural tools from Xishan Industrial Division. , and sold many cattle from various places to help the people resume agricultural production as soon as possible after obtaining the land.

As a result, in Henan today, scenes of people receiving farm tools from the newly established grassroots agricultural cooperatives have begun to appear everywhere.

Luo Yuquan was just one of the many officials of the agricultural commune who distributed farm tools.

Tianqi, who was still in Henan, watched this scene with relief.

As an emperor, the greatest sense of accomplishment is the prosperity of the country and the safety of the people.

If there is anything that can be compared with the great achievements of expanding the land, it is at this moment, when you can see the refugees who used to carry the Tao and cry, and start to pull cattle back and forth in the fields to cultivate, and the fields are no longer barren, the wilderness is no longer Desolate, finally see the smoke curling up.

At this time, Zhu Changhao was also passing through the farmland of his palace, and saw that these farmlands had been inserted with stone signs engraved with the names of the people, and some people had already collected the bones in these farmlands, and re-cultivated the land for sowing.

Zhu Changhao knew that these bones were all because of him, the king of Lu, who starved to death because of his heavy exploitation. If he hadn't failed, was removed from the king, and the farmland was taken back and divided among the people, there would only be more people who starved to death. .

Thinking of this, Zhu Changhao also felt guilty.

Before he lost everything, he didn't have a strong sense of guilt.

But now that he has lost all this and recognized the true colors of many Confucian officials around him, his sense of guilt is particularly strong.

"King Lu is bad, and King Lu is black, killing millions of Wei Hui's people; if King Lu is here, Wei Hui's family will starve; if King Lu is gone, Wei Hui's family will raise chickens and geese."

In particular, when Zhu Changhao came to a market town and heard children singing a song that Xia Yunyi had made up by Ling Yousi to mobilize the people to counter the rebellion, he felt even more ashamed.

But at the same time, Zhu Changhao felt particularly wronged.

Because he felt that he could not be the only one to blame for this matter. After all, he was not the only one who thought of rebellion at the beginning, but many gentry also thought of rebellion and fooled him, saying that everyone in the world wanted to rebel.

Therefore, Zhu Changhao was even more unwilling to bear the blame alone, so when he told the people why he rebelled, he actively talked about the sins of gentry like Wang Yongguang.

However, when Zhu Changhao was actively speaking in a market town, suddenly, a blunderbuss sounded.

Then, there was another sound.

Zhu Changhao was shot in the back twice, and fell helplessly to the ground under the eyes of everyone.

Zhu Changhao looked back, and saw a figure jumping out of the window in an attic filled with white smoke, and galloping away on a horse that had already parked outside the door.

"How dare you really be so despicable, but it's not him alone!"

(End of this chapter)

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