Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 199 The assassination failed, ZTE is hard to stop!

Chapter 199 The assassination failed, ZTE is hard to stop!

"Brother Wang is not lonely!"

Zhu Changhao said at this time.

To be precise, it was the fake Zhu Changhao who said at this time.

The one who was attacked and killed was indeed not the real Lu Wang Zhu Changhao.

There is more than one Zhu Changhao who toured various places to explain why the gentry instigated King Lu to rebel.

Zhang Gui did this on purpose.

He never underestimated the despicableness of the reactionaries. He had no intention of letting only one Zhu Changhao appear in Ming Dynasty who talked about the sins of the gentry everywhere. Hold on, go to various places to give lectures.

And in this way, even if Zhu Changhao was assassinated.

It doesn't affect it at all, the court wants to let the common people know the evil intentions of the gentry through Zhu Changhao.

At this time, it was actually Zhu Chang who was attacked and killed by the firecracker.

Zhu Changhao's younger brother, King Changyuan.

Originally, according to the usual practice, Zhu Chang and the close clans of the Lu Wang Fan family who participated in the rebellion had to be executed.

But after Zhang Gui's suggestion, Tianqi did not do so. Instead, he asked them to pretend to be Zhu Changhao, and also went to various places to give lectures.

Anyway, no one among the people knows what Zhu Changhao looks like.

Even the gentry from all over the world who intended to assassinate Zhu Changhao to prevent him from exposing his gentry's crimes didn't know what Zhu Changhao looked like.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly convenient for the imperial court to clone multiple Zhu Changhaos.

Because of this, for a while, reports appeared in many places about how Zhu Changhao talked about how the gentry instigated him to rebel and instigated him to conscript the common people.

At this time, in a market town in Ruzhou, Changyuan King Zhu Chang who was attacked and killed was one of them.

King Changyuan was very depressed at this time, he never thought that his luck would be so bad that he would actually be assassinated for pretending to be his brother.

Jin Yiwei, who was escorting him, didn't know about it, and tried his best to chase the murderer.

But only the civil servant in a scarlet official robe who was behind the scenes was furious when he saw Zhu Chang, the king of Changyuan, shot to death, and learned that Zhu Changhao had appeared in Luzhou, and also in Chuzhou.

Even a cup of tea was dropped heavily on the ground by the civil servant.

Then, the civil official gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "We have been played by the court! Now it is not just Lu Wang who is talking about the evil of our gentry!"

A scholar who temporarily attached himself to the civil servant asked after hearing this: "Then what should we do, shall we continue to send people to assassinate this King Lu?"

"Don't kill!"

"What's the use of killing again? Even if the real one is killed, the fake one can still spread the black news that we gentry instigated the vassal king to rebel and stop the New Deal! I don't know if it's His Majesty or the uncle Zhang, but he has already expected what we are doing. In front of them, we act as if we have no clothes on."

"Now it seems that I can only recognize it by pinching my nose."

"The only thing that's hateful is that now we assassinate the King Lu who appears in various places, but the King Lu who is still alive and continues to preach about our crimes will be able to exterminate the crimes of our gentry!"

After the civil servant said that, he punched the case table with his fist, his eyes staring forward like fire.

And when he thought that Zhu Changhao from all over the place said that he, the gentry, used the despicable method of assassination, he felt even more unhappy.

"They are afraid that I will tell the truth, but I want to say it! They are the ones who don't want you to live a good life, those officials and gentlemen, they don't want you to live a good life!"

"Fathers and elders, you don't know that the new policy implemented by the imperial court is to let the vassal kings and officials pay food and errands, instead of just letting them pay food and errands."

"But they, like me at the time, didn't want to pay food and work as errands. They just wanted you people to be cattle and horses to support us and this country. So, now, they come to assassinate me! Because they are afraid that I will tell you the truth! "

"But justice can never be killed!"

The real Zhu Changhao was very angry when he heard that his younger brother Zhu Chang who pretended to be himself was assassinated, so he became more excited and talked about the crimes of the gentry in front of the people, and even talked about these crimes directly. The assassination against him was characterized as an assassination of justice.

"Zhu Changhao! You rebellious minister, shut up for me!"

A gentleman's son became angry from embarrassment, so he stood up at this moment, pointed at Zhu Changhao and shouted, and said:

"It's clear that you were the one who coerced others into rebelling with you because of your own ambitions and lack of respect for a ruler! Now, you are blaming all the crimes on the gentlemen of the world. How dare you be so shameless! What are you talking about, gentlemen all over the world! You don’t support the New Deal because you want the people to continue to be cattle and horses, and you don’t want the people to live a good life, so you instigated you to rebel.”

"Then let me ask you, it won't happen that the scholar-officials put a knife on your neck and force you to rebel, right?"

"Young master, why are you so angry?"

"That's right, the gentry did not put a knife on my neck to force me to rebel, but they took the initiative to vote for me after I rebelled. Come to me and rebel with me; there is also the Ding family of Guide, Ding Qirui, as the prefect of Wei Hui, did not decisively lead his troops to quell the rebellion, but also wrote a military call for me, and criticized the New Deal in the call."

When Zhu Changhao said this, he said: "Fathers and elders, tell me, why do these gentry rush to rebel with me? It's because they want to continue to ride on your heads to do their best, because the emperor Don't let them ride on your heads and do their best, so they came to me and wanted to fight against the emperor with me!"

After hearing this, the gentry boy couldn't explain it, so he had to point to Zhu Changhao and said: "You are fake, you are fake, I am going to find my old parents and put you in prison!"

"Nonsense! We are real, the real Zhu Changhao who has the Holy Order!"

With a shout from Jin Yiwei, he took out the imperial decree.

"We are real! We are not fake! Those who have been assassinated are fake, and the government cannot lock us up! We have the Holy Order at our fingertips"

At that time, in Jiangning City, Zhu Changhao, who claimed to be a preacher on tour, was also arguing his authenticity to a group of officials and gentry.

These officials and gentry are very helpless. They can't prove the authenticity of these people now, and they can't use assassination to get rid of them. They can only watch helplessly. thing.

"The rebellion did not succeed, Zhu Changhao could not be assassinated yet, the rebels could not be forced to become rebels, and the New Deal was in full swing in Henan."

After thinking about all this, Xie Sheng, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, couldn't help but sighed to the sky, and said, "God! You can't really want the Ming Dynasty, which has been going on for more than 200 years, to be revived again."

After a long sigh, Xie Sheng, who was returning to Beijing with Shengjia, looked outside the post road just like Tianqi, Zhang Gui and the others.

Xie Sheng was even more disappointed when he saw that there were no bidders outside the post road.

He really doesn't like this kind of ZTE picture, that is, the ZTE picture that appears at the expense of the powerful and gentry instead of sacrificing the common people.

Especially when he saw Sun Lian, a native of Henan who was once the left servant of the Nanjing Ministry of Civil Affairs, was also driving an old cow hard in a row of land reserved for himself, he was a little worried that he would also will fall to this point.

Xie Sheng was very depressed because of this, and he started to want this to end.

"The emperor has fallen into the water!"

"Come on people!"

"Hurry up and save the emperor!"

But just when Xie Sheng followed Sheng Jia to the north and returned to Beijing with a depressed mood, he heard shouts coming from the front of Yuzhou.

Apocalypse did fall into the water at this time.

Originally, he was watching the coastal scenery on the deck with Wei Zhongxian and other eunuchs, but suddenly, he felt someone pushing him from behind, pushing T into the water.

Wei Zhongxian didn't notice who was pushing the apocalypse, but in a flash, he found that his emperor had fallen into the water.

Wei Zhongxian panicked all of a sudden, shouting indiscriminately.

But all the eunuchs dare not go down because they are not used to water.

Wei Zhongxian had no choice but to look at Liu Yumo, the commander of the imperial guards who was accompanying him next to him: "Quickly send your people down to rescue you!"

But Liu Yumo said: "Uncle Guo is the admiral of the imperial guard camp, we only listen to Uncle Guo, father-in-law, you have no right to transfer us."


Wei Zhongxian pointed at Liu Yumo angrily, and was about to say something, but when he thought that it was important to rescue him now, he couldn't help but turned around and shouted: "Where is Uncle Guo! Where is Uncle Guo?"

"Uncle Guo is gone!"

At this time Xu Xianchun hurried over to report.

Wei Zhongxian was shocked when he heard this: "It's not like I fell into the water too."

Xie Sheng, who came over for questioning, felt a little satisfied when he heard this.


And this time.

In a reed marsh, Zhang Guizheng and Zhu Youxiao were sitting together in a small boat, squeezing each other's clothes for water.

(End of this chapter)

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