Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 205 Destroying the Gate!All members of Concubine Li's family were killed!

Chapter 205 Destroying the Gate!All members of Concubine Li's family were killed!

Early the next morning, Wei Zhongxian came to Han Yu's place first: "Yuanfu, is there anything important recently?"

Han Yu dragged Wei Zhongxian to a place where there was no one there, and asked in a low voice: "Old Minister, I heard that Liu Ruozai and the others went to see the empress?"

Wei Zhongxian nodded.

Han Yu asked again: "I heard that Concubine Li also went there and beat the empress."

Wei Zhongxian was astonished: "Is there such a thing?!"

Han Yu glanced at Wei Zhongxian: "The old inner minister doesn't know about this?"

Wei Zhongxian said: "How does our family know. If our family knows, even if we are cut, we have to kill anyone who dares to touch your mother first!"

Han Yu handed the memorial to Wei Zhongxian: "Some courtiers have already pleaded for Concubine Li, saying that Concubine Li is Her Majesty's adoptive mother after all, so she cannot be punished for the affairs of the harem, otherwise it would be against filial piety."

As he said that, Han Yu said: "But after all, he was beating someone who is respected by his mother. Therefore, I wanted to verify it with the old inner minister first, but I didn't expect that the old inner minister didn't know about it."

"Our family really doesn't know about this!"

Wei Zhongxian replied.

At this time, Liu Sheren came in and said, "Tian Dudu has something urgent to play."

After hearing this, Wei Zhongxian said, "Let him in."

Han Yu also nodded.

Not long after, Tian Ergeng came in, took a memorial book and said: "Yuanfu, godfather, according to Jinyiwei's report, it was discovered that all the family members of Concubine Li's maiden family died on the street this morning, and their clothes were stripped off." , there is no injury in the whole body, I heard someone say that he committed the punishment of heaven, and his soul was taken away."


Wei Zhongxian asked in astonishment.

Han Yu said: "This matter is strange."

Wei Zhongxian said to Tian Ergeng: "Hurry up and check it out, give me the memorial, and I will report to His Majesty!"

At this time, Wang Tiqian also rushed over: "Godfather, something is not right. This morning, some palace people discovered that Concubine Li was killed. Her whole body was covered in blood and her neck was strangled. Only a dozen or so people were left on the ground. Take the nobile."


Wei Zhongxian yelled in feigned astonishment.

"There is such a thing!"

Han Yu also pretended to be surprised and said something.

Immediately afterwards, Wei Zhongxian bowed his hands to Han Yu: "Excuse me!"

"Go, old Prime Minister, this matter cannot be delayed!"

Han Yu said.

After both Wei Zhongxian and Tian Ergeng left, Han Yu sat back on the chair, his back couldn't help but feel cold, and he said in his heart: "What a ruthless Uncle Guo!"

Palace of Qinzheng, carpentry workshop.

Wei Zhongxian walked over with weak legs: "My lord! My lord! Something has happened, Jin Yiwei has an urgent report, saying that everyone in Concubine Li's family is here."

Before Wei Zhongxian finished speaking, Tian Qi took the ink fountain and waved to Wei Zhongxian: "Don't bother me! You can discuss major matters with Han Qing, and you can decide the minor matters yourself!"

"Go away!"

Tian Qi said and saw that Wei Zhongxian hadn't left, so he roared.


Only then did Wei Zhongxian pretend to agree clearly, and hurriedly left with the playbook.

After Wei Zhongxian left, Tian Qi smiled and said in his heart: "I am now a foolish emperor, pampering my relatives, favoring eunuchs, ignoring government affairs, loving carpentry, and sitting on the sidelines of power!"

"What is His Majesty's oracle?"

As soon as Wei Zhongxian came back, Han Yu asked a question.

"I'll discuss the big things with you, but let's decide the small things by ourselves."

Wei Zhongxian replied.

Han Yu said: "Doesn't that mean you didn't say anything?"

Wei Zhongxian said: "Let's appoint someone to investigate the case. Our family must not be directly involved in this matter. After all, it involves the inner court, and our family is the admiral of the East Factory. It is obviously dereliction of duty."

"East Factory can't do it, so let the West Factory investigate."

Han Yu suggested.

Wei Zhongxian nodded: "Yuanfu is a fair statement, hurry up and draft."

It didn't take long for Han Yu to draw up a draft plan for the case of Zhang Guicha, Concubine Li, and the members of the Li clan who were also killed unexpectedly.

Wei Zhongxian came to Tianqi with the draft decree drawn up by the ticket: "My lord, Concubine Li of the West Mansion is dead!"


Tian Qi stopped the wooden utensil in his hand in astonishment, and said, "Bring the white silk."

Not long after, an eunuch took out a white silk.

Tian Qi quickly wrapped Bai Ling around his waist, and then asked Wei Zhongxian: "What's going on?"

"According to Wang Tiqian, some palace officials found that the concubine was bleeding all over her body, her neck was strangled, and the rope was left untwisted."

Wei Zhongxian replied.

After hearing this, Tian Qi pretended to be surprised and angry: "How could this happen? Who would dare to harm my adoptive mother!"

Wei Zhongxian said: "I heard that yesterday, before the emperor returned to Beijing, Concubine Li went to the empress's place and humiliated her in front of her foreign ministers."

Wei Zhongxian knew that Tianqi already knew the truth of everything, but he had to speak out now. After all, this was his duty as a minister, and he could not hide anything from the emperor, even if Tianqi would act aggressively towards him in the future.

Wei Zhongxian kicked Tianqi hard.

Tian Qi pointed at Wei Zhongxian and shouted: "Nonsense! My adoptive mother has always been kind and generous, and the queen has always been virtuous and respectful. How could they be at odds, and how could Concubine Kang insult my queen and make the queen disrespectful! Who are you listening to?" Such nonsense, how dare you mention it in front of me, you bastard, have your ears grown white?!"

"The emperor calm down! The slaves also heard what some foreign ministers said. The slaves couldn't believe it, and now they just mentioned the truth to the emperor."

Wei Zhongxian replied.

"This is nothing at all! Who doesn't know that my queen is in the harem, and she is the best friend with Li Taifei. She treats her like my own mother and is more filial than me. The tongfei has always liked her more than me."

Tian Qi spoke and said: "Let the daily life write down what I said today."

Wei Zhongxian replied: "Yes! The slaves also know about it, and they told Yuan Fu about it, and Yuan Fu made a draft because of this, so let the uncle of the country investigate this matter, and the slaves are not allowed to come!"

"It's very appropriate! This is great! Others may not take it seriously, but Uncle Zhang Guo won't. After all, my queen certainly doesn't want the concubine's death to be unknown."

Apocalypse nodded.

Wei Zhongxian followed and said: "The emperor is holy!"

"As for what ceremony should be held for Concubine Li's funeral, I will personally ask for a court meeting, because after all, she has the kindness to support me."

To investigate the real culprit behind the scenes, Tianqi intentionally only allowed Han Yu and Wei Zhongxian to hold a small meeting to determine who would investigate the case; but for Concubine Li's sacrificial ceremony, Tianqi would hold a court meeting to discuss with the courtiers with great fanfare Funeral specifications.

Obviously, Apocalypse did this on purpose.

From the fact that Zhang Yan didn't let him ask who slapped her, he guessed that it was not convenient for him to do it directly, so he didn't directly participate in it from beginning to end.

Only after the dust has settled, do you show yourself to show that you are a person who abides by filial piety and righteousness.

"Your Majesty! Concubine Li died suddenly, and all her family members were exposed to the street. It is truly extremely cruel and appalling. I request that Your Majesty order a strict investigation, so as to return justice to the concubine's family!"

But at the court meeting, Chen Xuan did not discuss the ceremony at this time, but directly asked Tianqi to investigate the case of Li Taifei's murder.

Tian Qi said: "I have ordered Xichang to investigate this matter strictly. What the court is discussing today is the funeral of the concubine."

"Your Majesty! The matter of the concubine is related to the uncle of the country, how can I let Xichang come to investigate."

Chen Xuan said at this time.

After hearing this, Tian Qi asked, "What do you mean?"

Chen Xuan said: "Your Majesty! I heard that the concubine slapped the concubine in the queen's curtain the day before yesterday, so the sudden death of the concubine is undoubtedly related to the concubine being slapped by the empress. Although the empress is the master of the harem, she is extremely honorable After all, the concubine has the grace to support your majesty, just like a foster mother, and is also an old man in the palace. The country regards respecting the elderly as a virtue, so even if there is something disrespectful to the empress, the empress should treat it leniently and restrain her. The people of the tribe are not allowed to take revenge for this. But who would have thought that such a thing would happen, it can be seen that there may be suspicions of being domineering by the relatives of the descendants. Therefore, please strictly investigate and rectify the discipline!"

"Your Majesty! Chen Gejian is slandering the queen and the concubine!"

"According to what the veterans have heard, the Zhonggong has always been dignified, virtuous, respectful and elegant, and the concubine is even more loving and respectful, benevolent and virtuous. But now, according to what Chen Gejian said, it seems that the concubine is domineering like a shrew, and she went to the Jiaofang to humiliate her. Mother of the country, what is the meaning of this? Is this scolding the first emperor for not being good at choosing concubines, or scolding the concubine for being unvirtuous?! What's more, it is said that the queen empress is related to the death of the concubine. This is saying that the palace is narrow-minded, cruel and ruthless A poisonous woman?!"

Han Yu retorted, and said: "Your Majesty, Chen Gejian's words are disrespectful to the late Emperor and His Majesty!"

Chen Zizhuang also said in a cold voice: "The king is the father, and the queen is the mother. I don't know if Chen Gejian still has the heart of loyalty and filial piety?!"

Then, Sun Chengzong couldn't help but came out and said: "Chen Gejian, what you said is indeed out of duty. You can remonstrate your father's gains and losses, but you can't slander the middle palace with falsehoods, and slander your majesty's harem for disharmony!"


Chen Xuan was depressed for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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