Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 206 Immediately pull out the owl's head to rectify the rules!

Chapter 206 Immediately pull out the owl's head to rectify the rules!
Han Yu is like a fine person, how can he not guess that the sudden death of Concubine Li Kang is related to Zhang Gui?
But he knew the emperor's meaning better, and knew that at this time, the only way to satisfy the emperor was to refuse to admit that the empress and Concubine Li Kang had conflicts, so he said so.

Chen Zizhuang also meant the same thing. He didn't want people in the world to feel that His Majesty the Emperor who supported the reform had a discord in his harem.

Sun Chengzong is also clear, and knows that the water inside is very deep. He also knows that Li Kangfei's death was an organized and premeditated action. There was nothing to do when he was full, and he came to murder the emperor's adoptive mother. I'm afraid there was even the emperor's own intentions in it, but the emperor himself couldn't come forward directly.

Therefore, Sun Chengzong was unwilling to let the people in the world feel that his emperor's students would not tolerate his adoptive mother, let alone let the people in the world know that the emperor's harem was at odds.

Therefore, Sun Chengzong also rejected Chen Xuan's formulation.

Otherwise, what else can I do, I can't really turn the table with Zhang Gui and the emperor for Li Kangfei, right?
At this time, Tian Qi also lowered his face, and looked at Chen Xuan: "Zhuqing is very true! Chen Xuan, although you are admonishing me, you still slander my adoptive mother and the middle palace so much. As a son of man, how can I forgive you?" ! And as a subject, how can you disobey the middle palace!"

"Preach the decree! Chen Xuan was disloyal and filial, disrespectful to the first emperor, disrespectful to me, and immediately pulled out the head of the owl to set the record straight!"

Apocalypse therefore ordered.

Chen Xuan was stunned for a moment.

Because he was forced to cross the palace with Liu Ruozai and worried that he would be punished sooner or later if he was found out, after learning of the sudden death of Concubine Li Kang, he boldly told the truth of his conjecture at today's court meeting, that is, the sudden death of Concubine Li Kang Unexpected death is related to Zhang Gui.

For him, this is also a way of risking his life to survive.

But Chen Xuan was disappointed that the emperor did not choose to believe him because of the sudden death of Concubine Li Kang. Instead, he believed it and insisted that the queen and the concubine were both virtuous and virtuous, so the sudden death of Concubine Li Kang had nothing to do with the queen and her clan officials .

Chen Xuan was even more disappointed that even people like Sun Chengzong held this view and insisted on forcibly believing that the Queen and Concubine Li Kang had no conflicts.

Therefore, when Chen Xuan was dragged down, he shouted: "You traitors! You are all traitors!"

Not long after, Chen Xuan was decapitated.

At this time, Tian Qi also continued to say in the court without doubt: "I will say it again! Concubine Li, as Yuan Fu and Mr. Aiqing said, is kind and benevolent, and it is impossible to conspire against the government. And Zhonggong is also virtuous and virtuous, and it is impossible for his younger brother to get rid of a concubine who has no power and no real power! Therefore, this matter will stop here, and there will be false rumors that Concubine Kang Li and Zhonggong are not at peace He is saying that the late emperor and I are incompetent and not worthy to be king. And anyone who intends to confuse the world with evil words will be executed!"

"I will obey your orders!"

All the ministers responded accordingly.

"Next, we will continue to discuss the funeral of the concubine."

Apocalypse said therefore.

Han Yu stood up at this time and said: "Your Majesty, Concubine Li has the virtue of raising Your Majesty, so I think that she should be buried as the Empress Dowager."

As soon as Han Yu's words came out, the whole court was in an uproar.

For many civil servants who pay attention to the etiquette system, Han Yu's behavior is simply flattering the emperor to the extreme.

As the chief assistant, in order to satisfy the emperor, he did not hesitate to suggest that Li should be buried as the empress dowager.

But the point is, Mrs. Li didn't even earn a queen.

What's more, Li's performance in the case of Yigong was also very bad, and there have always been rumors of being arrogant and domineering like Concubine Zheng.

Therefore, at this time, Xie Sheng stood up and objected: "Your Majesty! I think what Yuan Fu said is inappropriate. When Concubine Li was the first emperor, she was only a servant, and she was not given the title of queen. The seal should not be buried with the Empress Dowager, but with the Royal Concubine!"

In fact, Han Yu proposed this on purpose. He wanted the officials to shift their attention from the sudden death of Concubine Li to the matter of how to bury Concubine Li, so that most of these people were good at talking and not good at current affairs. There was a quarrel about etiquette, so that the pressure of public opinion caused by the emperor's acquiescence in Zhang Gui's instigation to assassinate Concubine Li could be relieved.

Therefore, after Xie Sheng said this, Han Yu pretended to be angry and said: "Why can't it be done, Concubine Li has the virtue of nurturing Your Majesty, can't Your Majesty want to be filial?!"

"Buring Dowager Li with the ceremony of a noble concubine is enough to show His Majesty's filial piety! However, how can the ceremony be messed up..."

After Xie Sheng answered, he began to talk eloquently, starting from Zhou Li to the examples of the past dynasties, refuting Han Yu's words sentence by sentence.

And Han Yu was not as silent as before, pretending to be excited to argue with Xie Sheng.

For a while, other civil servants also joined in, arguing about how to bury Concubine Li Kang, and all quoted scriptures, as if it was related to the foundation of the entire empire.

The cabinet ministers, six hall officials, censors, and six subjects each have their own theories.

Tian Qi watched all this calmly and did not stop it.

He's even laughing.

Because he was very willing to see this scene now, and saw that most of these civil servants only focused on the etiquette for burying Concubine Li Kang.

I don't know how long we have been arguing, but Tian Qi saw that he still hadn't reached a conclusion, so he also pretended to be enlightened:

"Since the ministers can't come to a unified conclusion, let more people participate in the discussion and pass on the decree, the Hanlin Academy, Zhanshifu, Guozijian, Taipu Temple, Taichang Temple, Honglu Temple, Guanglu Temple Officials of the seventh rank and above in Beijing and the supervisors of the Imperial College will also participate in court discussions!"

"It is necessary to negotiate the most suitable funeral for the concubine as soon as possible, so as not to disrupt the court etiquette, but also not to compromise my filial piety. As for the sudden death of the concubine, I will send an order to the uncle to find out the behind-the-scenes as soon as possible. Ambassador."

As a result, more officials and scholars in Beijing joined in and participated in this big discussion.

Of course, in this kind of discussion, it is impossible to expect to reach an agreement in a short time.

And when civil servants joined the etiquette debate one after another because Han Yu and others deliberately provoked the etiquette controversy, Zhang Gui also received the order to investigate the truth about the sudden death of Concubine Li.

Check yourself.

For Zhang Gui, there is naturally no difficulty, it is nothing more than how to make it up.

Zhang Gui thought about it for a few days, and after deciding how to make it up, he reported to Tianqi at noon in June of the seventh year of Tianqi: "Your Majesty! I have verified that although the concubine is benevolent, she will be stricter." , which caused some palace officials to lock her neck and stab her to death with gold hairpins! The perpetrators have been arrested and interrogated. According to the preliminary interrogation, although these palace officials complained about the princess, they dared to do Such a thing happened because someone behind the scenes instigated, and this person behind the scenes, I am still investigating."

After hearing this, Tian Qi said: "So that's the case. I said that the concubine has always been very kind to the queen and me, but why did she suffer such a disaster? It turns out that the people below are doing evil!"

"Your Majesty! Although the concubine is kind and loving, now that my uncle has found out that the concubine's death is related to her being too strict, which shows that she is not a virtuous person. Therefore, I believe that she cannot be buried with the empress dowager's ceremony!"

At this time, Xie Sheng took this opportunity to continue talking about how to bury Concubine Li Kang for himself.

Han Yu looked at Xie Sheng and asked, "I want to ask Xie Gong, why is the concubine not a virtuous person?"

Xie Sheng sneered: "Now that the concubine died suddenly, the truth has come to light. It was done by her subordinates. The reason is that the concubine treated her subordinates too strictly. To put it mildly, it is inhumane!"

Han Yu was secretly complacent, and deliberately asked Xie Sheng: "So, Mr. Xie believes the truth?"

Xie Sheng's heart tightened: "What do you mean? Could it be that Han Yu meant that if he didn't believe it, it wouldn't be enough to prove Li Kangfei's inhumanity, and then he couldn't stop His Majesty from burying her with the empress dowager's ceremony?"

Xie Sheng suddenly realized that he was being led into a trap by Han Yu, so he had no choice but to reply: "Of course!"

Han Yu therefore said: "Since that's the case, Your Majesty, the subject lost, and the subject did not win Xie Gong!"

"Thank you, you have won!"

"Did I win? But why don't I feel happy all of a sudden?"

Xie Sheng asked secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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