Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 207 Pursue Li's title and start arresting people!

Chapter 207 Pursue Li's title and start arresting people!
Tian Qi pretended to be annoyed and said, "Xie Sheng! You actually said that my adoptive mother is unkind! Didn't you hear Zhang Qing say that the more important reason is that someone behind the scenes instigated it?!"

"His Majesty!"

Xie Sheng hurriedly prostrated himself on the ground, and defended himself: "What I mean is that Concubine Li was at least not kind enough to the people below, which caused this matter! But it doesn't mean that Concubine Li is not kind! Your Majesty, please learn from me!"

"Your Majesty, Concubine Li is just unkind!"

"Back then, Mrs. Li was in the Qianqing Palace and refused to move the palace. He also colluded with foreign ministers and spread the words that His Majesty treated her mother and daughter disrespectfully. It can be seen that this person is a snake and a scorpion!"

Liu Zongzhou, the censor of Zuodu, suddenly stood up and said the same thing.

He is also a strict adherent of the etiquette system, and he does not want to see Emperor Tianqi break the etiquette system because of Li Xuan's servant, so he also chooses to believe the truth that Zhang Gui has investigated, and taking this opportunity, he does not hesitate to disobey Longyan's way to make Li Xuan attendant. Said to be a person who is not benevolent and immoral.

Liu Zongzhou even scolded Xie Shenglai in the hall because of this: "How can Uncle Da Zong dare not speak out because he is afraid of the king?!"

Then, Liu Zongzhou said: "Your Majesty, in my opinion, for a person like Li Xuanshi who lacks benevolence, being buried with the ceremony of an ordinary concubine is enough to demonstrate your majesty's virtue, and there is no need to go through a lot of trouble."

"Liu Zongzhou!"

Tian Qi's heart was filled with happiness, but he still pretended to be annoyed and shouted loudly on the surface.

Seeing this, Xie Sheng turned pale with fright: "Your Majesty, I now feel that it is not impossible to bury Dowager Li with the empress dowager's ceremony."

Seeing that Xie Sheng was timid so quickly, many Qingliu civil officials showed contempt for Xie Sheng for a while.

Seeing this, Liu Zongzhou simply continued: "Your Majesty, even if you kill me today, I will say that Concubine Li is a heartless and immoral person, and she is not worthy of being buried with the Empress Dowager ceremony!"

"Your Majesty! Concubine Li is indeed unbearable to be buried like a queen mother!"

"Your Majesty! Please don't be rude because of benevolence and filial piety!"

"Your Majesty! Concubine Li is an immoral person, how can she have the gift of a queen mother?!"


Many Qingliu civil officials followed suit.

Seeing this, Tian Qi had to do the same as Han Yu, pretending to be discouraged: "Forget it, you won! If you want to give my adoptive mother a name of being unkind and immoral, what can I do?"

Liu Zongzhou: "..."

What does it mean that we have to install it? She, Li Xuan, is not benevolent at all.

For a while, Liu Zongzhou couldn't help thinking: "It seems that the scholars must let Li Xuan's crimes of servants be made public."

Because of this, Liu Hongxun, the left servant of the Ministry of Rites, couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty, don't you know that in the past, Ling's biological mother was ordered to be beaten to death by the late emperor because of Li Xuan's slander? Even for the sake of the biological mother, Your Majesty, you can't be too respectful." This person!"

"There is such a thing?!"

Tian Qi asked in feigned surprise.


Cheng Jiming, the right servant of the Ministry of Rites, replied, and said: "When I was a lecturer for the late emperor, I heard that the late emperor said that killing your majesty's biological mother with a stick was the result of a mistaken belief in Xi Li's words! And because of this, I regret it."

"The minister was also there at the time, and heard what the late emperor said."

"I'm here too! It was dusk and it was raining..."

"Your Majesty also heard from the late Emperor. Your Majesty is reading the Shangshu."

All the ministers testified, and even remembered clearly the weather, what Emperor Taichang was doing, and his demeanor.


In the end, the situation gradually changed accordingly.

The courtiers criticized the Li family verbally and in writing, and in a daze, some ministers even began to say that the Li family had deliberately murdered the emperor, and set up a controllable heir as the emperor.

Therefore, at the beginning, in order to prove that Li Shi was immoral, some ministers also asked Apocalypse to crush Li Shi's bones and ashes.

However, Tianqi finally had no choice but to repay the favor of raising him, so he didn't crush Li's bones and ashes, but he didn't let him be buried with the ceremony of the empress dowager, nor even the ceremony of the concubine, nor did he let him be buried in the tomb of the first emperor, but It is Ling who chooses another place, and pursues the title, and hastily buried the matter.

But after the incident, many Qingliu civil servants realized that using their words to make Li an immoral name, and to successfully rehabilitate and avenge his biological mother was the real purpose of the emperor.

And although they seemed to have won and maintained the etiquette system, they were actually played by the emperor, Zhang Gui, Han Yu and others.

Xie Sheng was the most depressed.

Because he was not only tricked, but also because he didn't have a firm will at the critical moment, and he ended up in a situation where both sides were inhuman.

Many ministers showed disdain for Xie Sheng.

"Bah! Treacherous villain, cowardly and incompetent!"

"Greedy for life and afraid of death, you really deserve the position of great uncle!"

"Shameless people, if they lose their country in the future, they will become second ministers!"

"I'm ashamed to be listed in the imperial court with you!"

"You hypocrite, since you are really afraid of death, why pretend to be upright in the first place! Are you not ashamed now?"

After the dynasty was over, many ministers pointed at Xie Sheng, and even came over to spurn him face to face.

Xie Sheng could only do his own thing, lowered his head, and said nothing.

He didn't expect that he would fall to this point.

After thinking about it carefully, Xie Sheng suddenly realized that he was cheated by Tianqi and Han Yu. It was obvious that Han Yu didn't really want to fight for the Li family, but just lured him into a trick from beginning to end.

Xie Sheng sighed secretly: "I thought I won a big victory, but it turned out to be the one who lost the worst in Wuchao today."

"All of a sudden, not only did Concubine Li lose her life, but she also lost her reputation! By the way, even Xie Sheng was not a human being inside and out. The key is from beginning to end. No one can definitively say that this matter has something to do with Uncle Guo."

Minister Bi Ziyan couldn't help talking to Yuan Keli, the new Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

Yuan Keli said: "This is a good thing. Among those who support the reform, Uncle Guo can be regarded as No. 1. Now he can clean up those who can't even be dealt with by His Majesty. This is undoubtedly very helpful to boost the reform. The key point is that this also means that His Majesty's attitude has been consistent with that of Uncle Guo from beginning to end, otherwise Uncle Guo would not be so unscrupulous. Therefore, a discerning person can see that the large-scale implementation of the New Deal is inevitable. Things!"

"That's right! This may also be the purpose of Uncle Guo's doing this, to let the local officials know how much he has been favored! This will help the implementation of the New Deal to the whole country!"

Bi Ziyan nodded.

And Zhang Gui is at Zhang Yan's place at this time.

Zhang Yan asked Zhang Gui: "Is the matter of the concubine related to you?"

Zhang Gui nodded.

Zhang Yan fell silent.

After a long while, Zhang Yan said: "This is not an example!"

"Well, next time."

Zhang Gui replied.

"What must it be?"

Zhang Yan asked.

Zhang Gui didn't answer, just said goodbye and left.

After Tian Qi came to Zhang Yan, he said: "Thanks to your brother this time, otherwise it would be difficult for you and me!"

Zhang Yan smiled: "But the concubine is worried that he will get into trouble because of this."

Tian Qi said: "You should worry about me!"

Zhang Yan's beautiful eyes opened, wondering what Tian Qi meant.

Tian Qi said: "I handed over my back to him."

After Zhang Yan heard this, her crescent eyebrows stretched, and she said with a smile: "Your Majesty must be hungry after a day of hard work."

"A little bit, is there anything to eat?"


Zhang Yan laughed.



As soon as Zhang Gui came back, Shang Jinghui prepared delicious delicacies that he carefully cooked for Zhang Gui to satisfy his hunger, and after Zhang Gui finished using up a small bowl, he asked softly.

Zhang Gui said: "Not enough! Your cooking is delicious."

Shang Jinghui smiled sweetly: "From this point of view, falling into the water has no effect on you."

"Of course not! Those who really have influence are those who want me and His Majesty to fall into the water."

As Zhang Gui spoke, he took a bowl of porridge from Shang Jinghui's hand, and said, "The city has been under martial law for several days, and it's time to close the net."

"Be careful lest father worry."

Shang Jinghui said.

"Aren't you worried?"

Zhang Gui asked after finishing his porridge.

Shang Jinghui turned his head and smiled shyly: "I just like to make fun of people!"

"You are only allowed to lie to me, and I am not allowed to make fun of you. What's the point of that!"

Zhang Gui stood up and said, "I have to go there as soon as possible, the people in the inner factory are still waiting for me."

Seeing this, Shang Jinghui hurriedly arranged Zhang Gui's robe and crown.

For a while, when Zhang Gui came outside the mansion, he saw that the new head of the inner factory, Xu Du and Liu Zongmin, had already waited here, and after Zhang Gui came, they said in unison: "Commander!"

Zhang Gui nodded and asked, "Are you ready?"

"Get ready! All barracks are surrounded!"

Xu Du and Liu Zongmin replied.

Therefore, Zhang Gui took out the imperial decree: "Go, arrest people!"

(End of this chapter)

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