Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 210 What does it have to do with Ben Hou who killed him with a handgun?

Chapter 210 What does it have to do with Ben Hou who killed him with a handgun?
Zhang Gui glanced at him and said, "Please."

So, Zhang Fengxiang followed Zhang Gui into the Marquis of Suizhou.

Zhang Guixian asked: "Are you threatening me?!"

After Zhang Fengxiang took a sip of tea, he said, "Originally, I didn't intend to threaten Uncle Guo like this, but to wash Xilin Academy with blood first. The New Deal talents that Uncle Guo has cultivated over the years will be directly taken Once it is destroyed, it would be great. It’s just that Uncle Guo is so ruthless that he first sent a rebel army to Shandong, intending to destroy Confucianism in Qufu! Now he is conducting internal investigations in the Guards, so we have to talk about it. "

"What do you want to talk about?"

Zhang Gui asked.

Zhang Fengxiang said: "In addition to what the old man said just now, I also ask Uncle Guo to withdraw the volunteers sent to Shandong!"

"Others don't know what Uncle Guo means by doing this, but I still know."

"The old man wrote a letter to persuade him, and the Donglin colleagues are also willing to sell the old man's favor, saying that as long as the old man can persuade Uncle Dongguo to promise not to let the rebel army deal with the Kong family, they will not bloody Xilin Academy."

"Of course, now the old man has added a request, that is, Uncle Guo must stop the investigation of the Guards' internal affairs. Even if it can't be stopped, it can't be taken too seriously."

"Otherwise, Uncle Guo's Xilin Academy can only be washed with blood! And there can only be one Donglin Academy in the south of the Yangtze River, and there will be no Xilin Academy!"

"This Marquis hates others threatening me the most!"

Zhang Gui took out his pistol, got up and walked towards Zhang Fengxiang.

Seeing this, Zhang Fengxiang was shocked and asked, "Uncle Guo, what are you going to do?"

Zhang Gui directly shot Zhang Fengxiang in the chest.

The bullet directly penetrated Zhang Fengxiang's chest.

Blood dripped directly onto the chair.

Zhang Fengxiang was shocked and looked at Zhang Gui: "This old man is the Minister of the Ministry of War, Uncle Guo, how can you?!"

"You want to say, how could Benhou be so foolish, right?"

Zhang Gui asked with a smile.

Then, Zhang Gui said: "But this Marquis is just messing around, you go and sue me!"

Zhang Fengxiang gritted his teeth and said, "You, don't you care if the thousands of teachers and students of your Xilin Academy live or die? What they have to face is the three hundred Japanese soldiers hired by the Jiangnan family! All they can use are turtledove guns!"

"Do you think the thousands of teachers and students in my Xilin Academy are unarmed?"

"Also, you are really capable. You would rather arm the barbarians than the long-term tenant workers who are exploited by you like slaves. But you are not willing to arm, which does not mean that the Marquis is unwilling to arm them!"

Zhang Gui replied.

After hearing this, Zhang Fengxiang held his last breath and asked, "You mean?"

Before finishing speaking, Zhang Fengxiang died of anger.

Kill the Minister of the Ministry of War.

Naturally, it is a serious political event.

After all, Shangshu of the Ministry of War is one of the nine cabinet ministers.

Especially the Shangshu of the Ministry of War of the Ming Dynasty has a very high status.

But now, Zhang Gui brazenly beat him to death.

Therefore, when Zhang Gui ordered Zhang Fengxiang to be carried back to the Ministry of War, Xue Guoguan, the left servant of the Ministry of War, and Li Changgeng, the right servant of the Ministry of War, were very surprised and angry.

"What a uncle Zhang Guo, he is so domineering and arrogant, killing my civil servants like a dog! He is simply lawless!"

Xue Guoguan spoke first.

Li Changgeng was also very angry, and said with a cold face: "I didn't expect that Uncle Zhang Guo would be so presumptuous! However, it can be seen from this that our Da Sima went to talk to Uncle Zhang Guo about Xilin Academy in person. The matter was not settled. Uncle Zhang Guo directly flipped the table again."

"Why does he always like to flip the table directly! Doesn't he feel sorry for his thousands of Xilin Academy teachers and students?! To train so many scholars who support his New Deal, it will not be completed in three or four years!"

Xue Guoguan said very depressed.

Li Changgeng smiled wryly: "Who knows, maybe he is such a reckless man who would rather be broken than crumbled!"

"Forget it, instead of talking about it, why don't you just ask!"

Xue Guoguan stood up and said, "I want to ask Uncle Zhang Guo again, what's going on, why he dared to shoot and kill the chief Sima of the imperial court!"

Li Changgeng said: "I will go with you, my military department will not be afraid of his relatives because of this!"

So, Xue Guoguan and Li Changgeng came to Suizhou Marquis Mansion.

As soon as the two saw Zhang Gui, they directly asked: "Uncle Guo, before Da Sima came to your mansion, he was still discussing government affairs with us in the ministry. Why did he come to your mansion and was shot? Why did Uncle Guo want to kill Zhang Gui?" If you kill Da Sima, you have to give an explanation, right?"

Zhang Guiruo said nonchalantly: "No! It wasn't the Marquis who beat him to death."

Xue Guoguan was full of disbelief: "If uncle Guo didn't beat him to death, who else could it be?"

Li Changgeng even said: "Could it be that Uncle Guo wants to let his family members take the blame?"

Zhang Guidao: "It was the pistol that killed him by itself, what does it have to do with Benhou?"

"Can it be killed with a pistol?"

Xue Guoguan and Li Changgeng looked at each other, and were even more annoyed for a moment, because they didn't expect that Zhang Gui would be such a rascal, and would directly ask an object to take the blame, and they didn't even bother to send a servant to take the blame.

Zhang Gui nodded: "It was killed by the pistol! The pistol went off by itself and hit Da Sima. I have to say that Da Sima is also very unlucky."

"Does Uncle Guo think that our civil servants will believe it?"

Xue Guoguan sneered.

Li Changgeng also echoed: "That's right! This is simply impossible!"

Zhang Gui waved his hand and slapped the gun on the table: "Believe it or not! But facts are facts. Bi Maokang, the right servant of the Ministry of Industry, knows best that his new firecrackers are easy to go off. They all went away once, and more than once they went off fire."

There are two meanings in Zhang Gui's words.

The first meaning: It doesn't matter if you don't believe it, as long as His Majesty believes it.

The second meaning, if you don't believe it, this gun will still go off.

Those who know the current affairs are outstanding, so Xue Guoguan said: "Okay! We believe it. But Uncle Guo, can you make sure that people in the world and future generations believe it?!"

Zhang Gui smiled coldly: "That doesn't matter!"

Zhang Gui asked, "Now I should ask you guys."

Xue Guoguan and Li Changgeng looked at each other with doubts in their eyes.

"Great Sima said that there is a big family in the south of the Yangtze River who knows the Japanese and wants to bloodbath the Xilin Academy, and this matter is even related to the Donglin Academy."

As Zhang Gui said, he asked Xue Guoguan and Li Changgeng, "Do you know about this?"

Xue Guoguan denied it, "Of course I don't know."

Li Changgeng also denied it: "That's right!"

"Then do you believe it?"

Zhang Gui asked again.

Xue Guoguan and Li Changgeng hesitated for a moment, then replied in unison: "Trust!"

Zhang Gui smiled and said: "Very good, then follow me into the palace to face the saint and report this matter to His Majesty."

So, Zhang Gui brought Xue Guoguan and Li Changgeng to Tianqi.

As soon as he saw Tianqi, Xue Guoguan played first: "Your Majesty, Uncle Zhang Guo blatantly beat Da Sima to death with a pistol. Just because Da Sima found evidence that he colluded with Japanese slaves and attempted to bloodbath Donglin Academy! Where is Li Shilang?" There is Yuan Yaoran, the censor of Nanzhili, who secretly reported to Da Sima about the evidence that Xichang colluded with Japanese slaves and attempted to bloodbath Donglin Academy!"

Xue Guoguan looked at Li Changgeng as he spoke.

Tian Qi looked at Zhang Gui: "Is this really the case? You killed Da Sima, and you also colluded with Japanese slaves to destroy Donglin Academy?"

Zhang Gui: "..."

He couldn't help looking at Xue Guoguan.

Because he really didn't expect that Xue Guoguan would turn him into an army.

Zhang Gui denied, "Your Majesty! I didn't kill Da Sima, I killed him with the pistol."

"Your Majesty! Uncle Guo is talking nonsense! Your Majesty, please let Li Shilang show the evidence that Uncle Guo colluded with the Japanese slaves and tried to use the Japanese slaves to wash Donglin with blood. Your Majesty will know when he sees it."

Xue Guoguan said another sentence at this time, and sneered.

Therefore, Tian Qi looked at Li Changgeng: "Li Changgeng, is what Xue Guoguan said true?"

Li Changgeng replied: "Return to Your Majesty! Xue Guoguan's words are fabricated!"

Apocalypse: "..."

Li Changgeng continued to reply: "First of all, I don't know how Da Sima was shot in the uncle's house? I only know that the new hand gun developed by Bi Shilang will indeed go off, and His Majesty knows it himself."

"In addition, as for the so-called uncle Guo's collusion with Japanese slaves and attempting to use the hands of Japanese slaves to wash Donglin Academy with blood, I don't have any evidence here!"

"I have never received a secret report from Yuan Yushi at all. If Yuan Yushi has a secret report, there is no need to tell the minister. It can be delivered directly to the Secretary of the General Administration!"

(End of this chapter)

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