Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 211 I want to slaughter the nobles in the south of the Yangtze River!Dude, rush into Donglin

Chapter 211 I want to slaughter the nobles in the south of the Yangtze River!Dude, rush into Donglin Academy!

"That's it."

Tian Qi replied half-believingly.

Li Changgeng said: "I dare not lie to Your Majesty."

Xue Guoguan looked back at Li Changgeng in astonishment.

You backstab me? !
Li Changgeng didn't look back at Xue Guoguan, but only slandered: "You are only allowed to backstab Uncle Guo, but I am not allowed to backstab you?!"

Li Changgeng secretly felt complacent after being slandered in his heart, and thought: "Zhang Fengxiang, Minister of the Ministry of War, was killed, and Xue Guoguan, the left servant, will also be punished. I'm going to be promoted, and I might be able to command the army!"

Suddenly, two evil fires rushed into Xue Guoguan's mind, and he shouted desperately: "Your Majesty! He Li Changgeng is deceiving the emperor! Obviously, Yuan Yushi wrote to him, saying that there are Japanese slaves who will be slaughtered, and Donglin Academy will be slaughtered. He was instructed by Xichang. But he lied in front of the emperor, saying that if there is no such thing, he is deceiving the emperor!"

Tian Qi looked at Li Changgeng after hearing this: "Is what he said true?"

Li Changgeng said: "Your Majesty, Xue Guoguan is deceiving the emperor. It is clear that Yuan Yushi's private letter to his ministers said that the Jiangnan clan colluded with Japanese slaves and bloodbathed Xilin Academy. But he turned black and white, saying that Xichang colluded with Japanese Slave, wash Donglin Academy with blood!"

Xue Guoguan said: "You still said that you did not deceive the emperor! Yuan Yaoran gave you a secret report, but you said no to your majesty! You are deceiving the emperor!"

"Your Majesty, I have not!"

Li Changgeng hastily denied it, and said: "Your Majesty, what Xue Guoguan said is a secret report, a minister's report, but the minister did not receive Yuan Yushi's report, only received Yuan Yushi's private letter. Therefore, A minister is not a bully!"

"But why didn't you say that what you received was Yuan Yushi's private letter?"

Apocalypse asked.

Li Changgeng replied: "Because His Majesty didn't ask."

Apocalypse: "..."

Tian Qi then asked again: "What about private messages?"

Li Changgeng replied: "The minister is burned!"

Tian Qi asked, "Why did you burn it?"

Li Changgeng said: "I don't know either. I accidentally burned it. I was playing with my concubine dripping candles. Who knows, I burned the letter."

Tian Qi made up the picture in his head, and said: "You are very good at playing!"

"Your Majesty! Li Changgeng is talking nonsense, he definitely didn't accidentally burn it!"

Xue Guoguan hastily denied it.

Tian Qi immediately stood up and shouted to Xue Guoguan: "Enough! I will let the people in Dongchang to investigate whether Li Changgeng accidentally burned it! But at least Li Changgeng has already denied your statement and also refused to agree. Your rhetoric. Therefore, your current impeachment of uncle Guo is not convincing evidence, and even slander."

Tian Qi asked Xue Guoguan as he spoke: "I'll ask you, do you have any other evidence to prove that it was the Minister of the Ministry of War who was shot and killed by Uncle Guo?"

"Minister, minister."

Xue Guoguan didn't know what to say.

Seeing this, Tianqi simply ordered: "Come here, send Xue Guoguan, the left servant of the Ministry of War, into the imperial prison, and ask him why he framed the imperial uncle?!"

"According to the order!"

Wei Zhongxian responded, and smiled at Xue Guoguan.

After Xue Guoguan saw Wei Zhongxian's eyes, he couldn't help but shiver.

Then, Jin Yiwei dragged Xue Guoguan down.

Xue Guoguan couldn't help shouting hastily: "Your Majesty! Please spare me!"

Then, Xue Guoguan looked at Li Changgeng with fiery eyes again: "Li Changgeng! You despicable villain, you dare to stab me in the back and lie to His Majesty for your personal official position and career, you will die a terrible death! "

Seeing this, Li Changgeng hurriedly reported to Tian Qi: "Your Majesty! I have been wronged! What I said from the beginning to the end is true. However, Xue Shilang insisted that the minister deceived the emperor! He also said that the minister was confounding black and white for the sake of his position. Minister Jumping into the Yellow River really can't clean it up! I am willing to resign to prove my innocence!"

"Okay! How can I dismiss you just because of one or two slanderous words from others? I am so lucky to return to the Ministry of War, and the Ministry of War will let you temporarily act as Shangshu."

Tian Qi comforted Li Changgeng with kind words.

Li Changgeng was secretly delighted, and hurriedly replied: "Yes!"

"Retire first, go to the Ministry of War, and send someone eight hundred miles to rush to the Governor of Zhejiang Province, ordering him to investigate the matter of the Japanese slaves entering the mainland, and ask him to strengthen defense, especially the location of Xilin Academy. There must be no mistakes!"

Tian Qi continued to give Li Changgeng instructions.

"I retire!"

Li Changgeng retreated.

When Li Changgeng stepped back, Zhang Gui also took a look at him, and said to himself, "These are all fucking human beings!"

"Are you trying to say that they're all smart?"

Tianqi asked Zhang Gui here.

Zhang Gui nodded: "Yes!"

Tian Qi smiled lightly: "I actually don't like this kind of cleverness, it's all for my own self-interest, and I dare to sell everything, just like the situation shown by the internal investigation of the Guards, these powerful bureaucrats, for their own self-interest, don't hesitate Marrying the daughter and granddaughter of one's own family to the officials and academies as a nameless concubine is really extremely cold-blooded!"

"Didn't Xu Huating marry Yan Fenyi back then, this is not new in this dynasty."

Zhang Gui replied.

"Yeah! It's not a new thing. But presumably, they don't want me to take this as a new thing, and then prevent the relevant personnel from taking military power because of it?"

Apocalypse asked.

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

As Zhang Gui spoke, he told Tian Qi why Zhang Fengxiang came to him.

"What?! They want to collude with Japanese slaves and wash Xilin Academy with blood?!"

Therefore, Tianqi suddenly got up and asked.

Zhang Guidao: "The Lu Cheng who returned to Xilin Academy has already been killed by them, and his head was placed outside the imperial residence of the minister."

"Lu Cheng?!"

Tian Qi glanced at Zhang Gui in astonishment. He had some impressions of Lu Cheng, because Lu Cheng was recommended by Xia Yunyi when he was in Suizhou, and he reported the people's livelihood to him alone as the emperor.

For a moment, Tian Qi couldn't help suppressing his anger, and asked, "Will it be related to Donglin Academy?"

Zhang Guidao: "It's not impossible! The fact that Xilin Academy is open next to them really makes them very uncomfortable."

Tian Qi threw a memorandum in his hand on the case, and said: "Ignore the rules and laws of the country! They are very reactionary! If their Jiangnan gentry dare to slaughter Xilin, then their Jiangnan gentry will be slaughtered by me!"

Zhang Guidao: "Your Majesty, please appease your anger! The fact that this happened was within my expectation."

"How do you say that?"

Apocalypse asked accordingly.

Zhang Gui replied: "Because apart from colluding with external forces to fight against the New Deal, can they also directly unite with the people of the country who have been enslaved by them?"

After speaking, Zhang Gui said again: "In my opinion, if necessary, they would even recognize foreign barbarians as masters in order to be masters of their own compatriots, let alone colluding with foreign barbarians. So, this This kind of thing, I have already anticipated and prepared for it."

"How did you prepare?"

Apocalypse asked.

Zhang Guidao: "Arm people they don't want to arm!"

"Your Majesty, our industry in Xishan was not built in vain."


Jiangnan Xilin Academy.

"Have you checked it out? There are indeed Japanese pirates in Wuxi?"

Huang Binqing, head of Xilin Academy, asked Wang Zhiren, a student of Xilin Academy.

Wang Zhiren said: "It's absolutely true! According to reports from our informants in Gao's tenants, these Japanese pirates went to Donglin Academy after looting Zhangqiao Town not far from here."

"Donglin Academy?!"

Huang Binqing asked.

Wang Zhiren nodded.

Huang Binqing decided quite decisively: "Since this is the case, there is no need to delay. Immediately send an order to distribute weapons to the students, as well as the workers in various workshops, and the people of the nearby tenants. Organize them to go to Donglin Academy to kill Japanese pirates together!"

Wang Zhiren responded: "Good!"

After about the third day, Huang Binqing personally led tens of thousands of people to Donglin Academy with various weapons such as turtledove blunderbuss and thunderbolt.

Here, Gao Shitai and Gu Qiyuan are leading the pirate leader Shimadzu Shishiro together.

Gao Shitai also said: "As long as you wash Xilin Academy with blood! We will give you another 50 taels of silver!"

Shimadzu Shishiro said: "Don't worry! When will you act?"

"It's not in a hurry. I have to wait for a letter from Jingli. If Uncle Zhang Guo compromises, you can still take the 50 taels of silver, but there is no need to bloodbath Xilin Academy."

Gao Shitai said.

But at this moment, Gao Shitai's domestic slave came quickly and shouted: "Master, many ministers and villagers came outside, all holding firecrackers! They have already killed the Japanese outside the academy! They are rushing in. !"


(End of this chapter)

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