Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 213 Slaughter the children of the Jiangnan gentry, bloodbath Donglin Academy!

Chapter 213 Slaughter the children of the Jiangnan gentry, bloodbath Donglin Academy!
"You dare?"

Gao Shitai asked with a sneer.

Gao Shitai went on to say: "They are all descendants of the Jiangnan gentry, and the family has either been a cabinet minister or a minister. If you dare to slaughter them, you will be enemies of the entire Jiangnan family!"

Wang Zhiren hesitated and glanced at Huang Binqing.

Huang Binqing's thinking was radical, otherwise, he would not have ordered all Xilin students and soldiers to break into Donglin Academy to arrest them.

Therefore, Huang Binqing shot and killed An Xiqing, a member of the Donglin party who stood in the front, directly on the spot.

"Why don't you dare! To be enemies with you, what our people lose is only shackles, but what they gain is the dignity of being a human being!"

As Huang Binqing spoke, he said to the villagers behind him: "Block it, shoot and kill! If you don't kill them today, they will kill you tomorrow!"

"From the moment you pick up your firearms and decide not to work for them anymore, they won't let people like you live again!"

"In their eyes, you are already troublemakers, bandits, and thugs!"

"Villagers, kill them, kill them with your firearms! Use the method taught to you by the masters of Xilin Academy to hunt and kill them! Tell them who is Daozu and who is fish!"

With Huang Binqing's clamor, Cen Yong, the tenants and long-term workers armed by Xilin Academy, all opened fire on the scholars of Donglin Academy outside without hesitation.

These tenants and long-term workers already had class hatred with the children of these aristocratic families, and they were often scorned and despised by these people. After being inspired by some scholars in Xilin Academy, they knew that these people are the ones who are living like cattle and horses now. , the root of the crime of being bullied arbitrarily by the big slaves, has also accumulated a lot of hatred against the children of these aristocratic families.

Therefore, now that Huang Binqing said that since they had decided to be human beings and had no way out, these tenants and long-term workers did not hesitate to use their firearms to kill the Donglin scholars who were blocking the way.

Many Donglin scholars fell down like being cut wheat grass.

Gao Shitai was shocked when he saw this scene.

Gu Qiyuan couldn't even help shouting: "Stop! You all stop! Huang Mingfu, you bastard, you let these untouchables kill the children of my family with firearms, you are ruining the order of the world!"

Huang Binqing ignored it.

Seeing this, the Donglin Scholars outside had no choice but to flee one after another, instead of daring to block them outside.

Shimazu Shishiro, the leader of the pirates, was also frightened by this scene.

He also didn't expect that in the hinterland of the Ming Dynasty, he would see many poor people in ragged clothes, holding the advanced firearms sold to him by the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River at a high price, frantically hunting down the gorgeously dressed and obviously noble scholars in Tsing Yi.

Shimadzu Shishiro suddenly felt that the Ming world was crazy.

He began to regret that he was hired by the Jiangnan gentry to come here to bloody Xilin Academy and loot some surrounding villages and towns along the way.

"Say! What the hell are you doing here?!"

Not long after, Huang Binqing stood on a high platform in Donglin Academy, pointing at Shimadzu Shishiro, who was tied up by five flowers, and interrogated him.

Shi Shishirou was afraid of death and dared not lie, so he said, "I was invited by Gao Shitai and Gu Qiyuan to wash your Xilin Academy with blood."


Many Xilin scholars were astonished when they heard this, and they all glared at Gao Shitai and Gu Qiyuan.

The excited Xilin scholars even walked towards Gao Shitai and Gu Qiyuan with firearms, pointed at them and said, "Why do you want to bloodbath my Xilin Academy!"

Gao Shitai flatly denied it: "This is slander by the Japanese! Pure slander!"

Gu Qiyuan followed suit and said, "That's right, it's just slander, how can you believe it! How could my Donglin collude with foreign barbarians to destroy your Xilin?! As an important place for Confucianism, my Donglin has always been a place of advocating morality and morality. How could you do such a thing!"

"Is it just the bloodbath of Xilin Academy?!"

At this time, Huang Binqing asked Shishi Shishiro.

Shimadzu Shishiro said: "By the way, we slaughtered and looted some towns. One is to create panic and make you afraid of us. The other is to make it easy for the local big families who joined us to annex land. Some villagers were slaughtered by us. Their land Naturally, it belongs to these big families, and we can also get money, and go to sea smoothly with their help! But many times, we will also sell many women and children we robbed to them as slaves, and then go to sea with the money they gave .”

After hearing this, Huang Binqing ordered: "Go and search! Is there any silver here, and is there any kidnapped women and children!"


Therefore, Wang Zhiren took people to search for it.

Seeing this, Gao Shitai became anxious, and hurriedly shouted: "Ming Fu Gong! I have something to discuss! Can you give me a face for everyone in Donglin, and in the future, the Jiangnan family can also give you a face!"

Gu Qiyuan also hurriedly shouted: "Ming Fugong! It is indeed our fault to want to slaughter Xilin, but it is also the reason why Xilin has greatly damaged the foundation of my Confucianism and changed the world! I would like to donate 300 million taels of silver to Xilin. To make up for this mistake, I also hope that Ming Fugong will be magnanimous and let me go to Donglin Academy, instead of forcing each other to the point where swords are drawn!"

Huang Binqing sneered and said, "It was you who first chose to speak with a sword. How can you expect others to speak without a sword?"

"Report! We found a large number of kidnapped women and children in the backyard, and their limbs were tied together!"

"Report! We found a lot of gold and silver jewelry in the backyard that we haven't had time to deal with. Many of the gold and silver jewelry still have blood stains!"

"Report! There are still many land deeds!"


Not long after, a scholar from Xilin Academy came to report with a firecracker.

After hearing this, Huang Binqing said: "First bring out the women and children, as well as jewelry and land deeds, so that the villagers can identify which are their relatives and property!"


"My son!"


"my daughter!"


"elder sister!"


Not long after, when many women and children were brought over, many villagers mobilized by the scholars of Xilin Academy ran over on the spot and hugged their wives and children and cried bitterly.

"You devoid of conscience, you actually colluded with Japanese pirates and took our wives and children away. We thought you were all good people!"

"This is the dowry jewelry of my daughter's natal family. Why did it appear in your Donglin Academy? You can exchange my daughter's innocence!"

Because of this, many villagers were completely angry and directly beat up the people from Donglin Academy.

Seeing this, Huang Binqing shouted: "Villagers! Don't be in a hurry to kill them. Since Donglin Academy has done so many evil things, we will tie them up first, and then escort them to parade the streets with the Japanese pirates, so that more The villagers all saw their true colors, and then killed them in front of the villagers! Also bloodbathed the entire Donglin Academy!"

"it is good!"

"Let them parade through the streets and wash Donglin Academy with blood!"

"Bloodwash Donglin Academy!"

"Bloodwash Donglin Academy!"


The crowd became excited, shouting loudly one by one.

"be honest!"

"Do not move!"


As a result, all Donglin scholars were tied up, and together with the Japanese pirates, they were escorted to the upper street.

And more villagers, because these Donglin people and Japanese pirates paraded together, knew clearly that the Donglin people had colluded with the Japanese pirates, so they angrily threw dung and stones at these Donglin people and Japanese pirates. Reviled them, beat them.

Donglin native Gao Shitai and others and Japanese pirate Shimadzu Shishiro and others were humiliated and tortured.

In the end, these people were taken to Donglin Academy and executed by shooting.

For a time, the entire Donglin Academy was gunshot and blood flowed like a river.

A large number of scholars in Tsing Yi lay dead inside and outside the academy.

"Forgive me! Forgive me! Don't kill me!"

Gao Shitai also cried out in despair, and was finally shot dead by his tenant Cen Yong.

Because of this, Cen Yong said coldly: "If you hang my father from a tree and beat him to death, I will beat you to death today!"

Gu Qiyuan looked at the entire Donglin Academy, which was filled with blood and porridge like hell, and wanted to cry without tears, saying: "It's an insult to the gentlemen, it's an insult to the gentlemen, my Jiangnan culture will never be seen again!"

"Break your mother!"

As soon as Gu's parents cursed, they pulled the trigger and shot Gu Qiyuan to the ground.

But at this moment, many people shouted from outside Donglin Academy.

"Stop! You bandits and thugs dare to slaughter Donglin and mess with Jiangnan, we will make you die without a place to die!"

It turned out that many descendants of aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River who came from other places to protect Donglin were bringing Japanese soldiers and Xiyi soldiers hired by Yonghe from their hometown to save Donglin Academy.

Now these people just rushed over, and pointed at Huang Binqing and others and shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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