Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 214 Line up to shoot the rich family of the south of the Yangtze River!

Chapter 214 Line up to shoot the rich family of the south of the Yangtze River!

"They brought a lot of people!"

Therefore, Huang Binqing spoke to Wang Zhiren and other people from Xilin Academy with a solemn expression.

Wang Zhiren also nodded and said: "Sure enough, Uncle Guo is right. We cannot underestimate the strength of these reactionary landlords. Only by mobilizing the largest number of people can we defeat them."

"Uncle Guo is the originator of our Xilin Academy, and his words have always been far-sighted!"

Huang Binqing followed up and said, "Send the signal flare! Let these people come and go!"

"it is good!"

It didn't take long for Wang Zhiren to launch a signal bomb similar to the nature of the sky-piercing cannon into the sky.

At the same time, the villagers in various towns and farms outside knew the news of the police in Donglin Academy, and under the leadership of the scholars of Xilin Academy mobilized by the local organization, they took up firearms and rushed to Xilin Academy Come.

It turned out that Zhang Gui had long instructed Xilin Academy to use the scholars of Xilin Academy as the backbone vanguard to train and mobilize the people, and form a farm organization to cooperate with Xilin Academy to carry out necessary armed struggles when necessary.

The Xishan Industrial Division will directly provide weapons to these people.

As for the money to buy these weapons, it was paid by Xichang.

After all, Xichang is not short of money now, and has already started collecting protection fees overseas.

And now, Xilin Academy has instigated many people in this area to join agricultural societies at all levels.

Even, Xilin Academy directly bought these people through the profits from its own industrial workshops.

All the tenants and long-term workers who joined the farm cooperative will receive special help from Xilin Academy, such as resisting the exploitation and oppression of the big slaves, and will also receive direct financial help.

Therefore, the tenants and long-term workers in this area have long been the supporters of Xilin Academy under the organization of the farm cooperative.

What's more, there are many workers in the major workshops under the name of Xilin Academy.

And these workers are more organized. Driven by the scholars of Xilin Academy, they have become the backbone of the agricultural social workers' associations organized by the scholars of Xilin Academy.

Xilin Academy has secretly formed a powerful force by organizing these people!
It was also because of this that Huang Binqing dared to lead people into Donglin Academy and bloodbathed Donglin Academy.

Of course, Donglin Academy cannot accommodate Xilin Academy.

Even the aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River behind Donglin Academy colluded with Japanese pirates to bloodbath Xilin Academy because Xilin Academy had violated the interests of these aristocratic families after secretly mobilizing the people.

For example, the tenants will be able to resist the unreasonable land rent imposed by the aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River because of the protection of Xilin Academy.

And because of the help of Xilin Academy, he can win the lawsuit against the aristocratic family in the south of the Yangtze River.

Because of the support of Xilin Academy, many scholars from poor families can get fairer opportunities in the imperial examinations, so that many aristocratic families can no longer protect the privileges of their own aristocratic families by manipulating the imperial examinations.

Therefore, both Gao Shitai and Gu Qiyuancai of Donglin Academy can't wait to wash Xilin Academy with blood.

What's more, Xilin Academy has really given many children from poor families the opportunity to study, and it is growing rapidly.

This undoubtedly made people like Gao Shitai even more unbearable.

Therefore, it finally led to such a fierce scene today, and the two sides finally had to speak with swords.

After Huang Binqing ordered the firing of signal flares, he did not order to stop the bloodbath of Donglin scholars, but still commanded the scholars and villagers of Xilin Academy to shoot Donglin scholars.

Cai Baotai, a Jiangnan official and gentry who brought five hundred red-haired mercenaries to protect Donglin's safety, saw that batches of Donglin scholars were still being killed, so that corpses in Tsing Yi were floating all over the place, he couldn't help being furious, and urgently ordered: "Destroy these unruly people and bandits for me! Every one who gets a first-class head will be rewarded with ten taels of silver!"


The five hundred red-haired mercenaries held matchlock guns and walked towards Donglin Academy step by step.

Seeing this, Huang Binqing immediately ordered Wang Zhiren: "Keep the gate of the hospital!"

Wang Zhiren nodded, and rushed to the gate of the courtyard with a firearms team consisting of five hundred Xilin scholars.

But at this time, there were already many people outside, led by Xilin Shizi, holding firecrackers, rushing from all directions.

The killing sound is shocking.

Cai Baotai was shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly ordered his mercenaries to withdraw to protect his own safety.

And Chen Sichong, the official and gentry who came with Cai Baotai, did not dare to send his Sanqian Xiangyong to attack Donglin Academy, and let his Sanqian Xiangyong stay in place to protect his own safety.

Other Jiangnan officials and gentry who came to protect Donglin also arranged for their mercenaries and Xiangyong to line up.

Although the armed forces of these Jiangnan aristocratic families have not yet collapsed, Cai Baotai was still very nervous because he saw many people charging towards them with firearms, and said to Chen Sichong: "I haven't come to Donglin Academy to give lectures for several years. Unexpectedly, there are so many thugs and bandits here!"

"It's not because of the emergence of this Xilin Academy. This Xilin Academy is very good at inciting the people, bewitching the obedient people into unreasonable people, destroying my famous teaching, and using strange skills to destroy the hearts of the world!"

Chen Sichong then said angrily.


The scholars of Xilin Academy have led their respective armed forces to a place not far from the armed forces of these Jiangnan aristocratic families.

Because these armed forces composed of local people belong to Xichang in name.

Therefore, the establishment of these armed forces is the same as that of Xichang, and below the division are the general team, brigade, sentry, flag, and small flag.

Among them, each post corresponds to each county, each banner is naturally each li and each town, and each small banner is each village.

At this time, Xu Bang brought Cen Yong, a sentry Xilin township soldier, totaling more than a thousand people, and walked towards the mercenaries and township warriors under the command of these Jiangnan aristocratic families in front of him.

These Jiangnan aristocratic families ordered their mercenaries and village warriors to open fire.

The gunfire was like thunder.

White smoke filled the air.

However, the Xilin Township soldiers on Xu Bang's side did not fire their guns. Xu Bang even shouted in person: "Pass it on, there is no order! Don't fire the guns in advance!"

"Without an order, you are not allowed to release the guns in advance!"

After hearing this, Cen Yong spread the word to the people behind him.

"Without an order, you are not allowed to release the guns in advance!"

All of a sudden, the Xilin township soldiers conveyed in this way one after another, and they all just carried the turtledove blunderbuss and walked forward step by step.

Not long after, Cen Yong, who was walking in the first row, realized that these people were almost within the range of the opponent's firecrackers, and he panicked for a while, and couldn't help but look at Xu Bang.

Xu Bang shouted at this time: "Keep going! Supervisor Banner draws his sword, and those who retreat will be cut!"

"Keep going! Supervisor Banner draws his sword! Those who retreat will be cut!"

The soldiers of the Supervising Banner, all composed of scholars from Xilin Academy, drew out their swords one after another.

Xu Bang drew out his sword himself.

And Cen Yong and other Xilin township soldiers continued to walk forward, but the firecrackers in their hands were pulled tighter and tighter.


Suddenly, soldiers from Xilin began to be shot by the opponent's blunderbuss because they entered the range of the opponent's firearm, and they fell to the ground and screamed.

Cen Yong and other Xilin township soldiers became even more nervous.

Cen Yong wanted to drop the firecracker immediately, turn around and run away.

At this moment when he was about to be beaten to death at any time, he instinctively just wanted to survive.


But just when Cen Yong was about to drop the heavy turtledove gun and turn around to run, he saw that the sentry officer Xu Xianggong had already stabbed to death a village soldier who had turned around and was about to run away, and then other superintendents also killed him. Several country soldiers turned around and wanted to run.

Seeing this, Cen Yong had no choice but to turn around immediately, holding the firecracker and continuing to walk forward.

Seeing that the mercenaries and country braves brought by these Jiangnan aristocratic families are getting closer and closer, they are only seventy steps away.

At this moment, Cen Yong's palms were already covered with sweat and sticky, and his heart was beating loudly.

Moreover, he also found that more and more rural soldiers were shot and fell down, which made him mutter: "When can I release the gun!"

"Keep going, don't let go of the gun!"

But at this time, Xu Bang still refused to let the gun go.

Therefore, more township soldiers fell, even if they were alive, they were only forced to move forward under the pressure of the war supervisors.

Cen Yong was gritting his teeth right now, he wished he could fire a gun right away, in his opinion, it would be worth it even if he died.


But at this time, Cen Yong discovered that his fellow villager had let go of the gun ahead of time because he couldn't withstand the pressure, and was killed by Xu Xianggong, who had always been gentle and refined, with a single gun!

And this Xu Xianggong was still shouting at this time: "Those who release the gun in advance will be killed without mercy!"

Seeing this, Cen Yong couldn't help but feel refreshed, and hurriedly resisted the idea of ​​firing the gun, and had no choice but to grit his teeth and move on.

On the opposite side, Cai Baotai, Chen Sichong and other descendants of Jiangnan aristocratic families, as well as their mercenaries and village warriors, became elated because they saw these village soldiers keep falling down.

They obviously haven't realized why these local soldiers didn't fire back when they were so close.

The Xilin township soldiers entered only fifty steps away from the enemy.

Next, forty steps!

The Xilin township soldiers continued to grit their teeth and move forward.

Xu Bang and other Xilin scholars also continued to urge the Xilin township soldiers to advance with strict military discipline, and encouraged these villagers who had only received training and most of them had no actual combat experience: "Keep going! We are all hungry and cold people." , or starve to death, or be forced to death by the big family, or die in battle! But die in battle on the way forward, at least you and my descendants still have hope!"

Zhang Dai, the instructor and scholar who was with Xu Bang, also encouraged behind: "From the moment you take up arms, you have no way out! Reactionary big families will not allow a commoner who takes up arms to survive! You guys In their eyes, they are already troublemakers and bandits! Only by killing them can you live!"

"Either you die or I live, there is no choice!"

Other Xilin scholars also followed suit.

Cen Yong gritted his teeth tighter because of this, and continued to move forward like the other villagers.

Thirty steps.

Twenty steps.

As the distance between the two sides got closer, Cai Baotai, Chen Sichong and other descendants of the Jiangnan family and their mercenaries and village warriors began to feel flustered, and the bullets they fired became more and more chaotic.

Because the appearance of these Xilin township soldiers on the opposite side kept advancing, it began to cause a strong psychological pressure on them, making them feel that these people seem to be brave enough to die!

And the distance to the two sides was only twenty steps, seeing the opponent's face clearly, Cen Yong's psychological defense line had completely collapsed, he could not listen to the motivational words of the Xilin scholars, and began to decide, even if he was hacked to death by the supervisor Banner , and when he was about to turn around and run away, he heard Xu Qiang and Xu Xianggong shout: "Let go!"

Cen Yong's spirit couldn't help being lifted again, he quickly pulled the trigger, and released all the bullets in the barrel at the chest of the enemy in front of him.

At this time, the other soldiers pulled the trigger with relief and released all the bullets.

(End of this chapter)

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