Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 223 Deceive the king, cut them all off!

Chapter 223 Deceive the king, cut them all off!


Tianqi immediately agreed to Chen Zizhuang's performance.

Li Guopu, Shi Fenglai, Zhang Ruitu, Hu Maowen, Wang Qingye and other civil officials were surprised.

As if being shocked by an electric shock, he stayed on the spot.

Yang Yuelin, Ye Mingchun, the great Confucians of Donglin, didn't they die?

Tadakatsu Sakai, the old man of the Tokugawa Shogunate, brought a group of people to the main hall, and knelt down obediently in front of Apocalypse.

Tianqi looked at these Japanese people and asked: "Wait for the Japanese slaves to slaughter and plunder the people of the Shang Kingdom, can you be convicted of a crime?"

In this era, the Ming Dynasty was full of martial virtues, especially in the early years of Tianqi, Zhang Gui ordered Xichang to proclaim its prestige after Edo, so in order to better understand the powerful Ming Empire, Sakai Tadakatsu had already learned Chinese, and he could understand Zhu Youxiao He replied: "The minister of Fanbang is guilty! I beg His Majesty the Emperor of Shang Kingdom to show mercy!"

Seeing these Japanese people kneeling in front of them so obediently and begging for mercy, and being looked down upon by him, Tian Qi was very pleased with his heart, so he continued to ask: "Shicai, my minister said that some people from this dynasty colluded with you and fled away. You wait for the barbarian country, can there be such a thing?"

Tadakatsu Sakai replied: "It is true, but they are not in collusion with the shogunate, they are just in collusion with the Xiaofan Kashima Fan, and now the Fanbang Xiaochen has been ordered by Shang Guoxichang to arrest the Kashima Fan who committed crimes against the feudal lord. The people who have committed crimes with the Shang Kingdom are escorted to His Majesty’s disposal! They have been detained outside the palace and handed over to His Majesty’s imperial guards.”

After hearing this, Tian Qi said, "Bring in!"

Not much later, Yang Yuelin, Ye Mingchun, and Kashima feudal lord Masaoshima Nabeshima were all shackled and shackled, taken to the front of the imperial court, and knelt on the ground.

Yang Chengjun, named Yue Lin, and other Confucian scholars in Donglin did not expect that he would still be escorted back after he escaped from Zhongtu.

Of course, this idea is due to the fact that after the establishment of the West Factory, Zhang Gui asked the West Factory to promote the martial arts of the Great Ming Dynasty overseas, which has already forced the Japanese shogunate and other powerful foreign figures to bow their knees in front of the West Factory.

Therefore, it is basically impossible for those who committed crimes in Daming to get away with getting away with it.

"Criminal Yang Chengjun kowtowed to His Majesty, I hope His Majesty will be merciful!"

Yang Chengjun can only obey the reality now, and honestly kowtows to Tianqi to beg for mercy.

Tian Qi looked at Li Fan at this time: "Didn't you say that they have already died?"


Li Fan was sweating all over his head, so he hurriedly said, "I'm just a hearsay, and I believe it to be true according to Hu Siye's words."

Hu Maowen stood up at this time and said: "The minister is just a rumor, and now I think it is wrong. Yang Gong and others did not die, but went to the East. But, Your Majesty, the Xilin Rebel Party really colluded with foreigners to wash Donglin. Academy, and trying to bring chaos to the south of the Yangtze River, not what the Japanese said, it was colluded with Donglin Academy!"

Sakai Zhongsheng said: "Fanbang ministers dare not lie to His Majesty the Emperor of Shangguo! Those who colluded with the Kashima clan are not from Xilin Academy of Shangguo, but from Donglin Academy. Nabeshima Masaobu has already sent to the Ministry of Rites of the Kingdom Chen Shilang presented a letter in which Gao Shitai, Gu Qiyuan, a great Confucian of the Donglin Academy, covenanted with them to bloodbath the Xilin Academy and share the benefits of Ryukyu."

Therefore, Tianqi asked Chen Zizhuang: "Is there such a thing?"

Chen Zizhuang took the letter out of his sleeve and held it up with both hands: "But there is this! Yang Chengjun is also the mastermind, so he can be a witness."

Yang Chengjun also knelt on the ground at this time, and replied truthfully: "It is true that the sinners and other Donglin people are the masterminds. They did not want to see Xilin Academy harm the scholars and people in the south of the Yangtze River, so they have to make such a move! Your Majesty does not know, since the appearance of Xilin Academy , the number of unruly people in the south of the Yangtze River is increasing day by day, forcing officials and gentry to reduce rent and exempt rent, and even coerce the government to order all workshops and commercial firms to increase wages and reduce work! That's why we have to do this. Please learn from your majesty!"

Tian Qi had already got the letter at this time, read it once, and then glared angrily at Shi Fenglai, Hu Maowen and other civil officials who spoke for Donglin Academy in the court today: "How dare you turn black and white!"

Shi Fenglai, Hu Maowen and others hurriedly prostrated themselves on the ground.

Shi Fenglai said first: "Your Majesty! I just misbelieved the words of Hu Maowen and others. I didn't know that it was Donglin Academy colluding with foreign barbarians and intending to bloodbath Xilin Academy! If you want to say that black and white are wrong, it can only be Hu Maowen and other treacherous little people." People are confounding black and white, confusing right and wrong, so they have fooled the minister!"

Shi Fenglai can still blame Hu Maowen.

But Hu Maowen had no one to push him away, and he was at a loss for a moment.

After he calmed down, Hu Maowen realized that these civil servants from Jiangnan gentry had obviously lost because he thought that Yang Chengjun and others would not come back from Dongyang, but he did not expect that the Japanese shogunate would be so cowardly and directly took the initiative to flee to Dongyang. The Donglin people escorted them back, and even handed over their own daimyo vassal lord.

Before this, Hu Maowen didn't realize that their real opponent, Uncle Zhang Guo, had actually been dealing with them in a bigger way than just fighting them within the circle of the Ming Empire. The powerful force overseas put pressure on the shogunate, and the smart shogunate could not oppose Xichang, so it had no choice but to directly lock up the lord of the Kashima vassal, Yang Chengjun and others, and hand them over to Daming for disposal.

But now, Hu Maowen suddenly realized that since people like himself can collude with foreigners to deal with Xilin Academy, why can't the Xichang behind Xilin Academy deal with Donglin Party and himself and Donglin Party by intimidating foreigners? Jiangnan gentry with the same interests.

"I have nothing to say!"

Therefore, Hu Maowen said something at this time, and then said: "But your majesty, Xichangxing is domineering overseas, bullying foreign countries, and even interfering in the affairs of other countries, which is really harmful to the state of the country! It will also cause resentment from foreign countries! Your Majesty Aren't you worried that if things go on like this, when our Ming's national power declines, other countries will retaliate against us and wantonly invade our Daming?!"

Hu Maowen knew that people like himself were doomed to turn black and white, so he didn't bother to beg for mercy, and only shifted the topic of the court discussion to Ming's foreign policy.

Tian Qi stood up at this moment, and said with a calm face: "Since you have nothing to say, then don't say it. Now the truth has come to light. Those who complain about Donglin Academy are all confusing right and wrong, and deceiving the king. !"

Then, Tianqi said again: "It is obvious that Donglin Academy colluded with foreign barbarians, disregarded the emperor's guideline and state law, and attempted to bloodbath Xilin Academy first, but you and others said that Xilin Academy colluded with foreigners and bloodbathed Donglin Academy. He also blatantly said It is said that Xilin Academy is instigating bandits and bandits to bring troubles in the south of the Yangtze River."

As he said that, Tian Qi asked: "You guys, how can I trust you!"

"Your Majesty! I really just mistrusted Hu Maowen and others' one-sided words! It's not that I really want to deceive you!"

Shi Fenglai began to cry at this time, and now he regrets that he shouldn't be the first to stand up.

Zhang Ruitu also regretted that he should not stand up in a hurry, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty! I was just in a daze for a while, and I misled Hu Maowen and other false words, and I didn't mean to deceive the king! I hope your majesty will be merciful!"

Tian Qi snorted at this time, and then asked Li Fan: "What's the matter with the blood letter you submitted?"

Presenting Yang Chengjun's blood book and saying that Li Fan, which he wrote before his martyrdom, had already collapsed to the ground because of the appearance of the real Yang Chengjun, at this time he could only prostrate on the ground and truthfully replied: "It was forged by my minister! "

As he spoke, Li Fan cried and said, "Your Majesty, spare me! I dare not do it again!"

Chen Zizhuang took this opportunity and immediately reported again: "Your Majesty! Now the truth has come to light. It was Donglin Academy who betrayed the country first, and then murdered the scholars and people of the country! The so-called rebellious people in their mouths are just forced by them. Good people who have nowhere to go. As for the so-called liquidation, it is nothing more than Xichang's decree to eradicate traitors. It is not impossible to follow, and there is no purpose to follow! However, these treacherous and rebellious officials in the court brazenly gave these people the initiative to fight against the Japanese. The kind-hearted people who scavenge traitors have the name of a chaotic party, and their hearts should be punished! Because they are simply deceiving the emperor! They intend to disrupt the country and misuse our Ming society, and want to make your majesty a senseless and stupid king who kills innocent people indiscriminately!"

"What Chen Qing said is true!"

Tian Qi nodded after hearing this, and then ordered in a cold voice: "Drag out all those who are in the court, who turn black and white, and who colluded with foreign barbarians for the crime of Donglin's rebellion against the party on Xilin Academy, and who deceive the emperor. , cut it off!"

(End of this chapter)

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