Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 224 The performance of civil servants bound by the emperor's interests, Mission: Imposs

Chapter 224 The performance of civil servants bound by the emperor's interests, Mission: Impossible Ye Chengxue

Shi Fenglai and Zhang Ruitu, the two cabinet ministers, collapsed on the ground, their faces ashen.

They didn't expect this ending.

Therefore, the two are also very puzzled now, why the ending is like this.

Didn't His Majesty no longer tolerate Xilin Academy, nor support Xilin Academy's actions in Jiangnan?

After all, even Uncle Guo was imprisoned for this.

Eunuch Wei was granted the title of nine thousand years old, surpassing Uncle Zhang Guo and becoming the emperor's new number one favorite.

This undoubtedly means that His Majesty is dissatisfied with Uncle Zhang Guo.

But why all of a sudden, Xilin Academy and Xichang can turn their backs because the Japanese shogunate took the initiative to offer up the pirate leader and Donglin Daru?
Even Li Fan, the grandson of Eunuch Wei, bet on the wrong treasure because of this.

This clearly shows that Eunuch Wei has also been tricked by His Majesty?

how so!
What is His Majesty thinking? !

If there is no dissatisfaction with Uncle Zhang Guo and the Xilin Academy and Xichang behind Uncle Zhang Guo, why should Uncle Zhang Guo be imprisoned and Wei Zhongxian be named nine thousand years old? !

Could it be that His Majesty deliberately set up a trap to trap people like himself in order to catch them all?
Thinking hard!
Shi Fenglai and Zhang Ruitu looked at Tianqi tremblingly for a while.

The power of the carpenter-loving emperor in front of him is beyond what people like himself can imagine.

"Your surname is Yang! You Donglin people have the guts to collude with foreign barbarians to murder Xilin scholars, why don't you have the guts to really die for the martyrdom? You insist on making everyone decapitated now!"

Therefore, when Shi Fenglai was dragged down, he couldn't help but scolded Yang Chengjun, and then scolded Chen Zizhuang: "Your surname is Chen, how much did Xichang do to you, to speak for them, and even for those rogue people? You also helped them to entrap us people! You are a scholar-bureaucrat in vain!"

Both Yang Chengjun and Chen Zizhuang ignored it.

Yang Chengjun frankly admitted his crimes in front of Tianqi, naturally because he cherished his life, and hoped that Tianqi would treat him leniently.

But Chen Zizhuang just said silently in his heart: "I did this for justice and for the sake of the common people, not because Xichang bought me, and I couldn't be because of the 2 taels of silver given to me by the industrial department of my uncle. , I betrayed myself! Everything I did was for justice!"

Thinking of it this way, Chen Zizhuang felt much more at ease.

Zhang Ruitu did not yell. He now knows that his yelling is useless, because the facts are obvious. From the beginning to the end, his courtiers have been played by Tian Qi and Uncle Zhang Guo. The fish to be slaughtered, otherwise, it may be played by it after all.

Hu Maowen, Wang Qingye and other civil servants who were really born in the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River were still a little unwilling. The Xilin people who were unwilling to mobilize the people in the south of the Yangtze River to equalize the land were not classified as a rebellious party, nor did they allow the imperial court to send a large army to suppress it.

Therefore, Hu Maowen still shouted anxiously before his death: "Your Majesty! Even though the ministers are guilty, if the imperial court really does not suppress the Xilin rebellious party, the Jiangnan gentry will be at odds with the imperial court! Please think twice, Your Majesty!"

Wang Qingye even directly threatened: "Your Majesty really wants to make Jiangnan more chaotic, and lose Jiangnan from now on?!"

"Your Majesty! From the point of view of my ministers, there is no king's land in the whole world, and no king's subject on the shore of the land. Therefore, Jiangnan is not the Jiangnan of Jiangnan gentry, but Jiangnan of your majesty! If it is because your majesty does not follow the will of Jiangnan gentry, and Jiangnan If the gentry does not recognize His Majesty as the king, then this Jiangnan gentry is no different from a traitor! He should be punished!"

As the mouthpiece of the reformists, Chen Zizhuang continued to talk at this time.

Tian Qi agreed and said: "What you said is true. The decree was passed on to the governor of Zhejiang Province. If anyone who privately recruits soldiers and builds firearms and ignores the court's law, he should be eliminated as a traitor!"


After Tianqi announced his withdrawal from the court, Shi Fenglai, Zhang Ruitu, Hu Maowen, Wang Qingye, Li Fan, etc., as well as the pirate criminals were all pushed to the ground, and then fell with the knife, and these people were all decapitated.

Almost half of the officials of the Jiangnan gentry in the court disappeared.

Li Guopu was secretly glad that he didn't stand up in time, and he also ended up decapitated.

The main reason is that Li Guopu did not expect that Shi Fenglai and Zhang Ruitu, who are usually smarter than himself, would come out in such a hurry to criticize Xilin Academy in the court today!

As a result, before he had time to speak, everyone began to criticize Xilin Academy with eloquence, so that he didn't have time to speak in the end.

Li Guopu only found out later that at that time, Shi Fenglai and Zhang Ruitu first learned that Wei Zhongxian had been granted the title of nine thousand years old, and had even secretly devoted themselves to Wei Zhongxian's sect. Uncle made a mistake, so he acted as a vanguard and attacked Xilin Academy directly.

And I didn't know about it because I was injured at home because of being injured by the uncle of the country. It happened that Shi Fenglai and Zhang Ruitu lied to me again, so I didn't have time to make it clear in the future that I would vote for Wei Zhongxian's sect, and I didn't rush to marry him because of this. He came out to bite Uncle Zhang's Xilin Academy, so he escaped in the end.

Li Guopu knew about it through Ye Chengxue, who was introduced to his disciples, and said to Ye Chengxue, "It turns out that this is the case. It seems that this old man was a blessing in disguise. Fortunately, Uncle Zhang Guopu slapped this old man."

Ye Chengxue provocatively said: "Even so, the elder Ge is willing to accept this bad breath? Looking at this dynasty, how can there be such a domineering foreign relative!"

Li Guopu didn't know Ye Chengxue's true identity, so he only thought that Ye Chengxue hated Zhang Gui because of his position, and said, "you young people, you are too angry! Some things must be tolerated, and if you can't bear it, you will be too angry." Conspiracy to create chaos! Hu Maowen and the others are examples this time, don’t listen to wind and rain, and be cautious when you are an official.”

"If you continue to be more cautious, the Ming Dynasty will be completely over!"

Ye Chengxue snorted.

Li Guopu was not angry because of Ye Chengxue's outrageous words. Instead, he felt that Ye Chengxue was a very bloody young man, so he persuaded him earnestly: "You have to remember that in this world, the so-called country and society are not important, what is important is Power! Without power, you can't do anything. Uncle Zhang Guo is able to get to where he is today because he has power!"

Ye Chengxue glanced at Li Guopu: "Really?"

"How could the old man lie to you, you are the younger generation that the old man has always valued!"

Li Guopu was about to say: "We have to wait, wait for the opportunity, and wait for him for ten or twenty years. Sooner or later, this world will still be ruled by the powerful and powerful, and the common people will still be careless. It will depend on the will of the Son of Heaven."

Ye Chengxue's expression became serious.

And Li Guopu said at this time: "But the old man is old, and may not wait for that day."

As he said that, Li Guopu took out a secret letter from his sleeve, handed it to Ye Chengxue and said, "The person on this letter told me that they are going to do a big event. You should first observe what is the big event, and look for opportunities." Go and tell His Majesty. You can use this letter as a petition to make friends with the emperor and try to get His Majesty to use you again. In this way, you will have the opportunity to avenge traitors in the future."

After hearing this, Ye Chengxue bowed and said, "Thank you, Mr. Ge!"

"What's the big deal?"

After Zhang Gui learned the news from Ye Chengxue through Zhou Neng, he asked a question.

After listening to Zhang Gui's question, Zhou Neng said, "Ye Cheng's theory was not mentioned in the letter."

At this time, a family member walked in: "A letter appeared outside, and the letter said that if you want to find the king, go to a place in Jiaohuang Village outside the city!"

After hearing this, Zhou Neng quickly looked at Zhang Gui: "So, Old Hou Ye was kidnapped?"

"His Majesty is here!"

At this time, an eunuch's voice suddenly came from outside.

Before Zhang Gui had time to order someone to open the middle door, Tian Qi called from the corner door: "I already know that Wei Zhongxian also found such a letter in Xiyuan! I don't know who dared to kidnap my Yue Weng. "

Zhang Gui said: "It seems that it is necessary for the minister to lead the troops there in person."

Tian Qi nodded, and said: "Let Tian Ergeng take Jin Yiwei with you, and listen to your restraint!"

Therefore, Zhang Gui then took his servants, Tian Ergeng and other Jin Yiwei out of the city, and came to a place called Huangcun.

At this time, it was getting late, and when Zhang Gui and others arrived, they saw a person similar to Zhang Guoji hanging at the entrance of Huangcun Village, and there were seven or eight people standing around Zhang Guoji with knives, one of them The big man in armor and riding a horse still stood at the entrance of the village and shouted: "Uncle Zhang! Why bring so many people, we just want to talk to you."

Zhang Gui said: "This Marquis brought these people here to get you!"

As he said that, Zhang Gui waved his hand: "Take me!"

Therefore, Zhou Neng took Zhang Gui's servants to fetch people first, while Tian Ergeng led Jin Yiwei to surround them from both wings.

The big man was shocked: "The surname Zhang, you don't want your father's life?!"

(End of this chapter)

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