Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 225 The King is Here!Why don't you wait for the Confucian rebels to rebel directly!

Chapter 225 The King is Here!Why don't you wait for the Confucian rebels to rebel directly!

Zhang Gui smiled coldly. After all these thieves were caught by his servants, he rode over and shot at the so-called Zhang Guoji who was hanging on the tree, and shot him in the head!

The big man was even more astonished for a moment: "Uncle Zhang Guo, you actually killed your biological father! You unfilial son!"

Zhang Gui, on the other hand, pointed at the big man who had already been tied up by his family members with a pistol, and said, "Just ask for any conditions! Don't do these tricks here to deceive three-year-old children! What a stupid thief would take hostages!" Really bring it here! Don't worry about the other party directly taking hostages!"

After hearing this, the big man sneered: "Uncle Guo is really not easy to fool!"

Then, the big man said: "That's right! The head of the country is indeed a fake. We just found someone with a similar shape to hang here pretending to be the head of the country. It's just that I didn't expect that you would not believe it! It's so disgusting !"

"Could it be Benhou's fault?"

Zhang Gui replied.

After hearing this, the big man said: "Forget it! Then I will get straight to the point. If you want to redeem the king, you must immediately give us the shipbuilding skills of the new sailboats you have at the Tianjin Shipping Bureau, and then pay a hundred people who are familiar with this kind of skills. The craftsmen! And Bi Maokang's new self-generating gun, which you call the flintlock, and its skills are also given to us. As long as you give it to us, we will release the king."

"What do you want these for?"

Zhang Gui asked loudly after speaking: "You want to rebel!"

"Uncle Guo! You are wrong!"

The big man replied, "It was you who first made the poor scholars and unruly people in the south of the Yangtze River rebel through Xilin Academy. Now we are just planning to clean up the bandits for the imperial court! We are suppressing bandits, not rebellion!"

Zhang Gui chuckled: "It seems that you are going to organize your own regiment training, ignoring the imperial court's decree prohibiting private training of soldiers and horses, and private manufacture of firearms?"

"That's right! Not everyone is as stupid as Hu Maowen and the others, thinking that the imperial court will not allow the civilians to mess around."

"But in fact, my master is very clear. Ever since the uncle of the country urged His Majesty to set up an industrial department in Xishan, and let His Majesty taste the sweetness of taking away the benefits of our Jiangnan gentry through the West Factory, it is doomed that His Majesty will not be able to stand again. The literati here. Besides, the Industrial Division needs to expand its operations to support more and more landless people! Therefore, when Hu Maowen thought about letting the imperial court suppress the rebellion, we had already begun to prepare to put aside the imperial court and set up our own regiment training to suppress bandits Destroy the bandits!"

The big man then said: "It's just that these thugs and bandits are backed by the Xishan Industry Division, and their gun-making skills and ship-building skills are superior to ours. Although we are not short of money, we are very short of skills. Therefore, as long as the country Uncle gave us these skills, and we will only release the country's father."

"Do you think all you lack is skill?"

Zhang Gui asked with a smile.

The big man said with a smile: "I want to ask Uncle Guo, what do you think we still lack?"

Zhang Guidao: "There are so many shortages! There is even no chance of victory."

The big man snorted: "Uncle Guo doesn't think we lack the hearts of the world, does he? I want to teach Uncle Guo to know that since ancient times, the hearts of all people in the world are the hearts of scholars, and the hearts of scholars are the hearts of the people! Uncle Guo, don't think that your Xilin Academy can Agitated many unruly people, but people's desire to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages will not change. How many people go through fire and water for the uncle of the country today, and how many people will destroy the foundation of the uncle of the country tomorrow!"

"If you were another person, after hearing what you said, you would feel that you were right. But Ben Hou really won't believe you, because your experience may not be correct, and the experience brought to you by 3000 years of history may not be correct. You should go to Xilin Academy to study, then you will know why Benhou did this."

Zhang Gui then replied.

The big man sighed: "Forget it!"

Immediately, the big man said: "Now we only need Uncle Guo to give us your skills, and give us a hundred Tianjin shipyard craftsmen to exchange for Guozhang."

"This Marquis will not agree to you!"

Zhang Gui ordered: "Take this man away and interrogate him strictly."

The big man was shocked after hearing this: "What?! Uncle Zhang Guo, you really don't intend to take your father's life?!"

Zhang Gui ignored it.

It wasn't until the big man was taken to the imperial prison that Zhang Gui brought Zhang Guoji and appeared in front of the big man: "My father is here."

The big man looked in astonishment at Zhang Guoji, who was standing outside the cell, who was wearing an imperial boa robe: "What's going on?"

"My father loves to listen to operas, and he often goes to some guild halls to listen to operas, but this does not mean that Benhou really trusts him to go to the operas alone. In the Manchu capital, there are at least fifty people pretending to be my father. Believe it or not? "

Zhang Gui asked as he spoke.

"You asked Zhu Changhao to go on a tour to teach the methods of the world?"

the big man asked.

Zhang Gui nodded.

"Uncle Zhang Guo, you are bullying us again, not many people know what the father of the country looks like!"

The big man shouted.

"Just to bully you!"

"Unless you one day give up using such despicable means to achieve your own goals. Whoever makes you refuse to change after repeated admonition is the same as a dog who cannot change the habit of eating shit."

"Lack of skills. Why don't you spend your own money to research and develop them! You have to steal chickens and dogs! You have money to raise skinny horses and children to maintain a luxurious life, but no money to research and develop skills?!"

Zhang Gui replied.

In fact, Zhang Gui is just acting with this big man now.

The big guy didn't even know that Zhang Gui knew who was behind him.

Zhang Gui continued to say at this time: "You should tell me without hesitation now, what is your name, and who is the mastermind behind you."

"Yu Tong, Wujiang Dong Shangshu's family slave."

This caused Yu Tong to reply helplessly, and then said: "However, even if you know, it is impossible to get my master, my master will not stand still."

"Who said this Marquis is going to take your master!"

Zhang Gui said with a smile, and said: "This Marquis will only send an army to suppress him directly!"

After speaking, Zhang Gui asked Yu Tong again: "Who else will participate?"

Yu Tong replied: "Nephew of the Yanshenggong family, Kong Xingfei, the preface class of Honglu Temple. He invited the head of the country. It should be the fake king of the country who went to the theater in the mansion. Take it away after fainting."

"Why do people from the Kong family want to get involved?"

Zhang Gui asked.

"The rebel army Li Laiheng has marched to the vicinity of Qufu, and Yanshenggong's mansion is ready to switch to Mingzhu. Therefore, he asked his nephew from the Jing family to help us facilitate this matter, so that in the future, Yanshenggong's family can still get help from the Jiangnan gentry. .”

Yu Tong replied.

"Nonsense! How could Shenggong Kong Yan join the rebel army? My Ming royal family treated his family well!"

Tian Qi also came over at this time and said something.

Seeing that the emperor came in person, Yu Tong only smiled coldly: "It doesn't matter whether the emperor believes it or not, but I am indeed not lying."

Zhang Gui said: "Your Majesty, why don't you give it a try and let Yu Tong go to meet Kong Xingfei, before Kong Xingfei and the others don't know that their affairs have been known to us. At that time, we will bring a few capable people, Pretend to be Yu Tong and follow, just listen to it and you will know."

Tian Qi thought about Yan Shenggong's performance in history, and agreed: "Yes!"

As a result, Yu Tong was released and actually went to meet Kong Xingfei.

Kong Xingfei didn't suspect fraud, so he came to Yu Tong's place, and Yu Tong took him to the study to spy.

But Zhang Gui, Tian Qi and others hid in the back room of the study, listening to their conversation through a screen and a hollow partition.

Kong Xingfei first asked: "It succeeded? Are they willing to show their skills and a hundred craftsmen?"

"Of course!"

Yu Tong replied.

After hearing this, Kong Xingfei said: "In this way, I don't worry that the Zhu family will not be destroyed!"

When Tian Qi heard this, he couldn't help but want to go out, and asked Kong Xingfei face to face why he was so disrespectful to his royal family.

Zhang Gui hurriedly stopped him: "Your Majesty calm down, and listen again!"

"Why does your family hate Fengyang Zhu so much?"

Yu Tong asked intentionally.


Kong Xingfei said: "As my father said, there are only three biggest families in the world today. One is Fengyang Zhu's family, the other is my Kong family in Qufu, and the third is Daoist Zhang family. And Fengyang Zhu's family is the lowest, but it is just after the bandits. The royal family has no dignity at all, but they are just upstarts, so the kings they produce are so immoral and mean tyrants! It is precisely because of this that my Confucius family still only uses the title bestowed by the Great Yuan Emperor to pay homage to the ancestor Kong Shengren. There is no need for his Zhu family title! The Zhu family title is only suitable to be piled up in the back room to collect ashes, just wait for the Ming Dynasty to be destroyed in the future, so that it can be used as firewood!"

"Really?! Since your Kong family dislikes my Fengyang Zhu family so much, why don't you rebel directly, why are you brazenly asking for Zhuangtian in the memorial book!"

At this moment, the voice of Apocalypse appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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