Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 226 Kill this descendant of the saint!Let Li Zicheng liquidate the Kong family!

Chapter 226 Kill this descendant of the saint!Let Li Zicheng liquidate the Kong family!
In the end Tian Qi couldn't bear it anymore, and walked out angrily. In front of Yu Tong, he stepped forward and kicked Kong Xingfei.


Kong Xingfei fell to the ground with the chair on the spot.

Kong Xingfei then got up and looked up.

But at this time, he saw Yu Tong was already kneeling on the ground: "Your Majesty, you believe it now."

"His Majesty?!"

Kong Xingfei was astonished, and then glanced at Yu Tong again: "Good you Yu Tong, you actually entrapped me!"

"That's right, I am the queen of the rogues you mentioned, Emperor Zhu Youxiao of Ming Dynasty!"

Tian Qi replied coldly.

Kong Xingfei immediately shuddered, and turned over and prostrated himself on the ground: "Your Majesty! This pure minister's wild words for a while are not the intention of the family! Please learn from your majesty! Please be merciful! I will never dare again, and I will change my mind in the future. Talk nonsense again."

Then, Tian Qi looked at Yu Tong and said, "Do you want to live?"

Yu Tong nodded: "Think!"

Tian Qi pointed at Kong Xingfei: "Then kill him! Then, you stay in the capital as Kong Xingfei, and wait for the announcement to see you tomorrow!"


After Yu Tong agreed, he walked over, and immediately took a vase in his hand, and walked towards Kong Xingfei.

Kong Xingfei got up and wanted to escape: "Your Majesty! Spare me! Spare me! I really just said something carelessly!"

A vase fell firmly on Kong Xingfei's head.

Then, Yu Tong cut Kong Xingfei's throat with broken porcelain pieces.

Kong Xingfei died because of this.

Under the emperor's instruction, Yu Tong began to work in the capital as Kong Xingfei, and even with the help of Jin Yiwei, he forced Kong Xingfei's wife, concubine and slave in Beijing to admit his identity.

Therefore, the outside world does not know that Kong Xingfei is dead.

However, after Tian Qi returned, he was still resentful of what Kong Xingfei said, and said to Zhang Gui who was accompanying him, "I know that the descendants of these saints did not perform very well in history, but I never thought that they would be so shameless! My Ming Dynasty The royal family gave them a lot of kindness. Even Qufu has become a place of real vassal, and the honor almost exceeds that of the clan! But in the end, it was just kindness that raised a group of white-eyed wolves! It turns out that from the beginning to the end, they did not take the Ming royal family seriously. In their eyes, the Tartars are even more noble than my Ming royal family!"

"Your Majesty, don't be too angry! It's normal for the Kong family to be more courteous to Tartars. Because they actually have Tartar blood."

Zhang Gui explained the background of his Beizong Kong family as he spoke.

After hearing this, Tian Qi said, "No wonder!"

Zhang Gui went on to say: "So, it's normal for them to be disrespectful to the royal family of the Ming Dynasty. After all, they are indeed not the same kind of people as the royal family. The people who are really similar to the royal family are the common people. After all, Taizu said, I am originally a commoner." It's just that these aristocratic families have always flattered foreigners and despised their own people, so they ridiculed His Majesty's royal family as descendants of bandits."

Tianqi nodded: "You are right! But since the Confucius family is so disrespectful to the royal family, what should I leave the Kong family to do? There can only be one saint in Ming Dynasty, and this saint is me! Respect Confucius, but It was done for the sake of the scholars of the world, but the scholars of the world have now become the source of harm to the common people of the country, and this Kong family is so ungrateful, there is no need to stay anymore! I can't wait to liquidate the Kong family directly."

After speaking, Tian Qi said to Zhang Gui again: "I remember that Li Zicheng went to Shandong because a group of rebels fled to Shandong. And you told me at the time that it was for the future when the New Deal was implemented in Shandong. You rely on ready-made armed forces, that's why you did this, right?"

Zhang Gui nodded: "Yes!"

Apocalypse said: "In this way, I decree to appoint you as a scholar of Wuyingdian, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Minister of the Ministry of War, Yushi of Youdu, and Governor of Zuodu. In the name of countering the rebellion, dispatch a guard army to go south, and then you instruct Li Zicheng to liquidate the Kong family!"

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid that many courtiers will disagree with the minister. What's more, the minister is still a relative. The key point is that even a military minister, except for the founding of the country, the king of Zhongshan was a civil servant in the Ministry of Education, and there has been no civil servant in the subsequent dynasties."

Zhang Gui replied.

Apocalypse said: "Since the Taizu had it before, it is not considered a violation of the system! I can only leave this matter to you. The civil servants are definitely not willing. As for the tyranny of foreign relatives, it doesn't matter, anyway, I am already a fool. It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter if you mess up again. It’s just that I asked them to add a few words to the will, saying that due to the difficult fate of the country and the rare talents, they had to make an exception. After me, the kings of all dynasties still have to follow the precedent. "


Zhang Gui saw that Tianqi had made up his mind to destroy the Kong family, so it was hard to refuse.

What's more, Zhang Gui himself had already disliked Yan Shenggong's mansion.

In Zhang Gui's view, if Yanshenggong's mansion is not destroyed, the shackles of the people of Ming Dynasty who respect Confucian scholars as masters in spirit cannot be hoped to be removed!

Of course, after Zhang Gui agreed, it wasn't up to him to do it himself.

But it was still Li Zicheng who did it.

To be precise, it was not Li Zicheng who did this, but the fake rebels pursued by Li Zicheng's troops.

Therefore, if the scholars of the world really want to blame, they can only blame the group of rebels who fled from Henan to Shandong under the banner of "Feng Tian Jing Nan".

"Don't mention that."

Tian Qi waved his hand, and said to Zhang Gui: "It's good that the father-in-law is fine now. However, it can also be seen from this that there are indeed officials and gentry in the south of the Yangtze River who really want to break away from the court. Maybe it's not just the Dong family in Wujiang."

Zhang Guidao: "What Your Majesty said is true. However, I would like to know how Your Majesty knows Wujiang Dong's."

Tianqi replied: "Ye Chengxue, the son of Ye Xianggao, sent me a secret letter from his Dong family in Wujiang, and the Dong family also said in the letter that a major event will happen recently, and he hopes that he will be close." Pay attention, and inform him as soon as there is any situation. He was worried that it was a bad thing, so he directly reported it to me. Now, from my point of view, I'm afraid it's just this! Fortunately, you were prepared, so that they didn't catch To the real head of the country. But because of this, I have already had the idea of ​​letting you supervise Jiangnan, Shandong and other places for me. I planned to go by myself, but I have to do experiments, and the prince is not young , I want to teach him personally. So I don’t have time to go to conquer myself.”

"Then it seems that Ye Chengxue is quite loyal."

Zhang Gui said after hearing this.

Tian Qi nodded: "I have used this as an excuse to let him go to Jinyiwei to be in charge of thousands of households. From now on, let him work in Jinyiwei."

"Your Majesty's arrangement is naturally appropriate. He was born in a noble family, so he naturally understands the noble family better. Jin Yiwei needs someone like him."

Zhang Gui replied.


The Xiyuan cabinet is valued.

"Your Majesty can only confer Wei Zhongxian nine thousand years old. Why do you want Uncle Guo to supervise the five provinces as a cabinet assistant and a soldier? How easy is it for me to draw up an order!"

The chief assistant of the cabinet, Han Yu, was surprised when Wei Zhongxian came to announce the imperial decree that Zhang Gui should go south as a supervisor.

Wei Zhongxian hurriedly explained: "Your Majesty said that just this time, your cabinet can clearly state in the decree that it is an extraordinary act at an extraordinary time, and that future generations of kings should not follow suit."

After hearing what Wei Zhongxian said, Han Yu agreed and began to draw up an order.

In his opinion, it is enough to weld the car door of the future dictatorship of foreign relatives.

After all, he can't even limit the monarchy in order to limit the dictatorship of foreign relatives.

Now that the emperor can promise that only one of Zhang Gui's relatives can do this, it is considered a face for his civil servants, and his own civil servants can't be ignorant of flattery.

Therefore, the decree to let Zhang Gui be the supervisor was issued through the cabinet.

But when this decree reached the sixth subject, it was refuted by Wu Zhaogong in the matter.

This also makes sense.

Any civil official would not be able to accept such an imperial decree.

But what was unexpected was that, in order to stir up public opinion to prevent this, Wu Zhaogong directly took the imperial decree, came outside the Han residence, and shouted: "Han Puzhou flatters his relatives, harming the country and messing up the government! It's even worse today, and actually drafted an decree Let the foreign relatives hang in the court to serve as the official rank of the heavenly official and the soldier, and supervise the military administration of the five provinces! This person is truly the most treacherous minister in the history! Even if Fang Gong was dismissed because of the imperial decree, today I, Wu, should follow his character, rather Burning the imperial decree drafted by him in front of his house will definitely not allow such a stupid decree that will harm the country and the people to be issued!"

As he said that, Wu Zhaogong actually took the torch from his slave and lit the imperial decree.

There are many officials from outside Beijing who come to see the chief assistant Han Yu to present government affairs in person every day, and many of them have to queue up in advance under the porch.

Therefore, today is no exception, and many officials saw this scene and were shocked by it.

Burn the decree!
What a heroic act!

(End of this chapter)

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