Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 227 Killing the ministers who refuted to clarify the monarchy!

Chapter 227 Killing the ministers who refuted to clarify the monarchy!
"Duke Wu, you are really a minister of bones!"

"Wu Gong, you dare to speak out for the people of the country without fear of the powerful and powerful, which is admirable!"

"Duke Wu, you are a loyal minister! If all the courtiers are like Duke Wu, why worry about the rest of the world!"

Many civil servants outside the Han residence looked at Wu Zhaogong with admiration, and slandered their compliments to Wu Zhaogong.

Because of this, Wu Zhaogong gained a lot of limelight outside the Han residence, and after burning the imperial decree, he walked towards Xiyuan with his head held high, and said: "The purpose of burning the imperial decree is to show that Wu can't bear to see treacherous ministers messing up the government, and he also wants to let the world know the truth." People, I know that treacherous ministers are harmful to the country! However, Wu also knows that by doing so, he will be forced to annoy the powerful and get the crime of disrespect, so he is willing to go to Xiyuan to accept the crime himself, and there is no need for the factory guards to arrest him!"

Many civil servants also followed.

They were curious about how the imperial court would deal with Wu Zhaogong.

Of course, a small number of civil servants followed because they were worried about Wu Zhaogong.

Not long after Wu Zhaogong went to Xiyuan, Zhang Gui and Tianqi in Xiyuan knew about it.

Tian Qi was silent for a while.

In fact, he had already guessed that if he did this now and gave his relative Zhang Gui the power that originally belonged to civil servants, he would definitely encounter resistance.

Therefore, Tian Qi didn't say much, just asked Zhang Gui: "Who do you think is appropriate to send this person?"

Zhang Gui thought for a while and replied: "Your Majesty has already arranged the best manpower to deal with this person, why bother to ask the minister again."

Tian Qi smiled slightly: "That's right! I have indeed made arrangements."

The apocalypse had indeed been arranged.

As long as the ministers of the six subjects gallery dare to refute the imperial decree, the people arranged by Tianqi will take decisive measures.

When Wu Zhaogong and others came to Xiyuan, the guards of Xiyuan hurried over and asked, "What are you doing?!"

Wu Zhaogong said: "Accept the crime to Your Majesty! The minister burned the imperial decree and scolded the powerful and traitors. He should not be tolerated by the court. He deserves death!"

"If Duke Wu cannot be tolerated by the court, what else can the court tolerate!"

Talked to Wei Jingqi, the Prime Minister of Taichang Temple, who came over, and shouted loudly: "Chen Wei Jingqi begs His Majesty to spare Wu for admonishing him to death! To show the virtue of the emperor!"

"Since the imperial decree was burned, our Jin Yiwei should take it away, and then our Jin Yiwei will ask His Majesty for an order, how to execute it."

At this time, Qianhu Ye Chengxue, the Fusi of Jinyiwei North Town Fusi who was on duty in this area, came with the official school.

"You're going to be presumptuous!"

But at this moment, Wei Jingqi pointed at Ye Chengxue's nose and shouted: "Such a loyal minister, how can he just take it at will! Thanks to you, Ye Qianhu is also a child of a noble family!"

As he said that, Wei Jingqi scolded Ye Chengxue: "Hurry up and ask His Majesty for an order first, and ask whether you should be arrested or not."

Ye Chengxue was about to speak.


Suddenly, a scream came.

Wu Zhaogong felt a sharp pain in his back, and couldn't help but look back.

Others also followed the sound.

At this time, Kong Xingfei from the preface class of Honglu Temple was standing behind Wu Zhaogong, holding a sharp knife, stabbing Wu Zhaogong again.

Wu Zhaogong screamed again and fell to the ground.

"I am Kong Xingfei, a descendant of a sage, and I will not share the sky with treacherous ministers!"

Yu Tong, pretending to be Kong Xingfei, yelled, then gritted his teeth and said viciously to Wu Zhaogong: "You Wu Zhaogong dare to burn the imperial decree and disrespect His Majesty, you should die!"

Because the preface class of Honghe Temple is a small official from the ninth grade, and the number of places for the preface class of Honghe Temple is usually dozens, so many civil servants present did not know Kong Xingfei who had been mixing among them all the time, and did not notice him.

It was not until Kong Xingfei killed Wu Zhaogong that these civil servants noticed him.

Because of this, these civil officials glared at Kong Xingfei.

Wei Jingqi shouted loudly to Kong Xingfei: "Nonsense! How could you be a descendant of a saint? How could a descendant of a saint kill such a loyal minister as Duke Wu! If you were really a descendant of a saint, you would never do this."

"I have a family tree to prove it!"

Kong Xingfei took out the family tree and said, "Because Yuanfu wanted to see it, I planned to present it to him, but I didn't expect that today it will be used as a certificate to prove that I am a descendant of a saint!"

Xie Sheng, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, came over and slapped Kong Xingfei directly, his lips trembling with anger, and said, "You are an unworthy descendant of a sage! You actually flattered the powerful and treacherous, and assassinated court officials!"

"Good fight!"

Wei Jingqi agreed at this time.

The civil servants present were very disappointed with Kong Xingfei, a descendant of a saint.

"How dare you beat the descendants of saints, you people, do you still deserve to call yourself the disciples of Confucius?!"

Kong Xingfei was furious and began to question these people.


Xie Sheng was so angry that he couldn't speak for a while, he really wanted to ask the emperor to severely punish Kong Xingfei, a disciple of a sage who behaved mischievously, but when he thought that these Confucian scholars really need to treat the descendants of a sage with respect, to protect themselves as Confucian scholars As a privileged position of a master, I don't know how to speak.

Wei Jingqi was also holding back her anger and couldn't vent it, so she just asked Kong Xingfei: "Are you worthy of being a descendant of a saint?!"

"I am a descendant of a saint! There is nothing worthy or unworthy."

As Kong Xingfei spoke, he took out the family tree from his arms and held it up in his hand: "There is a family tree to prove it!"

"It's enough!"

Xie Sheng shouted, he didn't expect that there would be such brazen descendants of saints, and they didn't give them any face to Confucian scholars.

And after yelling like that, Xie Sheng passed out directly because of it.

Wei Jingqi and other civil officials also wanted to eat Kong Xingfei alive at this time.

"Why didn't you Jin Yiwei take him? He killed the imperial court official in broad daylight! He is still a loyal minister!"

At this time, Wei Jingqi directly questioned Ye Chengxue.

Ye Chengxue said: "He is a descendant of a sage, whether to take him or not depends on His Majesty's will."

With that said, Ye Chengxue really brought Jinyiwei Official School into Xiyuan.

But Kong Xingfei walked away.

The civil servants had to carry Xie Sheng and Wu Zhaogong back angrily.

Soon, all the civil officials of the Manchu Dynasty knew about this matter, and all the descendants of saints like Kong Xingfei criticized them verbally and in writing. Many civil officials began to discuss whether the descendants of saints committed crimes, and whether they should be dealt with according to the law instead of being lenient.

Even, the next day, the front page headline of "Da Ming Daily" also directly reported the matter, and the descendants of the saints punished those who burned the imperial decree, and shouted to eradicate adultery for the country as the eye-catching headlines of the report.

Therefore, more scholars participated in the discussion of whether the descendants of saints should be lenient.

However, what they didn't know was that Tianqi asked Yu Tong, who was pretending to be Kong Xingfei, to do this in order to make the courtiers start such discussions and prepare for the liquidation of the Kong family later.

Because Wu Zhaogong was killed, Apocalypse did not deal with Wu Zhaogong's crime of burning the imperial decree, but only let the cabinet continue to appoint Zhang Gui as a cabinet scholar to supervise the five provinces.

This time, Gongchen Gongchen, who was in charge of issuing the imperial decree at the Sixth Branch Gallery, did not do any radical acts like Wu Zhaogong to burn the imperial decree to arouse public opinion all over the world.

He knew very well that if he did this, Kong Xingfei or the clan's children would reappear, and if he killed those who did this, the topic of public opinion would once again shift to whether the descendants of saints should be killed or whether the clan's children should be killed.

Therefore, Feng Gongchen just refuted the will.

After Tianqi saw the rebuttal, he said, "Let the cabinet draw up another decree, and then ask Ye Chengxue to take the cabinet's decree to the sixth division! He said that after the refutation, I had carefully considered it, and I insisted on carrying out this decree. The six divisions are not allowed to resist the order! If you resist the order, kill it! The same is true for the Secretary of General Administration and the Ministry of Officials who undertake the order to act!"

Therefore, Ye Chengxue came to the Sixth Division with the imperial decree drafted by the cabinet. After seeing Wen Gongchen, he said directly: "Your Majesty has read the refutation of the words, and after careful consideration, he still thinks that the decree needs to be implemented. You must not wait any longer." Resist the decree, and issue it immediately, otherwise you will be killed for the crime of resisting the decree!"

As Ye Chengxue spoke, he asked Wen Gongchen: "Is it issued?"

Wen Gongchen thought that Ye Chengxue was the son of Ye Xianggao, a child of his own civil servants, and then thought that His Majesty sent Ye Chengxue here to make it clear that he would die if he didn't issue it. Maybe it was just a threat. The psychology of gamblers who develop in the direction of their own interests is like many people who have been cheated once or even several times and still feel that they are not cheated and will get back or even make a lot of money.

Wen Gongchen also instinctively said at this time: "This decree is extremely difficult to issue! The old system must not be violated!"


As a result, Ye Chengxue just gave him a wink, and a guard in Jin Yi pulled out his knife, and directly thrust the blade into Wen Gongchen's abdomen.

(End of this chapter)

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