Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 229 The governor will only find it funny when you talk about famous chapters in Yanshenggong

Chapter 229 You Yanshenggong's mansion talks about famous festivals, the governor will only find it funny!

Zhang Gui pondered for a while after hearing this.

Then, Zhang Gui slapped his hand on the table, and pointed at Kong Zhenshi: "You who stole the blood of a sage are really a bitch after the Tartars! Don't call the word 'rebellion' in front of the governor. !"

Kong Zhenshi blushed immediately after hearing this: "How could you insult my Northern Sect Kong family like this!"

Although Kong Zhenshi was from Chizhou, he did belong to the Kong family of Beizong.

However, after Zhang Gui said that he was a Tartar, he was right.

Because later biological researchers measured the bloodlines of the descendants of Confucius and found that many of the genes of the descendants of Confucius contained a large proportion of Mongolian genes.

Moreover, there is also a saying in history that Yuan Shizu wanted to designate the descendants of Confucius as Yan Shenggong, but the head of the Kong clan at that time refused, so Yuan Shizu named a Mongolian and changed his surname to Kong to fool the world.

Therefore, Zhang Gui's statement is not unfounded.

Therefore, Zhang Gui sneered and said: "What my supervisor said is the truth, why should you say it humiliatingly? Besides, if your Kong family were not descended from the Tartars, why did you recognize the gold as the main one when the Jin Dynasty destroyed the Song Dynasty, and the Yuan Dynasty destroyed it?" In the Jin Dynasty, Yuan was recognized as the master. This kind of person who comes to the Ni family and recognizes who is the master, is not a descendant of the barbarians, is he still a Chinese person who knows propriety, righteousness and shame?"


Kong Zhenshi couldn't deny this, after all, there were several generations of Tazi emperors who conferred the duke title of Yansheng.

"The official positions of this governor are all conferred by the emperor's order, and Ming issued an edict, but you say that this governor is messing with the government, which is undoubtedly saying that your majesty is messing with the government. It means that this Ming Dynasty is no longer in the hands of your majesty. Not enough for the law?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Gui pointed at Kong Zhenshi and shouted: "Kong Zhenshi, the successor of the Tartars, what is your intention!"

Kong Zhenshi swallowed a bit, his eyes widened.

Zhang Gui said again: "If you don't make it clear in front of Shandong Civil and Military Forces today, I will ask the king to order the flag to kill you, a kingless and fatherless queen, here!"

Zhang Gui shouted: "Left and right!"

"Wait a minute!"

At this time, Kong Zhenshi yelled, and then bowed his hands to Zhang Gui and said: "The lower official will make a slip of the tongue first, and then the rudeness, please supervise the teacher Haihan! Now that the rebel army has not been suppressed and the place is not peaceful, the lower official is willing to take the crime and make meritorious service!" "

Zhang Gui smiled secretly, thinking that Kong Zhenshi was Yuan Keli's man, so he said, "Forget it! This supervisor will give you a chance to perform your crimes and make meritorious deeds. Although this supervisor thinks that your branch is the descendant of the Tartars, you Now that it has been Sinicized, in the eyes of this governor, it can still be treated equally and pay attention to the friendship of compatriots."

As he spoke, Zhang Gui said to the civil and military officials in Shandong: "Before my supervisor came, he had already heard the news that the rebels had arrived in Qufu. Now it seems that Qufu Yanshenggong's mansion surrendered to the rebels and betrayed the court and the emperor. It is a matter of certainty, and what needs to be agreed now is how to deal with the situation after surrendering to the enemy in the Yanshenggong Mansion in Qufu."

"Where did the supervisor say that?!"

"What is Yanshenggong's mansion will definitely surrender! My Beizong Kong family is the righteous lineage of saints. There are only martyrs and no traitors!"

Kong Zhenshi retorted excitedly.

After all, Zhang Gui's words are related to their clan's reputation.

Just like Kong Zhenshi couldn't accept Zhang Gui's statement that they were Tartars before, even though he was shocked by Zhang Gui's attitude of wanting to kill him, he still couldn't help defending him at this moment. From the famous festival of Yanshenggong Mansion.

"Your Confucian Mansion talks about famous festivals, and this governor thinks it's funny. I would rather believe that an oiran in the Qinhuai River has famous festivals, than believe that your Confucian Mansion has famous festivals."

Zhang Gui said with a sneer.

Kong Zhenshi's chest heaved violently, staring at Zhang Gui for a long time.

But none of the civil and military officials in Shandong came out to help him, and even some officials felt that Zhang Gui's words made sense, so they unconsciously nodded and cooperated, and even laughed secretly.

Therefore, Kong Zhen couldn't say anything for a while, only breathing became more and more rapid.

After a while, Kong Zhenshi went to the study, brought the statue of Confucius over, and hung it on the wall on the left side of the lobby by himself.

Then, Kong Zhenshi said to Zhang Gui: "The supervisor insulted my sage's family status like this, and he is undoubtedly insulting the most holy teacher of the scholars in the world! Now please apologize in front of the saint, and take back what you just said. Otherwise, I will defend the way with death!"

"What kind of modesty is this supervisor, the one who should apologize may be Kong Yinzhi, the progenitor. As long as he surrenders to the enemy and rebelled against the emperor, he should kneel in front of this portrait and repent. It is best to commit suicide and apologize! The words of the ancestors."

Zhang Gui replied.

Kong Zhenshi looked at Zhang Gui after hearing this, and shouted: "Uncle Zhang! Don't insult me ​​too much! Gong Yansheng is my nephew, and I know him better than you. He has always attached importance to reputation, and even once said However, renaming festival is more important than rebirth and death!"

"Although in the past, there were many immoral people in Yan Shenggong, but this is not the case from generation to generation! Today's clan nephew Yin Zhi has always respected virtue and honored his name after being named Yan Shenggong. How could he directly recognize the thief as his father as Uncle Zhang Guo said? !"

The current living generations of the Northern Zong Kong family in Daming mainly used the four characters of Wen, Zhen, Yin, and Xing. Among them, Zhen was a generation higher than Yin, so Kong Zhen called the current Yansheng Gonghui as his nephew. Of.

"That's right, Master Supervisor, I also feel that the current Yan Shenggong may not be the same as the previous Yan Shenggong."

"That's right, Master Supervisor, the current Lord Yansheng also met once as a subordinate official, and he is indeed hospitable and polite. Therefore, it may be impossible for him to join the enemy."


For a while, many local civil servants in Shandong, after listening to Kong Zhenshi's words, began to feel that Kong Zhenshi's words were reasonable.

But Zhang Gui smiled and said: "Even if he doesn't want to, he can't help him. Besides, he may not really be a person who keeps his name."

"Don't say that, Master Supervisor!"

Kong Zhenshi shouted again and looked at Zhang Gui tremblingly.

Then, Kong Zhenshi went to his study and took out a letter.

Because he is the governor of Shandong, and now Zhang Gui, him, and all civil and military officials in Shandong are discussing affairs in the governor's yamen; therefore, he is very familiar with this place.

After Kong Zhenshi took out the letter, he handed it to Zhang Gui: "Please read it personally, the commander-in-chief, the family nephew Yin Zhi wrote to the subordinate officials when the rebel army was not far from Qufu, and asked the subordinate officials to send troops to protect them." Qufu is not lost. The lower officials did not agree because they thought that Jinan would not be allowed to lose. But the family nephew Yinzhi has stated in the letter that if Qufu is lost, he will have to sacrifice his whole family to repay the country's favor!"

As he spoke, Kong Zhen looked at Zhang Gui and asked, "So, doesn't that prove that the family nephew Yin Zhi has a heart of loyalty and filial piety?!"

"Since this is the case, Master Supervisor, maybe Yan Shenggong is really not a person who does not keep his name."

"That's right! Supervisor, since this is the case, Qufu may not be easily captured by the rebels."


Among the civil and military officials in Shandong, many officials at this time also began to express their belief that Kong Yinzhi would not surrender to the enemy.

Kong Zhenshi also said aggressively because of this: "So the supervisor should take back the words of insulting Yan Shenggong just now!"

But at this time, Zhang Gui's general Huang Degong came to report: "Supervisor! Kong Xingxie, the son of Yanshenggong's mansion, came to the governor's office with a letter, but we captured him. We received a letter from his father to persuade Kong Zhongcheng to surrender for the rebels. "

"Duke Yansheng surrendered to the enemy?!"

At this time, Shandong inspector Li Guangguang and other officials immediately exclaimed after hearing this, and all looked at Kong Zhenshi.

(End of this chapter)

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