Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 230 Make the Descendants of the Saints Kneel and Kill Yan Sheng Gong Kong Yinzhi!

Chapter 230 Make the Descendants of the Saints Kneel and Kill Yan Sheng Gong Kong Yinzhi!

Kong Zhen froze in place at this moment.

Zhang Gui smiled lightly.

"Bring Kong Xingxie here!"


The dissemination of news in this era is not as convenient as in later generations. Kong Xingxie, the son of Kong Yinzhi, did not know that Zhang Gui had arrived in Jinan and was stationed in the governor's office in Shandong.

Therefore, Kong Xingxie boldly came to Shandong governor's yamen with the letter that the rebels asked Kong Yinzhi to write to Kong Zhenshi, a family relative who persuaded him to surrender.

As a result, Kong Xingxie was caught by the officers and soldiers under Zhang Gui's command.

Before Kong Xingxie was brought to the hall where Zhang Gui was discussing with various civil and military officials in Shandong, Zhang Gui glanced at Kong Zhenshi and asked, "Kong Zhongcheng, what did the governor say? Come to recognize who is the owner of the bitch?"

Kong Zhenshi lowered his head, feeling ashamed.

"Master Zhang, I plan to write a memorial to the imperial court to play Mingyan Shenggong's defection to the enemy, and in the letter he scolds the emperor and praises the words of the rebels!"

"Please ask the imperial court to remove his post, and in order to avoid future events where the descendants of saints lose their face in the whole world because of their servile faces, please abolish the Duke of Yansheng forever. Re-seal!"

Zhang Gui gave orders at this time.

Zhang Guowei, who accompanied the Ministry of War to praise the painting, stood up and said yes.

The head of Zanhua of the Ministry of War is equivalent to the staff of later generations, and is dedicated to doing related confidential affairs for Zhang Gui, the supervisor.

This existed in the Wanli period.

It's just that after Daming increased the staff of military and political officials, it also increased a lot of officials in charge of Zanhua.

Now Zhang Gui has quite a few masters of art praise around him, and the most powerful one is this master of art praise called Zhang Guowei.

Less gossip.

Kong Zhenshi heard that Zhang Gui wanted to write a report to report this matter, and he also asked the court to abolish the title of Duke Yansheng forever. This is undoubtedly to expose Kong Yinzhi's shameless behavior to the world and win the glory of the Kong family in Beizong forever.

Therefore, Kong Zhenshi immediately bowed his hands and said: "Supervisor, let me tell you! I beg the supervisor not to report this matter, but to save some dignity for the saint. If so, I will be the same as the disciples of the Confucius family and the scholars of the world." Thank you very much, Master!"

Kong Zhenshi also knew that internal ugliness should not be publicized. If the whole world were to know that Kong Yinzhi surrendered to the enemy and treason, it would undoubtedly shake the sense of respect for the sage's family and even contempt for the entire Confucianism.


Zhang Gui bluntly rejected Kong Zhenshi.

Then, Zhang Gui said again: "As soon as my supervisor came, you, Kong Zhongcheng, showed me an attitude of not wanting to see people who messed up the government in the court! Why are you messing up politics again now!"

As he said that, Zhang Gui shouted and asked: "Don't report the truth to the emperor, but choose to conceal it. Do you, Kong Zhenshi, want this governor to mess up the government?!"


Kong Zhenshi didn't know how to answer for a while, her face turned red from holding back!

"Report! Kong Xingxie is here!"

At this time, Huang Degong came over.

Kong Xingxie was also escorted over.

"Your Majesty!"

Zhang Gui also let out a loud drink.

At this time, Kong Xingxie, who was still young and vigorous, straightened his chest and said: "I am a descendant of a saint, the son of the Gong family! How can I kneel down!"

Huang Degong kicked Kong Xingxie's knee.

Kong Xingxie cried out in pain, his knees softened, and he knelt directly in front of Zhang Gui.

Zhang Gui said in a cold voice: "The traitors who defected to the enemy and the emperor dare to put on airs in front of the governor! Do you think the governor will pay respect to you, the descendant of the Tartars?!"

Only then did Kong Xingxie realize that something was wrong, and hurriedly kowtowed, "Excuse me!"

Kong Zhenshi did not know when he rushed in front of Kong Xingxie, facing Kong Xingxie with both feet: "Bastards! As the direct descendants of the Kong family of Beizong, how can you defect to the enemy and treason the country! And shame the saint!"

Kong Xingxie was kicked so hard that his ribs almost broke, he said: "What are you kicking, what are you talking about, just talk about it! Woohoo!"

After Kong Zhenshi vented, he took a few steps back, then pointed at Kong Xingxie and said, "You should be martyred, you should be martyred!"


Zhang Gui scolded, looked at Kong Xingxie, and asked, "Kong Xingxie, do you want the court to deal with your defection to the enemy and the emperor lightly?"


Kong Xingxie replied.

Zhang Guidao: "Then you should submit a self-report, and the governor will send your memorandum and the memorandum to the imperial court together. And you have to write down your respect for your father and the whole body in the self-report. How regretful you were for your family’s defection to the enemy and treason, and asked the emperor to abolish your Beizong Kong Yansheng Duke forever. At that time, His Majesty will deal with you lightly after seeing your memorial.”

As he said that, Zhang Gui shouted: "Otherwise, this supervisor can cut you into pieces!"

"I will write! I will write!"

Kong Xingxie shivered in fright, and agreed without thinking too much.


Kong Zhenshi glared at Kong Xingxie angrily, then looked at Zhang Gui, and cried out, "Master, you can't! Some things should be concealed when you can! This is not a disorder of government, it is for the sake of the people of the world so that there will be no chaos. !"

"You bastard! How dare you, Kong Zhenshi, instigate this supervisor to lie to you!"

Zhang Gui shouted loudly, and then ordered: "Come here, please ask the king to order the flag, drag Kong Zhenshi out and behead him!"

"Wait a minute, supervisor!"

Seeing this, Li Guangguang, the inspector of Shandong Province, hurriedly stood up and said: "Kong Zhongcheng was just confused for a while, please forgive me. The supervisor is naturally not a person who messed up the government, and we are not the ministers who messed with the government. The following official sees it, and he is not the same as the supervisor. It is better for one person to go to the Shu, and I, Shandong civil and military, to jointly go to the Shu, to declare this matter, and to ask the emperor to abolish the title of Duke Yansheng forever, so that the people of the world will undoubtedly be more convinced."

"That's a good suggestion!"

Zhang Gui replied with a smile, and then said: "As Li Fengxian said, everyone will join the school together. But who is not willing?"

Kong Zhenshi looked at Li Guangguang: "Li Fengxian, are you still a disciple of Confucianism?!"

"Why, Kong Zhongcheng is still unwilling?"

After Zhang Gui asked, he slapped the desk: "Then drag it out and chop it up!"

"No! I am willing!"

Kong Zhenshi replied in a hurry, and replied with puckered lips as if crying.

Zhang Gui looked at other Shandong officials.

All civil and military officials in Shandong replied: "I am willing!"

Zhang Gui also nodded in satisfaction and said: "Very good! Put Kong Xingxie in the prison van for the time being, and wait for the imperial court's decree to deal with it!"


Next, after discussing how to suppress the rebellion among the civil and military forces in Shandong, Zhang Gui continued to lead his army south to Qufu.

At this time, Qufu.

Kong Yinzhi had already accompanied Li Laiheng's tribe to the Confucius Temple after kneeling to welcome the surrender to the so-called rebel Li Laiheng's tribe.

As soon as Li Laiheng came to the Confucian Temple, he told Kong Yinzhi: "Call all the adult males of your family!"

Kong Yinzhi hurriedly agreed, and immediately complied.

Not long after, all the adult males from the clan of Yanshenggong Mansion came here.

At this time, Li Laiheng suddenly took out Kong Yinzhi's surrender form, and ordered: "You Kong family all kneel down!"

Kong Yinzhi hurriedly led the clansmen to kneel down.

Seeing this, Li Laiheng laughed: "You're really obedient, if I ask you to kneel, kneel."

Kong Yinzhi said with a flattering smile: "The commander-in-chief is the master who created the prosperity and peace of the world. We, the descendants of saints, should be the first to obey."

Li Laiheng put away his smile: "But I'm not as obedient as you! Because I'm not the one who created the prosperity and peace of the world! Tell me, is today's emperor a fool?"

Kong Yinzhi was stunned for a while, but he didn't react for a while, so he subconsciously said: "Naturally, he is a foolish king!"


Li Laiheng directly stabbed Kong Yinzhi's chest with a knife.

(End of this chapter)

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