Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 231 Execute Yanshenggong's Mansion, Why Do I Worship Confucianism!

Chapter 231 Execute Yanshenggong's Mansion, Why Do I Worship Confucianism!
Kong Yinzhi looked at Li Laiheng in surprise.

I have surrendered!
Why do you still want to kill me.

I am a descendant of a saint!

Generally speaking, you should take the initiative to knight me!
At this time, Li Laiheng said to Kong Yinzhi with a voice that only Kong Yinzhi himself could hear: "Don't be surprised. Because I am not a rebel at all. I came to Shandong deliberately pretending to be a rebel under the order of Mr. Mao of the rebel army." , and the purpose is to destroy your Kong family!"

"You! You!"

Kong Yinzhi's eyes widened immediately after hearing this, he couldn't help raising his hand, pointed at Li Laiheng, and spat out a few words desperately.

But soon, Kong Yinzhi let go of his breath and fell to the ground.

The other members of the Kong clan present were also shocked.

They were also surprised.

Why did the rebels suddenly kill Kong Yinzhi in the Confucius Temple.

Kong Yinhu, cousin of Kong Yinzhi, couldn't help asking at this moment: "Marshal, what crime did our saint family commit? Why did you kill our patriarch?"

"You have committed the crime of defecting to the enemy and treason."

Li Laiheng replied.

Kong Yinhu was surprised when he heard this, and exchanged glances with other members of the Kong clan.

Li Laiheng continued: "Who gave you the courage to use the title of Tartar instead of the title given by Ming Dynasty! Who gave you the courage to kill your own tenants at will! Who gave you the courage to dare to slander Scolding Junfu! Who gave you the courage to dare to be so shameless! Is he the saint of Confucius?! Or you bastards who are not worthy of being the descendants of saints?!"

As he spoke, Li Laiheng ordered: "Kill them all!"


The veterans under Li Laiheng all drew their swords.

Kong Yinhu hurriedly shouted: "The commander-in-chief! Those who enter China will be the masters of China! Those who enter Qufu will be the masters of Qufu! We are doing this to conform to the hearts of the world! Confucianism is a study that obeys the hearts of the people. Go against the grain. Now the commander-in-chief accuses us of surrendering to the enemy, but the commander-in-chief, you are so harsh on our sage's family status, don't you want everyone to be obedient citizens in the future?!"

As he said that, Kong Yinhu said again: "Commander! If you want to make the world peaceful and free from thieves and bandits, you need to respect Confucianism and education! And if you want to respect Confucianism and education, the commander-in-chief should give us the number one among saints." A way to survive, so as to spread the meaning of the commander-in-chief advocating Confucianism! The commander-in-chief!"

"Why does Lao Tzu worship Confucianism?"

Li Laiheng snorted coldly.

Kong Yinhu said: "Doesn't the commander want to be a master from generation to generation?!"

Li Laiheng walked over and stabbed a bloody sharp knife into Kong Yinhu's abdomen: "I only know that because of you people, I don't live like a mother!"

"You, you are not a rebel, your tone sounds like a bandit!"

Kong Yinhu looked at Li Laiheng in astonishment and said.

In Kong Yinhu's experience, only the gangsters and bandits who have risen not long ago did not have the consciousness of wanting to be a master, but only had the consciousness of venting their hatred of officials and gentry.

Therefore, Kong Yinhu said this before he died.

Li Laiheng just smiled coldly, did not answer, and then said: "Kill!"


At this time, the veterans under Li Laiheng came over and stabbed the clansmen of Yanshenggong Mansion one by one.

"Forgive me!"

"Forgive me!"

"Forgive me!"


And these clansmen of Yanshenggong Mansion also kept begging.

But begging is of course useless.

Not long after, the entire Confucius Temple was covered with fallen corpses and blood porridge.

Li Laiheng glanced back at the statue of the most holy teacher in the Confucian Temple, then left with a bloody sharp knife in his hand in satisfaction, and said: "Report, and say that Qufu has been bloodbathed. In addition, immediately post notices in the whole city, saying As a descendant of a sage, Yan Shenggong's mansion has no sense of shame for not dying to his own court, this commander really can't stand it, so he punishes his family!"


It didn't take long for Li Zicheng's rebel army to know about it, and quickly sent someone to inform Zhang Gui about it.

Li Zicheng's rebel army then came to Qufu City in the name of recovering Qufu.

After Li Zicheng's rebel army arrived in Qufu, Li Laiheng's tribe directly opened the city, ended his life as a rebel in the name of surrendering to the Shunyi army, and handed over the treasury confiscated from Yansheng Gong's mansion to Li Zicheng's rebel army.

Li Zicheng's rebel army began to wait for Zhang Gui's arrival, and Zhang Gui reorganized it into the Huben Army.

The guards led by Zhang Guisuo had set out from Jinan, and not long after that, they learned the news that the Yanshenggong Mansion had been exterminated.


When Kong Zhen heard about this, he fainted immediately.

Kong Xingxie felt very fortunate that he had left Qufu, otherwise he would have been killed.

But what Kong Xingxie didn't know was that Tian Qi and Zhang Gui didn't intend to let him go.

"Why did this group of rebels do this?! They don't want to take over the world, and don't they plan to give the Confucian scholars a little favor?!"

Li Guangguang and other Shandong civil and military officials were also very surprised, and Li Guangguang asked a question because of this.

Zhang Gui said: "Immediately report to the court to know. And speed up the march to Qufu."


Not long after, Zhang Gui's army arrived near Qufu.

As soon as he arrived near Qufu, Li Zicheng sent someone to inform him that Qufu had been taken back by him, and then told Zhang Gui that he would accept recruitment.

Therefore, Zhang Gui immediately stated that he would ask for credit from Li Zicheng, and promised to entrust him with important positions after recruiting his rebel army.

Li Zicheng was naturally grateful.

In any era, there are people who are obsessed with organized work.

Li Zicheng is no exception.

But Kong Zhenshi reported to Zhang Gui at this time: "Please order the supervisor to punish the rebel generals who killed Yan Shenggong's mansion."

"There are no rebels here! The rebels have all surrendered. Don't speak falsely to shake the morale of the army! Anyone who speaks falsely will be killed without mercy!"

After hearing this, Zhang Gui directly refuted Kong Zhenshi without thinking.

Kong Zhenshi felt helpless and could only accept it.

"Since the Kong family has been wiped out, the property copied by the Kong family will be escorted back to Beijing in batches, waiting for His Majesty to dispose of it. All the land of the Kong family belongs to the local people. Director Zhang will supervise this matter."

Zhang Gui then dealt with the property of the Kong family.

As for the reorganization of Li Zicheng's rebel army, Zhang Gui also directly reorganized it in Qufu, ordering him to temporarily go to Jiangnan with him to Wujiang, Suzhou, to arrest the Wujiang Dong family who planned the kidnapping of the head of the country, and to punish those who committed suicide by the way. The official gentry who runs the regiment.

However, when Zhang Gui led the Guards and Li Zicheng's Huben Army to the south and arrived in the Xuzhou area, Zhou Neng sent him a secret report: "An urgent report from Ye Chengxue in Beijing."

After Zhang Gui took the urgent report and read it, he only said three words: "Got it."

Zhou Neng nodded yes and left Zhang Gui's bedroom.

Zhang Gui pushed open the window, looked at the night outside, and smiled faintly.

About half a day later, Zhang Gui's army arrived at Caowan, where they began to change horses and board boats, preparing to go to Qingjiangpu on the opposite side.

Qingjiangpu is a big town on the canal, and Yangzhou, Suzhou, and Hangzhou are listed as the four major cities on the canal.

When Zhang Gui was about to arrive at Qingjiangpu by boat, he saw ships lined up densely along the Qingjiangpu area, hardly enough for one person.

Because Zhang Gui's army went south, Qingjiang Pu was temporarily controlled, and Zhang Gui could only see that the ships were moored on the shore, but not driving in the river.

However, when Zhang Gui's official boat was sailing on the Canal River.

Suddenly, several gunshots came from the shore.

White smoke immediately filled the entire river.

Many of the official ships of Zhang Gui's army were hit because of this, and for a while, everyone on the official ships panicked.

But at this moment, all the soldiers guarding the river on the bank disappeared, and many sailors jumped from the bank to the civilian boats, and all began to rush towards the river, and all their targets were aimed at Zhang Gui, the flagship of the supervisor!

At this time, Zhang Gui's flagship had already rioted.

Li Yulan, a member of the guard battalion of Zhang Gui, personally led thirty or so guards under his command to kill Zhang Gui's cockpit, lit a large bag of gunpowder prepared in advance, and threw it into Zhang Gui's cockpit first. Inside.

With a loud noise, the entire cockpit exploded on the spot, turning into a scene of fire.

A military officer who was already on fire ran out.

Seeing this, Li Yulan immediately fired a pistol at the military officer.

The military attache fell to the ground on the spot.

Then, a few more people who were covered in flames came out, and they were all shot dead by Li Yulan and his soldiers.

The man in the boa robe who was observing this scene on the first floor of the bank could not help but put away the binoculars produced by Xishan, and said with a smile: "Uncle Zhang Gui is sure to die! Report to the capital and people outside the customs immediately!"


At that time, the navy of the Guards was busy chasing away many civilian boats that suddenly appeared, and had no time to take care of Zhang Gui's flagship.

Therefore, when Zhang Gui's flagship was on fire, the sailors of the Guards discovered it and rushed to rescue it.

"Master Zhang, please tell them that there is no need to save them! The supervisor is not on that boat!"

At this moment, Zhou Neng walked out of the cabin of an official ship next to Zhang Gui's flagship, and said something to Zhang Guowei who was also on board.

Zhang Guowei didn't expect Zhang Gui's servant Zhou Neng to be on his boat, so he hurriedly agreed, "Okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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