Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 232: Suppressing the Rebel Party and Bombarding the Great Clans in the South of the Yangtze

Chapter 232: Suppressing the Rebel Party and Bombarding the Great Clans in the South of the Yangtze River!
Li Yulan and his subordinate soldiers had already taken advantage of the chaos and left in the civilian boats that arrived, and arrived at the mangpao's place.

The man in the python robe personally received Li Yulan: "General Li would rather disregard high-ranking officials and high salaries, but also want to get rid of such traitors for the people of the world, he is really a real man!"

"Uncle praises you! A low position is just to destroy the rebellious party early, and it has to be done!"

Li Yulan cupped her hands in a bow.

Then, the python-robed official took Li Yulan's hand and came to a private room, introduced all the officials present to Li Yulan, pointed to one of the officials and said, "This is Wu Jiang Dong Shangshu Dong Gong .”

Dong Tingsong, who had become an official at the Ministry of Household Affairs in Nanjing, nodded to Li Yulan at this moment.

Li Yulan also cupped her hands and saluted, "I've seen Mr. Dong!"

For a moment, after the python-robed official introduced these officials to Li Yulan, he said, "They are all squires who have organized their own training regiments, and the total number of soldiers and horses under their command is no less than 20! In addition, the old man, Admiral Cao Jiang, has 30 people under his command. Ten thousand soldiers, a total of [-]. Now that the [-] guards he has gone south are leaderless, it is undoubtedly the best time for us to wipe out the [-] guards."

"That's right! 30 versus [-], the advantage lies with the officials and gentry in the south of the Yangtze River!"

Dong Tingsong also followed up and said: "Just wait until the fifty thousand guards are wiped out, and at the same time in the capital, after the new emperor ascends the throne and orders to wipe out the Xilin rebels, the old man will dismiss Xiangyong and return to his hometown to continue to live in seclusion. !"

"Dong Gong has always wanted to go back to seclusion, and I know it. But it may not be easy to wipe out the Xilin rebels. Now the entire Changzhou Prefecture is almost full of Xilin rebels, and there are other places. It is estimated that the cost is not less than a million!"

The man in the python robe said.

Li Yulan took the initiative to intervene at this time: "From the junior's point of view, if you want to wipe out such a large-scale rebellious party, you need to use both kindness and power, and you can't just focus on cleaning up!"

"Oh, I don't know what General Li has to say, but it doesn't matter."

Dong Tingsong said with a smile at this time.

Li Yulan also got up and bowed: "The junior dares to show off in front of the lords! According to the theory that the junior has learned in the Armed Forces Academy and the Guards, I know that Xilin Academy can gather such a large-scale civil uprising in a short period of time. The reason is actually that they took advantage of the contradiction between the common people and the unequal wealth between the gentry and the gentry, so that the common people are willing to go through fire and water for them!"

"What's more, the common people follow their Xilin rebellious party to make troubles, and they can still share the good land and get the office. In this case, why don't we take the initiative to give up the benefits and weaken the gap between the rich and the poor between the common people and our officials and gentry, so that the Xilin rebellious party Become a tree without roots, a tree without soil."

"How do you take the initiative to make a profit?"

Dong Tingsong asked hurriedly.

Li Yulan replied: "Distribute the land to the clansmen, reduce the land rent for the tenants! The profits of the workshops are also distributed to the clansmen, increase the wages of the hired workers, and guarantee their treatment! Don't treat them as domestic slaves! In this way, you can first Strengthen the cohesion within the clan!"

After hearing this, the man in the python robe asked: "Since we have to share among ourselves, why should we still wipe out Xilin's chaotic party?"

"But if we divide ourselves first, we can form a army that only obeys our own orders, and after we wipe out the Xilin rebels, we can get back what we lost!"

"Or, because we have soldiers and horses who only obey our orders, we can continue to annex more land industries, and even prevent the West Factory from taking away the benefits of sea trade! And even rebuild the benefits of smuggling outside the customs!"

Li Yulan replied.

Speaking of this, Li Yulan said again: "My lords, as far as I know from the past few years of studying in the Armed Forces Academy and the Guards, if we don't do this first, there is no way to defeat the Xilin Rebellion. Because if we don't If we do it, we will always be a minority, while the Xilin Rebel Party is the majority.”

After hearing this, Dong Tingsong pondered for a moment, then looked at Li Yulan, and said with a smile: "I would like to ask the general to enlighten me, if the old man Dong's family does this, and distributes hundreds of thousands of mu of mulberry and rice fields to the clan, how should we form an army?" Only obey our soldiers and horses?"

"Let the clansmen who have been allocated the fields manage the tenants in the allocated fields, and select strong men from the tenants under their management to form soldiers and soldiers, and give them salaries and pensions."

"In addition, set up a school for the children, let the children of the clan practice various skills! And select the children of the clan to serve as officers at all levels."

"For example, in Dong Gong's army, Dong Gong himself is the commander, and the deputy commander is Dong Gong's brother and nephew, and then analogously, the subordinate soldiers and horse commanders of Dong Gong's brothers and nephews are also his brothers and nephews."

"In this way, the clan can be used as a link to form an ethos of treating officers and soldiers equally, and orders and prohibitions can be implemented, so that it will become a strong army, and its organization should not be weaker than that of Xilin Township Soldiers and Guards."

Li Yulan said.

After hearing this, Dong Tingsong said: "This old man thinks it's very good to do this!"

As he spoke, Dong Tingsong looked at the others: "I don't know what you think?"

At this time, the man in the python robe beside him laughed first, and said: "General Li is someone that even Uncle Zhang Guo valued, and he is really a wise man! From my humble opinion, this must be done. Son of Heaven, those who have strong soldiers and strong horses will do it. Strong and strong The same is true! If we do not do this, we will not be able to have our own powerful troops, and we will not be able to wipe out the rebellious party. As General Li said, after the rebellious party is wiped out, we will get back the profits we have given out. , or relying on the soldiers and horses in your hands to take other people's profits to make up for your own lost profits."

"That's right! It's not enough to wipe out the rebels!"

"Xilin Academy has now liquidated all the gentry in the entire Changzhou Prefecture, and distributed the fertile land to those untouchables. In the future, there will be no worries about profits. It is nothing more than a liquidation by us. All the unscrupulous people who get the land will be treated as rebels. Forget it, the fields will be taken back, the wife and children will be made slaves, they will be made lowly, and I will be shot!"

"This is the best policy! It's not just that he can buy people's hearts against the party, it's not like we can't either!"

For a while, these Jiangnan gentry all agreed.

Dong Tingsong also nodded at this time and continued: "The most important thing here is to manage the children of each clan. We must respect Confucianism and education, and we must be fair and trustworthy! As General Li said just now, we should set up schools for children and strengthen their education."

After hearing this, Li Yulan said: "Dong Gong's words are very true. In the opinion of the younger generation, respecting Confucianism and teaching is not enough. You should let the children of your own clan take Confucianism as the body, astronomy and geography for use. As for the children of tenants and hired workers, You can also help them to study, but you can't make them have the ability to speculate, just let them learn Cheng Zhu Neo Confucianism, make them pedantic and dull, only make them have the heart of seeking utilitarianism, wealth and honor, instead of making them smart and intelligent like the children of the family. Know the art of governing people! In this way, the son of a tenant will always be a tenant, and the son of a hired worker will always be a hired worker, even if there are some rich and noble people, they will be useless and rotten ears!"

Dong Tingsong nodded: "This is the truth!"

Then, Dong Tingsong said: "Tonight, the old man will write a letter home, ordering the tribe to divide the fields first and then the property, and then train soldiers and run schools!"

At this time, the man in the python robe said: "It is better to cross the river and destroy the guards first, while the dragons are leaderless."

Dong Tingsong and other officials and gentry nodded their heads.

Li Yulan said: "Since that's the case, please let the younger generation draw a map of the deployment of the Guards battalions on both sides of the strait, in case the princes lead the troops to attack!"

Li Yulan was talking, when suddenly there was a loud noise outside.

The cannons were like thunder.

"what happened?!"

Dong Tingsong exclaimed.

On the other hand, Li Yulan said solemnly: "It's the iron-cored copper cannon of the Guards! How do they still have fighting power?!"

The man in the python robe at the side hurriedly walked out of the window, took a look through the binoculars made by Xishan Industrial Division, and saw that Zhang Gui had already placed his supervisor's guard of honor at a place at the Pukou of Qingjiang River.

Seeing this, the man in the boa robe couldn't help saying: "Not good! We've been tricked!"

(End of this chapter)

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