Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 233 Clan Extermination!Kill the door!Let the reactionary gentry fear the rules.

Chapter 233 Clan Extermination!Kill the door!Let the reactionary gentry fear the rules.

"I never thought it would be Li Yulan who betrayed this Marquis!"

When Zhang Gui looked at the officers and soldiers of the Guards pouring into Qingjiangpu like a tide, he couldn't help but say something to Zhou Neng.

Zhou Neng glanced at Zhang Gui after hearing this, and clenched his fists.

Zhang Gui continued: "After you catch him, ask him carefully why he betrayed me!"


Zhou Neng agreed.

Immediately, Zhou Neng boldly said: "Master Hou, I don't know if I should say something or not."

"If you have anything to say, what are you talking about!"

Zhang Gui said angrily.

Zhou Nengdao: "I feel that the reason why people like General Li Shen betrayed Lord Hou is because they did too much in Xilin Academy. They shouldn't be doing such a big thing in Jiangnan! The gentry will be liquidated! This will disturb many of the Imperial Guards who have begun to own fertile land. They worry that they will not be able to have a lot of fertile land in the future."

Zhang Gui looked at Zhou Neng for a while after hearing this.

Then, Zhang Gui turned his head back and said, "Continue talking!"


As Zhou Neng spoke, he said again: "My little one thinks that the reform advocated by Master Hou is mainly to promote profits, whether it is Xichang taking advantage of foreign trade profits abroad, or Xishan Industrial Division's large-scale manufacturing in the pass. It is to let everyone make a fortune together while making a fortune, and to support many people by the way. Let a poor, starving refugee like Xiao one now live a life of luxury with Lord Hou."

"But those poor scholars in Xilin Academy advocate the method of eliminating disadvantages. They only want to eliminate all disadvantages, but they don't think about whether people in the world really like this way of equalizing land and labor!"

"Evening service can also be done by paying the exemption money, but many people in the world will not be willing to do the same, not to mention that His Majesty will not divide his Huangzhuang evenly, even the Marquis, you are willing to share it. Should the farmland given to you by the imperial court be distributed evenly instead of the farmland that was seized by the people?"

"The point is, if it is distributed evenly, will it be good? If Lord Hou didn't have a large farmland in Xishan, would he still be able to develop a large-scale industry?"

After hearing this, Zhang Gui asked Zhou Neng: "Tell Benhou honestly, do you also have a lot of fertile land?"

Zhou Neng replied: "The young one dare not hide the truth from the Marquis. The young one doesn't own any, but the youngest elder brother owns a lot. There are [-] hectares of land outside Desheng Gate."

Zhang Gui smiled, and then said earnestly: "Zhou Neng, you are also a person who has lived a hard life, and you also know how the wealthy gentry oppress the common people. Therefore, you should also understand that those scholars in Xilin Academy also It’s those poor scholars you mentioned, why would they do this?”

"The little one understands! They are not bad! And they are all good husbands! The little one also admires them!"

"But they pay too much attention to eliminating disadvantages and not focusing on making profits. If they continue like this, it will be detrimental to your position in His Majesty's heart in the future, and will endanger your safety."

"The younger one is also worried about Lord Hou. As for the thousands of hectares of fertile land that my younger brother bought, although he bought it himself, it is actually the kindness of Lord Hou. Without Lord Hou, the rich and powerful in Gyeonggi would not suddenly have so many cheap fields. It will be sold to my brother. So, if Master Hou really agrees that they share the good land of my brother equally, at least the younger one will never have a single complaint."

"The little one has always understood that everything that the little one has today is given by Lord Hou. If it wasn't for the Lord Hou, the little one would have starved to death by now."

Zhou Neng replied.

Hearing what Zhou Neng said, Zhang Gui was silent for a while.

Then, Zhang Gui said: "The benefits must be prospered, and the disadvantages must be eliminated!"

"Huang Binqing from Xilin Academy paid too much attention to eliminating disadvantages, and forgot the consequences of directly allocating the land of the world. You are right about this!"

"Now, this Marquis can persuade His Majesty to support them to share the land in the south of the Yangtze River. It is only because this reform is needed to solve the problem of insufficient production capacity of the Industrial Division. As for the future, whether the land in other places will need to be shared is not yet determined. But what is certain is that Huang Binqing and the others can't be left to do whatever they want!"

"The little one doesn't understand these big principles, but the little one is willing to believe in Lord Hou!"

Zhou Neng pursed his lips and replied.

Zhang Gui smiled lightly, and said: "As long as people like Li Yulan think like you, it's fine. But he actually disregards morality for his own benefit!"

Then, Zhang Gui said again: "Speaking of which, it is these reactionary gentry who first intensified this idea that many scholars in Xilin today have the idea of ​​​​equalizing the fields of the world!"

"Ben Hou didn't intend to use such a radical method to change Jiangnan at the beginning, but let the scholars of Xilin Academy contact the people, help the people, and benefit the people's livelihood by starting businesses, so that the gentry would not be too oppressive and the people would be desperate. .”

"But even so, Donglin Academy still can't tolerate Xilin Academy! They insisted on colluding with foreigners to wash Xilin Academy! The result is what it is now! A large number of Xilin scholars coerced millions of people into equalizing land and labor."

"It's obvious that they want to speak with their swords first. How can you blame the Xilin scholars for being too aggressive?"

"At this time, these reactionary Jiangnan gentry are still doing reactionary things, and they don't know that they themselves have intensified the conflict. They even disregarded His Majesty's ban, privately organized regiment training, privately manufactured firearms, and even kidnapped the head of state and murdered the prince! There's nothing immoral they can't do!"

After Zhang Gui said this, he looked at Zhou Neng and said, "Actually, when I first made the rentiers feel unhappy, it was just to make people like you not hungry or cold, and I didn't want the country to be destroyed. Otherwise, why should I offend them so much, as my relative, I can enjoy the honor in peace."

Zhou Neng fell into deep thought.

Suddenly, Zhou Neng directly pushed Jinshan and inverted Yuzhu, knelt down in front of Zhang Gui, kowtowed and said, "Master Hou! Zhou Neng is guilty, so he shouldn't hold grudges against Lord Hou. You are right, there are people in Jiangnan now. Many scholars and people called out the equalization of land and labor, and their excessive behavior was caused by the reactionary gentry themselves, and it was also caused by Hou Ye for the sake of his own humble people. Others can complain, but Zhou can not, One cannot forget one's roots!"

"Get up."

Zhang Gui said a word, and said: "You can be regarded as a man of conscience, and you can be regarded as a sensible person. This Marquis did not misunderstand you! Unlike him, Li Yulan, who went from a humble scholar to a general in the first battalion, he forgot that he was a general. If anyone dies, they will sit on the side of the reactionaries. It will even harm Ben Hou, the noble man who supported him. Even if you want to leave Ben Hou in the future, remember, you have to separate easily. In this way, Ben Hou may also be in the future. Will miss you."

"Even if Zhou Neng risked the lives of himself and his family, he would not leave Lord Hou!"

Zhou Neng replied.

The implication is that if you rebel, I am willing to follow you.

"Let you get up, didn't you hear me?!"

"Yes! Thank you, Lord Marquis!"

Zhou Neng stood up.

Zhang Gui continued: "Rentiers, if you are so unrighteous, so stubborn and reactionary, even if you prosper the world and make the country rich, I'm afraid there will still be some rich people who stink of wine and meat and freeze to death. So, this book Hou Cai said, if the benefits are to prosper, the disadvantages must also be eliminated. These reactionary gentry who do not obey the rules must be severely punished! If you want to exterminate the family, you can’t be soft-hearted. It’s not enough to let them know that they respect the rules.”

"As for the equalization of land, it seems that we only need to equalize the fields in the south of the Yangtze River, and the lands occupied by temples, Taoist temples, vassals, and dignitaries. The fertile land overseas has been distributed, can it solve the needs of the people in the world for land? If not, let’s talk about it!”

"What Lord Hou said is true!"

Zhou Neng replied.

At this time, Zhang Guowei came over and said: "Master, Qingjiangpu has been completely controlled, and all the soldiers were defeated without a fight. All the militiamen in Qingjiangpu were captured except those who escaped. In addition, the admiral of Caojiang and other officials and gentry were also captured. .”

Zhang Gui smiled coldly after hearing this, and thought: "The soldiers in the south of the Yangtze River are really vulnerable."

Then, Zhang Gui lowered his face and said, "Bring them all up!"

(End of this chapter)

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