Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 237 Shoot these rebels, dig a hole and bury them together!

Chapter 237 Shoot these rebels, dig a hole and bury them together!
Liu Kongzhao, the Boss of Nanjing Defense Sincerity, saw a large number of corpses and bloody seas appearing in Nanjing City, and also learned from Jiang Fangbing who fled back that his uncle Zhang Gui had not been eliminated, so he immediately sent someone to see Zhang Gui Gui, told Zhang Gui that Cui Yunsheng, Minister of the Ministry of War in Nanjing, intends to cooperate with some honorable officials in Nanjing to force Zhao Yan, governor of Zhejiang Province, to suppress Xilin Township soldiers.

In doing so, Liu Kongzhao naturally wanted to get cold feet.

He knew that if Zhang Gui hadn't been killed, it would be impossible for people like himself to fight against the elite guards.

Therefore, Liu Kongzhao had already agreed to be Zhang Gui's internal response, but he did not inform the Nanjing Ministry of War Minister Cui Yunsheng and others of the changes outside the city, and helped Zhang Gui's guards enter the city by surprise, and took control of the Nanjing city defense.

The reason why Zhao Yan's governor's yamen is in Nanjing City is that the governor is temporarily stationed in Nanjing City because he cleared Zhang's land and manipulated the implementation of the New Deal in Fengyang, Huaiyang, Anqing, Chizhou and other places at a low cost.

Therefore, some honorable officials and gentry in Nanjing City were given a chance to threaten Zhao Yan.

According to the plan of some honorable officials and gentry in Nanjing who wanted to prevent Xilin township soldiers from carrying out the new policy of land equalization, after Xin Chengbo Zhao Zhilong and others successfully murdered Zhang Gui by colluding with the rebels of the Guards Li Yulan and others, Cui Yunsheng, Minister of the Ministry of War of Nanjing, and Cui Yunsheng Liu Kongzhao, the sincerity officer of Nanjing's garrison, and Liu Zeqing, the commander-in-chief of the Governor's Standard Battalion, launched a mutiny and threatened Zhao Yan to agree to the purge of Xilin township soldiers.

Because Zhao Yan, as the governor of Zhejiang Province, is equivalent to Emperor Tianqi's clone in Jiangnan.

Only Zhao Yan has the power to mobilize soldiers and horses from all over the south of the Yangtze River, organize the people, and wipe out Xilin Township soldiers, and only Zhao Yan has the power to determine whether these Xilin Township soldiers are rebels against the people or righteous soldiers of the Republic of China.

Therefore, these people plan to threaten Zhao Yan.

Of course, they could actually kill Zhao Yan directly.

However, as the ruling class, they are naturally cowardly, that is, they are unwilling to completely tear themselves apart from the court.

After all, what they want more is to continue to guarantee their privileged status through the court.

However, what Cui Yunsheng and others did not expect was that Liu Kongzhao, the Nanjing defender, would defect in advance.

This is also normal. As the ruling class, although they can form an alliance because of common interests, they can easily split because of interests and cannot be unbreakable. After all, they only have business in their hearts.

Zhang Gui was not surprised by this either.

What was really surprising was that people like Cui Yunsheng.

They found themselves losing again!
That's right, the moment Zhang Gui appeared, they knew they had lost.

This is really embarrassing for Cui Yunsheng and others.

They couldn't even figure out why Uncle Zhang Guo was still alive!

"How could this be, how could it be possible?! This should never be true!"

Cui Yunsheng couldn't accept this reality for a while, so he muttered to himself.

"What's impossible! Cui Shangshu, you don't really think that this supervisor will not think of this? What kind of guy is his Xin Chengbo Zhao Zhilong, can this supervisor not know?!"

Zhang Gui sneered.

Zhang Gui did have a dike against Zhao Zhilong.

After all, he is a time traveler from later generations. As a time traveler, his greatest advantage is to know what choices these people made when they encountered great changes in history.

What's more, Zhang Gui also has the secret information provided by Ye Chengxue.

So, how could Zhang Gui be easily fooled and successfully murdered by these people.

Cui Yunsheng still couldn't believe it and said: "Even if you are so smart and close to the monster, you can't really be sure that you have no plans. What's more, we obviously first learned that you have been burned before doing anything!"

"That can only be blamed for wanting to see Master Ben killed too much."

As Zhang Gui said, he spread his hands and said, "I'm just sorry, but my supervisor has let you down again!"

Cui Yunsheng was stunned when he heard this, then he trembled, his face was crying, and then he slapped and knelt on the ground: "Uncle Guo! Thank you for your kindness. I only came to coerce Zhao because of their bewitchment. The minister, the matter of murdering you has nothing to do with the lower officials!"

"Please forgive me, Uncle Guo! The matter of murdering you really has nothing to do with us!"

Marquis Longping Zhang Gongri and others, together with Cui Yunsheng, who were going to coerce Zhao Yan and order the purge of Xilin township soldiers, also knelt down.

Zhang Gui smiled contemptuously, looked at these people, and said, "Is it necessary to ask my supervisor for mercy now? This supervisor may believe that you did not directly participate in the murder of this supervisor, but you are now coercing the governor of Zhejiang Province and plotting to kill him." The way of launching a mutiny disrupted the government of the court, but the governor saw it with his own eyes! How can you let the governor spare you?!"

As Zhang Gui spoke, Zhao Yan gave him a wink, signaling to him that Liu Zeqing had also betrayed him.

Zhang Gui nodded and ordered: "Take Liu Zeqing down!"

Liu Zeqing was also stunned, and he didn't expect that the ending would be like this.

And it wasn't until Liu Zeqing himself was detained that Liu Zeqing suddenly realized and shouted at Zhao Yan: "Butang! I'm sorry for you! I'm wrong! I beg you to show mercy and give me another way to survive! Butang!"

Zhao Yan didn't answer, just walked towards Zhang Gui, bowed his hands and saluted, and said with a smile: "The law of heaven is just! Fortunately, you are fine. Otherwise, I really don't know how long this reform plan will last!"

Zhang Gui smiled and said, "It's not that serious. If I were killed, there would still be people willing to shed their blood for the justice of the world. Otherwise, the country would have perished early in the Ming Dynasty."

"This statement is justified!"

Zhao Yan bowed back to Zhang Gui, then looked at Cui Yunsheng and said, "It's just that these honorable and high-ranking officials, in the opinion of supervisors, how should we deal with them?"

Zhang Guidao: "What's the use of keeping it! Dig a hole, and shoot them all and bury them together! This city of Nanjing is not allowed to have such an arrogant person, who is so arrogant that he dares to force the big official of the frontier to patrol the hunting on behalf of the emperor. Even if he is Xun Noble and high-ranking officials must also be buried!"

"What the supervisor said, the subordinates naturally agree with it. It is impossible for us to coexist with these people."

Zhao Yan replied.

Hearing what Zhang Gui and Zhao Yan said, Cui Yunsheng couldn't help shouting: "Uncle Guo! You have to forgive others! We are nobles or ministers after all. If you kill at will, are you not afraid that people in the world will criticize you? ?!"

Zhang Guidao: "You have even taken out the means of directly murdering me, and several times, what do you think the governor is afraid of verbal criticism?"

"Uncle Guo, when is it time to repay the grievances! We are all decent people, can't we treat each other with courtesy and control the people and herdsmen together?! As long as the uncle Guo and the ministers don't act like this, the humble job is simply I won't act like this, and I am willing to continue to be the running dog of the uncle of the country and the hall!"

Liu Zeqing began to cry at this moment.

At this time, he no longer made any cover-ups, but spoke out what he said from the bottom of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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