Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 238 Bury tens of thousands of Jiangnan honored nobles alive!

Chapter 238 Bury tens of thousands of Jiangnan honored nobles alive!

"To the end of my life, I still only think that we should exploit the people of our country together, but we should treat each other with courtesy."

Zhang Gui sneered.

"But even if you want to exploit the people of your own country, why does this supervisor want to exploit with you? Are you qualified?"

Zhang Gui asked Liu Zeqing again.

Liu Zeqing thought for a while and said: "The humble job is your dog. Uncle Guo and the Ministry, don't you think that being a dog is also qualified?"

"Do you qualify to be a dog?"

Zhang Gui sneered, then nodded and said: "It is indeed qualified to be our dog!"

Then, Zhang Gui said again: "But you are different, you are a mad dog, a mad dog that started biting its master! A mad dog is not qualified!"

"Why can the dog follow the master's back and gnaw bones? It's because the dog is loyal to the master! You ask, are you loyal? As Zhao Butang's dog, are you loyal?"

Zhou Neng at the side heard this, and couldn't help but slander: "Fortunately, I'm still loyal to Lord Hou, otherwise I'm afraid I'll be buried too."

And Liu Zeqing suddenly realized at this time, and couldn't help crying for a while, and said to Zhao Yan: "The minister! The humble official is wrong! The humble official should not betray you! The humble official has not been a good dog! You can't be wronged just because you are dissatisfied with your actions. You have two minds. The humble job is indeed your lackey!"

"You are not the dog of the court! You are the commander-in-chief of the court! What you betrayed is not the court, but your own duty as an official of the court. Strictly speaking, you have betrayed the court and His Majesty!"

"Uncle Guo said this, just following your words. But the reason why your Majesty rules the world and appoints officials to govern the people is not to exploit the people, but to govern the people and make the country peaceful and peaceful. As an official of the court, But you only think about taking the interests of the people, and you don’t know that protecting the interests of the people is your responsibility, so you have today!"

Zhao Butang said to Liu Zeqing very seriously.

"You don't need to tell him these great truths. He only has business in his mind, and he only believes that the essence of an official is to exploit the people of the world, not why the society lives. This is also part of human nature and cannot be changed!"

Zhang Gui smiled and said a few words at this time, and said: "There is no need to waste words with such people, drag them out, and shoot them directly to be buried. Forget it, these people should not be shot at all, but directly buried alive!"

Therefore, Cui Yunsheng, Zhang Gongri, Liu Zeqing and others were escorted by the guards and dragged outside the city.

Cui Yunsheng couldn't help shouting: "Uncle Guo, we are either nobles or important officials of the court. Even if you are an imperial envoy, you can't do such nonsense!"

Zhang Gongri also shouted: "Uncle Guo! You are a marquis, and I am also a marquis. You can't kill me, you can't kill me!"

Zhang Gui chuckled, too lazy to answer.

Half an hour later, there was a mass grave outside the city.

A large number of people were organized to dig a big hole here with a shovel at the cost of food and three feet of cotton cloth under the organization of the Imperial Guard Academy.

After the big pit was dug, Cui Yunsheng and others were escorted to kneel beside the big pit.

It was also at this time that Cui Yunsheng and the others saw that the surface of the river outside the city was glowing red, and the corpses piled up into mountains were being loaded on the civilian boats densely dotted along the river.

This scene shocked Cui Yunsheng and others.

He didn't expect Uncle Zhang Guo to be so ruthless, and directly slaughtered all the Jiangnan officials and gentry who murdered him.

Even those brave soldiers from the countryside were not spared.

Only then did Cui Yunsheng begin to understand why Liu Kongzhao wanted to defect.

Because if Liu Kongzhao hadn't defected, the officers and soldiers of the Nanjing Jingying under his command who were no different from local hooligans would not dare to fight head-on with the guards.

At this time, the corpses transported all the way from Qingjiangpu also began to be carried by civilian husbands and thrown into the big pit.

It wasn't until these corpses were thrown into the big pit that the guards began to bury Cui Yunsheng and others.

However, when Cui Yunsheng saw that the big pit where he was kneeling in front of him was already covered with several layers of corpses, and many of the key points were the bravery of ordinary officials and gentry and the ordinary soldiers who worked for Xin Chengbo Zhao Zhilong, he felt that his dignity had been compromised. Feeling humiliated, he hurriedly shouted: "This hall is the Minister of the Ministry of War in Nanjing, Uncle Zhang Guo. Even if you want to bury this hall, can't you dig a separate hole for this hall? You must bury this hall with these lowly soldiers!"

Zhang Gui kicked him directly, and said: "You are dying, and you still pay attention to rank! Even if you are buried in a pit, you have to pay attention to privileges!"

As he said that, Zhang Gui shouted to the officers and soldiers under his command: "Bury! There is no Shangshu pit, Shilang pit, Marquis pit, or Earl pit here, only mass graves for burying reactionaries! We can't just bury the bones of ordinary people in this wilderness."


As a result, tens of thousands of honorable officials and gentry who participated in the mutiny, including Longping Hou Zhang Gongri and General Soldier Liu Zeqing, and their relatives, friends and domestic slaves were all pushed into the pit by the guards.

One by one, the reactionary criminals who were tied up rolled into the pit and rolled together with the corpses in the pit.

Liu Zeqing also rolled into the pit.

Others are no exception.


Under the command of the Imperial Guard Academy, the peasants began to dig up the newly stained red soil, throw it into the pit, and spread layers of soil on these reactionaries. In the end, these people were completely buried in the soil.

So far, the matter in Nanjing has been resolved.

Next, Zhang Gui can go to Suzhou with peace of mind to rectify the Dong family in Wujiang.

As for the copying of these Nanjing reactionary nobles and officials, Zhang Gui handed it over to Governor Zhao Yan.

However, on the eve of Zhang Gui's departure to Suzhou, Huang Binqing and Chen Zilong from Zi Maozhong also rushed to Nanjing because they heard about Zhang Gui's murder.

As soon as Huang Binqing and Chen Zilong came to Zhao Yan's Governor's Mansion, they met Zhou Neng first.

This made Huang Binqing and Chen Zilong very excited.

Because Zhou Neng is Zhang Gui's servant, seeing Zhou Neng means that he can confirm the news of his uncle Zhang Gui.

Huang Binqing came over first and asked Zhou Neng, "Uncle Guo?"

When Zhou Neng saw Huang Binqing, he was silent for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Neng punched Huang Binqing in the abdomen suddenly, and then pushed Huang Binqing to the ground and beat him violently, shouting: "Do you know, you almost killed Lord Hou!"

Huang Binqing was beaten into a fog.

"Zhou Neng!"

Zhang Gui who came out after that hurriedly roared.

Zhou Neng hurried over at this moment.

Zhang Gui slapped him directly: "What are you doing, who told you to hit someone for no reason."

"The little one lost his composure for a while, let the Lord Hou deal with it!"

Zhou Neng hurriedly clapped his hands.


Zhang Gui asked a question, and then scolded and asked: "Beating others casually, or our own people, is it just a gaffe?!"

As Zhang Gui said, he said, "Come here! Detain Zhou Neng, charge him sixty, and drive him out of the Marquis Mansion!"

Seeing this, Zhao Yan, who came out to see Zhang Gui off, tried to persuade him: "Master, why be so cruel, he is your servant for many years. His gaffe must be because of your murder, and he has a grudge against Huang Binqing and the others."

"That's not the reason for him to mess around!"

Zhang Gui said angrily.

"That being the case, let him do things for me, you don't want it, I want it!"

Zhao Yan replied.

"If you want it, I will give it to you."

Zhang Gui snorted as he spoke, and walked away.

Zhou Neng knelt on the ground with tears in his eyes and bid farewell to Zhang Gui.

After Zhang Gui left, Zhao Yancai said to Zhou Neng with a smile: "You have a good trick."

(End of this chapter)

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