Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 239 To form a prairie fire, the gentry defect!

Chapter 239 To form a prairie fire, the gentry defect!

Zhao Yan could tell at a glance that Zhou Neng suddenly lost his composure and beat Huang Binqing violently, no doubt deliberately creating an opportunity for Zhang Gui to deal with him, and doing it for Huang Binqing, a folk leader who has controlled millions of people through Xilin Scholars.

As a result, Zhang Gui can achieve the purpose of making Huang Binqing and other scholars in Xilin respect Zhang Gui more by killing his relatives righteously, that is, by disposing of Zhou Neng.

Because Zhang Gui was telling Huang Binqing that this Marquis dared to severely punish his own family members for committing crimes for you. Shouldn't you be convinced by me?

It was true that Zhou Neng had such thoughts, and he suddenly vented his accumulated resentment towards Huang Binqing.

Therefore, after hearing what Zhao Yan said, he smiled wryly: "The minister is absurd! I have nothing else to do except to do some loyal things for my uncle."

"The more you are like this, the more this hall will use you."

Zhao Yan then said with a smile.

He knew that although Zhou Neng was expelled by Zhang Gui, Zhou Neng must still miss Zhang Gui. After all, people like Zhou Neng were all brought by Zhang Gui. Except for Zhang Gui, he had no valuable social background and social relationship.

And when he uses Zhou Neng, he is deepening his relationship with Zhang Gui, which will undoubtedly help him to rely on Uncle Zhang Guo in the future to make further progress in his official career.


Here, Zhang Guowei, who is next to Zhang Gui, also told Huang Binqing why Zhou Neng beat him: "Li Yulan betrayed my uncle Guo with a few soldiers around him. Uncle agreed to implement equal farm labor, which led to the emergence of people in the Guards who did not want this to happen."

"I see."

After hearing this, Huang Binqing suddenly realized, and said again: "After we heard that Uncle Guo was killed, we also guessed that it might be that we did too much. But in fact, we just asked the imperial court to take a bigger step in the reform. I didn't expect this to happen. Fortunately, Uncle Guo is very witty and was not killed by the traitor. Otherwise, we people have committed a great crime!"

Zhang Guowei said: "That's the case, Uncle Guo didn't blame you. The servants who have been raising you for many years beat you for the family and uphold justice for you. It can be seen that Uncle Guo is willing to support you in doing so. But you You must not act recklessly again, and you must first listen to what Uncle Guo has to say."

Huang Binqing is also full of admiration and gratitude to Zhang Gui now, wishing he could kneel in front of Zhang Gui immediately and bow a few times, he has to admit that Uncle Zhang Guo is indeed generous, and he is tolerant enough to himself, Xilin scholars, He also nodded and said:

"Naturally! How dare we mess around without the consent of Uncle Guo in the future? Wouldn't it be the same as deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors!"

"Actually, even if Uncle Guo didn't punish Zhou Neng today, we have no complaints. This time, Uncle Guo was almost killed in Qingjiangpu. The root cause is indeed our fault!"

Zhang Guowei waved his hand and said: "There is no need to mention this matter again. Uncle Guo didn't mean to blame you. He also knew that since the moment he founded Xilin Academy, such things would happen."

"It can only be said that the opponents are too self-righteous, and always think that solving one person can solve one thing. For example, the problem of increasing refugees, some courtiers even think that if they kill the refugees, there will be no more refugees, but how do you know? , as long as there are people going bankrupt, there will still be refugees.”

Zhang Guowei said again: "Uncle Guo's essential purpose in running Xilin Academy is to hope for the common people in the world, not just him. We want more people like him to appear. There is only one Uncle Zhang, the opponent, I will find a way to eliminate him. But if there are many Uncle Zhangs in the world, the opponents will not be able to eliminate them even if they want to. And you Xilin scholars should be regarded as one of the thousands of Uncle Zhangs.”

"That's true! Just like sowing seeds, it will form a prairie fire!"

Huang Binqing nodded solemnly.

Zhang Guowei continued to laugh and said, "So, Uncle Guo is very happy to see that you Xilin scholars have begun to take the initiative to organize common people's land equalization. He has already agreed, and he also persuaded Zhao Butang to carry out a thorough new policy of equal land equalization in Jiangnan. Therefore, there must be restrictions on the farmland of honorable gentry, and the surplus must be distributed among the people by force."


Huang Binqing couldn't help waving his hand, and then asked again: "What about Jiangnan Juntian after the military service?"

"Then go and divide the overseas fields first."

Zhang Guowei replied.


"That's right! You Xilin scholars have already possessed the ability to mobilize and manage the people. Next, it will be Daming's new policy of equalization of land and labor after overseas immigration, and the establishment of the backbone of the new ruling area. You are not responsible for expanding the border. It is only responsible for building a new Ming Han settlement on the new territory after expanding the border. The Huben Army is responsible for expanding the border.”

After returning, Zhang Guowei said: "When the time comes, you will be appointed by the imperial court as prefects, magistrates, county officials, inspectors, chief envoys, governors and other officials to manage the people of the new territories. After all, these new territories are overseas, and the appointment requires If it is not strict, there is no need to advance scholars and then recruit people. You can directly take this shortcut, step into the official career, and realize your ambitions!"

After hearing this, Huang Binqing was a little emotional: "Being an official is the second thing. We are not changing for fame and fortune. More importantly, we want to make the lives of the people in the world rich. We are willing to do whatever we want!"

Zhang Guowei nodded: "I understand. Everything has to start with the average labor in Jiangnan, and through the average labor in Jiangnan, the wealth of the Jiangnan clans will be collected, and the money collected from the Jiangnan clans will be used to stabilize the emperor and the army. There are the main ministers in the court; in addition, the money must be used to further popularize education in Jiangnan by taking advantage of the opportunities of scholars in Jiangnan, so that everyone in Jiangnan can become Xilin scholars, have independent thinking, national awareness, and The ability to learn and express."

"Is this what Uncle Guo meant?"

Chen Zilong, who had been silent at the side, asked at this time.

Zhang Guowei nodded.

Chen Zilong suddenly slapped the table and got up and said, "It turned out that Uncle Guo would support us in doing this. Thinking about it now, we are not reckless in doing this, but in fact it is imperative!"

Zhang Guowei said with a smile: "That's right. Next, it depends on whether these Jiangnan gentry take the initiative to give up profits, or wait to be forced to share land and labor."

Not long after Zhang Guowei chatted with Huang Binqing and Chen Zilong, he brought them to meet Zhang Gui.

After Zhang Gui said a few words of encouragement to the two, the two rushed back to Wuxi, and followed Zhang Gui's instructions to mobilize Xilin township soldiers to attack the Dong family in Wujiang.

And Zhang Gui himself led the guards to Wujiang.

Dong's mansion in Wujiang.

At this time, Dong Tingsong had already learned about the fall of Hushuguan, and also guessed that Zhang Gui must have led the army on the way, so he was already worried about this, and could not help saying to Li Yulan:
"Although we benefited the tribe and re-trained the tribe, it was still difficult to deal with these Xilin soldiers, and Hushu Pass was taken back by them. Next, when the army of the treacherous minister Zhang Gui arrives, it will undoubtedly be very easy. What should we do if we want to capture Wujiang City?"

Li Yulan was also deeply regretful at this time, he never thought that after betraying Zhang Gui, he would step into such a bad situation.

Uncle Zhang Guo, the nobleman who supported him, was not burned to death because he was burned to death. He even tried his best to build a landlord regiment to practice armed forces. Shortly after successfully defeating Xilin Township soldiers for the first time, he suffered successive failures.

As a result, he was a little discouraged now, so he had to say to Dong Tingsong: "The juniors didn't expect that Xilin Township soldiers would suddenly deploy flintlock guns. We lost to them in terms of industrial skills. That's why Hushu Pass has not been closed. Take it. As for Uncle Zhang Guo, the younger generation never thought that he would still be alive. Now it seems that there is no other way but to mobilize more gentry in the city to resist to the end!"

"Dong Tingsong! You are a traitor! How dare you participate in the murder of the relatives of the state, and privately train your soldiers to be brave. Why do you want to implicate the people of Wujiang by doing this calamity of the nine clans!"

At this time, Zhou Shunchang, the representative of the Suzhou gentry, heard shouts from outside Wujiang City.

As Zhang Gui's army approached Suzhou more and more, many officials and gentry in Suzhou had taken the initiative to choose to turn against the water, and took the initiative to share their own fields, and even came outside Wujiang City to scold Dong Tingsong.

Zhou Shunchang is one of them.

(End of this chapter)

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