Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 240 Burn the rebels Li Yulan and others, and destroy the 9 Dong clans!

Chapter 240 Burn the rebels Li Yulan and others to destroy the nine Dong clans!

Seeing this, Dong Tingsong was quite shocked, and directly called out Zhou Shunchang's name: "Zhou Shunchang! What are you doing, why are you scolding me so much!"

Zhou Shunchang snorted coldly, and replied loudly: "Don't scold you, a treacherous old man! You want to coerce clansmen and tenants, and oppose the court. Have you read all your sage books into the dog's stomach? Do you still remember the righteousness of the monarch and ministers?" ?!"


Dong Tingsong was so angry that his liver hurt.

He didn't expect that, within a few days, Zhou Shunchang, one of the Suzhou gentry, from the Zhou family of Wu County, would change his previous views of setting up a regiment with him and discuss Xilin's rebellion against the party. Today, he actually came to Wujiang Outside the city, insult him.

Dong Tingsong naturally knew that this was the result of Zhang Gui's failure to be murdered.

Therefore, he couldn't say anything for a while, so he could only grit his teeth and get angry.

Zhang Gui rode his horse and stood not far behind Zhou Shunchang, watching the scene in front of him quietly.

What he didn't expect was that after he led the army to Suzhou.

The wealthy gentry families along the way took the initiative to share their fields evenly, and even donated thousands of shi of pork and grain to reward the army.

Not only that, but some big noble families took the initiative to send their clan members who wanted to privately run regiment training and make private firearms to the government, and changed the so-called tradition of keeping relatives hidden from each other, in order not to let Zhang Gui find and govern their entire clan opportunity for guilt.

Moreover, some gentry not only actively cooperated, but also offered to help Zhang Gui persuade other gentry to surrender.

As the supervisor of Ming Dynasty, after all, Zhang Gui is not a foreign force that came to colonize the south of the Yangtze River. When people take the initiative to cooperate with their own rules, it is not easy to forcibly liquidate them. In order to make more people obey the rules, they have to praise them. The gentry are aware of current affairs and encourage them to make their own contributions to the harmony and stability of the south of the Yangtze River. They say that once they successfully persuade some gentry to give up coercing their clansmen to organize their own group training with the bravery of the village, they will give credit to them.

But Dong Tingsong was stubborn after all and did not choose to surrender.

Because he knew that he couldn't end well.

After all, he was one of the masterminds involved in the murder of Zhang Gui.

Therefore, after Zhou Shunchang scolded him like this, he finally only said: "You brazen bastards can scold you whatever you want, if you really want to punish me, Wujiang Dong, you have the ability to take down Wujiang City first!"

The Dong family of Wujiang had already controlled Wujiang City, and the walls of Wujiang City were high and thick.

Therefore, if Zhang Gui and others wanted to capture Wujiang, they naturally had to think of some countermeasures.

Huang Binqing from Xilin Academy wanted to make up for the guilt of these Xilin scholars, and at the same time, he also wanted to let Zhang Gui, the uncle of the country, see his determination, so he volunteered: "The students are willing to organize a death squad and attack first. City, please approve the commander-in-chief."

Zhang Gui waved his hand and said, "No need! Direct artillery bombardment is the way to go. My supervisor pays attention to firepower. If the firepower is not enough, I will use human life to fill it up."

Therefore, Zhang Gui then ordered the artillery battalion to bombard the city.

Under the bombardment of dozens of cannons, no matter how high and thick the walls were, Wujiang City could not stop it, and more than half of it collapsed in response.

After all, after the appearance of the iron-core copper-tired cannon, the traditional city wall no longer has the ability to defend the city, unless it is replaced by a concrete city wall.

After the walls of Wujiang City collapsed, a large number of Guards and Xilin Township soldiers rushed in.

Not long after, Dong Ting, Song Jiuzu, Li Yulan and others were brought before Zhang Gui.

Zhang Gui first interrogated Li Yulan, and after asking clearly the whole story of Li Yulan's betrayal, he asked her to sign his confession and put it under charge. What a painstaking effort!"

Li Yulan, who was tied up by five flowers, said: "Through the matter now, there is nothing to say about the lowly position. As the saying goes, people don't kill the world for themselves. How can a general be merciful! Uncle Guo, your kindness to the lowly position is indeed as deep as the ocean, but I really don't want to be equalized in the future, and I really don't want to be restricted by some military disciplines stipulated by my uncle and His Majesty. But to stop this, I must get rid of my uncle. Therefore, I have to do this."

Zhang Gui said with a smile: "It's good to be a person who doesn't kill himself. Even if he fails, he has to be responsible for his actions."

As he said that, Zhang Gui said: "Drag him out, and burn him to death together with the dozens of soldiers who rebelled under his command! It's the same way to comfort the comrades who died!"


After Li Yulan heard this, she was taken aback: "Uncle Guo! Please remember that for the sake of fellowship with you in the humble ranks in the past, please be kind and lenient! Instead of burning him with fire!"

"Didn't you say that people don't kill heaven and earth for themselves, and now we have to talk about friendship?"

Zhang Gui asked Li Yulan a question.

Li Yulan froze in place.

Zhang Gui waved his hand directly and said, "Execute the order!"


Zhang Guowei replied, and sent other guards officers to drag Li Yulan and others down, gathered them on a broken wooden boat they bought, poured kerosene on them, and burned them all to death.

During the process of being burned, Li Yulan cried out in pain.

None of the other guard academies sympathized with them.

Next, Zhang Gui interrogated Dong Tingsong again, and after asking about a series of situations, he said to Dong Tingsong: "Dong Shangshu, you are very vicious, and you attacked this supervisor twice in a row, first my father, then this supervisor. Teacher yourself. It’s just that your methods are really inferior. As a dignified minister, don’t you think it’s very unprofessional to use such inferior conspiracy methods to achieve your own goals?”

Dong Tingsong sneered: "Can you use reason to make Uncle Guo change his mind? But Uncle Guo, will you listen?"

"As long as what you say is reasonable, how can the supervisor not listen to it? For example, the scholars of Xilin Academy want to share the land and labor. I think it is reasonable. Instead of stopping them, I support them."

Zhang Gui said, "I think the reason you have to use this kind of inferior method is because you didn't make sense of it yourself. Well said, a man is not guilty of a crime, but you are not really a powerful family in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, when the imperial court wants your family's hundreds of thousands of acres of land, can you hold it?"

Dong Tingsong pondered for a while, then suddenly said: "I hand it over now, is there still time?"

"That's too late!"

As Zhang Gui said, he ordered: "Drag it out and cut it! The rest of the tribe will be dealt with as treason!"


As a result, the Dong family was also punished as nine clans.

Zhang Gui did not stay in Jiangnan for long.

He is asking Huang Binqing's Xilin scholars to cooperate with Zhao Yan in accelerating the popularization of national education in the south of the Yangtze River, and he is asking them to use the pinyin literacy teaching method that Xilin Academy has already begun to implement internally, as well as various textbooks that have been compiled in the academy, for use Not long after the popularization of national education, he rushed back to the capital with the Guards and Huben Army.

Because the masterminds who participated in his murder in Qingjiangpu were not only nobles and gentry from Jiangnan, but also involved forces outside the pass.

Zhang Gui was worried that the forces outside the customs would also be ready to move because of his murder, so after finishing the matter in Jiangnan, he didn't dare to delay, but hurried to the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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