Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 241 Apocalypse Wrath!Put these Confucian officials in prison and ransack their homes!

Chapter 241 Apocalypse Wrath!Put these Confucian officials in prison and ransack their homes!

The chief assistant of the cabinet, Han Yu, hurried to Tianqi's sleeping place.

Under normal circumstances, only when there are emergency military affairs at eight hundred miles, Han Yu will directly break into Tianqi's private place without notification.

"Your Majesty, Jizhou has come to report that there is an army of more than [-] Tartars who have captured Zunhua and entered the pass, and are coming straight to the capital!"

Tianqi was not angry because of this, on the contrary, he also realized that the problem was serious, and soon heard Han Yu reporting to him the news that the Tatars had entered the customs.

"An army of more than [-] Tartars? Such a large scale. Is it the tribes of Mongolia?"

Tian Qi asked solemnly.

Han Yu said: "The urgent delivery said that there are Jian slaves and Mongolians."

After hearing this, Tianqi quickly understood: "It seems that they are colluding together! Sure enough, after my Ming Dynasty has launched an offensive in the southern Liaoning area outside the Guan, even if I still order all sides to import food, grass, tea and salt to the Mongols, I still can't stop them. In order to suppress the rise of my Ming Dynasty, I decided to collude with Jiannu. Between different forces, it really cannot be expected that money and food can be exchanged for peace with each other."

As he said that, Tian Qi said: "Immediately summon the cabinet ministers and the Jiuqing court to discuss this matter! Come up with an agenda tonight."

"According to the order!"

Not long after, Yuan Keli, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and Lu Xiangsheng, Minister of the Ministry of War, all came to the Hall of Qinzheng and learned about the entry of more than [-] Tartars.

Maybe not more than ten thousand.

After all, it's just a name.

But it is indeed a fact that a large number of Tartars entered the customs.

In front of the emperor and ministers of the Ming Dynasty, more than half of the guards were fighting in southern Liaoning, and a small half was led south by Zhang Gui. There were only [-] troops in Gyeonggi.

Thirty thousand troops are enough to defend the capital.

However, since the New Deal of Ming Dynasty has been implemented for so long, Tian Qi's appetite is not only to repel the Tatars, but to let the Tartars come and go, so that they understand that it is not easy to leave the Daming Pass once they come.

Yuan Keli and Lu Xiangsheng also understood the emperor's thoughts.

Therefore, Yuan Keli said: "I will issue an imperial edict to King Qin."

Lu Xiangsheng also agreed: "That's right, Your Majesty, the Tatars have limited number of soldiers to fight. Now that they are said to be 20, and tens of thousands of Tartars were indeed found in Jizhou, it means that the Tartars are out this time. If you can In the name of King Qin, gather all the soldiers and horses from all sides to annihilate them, and it will definitely weaken the vitality of the Tartars, making them dare not spy on our pass for ten or even twenty years!"

Tian Qi nodded: "Quite! This time, in the matter of gathering and annihilating the Tartars, all the soldiers from all walks of life are under the control of the great Sima Lu Qing."

"According to the order!"

So, not long after, King Qin's edict was issued by the cabinet.

After Zhang Gui saw the content of the edict through the "Di Bao" on the road, he couldn't help but feel a little more dignified, and further accelerated his speed to rush to the capital.

After all, the [-] guards under his command arrived at the capital one day in advance, so that he could strengthen Ming's troops near Gyeonggi one day in advance.

What Zhang Gui had to admit was that the defense depth near the capital of the Ming Dynasty was indeed not wide enough, and the Tartars could easily surround the capital after entering the pass.

And this kind of thing has happened more than once in the history of Daming.

Of course, this is also the so-called "emperor guarding the gate of the country".

However, for Zhang Gui personally, he still hopes that the strategic depth of Daming around the capital can be wider. At least it would be better for the Great Ningwei in the Yongle period to continue to exist. Arctic.

When Zhang Gui was rushing to the capital, Yuan Chonghuan, governor of Liaodong, was also leading his Guan Ning soldiers to rush to the pass.

The so-called Guanning soldiers were originally recruits trained by Sun Chengzong and Yuan Chonghuan on the basis of Liao generals in Liao, and they are now collectively called Guan Ning soldiers.

It’s just that the Guan Ning soldiers have always been on the defensive. In this era, they are naturally not as popular as the guards who have been taking the offensive in southern Liaoning. Therefore, Tianqi and the courtiers didn’t pay much attention to this soldier and horse, but just regarded him as a slightly weaker soldier. One of the frontier troops of the power.

On the way to the pass, Yuan Chonghuan also saw the imperial edict issued by the imperial court through the "Di Bao".

Therefore, Yuan Chonghuan smiled at Zuo Fu, Zu Dashou and other Liaodong generals and said: "Your Majesty has indeed issued an edict of King Qin, so that we can lead our troops into the pass, and we can be regarded as famous teachers."

Zu Dashou smiled triumphantly and said: "What Zhongcheng said is that now is the time to write to the emperor to invite the prince to study in the pavilion, and to choose the way of Confucianism to govern the country."

Yuan Chonghuan took out the manuscript: "This Fu has already been written, and you send someone to send it to the capital immediately!"


A few days later, Tianqi also received a report about Guan Ningbing from Jizhou.

Han Yu reported to Tianqi: "According to the report from Jizhou, a large number of Guan Ning soldiers followed the Tartars, and now they have reached Longjing Pass and Hongshan Pass."

Tian Qi stood up immediately after hearing this, and said in a deep voice, "Why are Guan Ning's soldiers so fast! It hasn't been long since King Qin's edict was issued, and they are about to enter the pass."

"Your Majesty is holy! This matter seems quite strange. Either Yuan Chonghuan hastily dispatched troops to enter the customs because he knew in advance that the Tartars would enter the customs and was eager to serve the king; or he had an affair with the Tartars and deliberately followed the Tartars. Appear behind to observe the situation."

Han Yu said.

Tianqi nodded after hearing this: "Call the cabinet minister Jiuqing to discuss the matter."

But at this time, Wei Zhongxian walked in quickly and said anxiously: "My lord! There are many courtiers outside asking for an audience!"

After hearing this, Tian Qi felt a little bad.

But Apocalypse chose to declare to meet these ministers.

Not long after, many ministers, represented by Minister of Rites Xie Sheng, General Political Envoy and Shao Zhan Shi Zuo Yuqing, came to the imperial court.

After Tianqi saw these ministers, he asked in a deep voice: "What do you want to tell me?"

Xie Shengxian said: "Your Majesty, please issue an order to allow His Royal Highness the Crown Prince to go out to study in the cabinet, and choose Hong Confucianism as the way to govern the country! It should not continue to be raised in the deep palace!"

Zuo Yuqing also followed up and said: "Your Majesty, the ministers are also planning for the ancestral temple and society, so please allow your Majesty!"

After Tian Qi heard it, his face turned cold: "I already know what you played, and we will discuss this matter later."

"Your Majesty, please make a quick decision. How can the country's education be delayed!"

Xie Sheng replied loudly with full confidence.

Tian Qi suddenly realized that these courtiers are very courageous today, so he replied: "If I don't allow Qing and others to play, will Qing and others still force the palace to fail?!"

At this time, Zuo Yuqing followed up and took out a memorial: "Your Majesty, this is the memorial just received by the General Secretary from Liaodong Governor Yuan Chonghuan. Yuan Gong also asked His Majesty to order the prince to study in the cabinet. Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, fearing that the army will not be stable enough to take on the important task of King Qin! Your Majesty, even the hearts of the army in the world hope that the prince can study in the cabinet, how can your majesty return the wishes of the people of the world!"

Tian Qi lowered his face and said: "You are presumptuous! What qualifications does the Secretary of General Administration have to submit directly to the Minister of Fengjiang to report to Yuzhen, why not directly send it to the cabinet! You are messing with the government!"

As he said that, Tian Qi shouted again directly: "Are you asking children to look at me?!"

Then, Tian Qi ordered: "Ye Chengxue! Send out the guards and take these people down immediately to search their homes!"

Ye Chengxue has now been promoted to the commander of Jinyiwei, the governor of Beizhen Fusi, and the commander of the Imperial Guard Battalion. He is the number one military official around Tianqi, so when Tianqi takes people, he directly lets Ye Chengxue take people.

At this time, Xie Sheng laughed: "Your Majesty! I dare to risk my life to ask the prince to study in the pavilion. Naturally, it is not my own idea. Commander Ye and the minister have the same meaning."

Tian Qi was shocked when he heard this: "What?! You guys are saying that Ye Chengxue has already made a mess with you."

Zuo Yuqing said: "Your Majesty, please don't make such harsh words, the ministers are all for the sake of the country's future!"

At this time, Xie Sheng smiled and said: "So that Your Majesty will know that Uncle Guo has already died in Qingjiangpu, and was burned to death in the boat by Jiangnan's nobles. Leave it to the ministers for education."

"What?! Zhang Gui him?"

Tian Qi was shocked again, and sat back directly.

But at this time, Ye Chengxue said: "Your Majesty! I would like to ask you, just now Your Majesty ordered these people to be imprisoned and ransacked their homes, but is it true? If it is true, I will do so! I dare not resist the order!"

As soon as Ye Chengxue said this, Xie Sheng, Zuo Yuqing and others froze in place.

Where are you from?

(End of this chapter)

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