Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 243 Cutting everything in half!Tell you to force me to hand over the prince!

Chapter 243 Cutting everything in half!Tell you to force me to hand over the prince!

Yuan Chonghuan maintained his rationality, took a step back, and replied full of doubts: "I don't dare! What I said just now is all nonsense because of drinking yesterday. Please don't take it seriously!"

Ye Chengxue snorted, if it weren't for the fact that Guan Ningbing was behind Yuan Chonghuan, he would have wanted to arrest Yuan Chonghuan and go to the imperial court to impeach him.

But he knew that the Son of Heaven didn't intend to completely turn against Guan Ningbing, so he didn't say much, and just shouted: "Bring out all the traitors!"


Not long after, courtiers such as Xie Sheng, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, and Zuo Yuqing, Shao Zhan's official and general political envoy, were taken out.

Moreover, these people had all changed into prison uniforms and were tied up and locked in cages.

Ye Chengxue said: "Your Majesty has a decree. The criminals Xie Sheng, Zuo Yuqing and others forced the palace and committed the crime of deceiving the emperor. They will be sentenced to beheaded immediately. The governor Yuan Chonghuan is specially ordered to observe the punishment, and he knows the end of deceiving the emperor."

"The minister obeys the order!"

Yuan Chonghuan replied with an ugly expression.

Zu Dashou's younger brother Zu Dachun couldn't help but stepped forward to question Ye Chengxue, asking what happened to Ye Chengxue, and agreed to force His Majesty to ask the prince to study in the pavilion, why did he suddenly change his mind and want to kill him for the emperor? A person who invited the crown prince to leave the customs?He also called Yuan Chonghuan to watch his sentence. What are the meanings of this!Is it easy for me to run after the Tartars all the way, and in the end, you fucking show me this, to see how you cut off the body of our accomplice?

Zu Dashou hurriedly gave Zu Dachun a wink, stopped his younger brother's reckless behavior, and only looked at Yuan Chonghuan.

Yuan Chonghuan had nothing to say at this time.

Because he and the entire Guan Ning army behind him did not dare to really turn against Tian Qi.

One is that the strength is not enough. The strength of the Guards has long been proven to be superior to his Guan Ning soldiers. After all, the Guards are a strong army that can gather and wipe out a few bulls in the wild on a large scale.He, Guan Ningbing, is now able to treat the imperial court with faux pas only because the foreign aggression has not been eliminated.

The second is that they are too poor outside the customs. Their wealth and life and the cost of raising the army are all supported by the imperial court. Otherwise, if they only rely on their own land economy outside the customs, they can only be like Jiannu, and even the top generals dare not eat at will. Big drink, all food has to be strictly rationed.

Therefore, Yuan Chonghuan could only bear with it now, and stood where he was, looking at Xie Sheng and others seriously.

Xie Sheng, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, Zuo Yuqing, Minister of Shaozhan and General Political Envoy, and others were already under the guillotine at this time, and they all looked at Yuan Chonghuan.

Yuan Chonghuan also looked at them.

His current mood is very complicated, and he is also very aggrieved.

The same is true for Zu Dashou and other generals of Guan Ning. They didn't expect this result.

He happily came to Guan Neiqi Wang, ready to wait to force the emperor to agree to the prince's study in the cabinet. Fortunately, in the future, the prince will be completely controlled, and then the future government will be controlled, so that the current new policy can be changed in the future.

But they didn't expect that Ye Chengxue, the key person in charge of the military power of the imperial army, was here!This person is not on their side.

Therefore, people like Yuan Chonghuan and Zu Dashou can only watch Xie Sheng and others be cut in half.

"It's time, behead!"




With the falling of a heavy guillotine, Xie Sheng, Zuo Yuqing and others were instantly cut in half.

"It hurts!"

Xie Sheng moved his upper body on the ground in unbearable pain. Not long after, he bled to death.

The same goes for everyone else.

But this scene shocked Yuan Chonghuan, Zu Dashou and others greatly.

You know, Xie Sheng is one of the cabinet ministers and ministers of the Ministry of Rites, and he was cut in half in front of him.

This shows that the emperor really did not intend to let this matter go easily.

Yuan Chonghuan, Zu Dashou and others were angry and afraid for a while.

"Zhu Youxiao is too deceitful! If he says kill, he will kill him. What does he mean? Does he even dare to kill us in the future?!"

After Ye Chengxue and others left, Zu Dachun couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said something in Yuan Chonghuan's tent.

Zu Dashou ignored his younger brother, and only looked at Yuan Chonghuan and said, "Zhongcheng, no matter whether Ye Chengxue defected before the battle, or planned to target us, we are already in trouble now. The emperor didn't kill us today, just because the enemy The situation is under pressure, and the country's uncle Zhang Gui was killed, and his [-] troops have not returned. But it does not mean that we will not be killed in the future."

After hearing this, Yuan Chonghuan smiled instead of anger: "Why, you still want to rebel directly?"

Zu Dashou said: "That's not the case, the capital, if we really want to fight, it's not so easy to defeat, not to mention that the capital is not short of troops. It's just that now, we have to think about our future."

"The way out is to invite the prince to study in the pavilion, which must be realized!"

Yuan Chonghuan said with a serious expression.

Zu Dashou said: "How can it be realized? We can no longer use Ye Chengxue to force the emperor."

Yuan Chonghuan sneered: "You can let the tartars persecute the emperor!"

After hearing this, Zu Dashou understood: "What does Zhong Cheng mean?"

Yuan Chonghuan nodded: "Ben Fu will write to Huang Taiji and Lin Danhan to ask them to cooperate with us. They should also understand that if Da Ming doesn't compromise now, they really want to watch Da Ming become stronger and stronger because of the New Deal. There will be no good days!"

"What Zhongcheng said is true! Uncle Guo has been killed, and the [-] guards may have been wiped out in the south of the Yangtze River. Now that the guards in Beijing are defending the capital, Xishan and the imperial tomb, they may not be able to drive out the Tartars again. And driving the Tartars back can only depend on my Guanning Army. As long as these Tartars are allowed to plunder the capital, the rich and powerful ministers in the city will be more anxious, the more they want the Tartars to retreat, and the more they will force Zhu The school agrees to allow the prince to study in the cabinet."

Zu Dashou responded and started talking with a smile.

So Yuan Chonghuan wrote a letter to Huang Taiji.

Just like in history, he and Huang Taiji have exchanged private letters not once or twice, and they already have special messengers.

Not long after, after receiving Yuan Chonghuan's letter, Huang Taiji discussed with Fan Wencheng and others.

Fan Wencheng said: "Based on the foolishness of the slaves, the life of our banner people is very difficult now. Nowadays, the banner people are willing to travel thousands of miles to enter the customs with their masters, in order to make a fortune by plundering the Han people in the customs. Otherwise, if this continues , because there are no Shanxi merchants and no smuggled materials, sooner or later there will be a civil uprising in Dajin. Therefore, what we need now in Dajin is to be able to loot the manors of the powerful and powerful in the capital of the Ming Dynasty Grain, fodder, iron materials, etc. were looted back, so that the morale of the people was still high."

Huang Taiji nodded: "You are right, this is what Dajin needs most now. Then write back to him Yuan Chonghuan, we are willing to cooperate, looting various rich and powerful manors outside the city, creating panic, and giving him a chance His Majesty the emperor who forced them to agree to let their crown prince study in the cabinet."

Fan Wencheng hurriedly flattered: "Master Shengming! In fact, letting the crown prince of the Ming Dynasty only be good at the hands of rotten Confucians will also help my Dajin to establish the Central Plains in the future."

Huang Taiji smiled and said: "Since this is the case, when the decree of this Khan is passed on, when looting various manors, you must respect the Confucian scholars and not be contemptuous or insulting, otherwise, this Khan will not be lenient! Ezhen, after capturing the Great Confucianism, you must do your best to help this Khan. Especially Sun Chengzong who lives in Gaoyang. If you can make the teacher of the Ming Emperor a slave of this Khan, it will undoubtedly be a happy thing!"

Fan Wencheng also smiled.

Lin Danhan also received a reply from Yuan Chonghuan here, expressing his agreement to cooperate, because their Mongolian tribes are also coming out in full force, and they don't want to return empty-handed. Fan.

After Yuan Chonghuan received the reply from these two people, he laughed: "Sure enough, they are willing to cooperate. Ben Zhongcheng will go up to ask His Majesty to let the prince study in the cabinet. How can you not know my painstaking efforts when the prince ascends the throne in the future?"

As he said that, Yuan Chonghuan asked the emperor to quickly issue an order for the prince to study in the pavilion on the grounds that the Tartars were already looting the surrounding villages, so as to calm down the army, and let them, the Guanning army, repel the Tartar army as soon as possible for the court.

Tian Qi did not expect Yuan Chonghuan to send a third letter just after Yuan Chonghuan sent the second letter asking the prince to study in the pavilion.

"Presumptuous! Is he bullying me and dare not kill Yuan Chonghuan?!"

Tianqi was furious and directly overturned all the utensils in front of him.

Wei Zhongxian said from the side: "Speaking of which, they did this because the uncle of the country is no longer there, and the emperor is currently short of troops."


At this moment, Han Yu walked over quickly, gasped and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, Uncle Guo has an urgent delivery, and he was not killed! It is said that he will hurry back after dealing with the Jiangnan incident."


"What are you saying is true?!"

(End of this chapter)

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