Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 244 Called King Qin!Uncle Guo led an army of 8 to Zhang Jing!

Chapter 244 Called King Qin!Uncle Guo led an army of [-] back to Beijing!

Apocalypse was pleasantly surprised.

The bad mood that Yuan Chonghuan brought to him was instantly swept away.

Moreover, Tian Qi jumped down from the jade steps and pinched Han Yu's shoulder.

Han Yu gritted his teeth and forced a smile: "Your Majesty, I can't help pinching your old bone like this. Please let your Majesty loose first, and Rong Chen will hand you the urgent note for you to read carefully."

Only then did Tian Qi let go of his hand, and directly snatched the urgent delivery from Han Yu's hand, and looked at it carefully.

After reading it, Tian Qi said: "There is really no danger, people like Xin Chengbo are really daring! However, from this point of view, the reform is really not an easy task. From the beginning, not only I am alone, and my life is in danger, why is it so difficult to rejuvenate the country!"

At this time, Han Yu persuaded: "It's good that Uncle Guo is fine. Your Majesty don't need to be too emotional. Although it is difficult to guard against villains, it is also difficult to destroy them. But after all, people's hearts are on the side of the court. With the development of foreign interests in the future Don't worry about not being able to make everyone in the world know how to be respectful and law-abiding! Sooner or later, the Ming Dynasty will be revived! In addition, as the people of the world gradually realize that conspiracy and evil ways cannot defeat righteous ways and evil schemes after all, and killing can hardly change the status quo, they will be willing to abide by the emperor's guidelines Act according to the laws of the country. You will also know what is proper."

Tian Qi nodded after hearing this: "Yuan Fu is an old man's words. Yuan Chonghuan, Zhao Zhilong and his ilk are said to be too lenient to them after they became temples! And they forgot that obeying the rules is a very important thing. In fact, although I was scolded by them as a mean and ungrateful tyrant, why are they not? Even, he is meaner and more cruel than me! I never kill anyone, not because of selfish desires. It is only the right of the Son of Heaven, I can kill, even if I kill indiscriminately, it is only because I have a bad reputation and I am not guilty, but they can't! If they kill like this, it is a serious crime."

"What Your Majesty said is true. Now, Yuan Chonghuan and the others probably don't know that Uncle Guo is still there and is rushing back to the capital with an army. In my opinion, it's better to tell him that if he still has the idea of ​​the society and the common people, he should He understands that he must repel the Tartars, and prevent the capital from being slaughtered by the Tartars. Otherwise, he is cutting off his last way of life!"

At this time, Han Yu put forward his own suggestion.

Apocalypse said: "Go to the army to attack the conspiracy. It is undoubtedly a good strategy to expose their conspiracy. However, what I am worried about is that this Yuan Chonghuan has always been arrogant and thinks highly of himself, so he is not necessarily willing to believe that he will fail. I am afraid that he will think that this is my The fake news that was released, but I still need to make an order to let the prince go out to study in the pavilion."

"Your Majesty, will he think it's fake news? You can only find out if you try it. If he really thinks it's fake news and insists on forcing His Majesty to let the prince leave the cabinet to study, then he will be even more unforgiving!"

Han Yu replied.

After hearing this, Tianqi nodded: "Yes! Just like this, I will approve his memorial and inform him about it. In addition, I will send an order to Lu Aiqing, Minister of the Ministry of War, ordering him to mobilize militias from various places in Xishan to guard against small groups of Tatars everywhere. Son slaughter! After the 500 guards led by the uncle of the country come back, we will gather and wipe out all the Tatars who have entered the pass. Then I will spread my will and allocate 20 million taels of silver from the internal funds. Every soldier and civilian who kills the head of a Tartar will be rewarded. I will reward you with an extra [-] taels of silver!"

The land equalization and liquidation in the south of the Yangtze River have added tens of millions of taels of silver to Tianqi's internal funds, and he has become very generous. Because he is in a good mood, he directly offered a reward to encourage the soldiers and civilians in Gyeonggi to kill the Tartars.



"It's impossible! It's absolutely impossible!"

Here, Yuan Chonghuan spoke in disbelief after receiving more severe criticism from Tianqi in his memorial and explaining that his uncle Zhang Gui was on his way back to Beijing and was going to participate in the encirclement of the Tartars.

Zu Dashou also said: "But Zhongcheng, what if this is true? Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case."

"Even if it's true, it's not false news made by the cabinet. You Liaodong generals, are you really willing to fight head-on with the Tartars and waste your own strength?"

Yuan Chonghuan asked Zu Dashou with a smile.

Zu Dashou was silent for a moment: "If you are forced into a desperate situation, I will still dare to lead my servants to rush to kill. If you really want to fight recklessly, the Tartars are not necessarily opponents of the inferior rank."

"Is it a desperate situation for you right now?"

Yuan Chonghuan laughed, and then said: "So, you will just wait for the Tartars to leave by themselves, and then follow the Tartars behind, saying that you have repelled the Tartars."

Zu Dashou: "..."

He had to admit that what Yuan Chonghuan said was true.

Yuan Chonghuan continued: "I didn't expect you to really repel the Tartars!"

As Yuan Chonghuan said, Liaodong generals who know how to preserve their strength will not fight desperately as long as the Tartars do not attack the capital city.

Unless the Tartars don't slaughter manors everywhere and only attack the capital, they will fight hard.Because if the Tartars attack the capital and they don't fight hard, they will no longer be eligible to eat the food of the court!
But the Tartars are not stupid. Both Huang Taiji and Lin Danhan know that the current Ming Dynasty has not yet reached the point where it can be wiped out directly.Therefore, they didn't intend to attack the capital, they just entered the pass as robbers to stabilize their inner hearts by plundering.

It is precisely because of this that they are willing to listen to the dispatch of Yuan Chonghuan, a governor of Liaodong, and cooperate with Yuan Chonghuan and other Guanning soldiers so that they can go to the capital to set up a camp first.

Zu Dashou just smiled awkwardly, without denying it, and asked: "So what does Zhongcheng mean?"

"Regardless of whether he is real or not, let's wait until Uncle Zhang appears! There is no need to tell the Tatars about this. Whether it is Huang Taiji or Lin Danhan, since they have entered the customs, they will definitely not be willing to leave so easily. Even if they want to leave, their subordinates are not willing to leave without getting anything. You must know that many of these Tartars borrowed usury to bribe the leaders of their respective banner tribes to get the opportunity to enter the customs and make a fortune together. .”

Yuan Chonghuan said: "You treat the imperial court as a fat sheep, why don't they treat Daming as a fat sheep!"

Therefore, Yuan Chonghuan continued to write a memorial to Apocalypse, and once again clarified the necessity for the prince to study in the pavilion, just like those civil servants who tirelessly asked Wanli to order Zhu Changluo to study in the pavilion during the Wanli period.
But now the dignitaries and bureaucrats in the capital are running around like ants on a hot pot.

Because there are many dignitaries in the capital, the manors of these dignitaries and bureaucrats are almost all over the capital, and the good land and fertile soil are all owned by the dignitaries.

Most of the people in Gyeonggi are also their household slaves.

Especially in Gyeonggi now, the common people in Gyeonggi are either slaves of the rich and powerful households, or workers of the Seosan Industrial Division.

Therefore, if the Tartars want to slaughter, they can only slaughter the manors of the rich and bureaucrats outside the city or the Xishan industrial base.

In essence, Xishan is also the private property of the powerful and bureaucrats.

The first thing Huang Taiji chose to slaughter was the Xishan Industrial Base where the Xishan Industrial Division was located.

Under his orders, Duoduo led [-] slaves from Niulu to Xishan Industrial Division.

However, the Xishan Industrial Division has Lu Xiangsheng, Minister of the Ministry of War, and [-] soldiers from the Xishan Battalion of the Guards who stayed here, and they are all equipped with percussion guns and many cannons.

Therefore, Jian Nu could not take advantage of it, so he had to leave to slaughter other powerful manors.

Many powerful manors suffered as a result, and they came to Tianqi to cry and asked Tianqi to agree to Yuan Chonghuan's request and let the prince study in the cabinet, so that Yuan Chonghuan could help them repel the Tartars and keep their manor.

This made Tian Qi very depressed, and said to Han Yu and the others: "This Yuan Chonghuan! I still don't believe it, but I promised him, he can really make Guan Ningbing fight with the Tartars once!"

Han Yu said: "Your Majesty, as long as you agree, Yuan Chonghuan will win, and he will win a great reputation! You even have to reward him for his hard work as a king! As for the Tartars, there is no need for him to go shopping with Guan Ningbing, they After slaughtering enough, I will cooperate with Yuan Chonghuan to evacuate and leave the customs."

Tian Qi slapped the table with a palm: "I know that if I agree, he will do this, but what makes me angry now is that I have nothing to do with him at this time!"

At this time, Wei Zhongxian came up and said, "Your Majesty! Uncle Guo has returned to Beijing with an army of [-], and he has already arrived at Xishan Mountain!"

(End of this chapter)

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