Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 245 Rebel, take down the traitor Yuan Chonghuan!

Chapter 245 Rebel, take down the traitor Yuan Chonghuan!
Of the [-] troops that Zhang Gui brought back, in addition to the [-] Guards, there were also [-] Huben troops recruited by Li Zicheng's troops from the original rebel army.

But after Zhang Gui arrived at the capital with the [-] troops, he did not immediately attack the Tartars who were entrenched everywhere.

Because all the way to the capital, people and horses are exhausted.

What's more, it is impossible to start a big battle with a scale of tens of thousands, and you have to try it first and then try it again.

The army brought back by Zhang Gui also returned to Xishan after first finding out that there were no Tartars in the Xishan area.

However, Zhang Gui's [-] troops appeared in Gyeonggi, and the scouts of the Tartars and Guanning soldiers could not fail to notice.

Therefore, it didn't take long for Huang Taiji, Lin Danhan, and Yuan Chonghuan to know that the large-scale guards holding the flags of Wuyingdian University, Libu Shangshu, Bingbu Shangshu, Youdu Yushi, and Zuodudu appeared in Gyeonggi. Condition.

"So, Uncle Zhang Gui was not killed, and he rushed back to the capital within a few months. What Jiangnan gave us was indeed false news!"

"Presumably, the reason why the real news didn't come back to Beijing should be because the people in the south of the Yangtze River didn't expect it themselves, and then they were all wiped out in advance by Uncle Guo!"

Therefore, Yuan Chonghuan spoke to the Liaodong generals such as Zuo Fu and Zu Dashou with a heavy expression.

After hearing this, Zu Dashou also felt depressed: "So, we really lost?"

Yuan Chonghuan nodded.

Zuo Fu asked, "Then what should we do now?"

Yuan Chonghuan thought for a while and said: "Let's wait and see what happens! It is the Tartars who really want to slaughter the capital, not us. Therefore, for His Majesty and the uncle Zhang Gui and others, the first thing they want to eliminate is the people who want to make a fortune in the pass. It's the Tartars who are leaving, not us."

Liaodong generals including Zuo Fu and Zu Dashou all nodded.

Their mood is very depressed now.

Because this time, they followed Yuan Chonghuan to King Jingqin and forced the emperor to let the prince study out of the pavilion. In essence, they dared to follow Yuan Chonghuan and others to force the palace because Zhang Gui had already been killed and the situation in the south had been controlled.

But now the forced palace has not been successful, and even the uncle Zhang Gui has not been successfully murdered, but it is easier for them to convince the emperor of their disloyalty.

Yuan Chonghuan himself was also very depressed.

As a civil servant, he hopes to gain more power by controlling Guan Ningbing, and even control the emperor, so as to achieve his own political goals.

But Yuan Chonghuan did not expect the situation to develop like this.

He has to admit that ever since Daming got Zhang Gui, his road to fame and fortune has not been smooth!
The limelight was overwhelmed by Sun Chuanting, and he wanted to directly fight against Uncle Zhang Guo, the backer behind Sun Chuanting, but he was not his opponent. Now he is in a situation that makes the emperor displeased, and his life may be in danger.

After all, the scene of forcing the emperor to let the prince out of the pavilion to study and Xie Sheng and others being cut in half is still vivid.

And he even directly published several memorials to ask the emperor to let the prince come out of the pavilion to study!
These memorials can not only give him a great reputation, but also become evidence of his murder.

At this time, Yuan Chonghuan wished that people like Huang Taiji and Lin Danhan could defeat Zhang Gui, and even get rid of Zhang Gui.

Zhang Gui knew that many people wanted to get rid of him.

After all, he changed the original direction of history and damaged the interests of many people.

But Zhang Gui knows that there are many people who want him to live, and even hope that he can have more power.

Naturally, it is also because of interests!
Otherwise, people like Zhou Neng and Huang Binqing would not have acted too aggressively just because they knew that he was killed.

Even, it was because some people hoped that he could have more power, so that he could now hold military power as a foreign relative.

Zhang Gui believes that as more and more people stand on his side, his enemies will become fewer and fewer.

But just a friend will not take the initiative to become your friend.

This requires Zhang Gui to be able to show his strong side when dealing with his enemies, so that more people will be more willing to become Zhang Gui's friends instead of choosing to become Zhang Gui's enemies.

Therefore, Zhang Gui needs to eliminate these enemies in front of him, and eliminate those who have actively chosen to be his enemies in the most cruel and thorough way.


Yuan Chonghuan.

There is also the Liao land military landlord behind Yuan Chonghuan.

In the late spring of the eighth year of Tianqi, Zhang Gui and his enemies all gathered here in the entire Gyeonggi area.

Zhang Gui has an army of [-] troops, and he has built a stronghold in the Xishan area. In addition to the soldiers and horses who stayed in the Xishan area, the battalion is hundreds of miles away.

But Guan Ning's soldiers set up camp in the suburbs of Beijing. Because their strength was only more than [-], they were not as large as Zhang Gui's.

The Tartars Huang Taiji and Lin Danhan had no choice but to gather their forces after learning that Zhang Gui had led his troops back to Beijing. Apart from dividing troops to guard the various passes, only more than [-] soldiers and horses camped together on the bank of the Gu River. I didn't dare to go around and slaughter the rich and powerful manors.

But now the problem facing Tartar Huang Taiji and Lin Dan Khan is that if they don't slaughter and plunder the manors of the rich and powerful, then their entry into the customs is equivalent to a loss, and it is a huge loss!
Because there are more than tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, people eat horses and chew, and staying for one more day is a huge consumption. Not only will some of the food looted before have to be consumed, but even the food and grass brought in will be discounted!
Therefore, they had to loot a handful before they could leave.

Otherwise, even if it is a white trip, the key point is that the white trip will not be mentioned, and there will be a lot of losses. After returning, the internal conflicts will be intensified by an expedition of labor teachers.

But right now, Zhang Gui's army totaled nearly [-] soldiers and horses stationed in Xishan, together with Qin Wangshi who came from all over the place, it was impossible for them to wantonly slaughter and plunder various manors.

After all, once there are too many troops, it is easy to be dumped.

"Only by taking Xishan and defeating the Ming army can we facilitate the next looting. Otherwise, if we keep waiting, if Zhang Gui doesn't come to attack us, we will be in chaos first!"

Huang Taiji therefore approached Lin Danhan to discuss.

Lin Danhan also agrees with this.

In history, these two overlords outside the customs who were enemies, became an alliance because of the effect of Zhang Gui, a butterfly, and had to decide to attack Xishan where Zhang Gui was located.

Not long after, Zhang Gui judged from the scouts on his side that the Tartars were about to attack him on a large scale because of the large number of Tatar scouts in the Xishan area.

For this reason, Zhang Gui hurriedly discussed countermeasures with Lu Xiangsheng.

"The Tartars did this because they were cornered. They will definitely fight hard! And as long as we are not timid, first of all, the coach is not timid, we will not lose to them!"

Lu Xiangsheng said to Zhang Gui.

Zhang Gui nodded: "Of course my supervisor will not be timid, I will sit here with Da Sima."

Then, Zhang Gui said: "However, the Tartars have never had a large population, and we have sent tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. I am afraid that they have almost exhausted their youth and strength. If we don't let them go, their power will undoubtedly be greatly weakened. It will undoubtedly be easier to calm foreign aggressions in the future."

After hearing this, Lu Xiangsheng said: "Uncle Guo said yes, so in Uncle Guo's opinion, we should keep them all here?"

Zhang Gui nodded: "That's right! Let them come and go."

Lu Xiangsheng thought about it for a while and said, "We have to deploy troops everywhere to encircle us. My guards are okay. The other king soldiers, especially Guan Ning's soldiers, may not be willing to cooperate with the court. After all, they want to support the bandits to be self-respecting."

"As long as Guan Ning's soldiers can cooperate, the other King Qin's soldiers will not dare not to cooperate."

Zhang Gui said.

Lu Xiangsheng said with a smile: "But they are the least willing to cooperate."

Zhang Gui said with a serious expression: "It's up to them not to cooperate! Otherwise, I will wait to be settled by Qiuhou! I don't mind sharing land and labor in Liao."

After speaking, Zhang Gui said: "I have sent Zhang Guowei to contact Zuo Fu and Zu Dashou, and they will make the right choice."

Guan Ning Bing camp.

Zhang Guowei talked about Zuo Fu and Zu Dashou.

Therefore, Yuan Chonghuan convened Zuo Fu and Zu Dashou to discuss and said: "After thinking about it, I should withdraw to the outside of the customs in time. In addition, we should let Huang Taiji and Lin Danhan also evacuate. We can replenish their supplies. But if they stay here, they may not only fail to slaughter and plunder, but also may not be able to go back! And in this way, the Tartars will inevitably become weaker, and it will be difficult for you Guan Ning soldiers to support the bandits!"

"Zhongcheng, you can't go back."

Zu Dashou said.

Yuan Chonghuan was taken aback after hearing this: "What do you mean by that?"

Zu Dashou suddenly shouted sharply: "By order of Grand Sima Jun, take down the traitor Yuan Chonghuan!"

(End of this chapter)

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