Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 246 Execution!Hang Yuan Chonghuan!

Chapter 246 Execution!Hang Yuan Chonghuan!

Yuan Chonghuan looked at Zu Dashou and others in astonishment, and stared at the gleaming knife drawn out by his servant, and was stunned for a long while.

"You actually betrayed me?!"

Yuan Chonghuan therefore asked a question.

Zu Dashou smiled and said: "Zhongcheng, there is no betrayal here, we are also following the order of the Great Sima."

"Junling! He, Lu Xiangsheng, is ungrateful to you. Why do you recognize him as a great Sima now and obey his Junling?! If you do this, which scholar-bureaucrat will dare to trust you in the future?!"

Yuan Chonghuan asked angrily.

Zu Dashou said: "What Zhongcheng said is wrong. Our Guan Ning soldiers, in the final analysis, are also soldiers of the imperial court, and they eat the emperor's food. There is no need for the officials to trust us. As courtiers, we naturally only know how to listen. An order from the imperial court. Da Sima is His Majesty's Minister of the Ministry of War, who controls the generals in the world, how can we not obey his orders?"

Yuan Chonghuan became even more angry when he heard this, and was so angry that he threw the teacup in his hand at Zu Dashou on the spot, pointing at Zu Dashou: "Your Zu Dashou forgot your roots! You betrayed Ben Fu! You turned around and wanted to take Ben Fu's head at him Uncle Zhang Guo sold well. Don’t forget, who supported you to make it to this day!”

"It's the imperial court! It's the people of the world! There are millions of Liao's salary every year, so it can't be said that it was donated by your Yuan family, Yuan Fuyuan."

Zhang Guowei came out to ask a question.

Zu Dashou also nodded and said: "Master Zhang is right. We Liao soldiers and Liao generals are not your private soldiers in Yuan Fuyuan. We are soldiers raised by the imperial court. Only by betraying the imperial court can we forget our roots."

In Zu Dashou's view, he and civil servants like Yuan Chonghuan are just using each other.

He can betray Yuan Chonghuan, just like the former civil servant Wang Xianggan betrayed Zhang Cunren.

Yuan Chonghuan was speechless, but at this moment, he could only admit defeat.

He knew that people like Zu Dashou would not really listen to him, but he just didn't expect that he would be betrayed so soon. You know, the Tartar army and the uncle Zhang Gui's army have not yet won lose it.

In fact, what Yuan Chonghuan didn't know was that although Zhang Gui's army and the Tazi's army had not yet decided the victory or defeat, Zu Dashou and others had already begun to think about their own retreat. No matter how willing he was to be tied to a chariot with people like Yuan Chonghuan, once Zhang Gui sent someone to persuade him to betray Yuan Chonghuan and make meritorious service, he would agree without any rejection.

Although he did want to support the bandits, he cared more about whether he could continue to be an official in Daming.

Having an organization is very important to people like Zu Dashou.

In history, he surrendered to become a slave in order to give up the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, but he hesitated many times after diving, which shows how much he cares about the establishment given to him by the orthodox court.

As for now he has to cooperate with Zhang Gui to wipe out all the Tatars who have entered the pass, which will make the Tartars weak in the future, which is not conducive to his self-respect of supporting the bandits.

From Zu Dashou's point of view, he can definitely increase his efforts to support the bandits after the Tartars are weak, just like Li Chengliang did back then, maybe he can raise another Nurhachi.

Therefore, Zu Dashou decisively chose to switch to Zhang Gui and Lu Xiangsheng.

Yuan Chonghuan couldn't say anything about it.

Next, he was escorted to Zhang Gui's place.

Zhang Gui looked at Yuan Chonghuan, and smiled faintly: "Yuan Yuanyuan, why are you making such a big battle? Others will not mess with this supervisor if they can, but you, you must do it! Could it be that you still expect Guan Ning's soldiers to rebel for you? If you can use Guan Ning's soldiers to force His Majesty, this supervisor can use Guan Ning's soldiers to force you into a trap!"

Yuan Chonghuan raised his head and said: "I have nothing to say about success and defeat. But Uncle Zhang Guo, what you just said is correct. Yuan can't really expect Guan Ningbing to fight against the court for Yuan, but you are the same, too. You can't expect Guan Ning's soldiers to really rebel for you, not just Guan Ning's soldiers, but also the guards around you, once you can't give them benefits, you are nothing!"

"You don't need to say anything more. You can have today, mostly because of yourself, don't just think about blaming others."

Zhang Gui said: "Prepare the car, I will take him back to the city to meet His Majesty, and I will hand it over to Da Sima for unified command."

With that said, Lu Xiangsheng bid farewell to Zhang Gui.

After Zhang Gui returned to the capital, Zhu Youxiao greeted Zhang Gui in person at Daming Gate.

After exchanging pleasantries, Zhang Gui pointed to Yuan Chonghuan in the prison car: "Your Majesty, Zu Dashou and others have exposed Yuan Chonghuan's collaboration with the enemy, and have a private letter in hand. Now I have ordered him to be arrested, and please His Majesty deal with it."

"Not only did he collude with the enemy, but he also coerced the enemy into self-respect, threatening me to hand over the crown prince to the Confucian officials!"

Tianqi glanced at Yuan Chonghuan and said.

When he learned that Zhang Gui had returned to the capital, Tian Qi swept away his previous depressed mood, and knew that Yuan Chonghuan would not be able to threaten him again.

But what Tianqi didn't expect was that Zhang Gui also arrested Yuan Chonghuan.

And after listening to Zhang Gui's statement that Zu Dashou had exposed him, he naturally guessed that the reason why Yuan Chonghuan was arrested was because Guan Ningbing betrayed Yuan Chonghuan.

As an emperor who has seen wind and rain, Tian Qi is not surprised by this.

Humans are used in this way to use the past.

Yuan Chonghuan could use Guan Ningbing to force him to hand over the prince to Confucian officials, and Zhang Gui could also use Guan Ningbing to get Yuan Chonghuan arrested.

Yuan Chonghuan only glanced at Ye Chengxue here.

He knew that the failure of his and Jiangnan Xincheng Bo Zhao Zhilong's actions this time was due to two reasons, one was Ye Chengxue's betrayal, and the other was that his uncle Zhang Gui was not murdered successfully.

Therefore, Yuan Chonghuan stared at Ye Chengxue at this time.

Because Zhang Gui was not murdered successfully, it can also be said that Zhang Gui was lucky.

But Ye Chengxue's rebellion meant that they were really put together by Ye Chengxue.

"Yuan Chonghuan, I don't think you will be sentenced to death because of your lack of merit and suffering in Liaodong these years, but in fact, based on what you did with Jiannu and the Mongols in private, I will not be wronged if I kill you !"

Tianqi said: "Pass down the decree, leave Yuan Chonghuan's whole body and hang him."

Yuan Chonghuan, who was standing in the cage, said after hearing this: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness!"

After that, Yuan Chonghuan didn't say anything more.

He couldn't say anything more, after all, he did all of this by himself.

As a result, Yuan Chonghuan was wrapped around his neck by a rope shortly thereafter.

At this moment, he began to feel fear, and realized that what he did before was indeed too ignorant of boundaries and awe, so that he was too publicized, and he forgot what the consequences would be after the publicity.


As the rope gets tighter and tighter.

He gradually felt difficulty in breathing, and finally lost consciousness, and no longer attached to fame and fortune.

Many civil servants felt very sorry for Yuan Chonghuan's experience, because they knew Yuan Chonghuan's purpose was to let the civil government continue to dominate the direction of Ming Dynasty and let Ming Dynasty protect the interests of scholar-officials to the greatest extent.

But now, Yuan Chonghuan, a feudal official of the frontier, and the honorable gentry in the south of the Yangtze River, colluded with the emperor's close ministers, tartars, etc., and the action plan to murder the uncle of the country and force the emperor to let the prince study in the cabinet failed, and it ended today.

Therefore, these civil servants sympathized with Yuan Chonghuan in their hearts, but also because of this, they were very dissatisfied with Ye Chengxue's behavior of defecting or deliberately fishing.

"This kind of influence is very bad! Very bad! How can he, Ye Chengxue, be untrustworthy, how can he play with scholar-bureaucrats like this! In this way, how dare future schemers trust their accomplices!"

At this time, the new senior scholar Lai Zongdao gnashed his teeth and talked about Ye Chengxue in front of the senior scholar Li Guopu.

Li Guopu said: "Master Ge, please calm down. Ye Chengxue did this after he got the consent of the servant."


Lai Zongdao stood up in surprise: "Mr. Ge, how can you?"

(End of this chapter)

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