Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 247 Li Zicheng, play it for me!

Chapter 247 Li Zicheng, play it for me!
Li Guopu smiled and said, "Elder Ge, don't be surprised by this. It's nothing, once you're done, you'll be exhausted. If you want to do great things, you will inevitably have to do a few cruel things."

"The reason why Uncle Guo is able to have such power today, in the final analysis, lies in the word 'ruthless'!"

"If Ye Chengxue doesn't borrow a few heads and make a few great achievements, how can he do what Zhang Yong did to eliminate Jiang Bin in the future?"

After hearing this, Lai Zongdao fell silent for a while.

After a long while, Lai Zongdao asked, "So, you let Ye Chengxue get cold feet?"

Li Guopu nodded: "Not only did he make him quit, but he told Uncle Zhang Guo in advance that he might be killed in Qingjiangpu. I also agreed with Ye Chengxue to take the initiative to tell Uncle Zhang Guo."

"But you know, if you don't, maybe you will."

Lai Zongdao pointed at Li Guopu excitedly and said.

Li Guopu asked indifferently: "Maybe Uncle Zhang Guo was really killed, and then the prince successfully left the cabinet to study and be educated by Confucian officials?"

As he spoke, Li Guopu said: "As long as the sun hasn't set, without Uncle Zhang Guo, there will be Uncle Li Guo and Uncle Wang Guo! Besides, in the current situation, Mr. Ge really feels that without Uncle Zhang Guo, Will it be possible for everyone to be prosperous?"

When Li Guopu said this, he put the teacup heavily on the table: "Wrong!"

"As long as the power is not in our hands, none of this can be done! Aspirations should be high, and some things should not be rushed. Uncle Guo is no longer harming my Daming alone, but a large group of people are following him to harm Ming dynasty."

"If you want to deny him and eliminate him, you can only do it slowly! Wait for them to become chaotic first. This time, there is already a clue, whether Li Yulan or Zhou Neng, one betrayed him, and the other was expelled by him personally. After leaving the Hou Mansion, the Xilin Academy and the Guards, the literary and martial arts created by his Uncle Zhang Guo are not completely compatible. Now, Uncle Zhang Guo can also rely on the profits gained from the liquidation of the Jiangnan gentry to eliminate the two. However, after the benefits of the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River are taken away, there will be conflicts. Not everyone can live a lifetime based on the ideal of a saint. The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the chaos of the world is for profit.”

"So, he, Ye Chengxue, can still be trusted?"

Lai Zongdao asked.

Now Li Guopu has begun to indulge in his own wisdom. He wished he could be like Zhuge Liang, shaking a goose feather fan a few times, and said: "This person is a wonderful chess game I set up beside the emperor. It is also the key to turning the situation around!"

"That's good."

Lai Zongdao said something, and said: "You can't be hasty about this matter. It took more than 20 years for the strict party to harm the country when the Shimiao was cleared up. What's more, the emperor trusts the uncle of the country more than the Shimiao trusts Yan Song!"

"Maybe people like me won't see the day when the sun goes down."

Li Guopu sighed.

Lai Zongdao also frowned.

He began to understand why Sima Guang was eager to abolish all new laws after he returned to the Northern Song Dynasty as the new ruler, and even ceded to Xixia the land captured from Xixia during the reign of Song Shenzong.

Because if you can't see the world you want to see reappear, it's really a sad thing.

Li Guopu, Lai Zongdao and other literati and bureaucrats are thinking about when they can completely abolish the New Deal created by Zhang Gui and Tianqi, while Zhang Gui and other reformists are now protecting their manors for Li Guopu and Lai Zongdao. He began to plan how to command more than [-] soldiers and horses, and eat all the Tartars who entered the pass!

In the history of the Ming Dynasty, there were not many commander-in-chief civil servants who had the ability to command the army's strategy and tactics in the late Ming Dynasty. Xiong Tingbi, Yuan Keli, and Lu Xiangsheng were representatives of them.

And now, Lu Xiangsheng is in charge of commanding.

Zhang Gui asked himself that he still couldn't play the real command of a large army. After all, it involved a lot of tactics and scheduling, so he only actively cooperated with Lu Xiangsheng, using his power to suppress the civil and military officials inside and outside the city. They all cooperated with Lu Xiangsheng's scheduling.

Therefore, Lu Xiangsheng, the minister of the Ministry of War, was very handy when he commanded more than [-] Ming troops inside and outside the city, including Guan Ning soldiers.

For a time, places such as Changping Prefecture, Shunyi, Pinggu, Sanhe, Xianghe, Baiyangkou, Juyongguan, Jizhou, Zhenbian City, Huailaiwei, Huairou, Miyun, and Gubeikou were all used by Lu Xiangsheng to confuse the enemy. Heavy soldiers were stationed in the way of guarding, like an iron barrel.

Huang Taiji and Lin Danhan probably didn't know that they had fallen into the net of heaven and earth arranged by Lu Xiangsheng at this time, and they were still driving heavy troops to attack Xishan.

At this time, outside the West Mountain, the elite of the Tartars had already been seen, waving flags and beating drums, and they had already set up their battles.

"Huang Degong's general reserve battalion will not move, let Zhou Yuji lead the Xishan Battalion and the Huben Army to meet the enemy head-on at Xishan."

And when a large number of Tartars had appeared in Xishan, the Ming army also began to beat drums and gold, and the formations were all lined up. Lu Xiangsheng also talked about his thoughts to Zhang Gui, and asked Zhang Gui: "What do you think, uncle Guo?" ?”

After Zhang Gui thought about it, he asked Lu Xiangsheng: "Are you still worried about Guan Ningbing?"

Lu Xiangsheng nodded.

Zhang Guidao: "Then arrange it according to what Da Sima said!"

Therefore, Lu Xiangsheng didn't say anything more, and followed Zhang Gui and others to the outer wall of the bastion.

As soon as they reached the outer wall of the bastion, Zhang Gui, Lu Xiangsheng and the others picked up their binoculars and looked outside.

When Zhang Gui saw that many Mongols also began to push the chariots and artillery chariots covered with several layers of cowhide, and the heavy armored infantry with guns hidden behind the chariots, and slowly advancing, he couldn't help but ask Lu Xiangsheng said: "These Mongols have also learned to use Jiannu's tactics. They used chariots and artillery chariots as cover, and the infantry and artillery in heavy armor hid behind the chariots. It seems that Jiannu should hand them over to them." of."

Lu Xiangsheng said at this time: "But their cannons are different. The Jiannu's cannon already has a turntable, and the barrel is closer to the barrel of our guards. Obviously someone leaked the secret to them. However, these Jiannu people also obviously Saved a hand when teaching the Mongols."

Zhang Guidao: "The leak should be leaked by people like Li Yulan. There is no way around it. There are millions of people in the Xishan Industrial Division, plus the Guards, so it is difficult to keep it absolutely secret. In fact, the best way to keep it secret is that we have to It is for this reason that last time Doduo came, I told you not to rush to use the rifled guns installed in Xishan. The precaution is to let them know in advance that we have changed them again. New cannon."

After hearing this, Lu Xiangsheng had an idea: "I just found out that these Mongols and Jiannu people have begun to equip turtledove guns, but there are no flintlocks and percussion guns in their camp. This shows that they don't know that we have equipped Flintlocks and percussion guns. And they are using refueling tactics. The first group of Tartars who attacked were not many, only about [-] people. The Ministry temporarily retreated to the second line of defense, and let Li Zicheng's Huben Army engage the enemy first! The Huben Army is now only equipped with turtledove guns, and it is easy for the Tartars to mistakenly think that we are no different from them in terms of firearms."

Li Laiheng, who was on the side, said after hearing this: "This is so unreasonable! Let our Huben army go to die first. We won't do it."

Seeing this, Zhang Gui yelled angrily: "Li Laiheng! You yellow-haired doll, do you still know the military regulations? If you dare to question the chief minister of the dynasty, don't join the army if you are afraid of death! A Tartar head, your majesty will give you an extra reward of 20 Some good things that are worth two silver coins are done by people! As for you, believe it or not, Master Ben has ordered you to be killed directly! Not only will you not receive the silver money, but you will also die!"

Then, Zhang Gui looked at Li Zicheng again: "I asked you to strengthen military discipline and education, how did you do it?"

Li Zicheng is still obedient to Zhang Gui, because these days, he and Zhang Gui have been together for a long time, and he has long admired Zhang Gui, so he came over and slapped Li Laiheng: "Whatever you say, get out if you are afraid of death! Listen! Uncle Guo’s. Send an order that the brothers from the old battalion go out of the city to fight the Tartars!”

The Huben Army retained part of the traditions of the rebel army, and the elite main soldiers were organized into the old battalion.

Therefore, Li Zicheng mentioned Laoying here.

"Aren't you just killing the Tartars if you're afraid of an egg? I'll go!"

Li Laiheng replied.

Next, the old battalion of Li Zicheng's Huben Army went out to fight the Tartars first.

The Xishan Battalion of the Guards retreated temporarily.

Because it was a big battle to wipe out these Tartars, all Xishan Guards and Huben Army lined up outside Xishan Fort.

At this time, the old battalion of Li Zicheng's Huben army also pushed chariots and artillery carts, and wore cloth face armor, and attacked the Tartars on the opposite side.

(End of this chapter)

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