Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 248 Li Zicheng's baby camp, Huang Taiji recognizes his father!

Chapter 248 Li Zicheng's baby camp, Huang Taiji recognizes his father!

The old battalion was not afraid of death. After being killed and injured many people by the Tartar artillery, they were still rushing forward. Li Laiheng even led a group of child soldiers from the old battalion to rush into the Tartars despite the shells. Killing indiscriminately in the formation does not pay attention to rules.

The so-called old camp naturally does not mean that the soldiers are all very old people.

In fact, many of them were orphans from the former rebel army. Most of these orphans were still teenagers and had no fear of life. On the contrary, they were even more heroic when fighting, so they could be called elites.

As a result, the Tartars were rushed into a daze, and even many Tartars were directly killed and injured by the old battalion boy soldiers who rushed over with various firearms such as thunderbolts.

Seeing this, Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help but said: "Uncle Guo, this Tiger and Ben army is worthy of the word "Hu and Ben", but it's just so disorganized."

"He punched the old master to death. You see, the tartars who made a tentative attack have retreated."

Zhang Gui said.

The Tartars have indeed withdrawn their troops.

Because neither Huang Taiji nor Lin Danhan wanted to see a group of dolls completely defeat the soldiers and horses they sent for a tentative attack, which would only cause the main force in the rear to also be defeated.

Because Huang Taiji and Lin Danhan withdrew their troops in time, the first batch of Tartars who made a tentative attack withdrew back in an orderly manner.

Lin Danhan was not discouraged by the setback of the first attack, and even began to raise his eyebrows and said to Huang Taiji: "Although the Ming army is not afraid of death, it is obviously quite disorganized, and the firearms used are the same as ours, and have not been improved. Now It seems that there is great hope of taking down Xishan!"

Huang Taiji squinted his eyes all the time, and after hearing what Lin Danhan said, he smiled and said: "I have few soldiers in Jianzhou, not as many as the Great Khan, and far less powerful and brave than the Great Khan. It is better to ask the Great Khan to attack Xishan first. In this way It is also good for command, after all, if our two sides attack together, it is inevitable that we will not be able to coordinate with each other. I wonder what the Great Khan wants?"

"If the Great Khan captures Xishan first and defeats the Ming army, the wealth of Xishan will be left to the Khan alone!"

"I am also willing to build a state with the Great Khan as the master. I only ask the Great Khan for a reward. If the Great Khan does not believe it, I am willing to make an alliance with the Great Khan and kill the horse now, and become a father and son. The Great Khan As the father, I am the son."

There is no way for Huang Taiji to do this.

He did not bring many soldiers and horses.

Because there are tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in the guards led by Sun Chuanting in southern Liaoning, he must leave enough soldiers and horses behind him.

This also made him enter the customs this time, only bringing more than 1 soldiers and horses, far less than Lin Danhan's soldiers and horses.

Huang Taiji didn't want to fight all the more than 1 soldiers and horses he brought all at once, so that he might be engulfed by Lin Danhan on the way back, so he simply took the initiative to urge Lin Danhan to recognize Lin Danhan as his father. Khan went to attack the Ming army first.

As a rare political master in history, Huang Taiji offered to be Lin Danhan's son in this way, which made Lin Danhan unable to refuse for a while.

You know, Lin Dan Khan does have the ambition to dominate the northern grasslands.

Historically, he had been committed to unifying the tribes of Mongolia, and gradually succeeded.

But he met a strong opponent, Hou Jin.

Historically, in the fifth year of Chongzhen, Huang Taiji attacked Mongolia and defeated him, making him have to flee to Qinghai.

But in this life, because the guards led by Sun Chuanting were in the south of Liaoning, they restrained Houjin, so that the strength of Houjin did not grow as fast as in history. What's more, it is only eight years since the apocalypse, which is equivalent to the first year of Chongzhen in history. , Therefore, Houjin has not yet reached the time when he can dare to swallow Lin Danhan.

Huang Taiji could only use the way of recognizing his father to urge Lin Danhan to work for him and serve as cannon fodder for his Jianzhou Jurchen.

At this time, Lin Dan Khan also had the ambition to be the overlord of the north, so he did not refuse Huang Taiji to be a huge bait for his son, so he agreed: "In this case, I can first order my Mongolian ministries to attack the Ming army. Once our army reaches the city, you must also attack the city together to contain the Ming army. In addition, your cannons must support it!"

"Don't worry, Khan! Your filial son Aixinjueluo Huangtaiji will not dare to let you down."

Huang Taiji replied very respectfully.

"Hahaha! Good son!"

Lin Dan Khan laughed happily, and immediately ordered his Mongolian tribes to attack the Ming army in Xishan.

And he also personally led his troops to march forward.

But after Lin Dan Khan went, Huang Taiji suddenly stopped his smile, and said to Yue Tuo: "Yue Tuo, pass on the order, the front army will become the rear army, and the rear army will be the front army. Immediately follow the original plan and go to Sanhe Guanning." The soldiers entered and exited the pass quickly! After leaving the pass, they mopped up all the Mongolian tribes, killed all the old people, and captured the women, children, young and strong, cattle, sheep and horses!"


Yue Tuo agreed.

It turned out that Huang Taiji hadn't wanted to fight the Ming army here for a long time.

It's not that he is afraid, but that he wants to preserve his strength.

Because his slave population is indeed not large.

Otherwise, in history, he would not have plundered the population every time he entered the customs during the Chongzhen period.

Because when his father Nurhachi was in power, although he was excellent in military affairs, he didn't know much about construction, and every time he went to war, he focused on killing, which made it impossible to build the Houjin base area, and the population did not increase significantly. There are no slaves in the farmland, that is, coats to cultivate.

However, these are the foundations for the growth of an agricultural regime.

Naturally, Huang Taiji did not dare to waste the population wantonly, especially his own young population.

Ever since he knew that Zhang Gui had brought tens of thousands of guards back, he knew that the chance for people like himself to enter the customs to make a fortune was gone, so he had already planned to leave the customs.

It's just that Huang Taiji didn't want to go back for nothing.

And he can only put his mind on the Mongols.

Therefore, he deliberately said that he wanted to defeat the Ming army with the Mongols and then massacre the capital of Ming Dynasty, but in fact he had already secretly communicated with Zu Dashou, suggesting that Zu Dashou agreed to the wooing of his uncle Zhang Gui, and offered Yuan Chonghuan, and secretly To help his army go out, he will throw the wounded and sick who have increased along the way to him, and dedicate it to the court as the head of the enemy, and as an explanation to the Ming court.

However, his main force of slave building can thus exit the pass smoothly, and allow the Guanning soldiers like Zu Dashou to continue to have the opportunity to support the bandits.

Zu Dashou had to admit that Huang Taiji was so powerful that he would have guessed that his uncle Zhang Gui would come to persuade him to betray Yuan Chonghuan, and even took the initiative to suggest that he agree to betray Yuan Chonghuan first, and suggested that he tell him where he was fortified, which would benefit him. He led the main force of building slaves to retreat outside the pass.

Huang Taiji had indeed been keenly aware that the Ming court was intentionally mobilizing the army to set up heavy troops everywhere, in an attempt to eat them, because he discovered that after the Ming uncle Zhang Gui brought back tens of thousands of troops and rested for a whole day, It is to send small-scale troops to recover the various passes in all directions, instead of actively attacking his main force.

He didn't think that the guards who dared to fight against him in the wild in southern Liaoning would not dare to attack his main force.

Therefore, Huang Taiji had already guessed what Zhang Gui was going to do, and suggested to Zu Dashou what to do.

Zu Dashou and the Guan Ning soldiers really needed the power of Hou Jin to ensure that they could continue to eat Liao's salary, so they agreed to cooperate with Huang Taiji, and after Zhang Gui sent someone to persuade him to betray Yuan Chonghuan, they also betrayed Yuan Chonghuan without hesitation. Yuan Chonghuan.

After Zu Dashou agreed, Huang Taiji only waited for Lin Danhan to take the trap, and took advantage of the opportunity of the battle between the Ming army and Lin Danhan to escape from the defense line of Guan Ningbing.

Therefore, in order to get Lin Danhan to play tricks and lead all his main forces to attack the Ming army, he took the initiative to propose to Lin Danhan to attack the main force of the Ming army in Xishan at the beginning. Way, let Lin Danhan do his best to hold back the Ming army!
And he himself took the opportunity to slip away with his main force of slave building, and planned to take advantage of the fact that the main force of Mongolia was dragged by the Ming army in the pass, and went to Mongolia to plunder a wave, and used the blood of various Mongolian tribes to make up for his loss of gold. .

To achieve this goal, for Huang Taiji, who is good at playing politics, he dares to do it, let alone his son, even his grandson.

Now Huang Taiji's goal has been achieved, and he soon came to Sanhe.

The Guan Ning soldiers who were ordered to guard Sanhe to intercept the Tartars became alert when they learned that a large number of Tartars were coming here.

Only Zu Dashou said to Zuo Fu at this moment: "We might as well just let them go."

"Let them go?"

Zuo Fu was astonished.

Zu Dashou nodded: "As long as we let them go, we can continue to live on Liao's wages."


Zuo Fu replied, and said: "When the time comes, once the higher-ups blame me, I, the number one officer in Guan Ning's army, will have to bear the blame."


Zu Dashou suddenly stabbed Zuo Fu's back with a knife, and said with a sneer, "Then I can't help it!"

As he said that, Zu Dashou shouted: "Open the city gate and let the Jian slaves go!"


As a result, Huang Taiji and his tens of thousands of Jiannu left Sanhe City smoothly.

But when Huang Taiji and his tens of thousands of Jiannu first arrived at the valley of General Shiguan, they heard the sound of killing nearby, and then they saw huge boulders rolling down the mountain in a mighty way.

(End of this chapter)

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