Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 249 Capture Huang Taiji Alive, Line Up and Shoot!

Chapter 249 Capture Huang Taiji Alive, Line Up and Shoot!

Huang Degong also came down from the hill at this time, and said: "No wonder Uncle Guo and Da Sima wanted me to lead the troops here to serve as the general reserve team. It turned out that he had expected that he might be unreliable in Guan Ning's army!"

It turned out that neither Zhang Gui nor Lu Xiangsheng had 100% confidence in Guan Ning's soldiers, and even made a plan for the situation where Huang Taiji and others might suddenly choose not to attack Xishan and evacuate directly, and concluded that Huang Taiji and other Tartars would evacuate Guan, most likely to evacuate in the direction of Guan Ningbing.

Therefore, they had already asked Huang De's power department to set up an ambush in the general Shiguan area in advance.

Therefore, when Huang Taiji came to General Shiguan at this time, he encountered a large number of Ming troops appearing.

The place where Huang Degong set up an ambush is an excellent ambush site.

Huang Taiji's heavy armored infantry and cavalry were unable to deploy, and his front army had already been crushed to pieces by the rolling boulders.

Many Jiannu people and horses were loaded into the ditch by huge boulders, and when they hit the stones, their heads were either broken or broken.

Seeing this, Huang Taiji's face darkened. He had to admit that the commander of the Ming army was not an ordinary person. The person who escaped from the golden cicada's shell has inevitably become the turtle in the urn of these Ming troops.

"Retreat! Withdraw to the open place behind, set up a stronghold by the mountain! Yuetuo, you lead a thousand white armored soldiers to break the rear!"

Huang Taiji, who had been in command for many years, was not chaotic in the face of danger, and hurriedly issued an order to retreat.

These Eight Banners soldiers, mainly Zhenghuang Banner Niulu, are still on the rise in this era, and they are well-trained. Except that the front army is already in chaos, the middle army and the rear army are not overly flustered, so they immediately retreated. Yuetuo, the grandson of Nurhachi, took the initiative to lead thousands of Baijia Eight Banners soldiers to break the rear.

At this time, Huang Degong had led the guards to rush down.

At this time, only Yue Tuo and his thousands of Ba Yala and red armor soldiers lined up in front of them.

Yue Tuo and other white-armored slave soldiers had already started to stand in formation, put on heavy armor and drew out heavy bows.

The so-called Baijia Jiannu refers to Bayala, the elite among the elite of the Eight Banners. Generally speaking, only those who have killed more than a hundred enemies can wear the white armor and be promoted to Bayala among the cattle records.

Although Yue Tuo and other white-armored soldiers already knew that the firearms of the guards were sharp, they still chose to use bows and arrows, because they all knew how to shoot straight arrows, and they could shoot continuously when fighting the enemy at close range, thereby defeating the enemy's firearms.

However, the Guards have replaced flintlock guns or more advanced percussion guns on a large scale, and the rate of fire and range have been greatly improved.

Therefore, the rushing guards of the Huang Degong Department did not send out the grass-roots flag school, which is also the backbone of the army, to wear heavy armor and shoot at Jianu Ba Yala, or even fight hand-to-hand. Form a multi-line infantry formation, squat down in the front row and start shooting.

"Come on! Their firearms don't have matchlocks, and they start to form formations a hundred steps away. They are obviously new firearms with a stronger range. Take off your armor and rush forward to fight with them! Buy time for the Khan to evacuate!"

Yue Tuo's reaction was also considered quick. When he saw that the Ming army's weapons did not have matchlocks, he immediately reacted, shouted a few words, and immediately untied the armor belt on his body.

Not long after, these white armored soldiers rushed towards the Guards without hesitation.

The guards have begun firing their guns.

The flintlock guns, which were fired twice as fast as the matchlock guns, and the percussion guns, which were fired several times faster than the flintlock guns, immediately raised a puff of white smoke, causing many Jiannu white armor soldiers to be hit.

Although these white-armored soldiers are brave, they are also difficult to block lead bullets. Even those who have not had time to remove their armor cannot block lead bullets under the blessing of more powerful granular gunpowder.

The lead bullets fired by the guards successfully tore through the armor and flesh of these white armored soldiers.

Not long after, hundreds of white armored soldiers piled their corpses on the road.

Yue Tuo himself was also shot several times, and knelt on the ground helplessly, looking at the guards opposite him unwillingly. He never thought that the firearms of the guards would develop so quickly in just a few years. When my side hadn't fully mastered the forging skills of the turtledove blunderbuss, they already had troops using more advanced firearms.

Yue Tuo's eyes were full of despair at this moment.

Because he didn't expect that one day the elite of the Eight Banners, when blocking these Ming troops, would be as weak as driving a group of sheep to block a pack of wolves that were about to attack.

Not long after, the thousands of Jiannu white armor soldiers were wiped out here.

Except for a few white-armored soldiers who shot down a few Guards officers and soldiers with Lianzhu arrows during the charge, no other Guards suffered casualties.

Huang Taiji had already retreated to an open place.

But Yue Tuosuo led a thousand white-armored soldiers without giving him enough time to set up camp, so he could only continue to retreat south.


"What?! Jianu was ambushed in General Shiguan?"

Zu Dashou has already learned about the ambush of Jiannu led by Huang Taiji through the scouts of his Guan Ning soldiers in advance.

This made Zu Dashou very disappointed.

The jar of wine in front of him was kicked heavily by him, and suddenly he kicked it to the ground: "Uncle Zhang Guo dared to never fully trust us! He set up an ambush at General Shiguan long ago!"

"What should we do now?"

He Kegang, general of Zu Dashou Department, asked.

Zu Dashou said: "To attack Jiannu, it is best to let Huang Taiji die! Let the court see that Jiannu just broke through from our defense area, and we didn't let him go on purpose, we are trying our best to pursue!"


As a result, Guan Ning's soldiers also began to attack Jiannu.

The soldiers of Guanning started to fight seriously, and they were still very good at fighting, especially the servants of Liao generals like Zu Dashou, they were comparable to Manchurian Baya La, or even better than Manchu Ba Yala in horseback riding and shooting.

Therefore, when Huang Taiji retreated back and encountered Guan Ning's soldiers, he was defeated again, which forced him to retreat, and temporarily found a place to set up a stronghold.

In the end, Huang Degong's guards and Guan Ning soldiers surrounded Huang Taiji together, and together they conquered the temporary walled city built by Huang Taiji, and captured Huang Taiji alive.

Huang Degong's guards also came to Sanhe with Guan Ningbing.

"Fortunately, General Huang set up an ambush at General Shiguan, otherwise, Zu must have committed a serious crime today!"

Therefore, Zu Dashou also hosted a banquet in honor of Huang Degong. At the banquet, he bowed and bowed to Huang Degong to express his respect.

Huang Degong snorted, didn't drink, just said: "Why did you Guan Ning soldiers let Huang Taiji break through the encirclement, and how are you going to explain it to the court?"

"This, it's because my Guan Ning soldiers are incompetent, not as brave as the Guards, and thus almost caused the slave chieftain to break through successfully. But my Guan Ning soldiers did fight with all their strength, and even our left commander was killed because of this. Please also remind the general .”

Zu Dashou replied with a smile.

Huang Degong had indeed seen Zuo Fu's body and looked at it carefully, but after seeing it, he chose to believe that Zuo Fu died fighting for the country.

After all, this is a better honor for the deceased.

But Huang Degong didn't believe it in his heart, he didn't believe that Zuo Fu would die in battle.

The words are divided into two parts.

When Huang Taiji suddenly played Lin Danhan, the front army turned into the rear army, and when the rear army withdrew from the front army, Lin Danhan was commanding the Mongolian soldiers under his command to attack Xishan.

However, when Lin Dan Khan attacked Xishan with all his main force, the Ming army who blocked Xishan turned into guards, and all of them armed with flintlock guns or percussion guns, and came to attack the Mongolian soldiers row by row. .

These guards officers wearing brave helmets, blue cloth visors, and leather boots walked in neat steps, and under the command of their respective commanders, they raised their flintlocks or percussion guns and fired at them. Line up and shoot these Mongolian soldiers.

Lin Danhan's Mongolian soldiers couldn't stand it at all. As soon as they entered the range of a hundred steps, they were knocked down by more than half.

Then, another row came over and knocked down more than half of these Mongolian soldiers.

Lin Danhan watched anxiously, and also found that the Ming army in front of him was different from the previous ones, and knew that he had been fooled.

When he couldn't help but wanted to look back to see if Jiannu Huang Taiji had started firing cannons to support him, he found that there was no sign of Jiannu at all, and Huang Taiji, who had just recognized him as his father, had long since disappeared.

Lin Danhan suddenly became even more angry: "Damn it!"

(End of this chapter)

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