Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 250 Great Victory Offers Captives, Let Huang Taiji Receive the Ritual of Leading the Sheep!

Chapter 250 Great Victory Offers Captives, Let Huang Taiji Receive the Ritual of Leading the Sheep!
Only then did Lin Danhan realize that he had been played by Huang Taiji.

Lin Danhan now has an urge to tear Huang Taiji into pieces.

But on the side of the guards, there are more and more rows of human walls encircling them.

There are even many human walls that have formed a large square formation, enclosing his Mongolian soldiers in the middle, causing his Mongolian soldiers to become trapped beasts. No matter which side they charge from, they will be shot by dense ammunition.

Lin Danhan had to lead the cavalry under his command and began to escape from the gap between the two phalanx guards that were about to close.

But in front of him, the guards who had already detoured to the rear were also encircling him row by row.

Lin Dan Khan personally led his cavalry to charge once.

But alas, his cavalry were unable to break through the line infantry of flintlocks and percussion guns.

Instead, he was hit hard by the guards' queuing and shooting tactics.

What's more, the Xishan Battalion of the Guards, as the permanent resident of the Ming Army of the Xishan Industry Division, equipped with the most advanced firearms, and it was the Guards infantry equipped with front-loading rifles who turned around to intercept Lin Danhan's cavalry.

Therefore, Lin Dan Khan could only watch as he and the Mongolian cavalry under his command were surrounded by the phalanx of the guards, and shot the shrapnel over with mortars. on the ground.

In the end, Lin Dan Khan was also injured and captured.

Of the nearly 2 Tartars, none of them escaped from the encirclement of the guards, and more than [-] were captured as prisoners.

Plus Huang Taiji's more than 1 slaves.

None of the [-] Tartars who entered the customs to slaughter Gyeonggi managed to return, nor did they succeed in the slaughter.

And Zhang Gui and Lu Xiangsheng also saw the scene of Huang Taiji's sudden withdrawal when Lin Danhan commanded the Mongolian main force to attack Xishan at the beginning.

Therefore, Zhang Gui couldn't help but said to Lu Xiangsheng: "This Huang Taiji is really cunning! I really don't know how he persuaded Lin Danhan and these Mongolians to cover him."

Lu Xiangsheng said: "It's nothing more than to serve him as the master. Otherwise, it's not enough to make Lin Dan Khan willing to sacrifice his Mongolian herdsmen first. It's just that Lin Dan Khan didn't expect that Huang Taiji was even more cunning than he imagined. And you Did you see that Huang Taiji retreated in the direction that Guan Ningbing was in charge of, fortunately, we left Huang Degong's troops outside Guan Ningbing, otherwise, today's Huang Taiji would be a serious problem for me in the future!"

Zhang Gui nodded, and he had to admit that Huang Taiji was more worthy of elimination than Lin Danhan.

And after seeing that Lin Danhan had been captured alive by his guards, Zhang Gui became more concerned about whether Huang Taiji was captured alive.

To his delight, shortly after Lin Danhan was brought in front of him, Huang Degong sent a fast horse to send the news that Huang Taiji had been captured alive, but according to Zu Dashou, Zuo Fu, the commander-in-chief of Ningyuan, was killed in battle.

This surprised both Zhang Gui and Lu Xiangsheng.

"what is the problem?"

Therefore, when Huang Degong escorted Huang Taiji, Zhang Gui immediately asked Huang Degong about Zuo Fu's death in battle.

Although Guan Ning's soldiers listened to the instructions and did not listen to the announcement, Zuo Fu, one of the generals of Guan Ning, could be regarded as the commander-in-chief of the Ming Dynasty. He is the most experienced general among the generals of the Liao region. .

Huang Degong said to Zhang Gui: "I suspect that Zu Dashou and the others assassinated Zuo Zongbing. Because Zuo Zongbing's knife wound is wide in the back and narrow in the front, it is obvious that someone stabbed him from the back. After all, Zuo Zongbing even in close combat , there should be many servants around him, especially the back, if he is wounded by a knife, he can only be in the front. Besides, as the chief soldier, it is very difficult to die in battle. withdraw."

Zhang Gui nodded after hearing this: "Zu Dashou is very suspicious, we must send someone to investigate carefully!"

"If Zu Dashou really did it, this person is really as cunning as a fox. If we hadn't sent Huang Degong to ambush Jiangjunshi in advance to intercept Jiannu Huang Taiji's department, he could blame Zuo Fu for letting Jiannu go. Then he falsely claimed that he had to attack and kill the traitor general Zuo Fu first in order to avoid being attacked by the enemy while chasing Jiannu. In this way, instead of punishing him, the imperial court had to reward him for killing the enemy and eliminating traitors."

Lu Xiangsheng, who was on the side, couldn't help saying something after hearing this.

Zhang Guidao: "It's the same now, even though we let Huang Degong set up an ambush to intercept Huang Taiji, he can pretend that Zuo Fu died in battle, but instead of fighting because of this, he continued to pursue Jiannu, and now he and Huang Degong are able to wipe out Jiannu Slave, so that Huang Taiji was captured alive. So, how can the court not remember his merits?"

"But His Majesty is not so easy to deceive."

Lu Xiangsheng said.

Zhang Gui nodded: "That's right! The key lies in Huang Taiji. Now it depends on whether Huang Taiji is willing to explain why he wants to break through the defense zone of Ningbing."


"What a pity! Huang Taiji, a slave chieftain, was captured alive. In this way, it is inevitable that the court will know that we deliberately want to let him go!"

Zu Dashou slammed his fist on the table, gritted his teeth and spoke.

His sister-in-law, Wu Xiang, persuaded him: "Brother, don't worry too much. If the imperial court really wants to blame us for this, at worst, you can vote for Jiannu! Now that Huang Taiji falls into the hands of the imperial court, there will be another internal strife among Jiannu, and this time there will be internal strife. Undoubtedly bigger, whether it is Hauge or Dorgon, I am afraid that people like you and I will join and become their bargaining chips to suppress each other."

Zu Dashou glanced at him: "Let's take a step and see. If it's not a last resort, who would want to serve Jiannu as slaves! Back then, when Uncle Li dominated Liaodong, these Jiannu were nothing more than lackeys of our Han people. Now, How can we go and be a dog for Jiannu? Isn't that humiliating the ancestors?"

He Kegang echoed from the side: "What elder brother said is, from my younger brother's point of view, even if you really want to be punished by the court, even if it is a capital crime, you can't become a slave. If you do that, you really can't meet your ancestors."

After hearing this, Zu Dashou said: "Well, you two will stay in the capital secretly first, and go to inquire about the situation in the capital, including the situation in Xishan. I was exhausted, but I didn't have time to carefully find out the details of the imperial guards. You must find out that no matter what you do in the future, you must first be prepared to be an enemy of the imperial court. Find out, even the people's sentiments."

"In addition, you go to meet someone. Tell him that our Guan Ningbing is willing to cooperate with him to fulfill their wishes. And bring this letter from me to him."

As Zu Dashou spoke, he handed Wu Xiang a letter wrapped by an unknown believer, and whispered to Wu Xiang and He Kegang.


After hearing this, He Kegang and Wu Xiang agreed, and said, "Brother, don't worry!"


Tianqi has already learned that Huang Taiji and Lin Danhan were captured alive, and that 12 Tatars were wiped out by [-] officers and men under the command of Lu Xiangsheng.

Apocalypse was overjoyed by this, and immediately declared a decree to hold a prisoner offering ceremony.

Not long after the prisoner presentation ceremony ended, Apocalypse announced that he had met with Huang Taiji and Lin Danhan.

Because Apocalypse also wanted the captive slave chieftain to see him with a sheep-raising ceremony, he decreed that the two most heroic guards in this battle should be led by the two guards who were naked and covered with sheepskin, with their feet on the ground and iron collars around their necks. The chained Huang Taiji and Lin Danhan went to the main hall, and His Majesty saw the apocalypse.

But at this moment, Lin Dan Khan yelled at Huang Taiji first: "Huang Taiji! You son of a bitch, how dare you play with Ben Khan!"

(End of this chapter)

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