Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 251 Apocalypse Slashes Huang Taiji and Lin Danhan, Sacrifice Their Heads to the Taimiao!

Chapter 251 Apocalypse Slashes Huang Taiji and Lin Danhan, Sacrifice Their Heads to the Taimiao!
Seeing this, Tian Qi couldn't help laughing. He already knew the reason why Lin Danhan hated Huang Taiji through Zhang Gui, and couldn't help saying: "Huang Taiji, since you have recognized him as your father, then he is your father. But you are in your father's house." It is indeed unfilial to run away in the most critical situation. Your father should scold you now."

Huang Taiji lowered his head and replied: "Your Majesty the Emperor of Ming clearly learned that he is not worthy to be the father of a slave. Now only you, His Majesty the Emperor, are worthy of being the father of a slave."

"If you want to do it, you can only be my grandson."

Tian Qi said angrily.

Because Huang Taiji is in a desperate situation now, he is completely shameless.

After all, as a master of playing politics, he can lose his face at any time.

Therefore, Huang Taiji hurriedly said: "This servant is willing to be His Majesty's grandson!"

"But you are not qualified!"

Tian Qi said something at this time.

Lin Danhan also reacted quickly and said: "The servant is willing to be His Majesty's grandson!"

"You are not qualified!"

Tian Qi said something again.

At this time, Huang Taiji said: "Your Majesty the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, the slave is the master of the Jianzhou Jurchen. As long as His Majesty is willing to keep the slave alive, the slave is willing to urge my Jianzhou Jurchen to return to Daming again, and let them send people to negotiate peace with Daming. In this way, Your Majesty can achieve the great cause of unifying Nuer Gandusi!"

Lin Dan Khan followed suit: "Our Mongolian tribes are also willing to submit to you, His Majesty the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, please allow us to be your subjects!"

Tian Qi pulled out Shang Fang's sword, and said: "I said, you are not qualified. When you entered the customs and tried to slaughter me, Daming, I had already sworn in front of the Taimiao that I would kill you two in the future. The heads of the two are sacrificed to the ancestral temple! Today, I need to fulfill my vows to the ancestors in the ancestral temple!"

As he spoke, he walked behind Huang Taiji, and slashed directly at Huang Taiji's neck.

Tianqi knew that without Huang Taiji and Lin Danhan, it would be more conducive to Daming to calm down foreign aggressions.

Tian Qi exercises all the year round, and often does carpentry. His arm strength has always been good, and his sword is forged from fine steel, which is heavy and sharp enough to cut iron. Therefore, Tian Qi directly cut off Huang Taiji's neck.

Immediately, blood spattered on the spot.

Tianqi directly cut off Lin Danhan's head with a sword.

The same blood splattered on the spot.

Then, Tianqi carried two heads and walked outside the hall.

When he came to the Taimiao, Tianqi put the two heads directly on the case, looked at the tablet in the temple, knelt down and said: "The ancestors of the Ming Dynasty are here, and today Zhu Youxiao presents the heads of two slave chieftains." Come……"

Tian Qi talked to himself for a while while facing the tablets of Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di, and then ordered to withdraw the case and leave.

After Tianqi came back, he decisively decreed that all [-] Tartars beheaded, built into a Beijing temple, and stood outside the city of Xishanbao.

After all, Daming has rarely had such a brilliant record.

As a result, Zhang Gui was promoted to Duke Sui, and his father Zhang Guoji was also named Duke Yi.

Because according to the usual practice, if the descendants are crowned officials, the parents must also be crowned, and the parents cannot be lower than the descendants. Therefore, Zhang Guoji also had to change the title of Duke.

Lu Xiangsheng was also named an earl as a civil servant, and he was named the prince and Taibao, and Yinbu's son was named Jinyiwei Qianhu.

Zhang Gui didn't care much about Feng Guogong, even though his title of Duke of the country was obtained through military merit.

And what he was really happy about was the killing of [-] Tatars, especially the killing of two powerful slave chieftains outside the customs, Huang Taiji and Lin Danhan. For Da Ming, this would undoubtedly bring peace to Da Ming for many years.

First of all, the Mongolian tribes will definitely become more dispersed, and with the loss of tens of thousands of young and strong, it will be difficult to recover their vitality for at least 20 years.

Jiannu would also be seriously injured because of the loss of tens of thousands of youths, and with the death of Huang Taiji, the Manchu nobles would definitely have to fight openly and secretly over the issue of heirs, and they would have no time to worry about external affairs.

Therefore, whether it is Manchu or Mongolian, it is very difficult to invade Daming in a short period of time.

"Now it's time for the country to expand outward! The land that should be recovered must be recovered, and the territory that should be expanded must be expanded. In my opinion, Your Majesty is in full bloom, and the national power of Ming Dynasty is becoming stronger day by day. The opportunity to create a prosperous world. The rest is just to continue to implement the New Deal so that the country's financial resources will continue to be sufficient. As for the development of expanding the territory, your majesty does not have to worry about it. I will let them cultivate high-yielding new crops suitable for various environments. "

Therefore, when Zhang Gui met with Tianqi alone, he talked about the fact that Mingdang could continue to expand abroad.

From Zhang Gui's point of view, in today's world, the offense and defense have changed.

It's time for Da Ming to continue to make great strides forward.

Even Zhang Gui has begun to be less worried that Daming will be hard to return to until the fate of the country is ruined and the family is destroyed.

But at this time, Zhang Gui knew that he couldn't take it lightly. After all, the opposing forces were still very strong and there were many people.

Tian Qi smiled and said: "You're right, Daming has indeed begun to show signs of resurgence, and both the internal money and the national treasury are full. But we can't take it lightly. I heard that you were killed this time. It is more difficult to accept it than to be killed. But it also shows how much some people don’t want me to become an emperor with great achievements, and they don’t want you to do something for me and the society that will benefit thousands of years in the present age. .”

Zhang Gui nodded: "What your Majesty said is that some people and some influences cannot be kept any longer, and no one knows whether they will hinder the entire Huangming's great cause of Zhongxing. For example, the Liao generals represented by Zu Dashou, this time Yuan Chonghuan The reason why you dare to force His Majesty to let the prince leave the pavilion to study is essentially because of the support of these Guan Ning soldiers."

"How could I not know?"

Tian Qi replied, and said: "I didn't examine why Huang Taiji chose to break through the defense zone of Guan Ningbing this time, so I killed him directly, because there are some things that don't need to be asked, and I know. What Mr. Sun proposed' It is not a good strategy for the people of Liao to defend the land of Liao, which makes people like Zu Dashou not pay attention to the imperial court. But the imperial court can't move him before completely destroying Jiannu, because once he is moved, these people may be completely wiped out. Forced to Jianu's side."

After Zhang Gui heard this, he said: "What your Majesty said is that the key is for the imperial court to become stronger. As long as the imperial court is strong enough, they, the military chiefs, still dare not act recklessly. Now the new policy has been implemented in Henan and Zhejiang provinces, and the effect is excellent. It's time to promote it from across the country. In addition, there is the issue of cultivating talents for the New Deal. On the Jiangnan side, the minister has instructed Governor Zhao Yan and Xilin Academy to carry out civilian education. Government construction, to enlighten the wisdom of the people. Also, a branch office should be set up to control the country’s money and food expenditures, official industry income, and various commodity markets.”

Tian Qi said: "These, after you and the ministers of the policy department have decided, go straight to the book!"


Next, Zhang Gui chatted with Tian Qi about a few more things, then left the Hall of Qinzheng and went to his own wood workshop.

But Zhang Gui returned to the mansion.

But as soon as Tian Qi arrived at his woodworking workshop and was working, he smelled a strange fragrance and gradually felt weak. Finally, when he woke up by himself, he was already in a black hut.

"Where is this?"

Apocalypse asked.

Then, Tian Qi tried to push the door open, but found that the door was locked.

I could only hear someone shouting outside: "Don't push! You won't be able to escape!"

Tian Qi was shocked when he heard this, and shouted: "Who are you, dare to kidnap the emperor! Did Wei Zhongxian or Ye Chengxue instruct you to do this!"

(End of this chapter)

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