Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 255 The apocalypse killed the dignitaries, and a large number of monks died on the spot!

Chapter 255 The apocalypse killed the dignitaries, and a large number of monks died on the spot!
At this time, the sound of rattling horseshoes and the sound of leather boots stomping on the ground came neatly.

Outside the entire Sui Kingdom Mansion, a large number of armored soldiers began to appear.

At the same time, the door of the Duke's Mansion was wide open.

Rows of armored soldiers appeared outside the steps, blocking Zhang Guowei, Tian Qi and others, and raised their pistols.

Then, there was a cannon, a total of eight cannons were pushed out, and the artillery was raising the muzzle little by little, preparing to bomb the entire position of the rebel army.




At that time, at the end of the field of vision of Tian Qi and the others, there were orders from the official school accompanied by clanging sirens.

Soon, Jin Li realized that they were surrounded.

The people of Sui Guogong's government had been prepared for a long time, and even mobilized the army in advance to deploy in the dark.

Both Hou Guoxing and Ke Guangxian didn't know what to do for a while.

Tian Qi fired the first shot, which directly hit Hou Guoxing in the forehead.

Hou Guoxing fell to the ground on the spot, and he couldn't retract his tongue.

Then, Tianqi fired a second shot, killing Ke Guangxian to the ground.

Ke Guang opened his eyes wide first, and couldn't believe that he would be beaten to death on the spot like this!

Tian Qi blew the white smoke from the muzzle of the gun, twirled the revolver in his hand, and then told Huang Degong and Zhang Guowei who appeared: "I will kill them first, lest you dare not do it, and you are afraid of offending the Ke family." Next, I will avoid entering the Duke’s Mansion and temporarily use it as a temporary palace. Anyone who comes here will be regarded as a rebellious army, and you will slaughter them all!"

With that said, Tian Qi took the revolver and walked towards the Duke of Sui's mansion.

There is no one in the current Duke's Mansion except the army.

Because Zhang Gui had already moved his family to another place.

"Open the middle door!"

Seeing this, Liu Zongmin shouted.

The middle door opened slowly.

Tian Qi's figure gradually disappeared under the big golden plaque of "Imperial Mansion of Sui Guo".


Behind Tianqi, with an order, the sound of cannons suddenly began to appear, and the sound of muskets also appeared intensively.

Groups of rebels fell to the ground as a result.

Died on the spot.

Not long after, the entire street was filled with blood, corpses were strewn all over the street, and the smell was permeating.

Jin Li was even chopped into pieces by random knives.


"Master, there are intense gunshots in the city!"

A servant pretending to be a monk reported the latest situation to the old monk in the temple.

The cheeky old monk smiled after hearing this, and said to Cui Zhijun, "It seems that my people are already starting to destroy Zhang's residence."

After hearing this, Cui Zhijun also smiled and said: "In this way, the universe can be determined, just wait for the godfather and Laige Lao to get the imperial edict of His Majesty's abdication, and then force Han Yu and Wei Zhongxian to admit that the crown prince will be crowned, then everything will be fine." The dust has settled."

The old monk Luoji said: "You have to go and tell the old man Wang and the elder Laige to let him know that the matter he arranged has been done. In the future, when the new emperor ascends the throne, the old man must be restored to his original post. Otherwise, I Liao The generals will not admit what they did so easily."

Cui Zhijun said: "Don't worry about it. If you and the Liao general behind you don't admit it, we can't do anything about you!"

"It's good that you understand."

The cheeky old monk sneered.

"Surround this temple! No one is allowed to enter or leave! Anyone who violates the order will be killed!"

At this time, orders from the imperial court official school came from outside the temple.

Seeing this, the cheeky old monk hurriedly got up and went out, leaning against the yellow wall, and through the leaves, he glanced outside the temple, only to see that the temple outside was surrounded by many cavalry.

Many cavalrymen's spears still had blood on them, obviously killing the sentries he had placed outside, and the officers who could pull out his sentries one by one must be extraordinary officers.

The cheeky old monk couldn't help but feel his scalp go numb, and glared at Cui Zhijun: "Damn it, you're a traitor?!"

After hearing this, Cui Zhijun fell to his knees with a plop: "Master, please forgive me! Our family doesn't know what's going on! Our family didn't expect so many officers and soldiers to come!"

At this time, the old monk with cheeks had directly picked up the Zen stick beside him.

He was supposed to be a felon in the imperial court, but naturally he would not go to the imperial prison willingly, so he let his servant who had been raised by his family for many years and was loyal and similar in appearance to pretend to be himself in the imperial prison, while he himself He shaved his hair and pretended to be a monk in Guangruo Temple outside the city to deceive others, but in fact he was secretly inquiring about news, opening up relationships, and doing things for his family.

But the cheeky old monk didn't expect that so many officers and soldiers would suddenly appear in such a hidden hiding place.

He could only suspect that it was Cui Zhijun who did it.

"I still don't admit it!"

The cheeky man hit Cui Zhijun directly with his Zen stick.

Seeing this, Cui Zhijun shouted out of the temple, "Mr. Li is here!"


A Zen stick hit Cui Zhijun directly on the head.

Cui Zhijun fell to the ground on the spot, his head burst open, and blood and brains flowed out.

At this time, the officers and soldiers outside had rushed up the mountain upon hearing the sound.

"Protect the master!"

The monks in this temple are all dressed up by the servants of the old monk's family, so they all grabbed firecrackers and fought against the guards who came here.

All of a sudden, there was a loud gunshot.

White smoke filled the air.

Xu Du, who was ordered by Zhang Gui to arrest these cheeky old monks and rushed to the front, immediately shot and killed a monk when he saw this.

But after one monk fell, another monk rushed forward.

Xu Du hastily reloaded, and with another shot, he immediately shot the monk to the ground.

The cheeky old monk, who was rushing to hide in the high place of the temple, was shocked when he saw this, and thought: "This firearm without a matchstick fires so fast! I have pity on my well-trained servants, who are going to be hard-pressed to defeat these officers and soldiers. !"

After thinking this way, the bearded old monk no longer dared to calmly go to his secret room to hide, but hurriedly crawled and crawled.

Not long after, monks' corpses were poured on the steps of the entire temple.

Even the steps began to gradually turn red.

Only the steps that the old monk was climbing were still stone blue.

A large number of officers and soldiers stepped on the blood-colored stone steps and began to chase frantically.

And the cheeky old monk was also climbing up crazily. When he was carried to the secret room in the past, he didn't think there were many stone steps in this section, but now he felt that there were many, and it seemed that he could not finish climbing.

However, the cheeky old monk was indeed not as physically strong as before, let alone the Guards Academy who was undergoing regular cardiopulmonary training behind him.

Therefore, Xu Duwai soon caught up with the big man.

The bearded old monk didn't climb anymore, he just turned around and sat on the stone steps out of breath, looked at the guards, and asked, "Who sent you here?"

"His Majesty!"

At this time Zhang Gui appeared out of breath.

These days, after returning to Beijing, he exercised too much with his wives and concubines at home, so that his physical strength became the worst in the official school present.

The cheeky old monk was surprised when he heard this: "Impossible! Your Majesty is not already."

"You have been placed under house arrest, right?"

Zhang Gui replied, and said, "Cui Zhijun is indeed the person I placed next to Wang Tiqian, you guessed it right."

As Zhang Gui spoke, he ordered: "Take him away!"

When the cheeky old monk was escorted to Beijing, Tianqi also returned to his Xiyuan, and sent Zhang Yan, the crown prince and Xin Wang Zhu Youjian.

"Father Jia, there are only four people here, but Royal Father, why did you put four glasses of wine? Can the servants drink too?"

The prince asked a question at this time.

Tian Qi smiled slightly.


At this time, a crisp sound came from outside.

Then, Tianqi, the queen, the prince, and Zhu Youjian heard Keshi scolding outside: "Well, you Wei Zhongxian, you still won't let me in! Don't forget, you still rely on me to get to where you are today." .You won’t let me in! Don’t think I don’t know, the empress and prince must be hiding here! If you don’t hand him over today, when the emperor abdicates, you won’t have any good fruit to eat!”

"Ma'am! Calm down, Your Majesty is inside, even if you want to see me, let me tell you!"

Just listen to Wei Zhongxian explaining outside.

"Fart your mother! How could His Majesty be here? If His Majesty were here, I would have your surname!"

Ke Shi cursed loudly, and walked in straight away.

For a moment, Keshi saw Tianqi, the Empress, the Prince, and King Xin all sitting on a royal table.

(End of this chapter)

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