Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 256 Execute Hakka to warn the emperor's relatives!

Chapter 256 Execute Hakka to warn the emperor's relatives!
When Ke Shi saw Tian Qi was there, she was immediately shocked in place.

Tian Qi smiled calmly and said, "Madam is here."

"Give a seat!"

Tian Qi then ordered again.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Ke Shi also had to suppress the doubts in his heart, squeezed out a smile, and half sat on a chair.

Tian Qi then asked again: "Why did Madam come to see me?"

"Is there anything wrong?"

Ke Shi originally came to see Queen Zhang Yan, but she couldn't say anything more, so she had to reply like this.

"Hou Guoxing and Ke Guangxian, because of treason, I killed them! Since you are here, I will let you know."

Tian Qi said lightly at this moment.

Ke's body couldn't help trembling, then stood up abruptly, and stared at Tian Qi for a while.

Tianqi only ate vegetables.

But Ke Shi suddenly knelt down again: "Your Majesty, forgive me!"

Tian Qi put down his chopsticks and asked, "Are you really related to the Li family?"

Ke Shi nodded: "Nu was originally adopted by the Li family, and it is true that I did not tell anyone."

"This Li family really has a far-reaching layout!"

Tian Qi sighed, and said again: "Fortunately, I am now counting on Zhang Gui to reform and eliminate evils. If Wei Zhongxian really passes through, I have to pay more attention to the Li Ke family. Maybe I really can't kill the Li family."

Tian Qi said to the prince, "Bring a glass of wine to Madam."


The prince really brought a glass of wine to Keshi.

Ke Shi picked it up carefully, and glanced at Tian Qi.


As Tian Qi spoke, he raised a glass of wine and drank it all in one gulp.

Seeing this, Ke also raised her neck and drank it all in one gulp.

Then, Tian Qi said with tears in his eyes: "Madam, I thank you for serving me for so many years, but logically speaking, I treat you and your family well. I have given it to you from Zhuangtian, and I have also given it to you. The relatives are poor. But you can’t be dissatisfied! Now, my brother-in-law is willing to disregard life and death, and change the world’s evils for me, how can I be disrespectful? Today, I poisoned you, which is the best arrangement for you .Otherwise, in the future, you may not die so easily. This is also the last grace I will give you."

"His Majesty!"

After hearing this, Ke Shi hurriedly yelled, "Did you drink poisoned wine for me?"

Apocalypse nodded.

Not long after, Ke suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the skirt of his clothes, his face full of discomfort.

Then, Ke Shi lay on the ground, kicked his legs, and said: "Your Majesty! How can you be so cruel!"

Tian Qi didn't speak, just looked at Ke Shi quietly.

Not long after, Ke Shi rolled her eyes and died completely.

The queen, prince, and king Xin were also frightened and froze in place for a while, and looked at Tian Qi.

Tian Qi called out: "Wei Zhongxian!"

Wei Zhongxian walked in hurriedly: "My lord!"

"Send someone to carry Madam down, and give her a proper burial!"

Apocalypse ordered.


After the Ke family was carried down, Tian Qi looked at the queen, the prince, and King Xin and asked, "The wine in front of you three is also poisonous wine."

After hearing this, the queen, the prince, and the king of Xin all thumped in their hearts.

The prince first asked: "Father, do you want us to drink too?"

Tian Qi shook his head: "Of course not! I want you to know that if you are like Ke Shi and think that you are my closest relatives, you dare to do something wrong, and I will let you drink this glass of wine for the sake of the Ming Dynasty!"


Tian Qi said in a heavy voice, and said to the prince first: "She will collude with the rebellious party because she opposes the New Deal, and is going to force me to abdicate! And force your uncle to be killed along the way! Then, she will come to force the queen to support the prince's ascension to the throne, And let yourself make a contribution to supporting her. I have no choice but to give her the death penalty."

"Brother Huang, I absolutely dare not have such thoughts."

Xin Wang Zhu Youjian hurriedly said something at this time.

The prince also said: "How dare my son harm my uncle, and how dare I oppose my father's government!"

Empress Zhang Yan also thought for a while and replied: "The courtiers and concubines don't dare to follow the example of changing the mother-child system!"

Zhang Yan likes to read history, so she naturally knows that during the Northern Song Dynasty, Sima Guang abolished the new law, and used the Empress Dowager Gao's change of the Shenzong system to the mother's change of the son system to explain that the abolition of the new law was in line with etiquette. Now that she says this, it naturally means that, Even if she had such an opportunity in the future, she would not do such a thing.

Tian Qi nodded after listening.

At this time, Wei Zhongxian walked in: "Your Majesty, Uncle Guo came to report that Li Ruzhen has been escorted."

Tian Qi hurriedly ordered: "Xuan!"

So, not long after, Zhang Gui escorted Li Ruzhen to the imperial front.

The cheeky old monk before was indeed Li Ruzhen.

As the third son of Li Chengliang of the Li family in Liaodong, he is often called the third master by his Li family.

The Li family of Liaodong has been in Liaodong for many years, and has a deep accumulation. No matter whether it is in the court or outside the customs, no one knows how many high-ranking officials and dignitaries are related to his Li family.

You know, Nurhachi was once a lackey of his Li family.

Of course, it is difficult to tell Li's merits and demerits.

It's just that neither Tianqi nor Zhang Gui expected that Li Ruzhen would be involved in this matter.

You know, although there are already Li Ruzhen's family members, such as Li Ruwu, who has defected to Jiannu, but Li Ruzhen still obediently went to Beijing to be tried and imprisoned because of his defeat in the battle, to show his loyalty.

"Li Ruzhen, I treat your Li family well. Even if I knew that you were not really in prison, I didn't take it seriously. Even though many members of your Li family have taken refuge in Jiannu, I still trust you. You Li family. But why are you so disregarding the interests of the country and society, insisting on destroying the last trace of goodwill I have for your Li family."

Tian Qi spoke to Li Ruzhen at this time.

Li Ruzhen smiled bitterly: "As a military official, the consequence of being loyal to the court is to be angry with those civil servants! If it is not a last resort, who would be willing to be loyal to the court! Does Your Majesty really think that warriors in the world should work hard?!"

"You might as well say that you don't want to be angry with me!"

Tian Qi replied, and said, "Tell me, why did you do this, even if you don't care about the country, why did you suddenly choose to work with people like Lai Zongdao!"

Li Ruzhen said: "The reason is very simple. Your Majesty's establishment of the West Factory has cut off our source of income! When there was no West Factory before, through Shanxi merchants, we could smuggle a large amount of salt and iron to get huge profits outside the pass, and earn foreign captives to plunder in the pass. But now, after His Majesty set up the West Factory and strengthened the national power, we can only live on the military salary and land rent. How can people live like this, and the family members can hardly support them! Many dignitaries have also lost a lot of benefits Laige Lao promised that if this matter is accomplished, the West Factory will be withdrawn. My Li family is naturally willing to facilitate this matter. It’s a pity that the success fell short.”

Tian Qi smiled coldly after hearing this, and said: "God is still wise, and didn't let you treacherous officials and thieves succeed."

Li Ruzhen said: "Whatever your Majesty says, I just want to know why Cui Zhijun became Uncle Guo's eyeliner? Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to find out about my Li family so easily. You wouldn't know that the Ke family is related to my Li family." .”

Tian Qi glanced at Zhang Gui: "You tell him."


Zhang Gui responded.

(End of this chapter)

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