Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 257 Apocalypse: No!The Li family in Liaodong must punish the 9 clans!

Chapter 257 Apocalypse: No!The Li family in Liaodong must punish the nine clans!
"Because of the New Deal."

Zhang Gui replied.

"New Deal?"

Li Ruzhen smiled wryly.

"That's right! During the period when Cui Zhijun was sent to the palace by your Li family in Liaodong, and gradually became the son of the king's body, the average field service in the south of the Yangtze River was in full swing. Although Cui Zhijun was trafficked to Liaodong, he became a member of your Li family. , and because he came from Wudi and had a Wudi accent, your Li family sent him to the palace as an eyeliner. But this does not mean that Cui Zhijun has no close relatives in the south of the Yangtze River. In fact, Cui Zhijun has already found his close relatives and knows his close relatives We divided up the fields in the south of the Yangtze River, so we have already supported the New Deal very much, and even secretly confessed many things to our West Factory.”

Zhang Gui then said: "Cui Zhijun hopes that many people in the world can rely on the New Deal to achieve food and clothing. They don't have to be trafficked because of poverty like him, and they have to become eunuchs in the end! Therefore, we Liaodong Li family members Small favors and small favors are nothing to him who has a big vision! Therefore, not everyone in this world is against the New Deal, and there are many people who like the New Deal, including many eunuchs in the inner court, who also support the New Deal!"

"You, Mrs. Li, are using others with personal favors, while Xichang is using righteousness to get them to actively support them. It is self-evident which one is better and which is worse."

Apocalypse said at this time.

Li Ruzhen remained silent for a while after hearing this, and finally said: "No wonder Lai Ge said that he didn't want to wait any longer. Now it seems that he really can't wait. If we continue to wait like this, I don't know how many people will become supporters of the New Deal." .”

As he said that, Li Ruzhen kowtowed to Tianqi and said, "Your Majesty, please spare the prisoner's death penalty! It's because the Li family in Liaodong was born and died for the court."

Apocalypse said: "I will not spare you! Your Li family's merits are merits, and your faults are faults. You will drink the golden cup together, and you will not be spared with a white sword! When your Li family made meritorious service, the imperial court rewarded all the merits that should not be rewarded! Now your Li family If you rebel, you should be killed, and I will kill you too! But I will give you a strict punishment, let the three courts judge you, and make sure that people in the world will not feel that I have wronged you!"

As he said that, Tian Qi said: "Put him in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and the three courts will interrogate Li Ruzhen, Lai Zongdao and other treason cases!"

"According to the order!"


Next, Li Ruzhen was sent to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, but the people who guarded Li Ruzhen were still guarded by people from Xichang.

Because no one is sure whether the people from the Ministry of Punishment will secretly take Li Ruzhen away.


At the same time, Lai Zongdao, Wang Tiqian, Hou Guoxing, etc. were also ransacked, and their family slaves, regardless of age, were all thrown into prison.


Not long after this, Zu Dashou also learned the news that Li Ruzhen was captured in the capital.

"What?! Mr. Li was found out? Said he was suspected of treason?!"

Zu Dashou even complained about it in astonishment.

Wu Sangui, who came to report the matter to him, said: "Uncle, the news sent by the scholar Wang of the capital is absolutely true."

After hearing this, Zu Dashou sighed dejectedly: "In other words, Xueshi Wang's use of Lai Zongdao and Ye Chengxue to launch a coup failed, and even caused us to involve Sanye Li in it!"

After speaking, Zu Dashou asked: "How does the imperial court deal with Mr. Li?"

"Your Majesty wants to impose a canonical punishment on him and order the three courts to interrogate him. It must be to convince the generals in the world that the court has not wronged Mrs. Li, and that Mrs. Li owed the court first. But the more this is the case, the more it shows that His Majesty intentionally wronged Mrs. Li. For your kindness, you must be dealt with severely!"

Wu Sangui said.

Zu Dashou sneered: "It's not so easy for Your Majesty to kill Sanye Li! Uncle Li is better at befriending the world's powerful and powerful families than Qi Shaobao. Sanfa may not necessarily follow His Majesty's wish!"

After speaking, Zu Dashou said again: "However, in order to prevent His Majesty from insisting on killing Li Sanye, we have to write a memorial and send it to Beijing urgently to show our attitude towards the general of Liao! If Your Majesty does not kill Li Sanye because of this , it means that your majesty has no intention of tearing the door apart with us in Liao. If your majesty wants to kill Li Sanye, it means that the next step is to clean up us! We must first ask the court to know the thoughts of our Liao generals. He Zhu You The school can't help but care!"

"What uncle said is, I'll do it now!"

Wu Sangui agreed.

Zu Dashou nodded, and asked: "Ask your father and Uncle He, how are they doing in the capital and what have they seen?"

"it is good!"


As Zu Dashou expected, shortly after Apocalypse ordered the three judicial divisions to interrogate Li Ruzhen, the final trial result given by the three judicial divisions was to turn Li Ruzhen into a commoner.

Tianqi raised his eyebrows suddenly after seeing the inscription of the Sanfa Division: "The crime of treason is only punished as a commoner. What do the officials of the Sanfa Division think? This is to make everyone in the world dare to rebel. Immediately announce that the three law ministers, the cabinet minister Jiuqing and the admiral of Dongxichang will come to see me!"

So it didn't take long for Huo Weihua, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, Liu Zongzhou, Yushi of Zuodu, and Pan Shiliang, Minister of Dali Temple, to come to the imperial court.

As soon as these people arrived in front of the imperial court, Tianqi first said directly to Huo Weihua, Liu Zongzhou, and Pan Shiliang, the three court officials of the Sanfa Division: "I asked you to interrogate Li Ruzhen, but in the end, only one person was judged as a commoner. What do you think?" of?!"

Huo Weihua, Shangshu of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, said: "Your Majesty, it's not that the ministers don't know that Li Ruzhen committed the crime of treason, but for the sake of His Majesty's society, we cannot admit that he committed the crime of treason."

Liu Zongzhou, the censor of Zuodu, also said: "Your Majesty! The Li family has a deep foundation in Liaodong, and has always been good at supporting subordinates. Many frontier generals are from the Li family in Liaodong. If it is dealt with, it may cause turmoil in the world!"

Pan Shiliang, Minister of Dali Temple, followed suit: "That's right, Your Majesty, not to mention the generals all over the world are watching, if Li Ruzhen is really to be killed here, maybe it will chill the hearts of the generals all over the world!"

"It's not easy for Li Ruzhen's nine clans to be excavated and executed, but Li Ruzhen himself can't be killed, so where is the majesty of the emperor's law?!"

Tian Qi asked in a cold voice.

Therefore, Liu Zongzhou said: "Your Majesty, since this is the case, even if you want to kill Li Ruzhen, you can't execute him for the crime of treason, which will make the world restless!"

"No! Rebellion is rebellion! Don't scare me with the instability of border towns. It seems that every border town in the world wants to be for him, the Li family in Liaodong, not even your own nine clans!"

Tian Qi even killed Ke Shi cruelly, so he was naturally unwilling to expose this matter so easily, or greatly discount the handling of this matter.

Seeing that Tianqi insisted on executing Li Ruzhen, the officials of the Sanfa Division couldn't persuade them anymore, so they all changed the inscriptions, and the Shangzuo sentenced Li Ruzhen to Lingchi, and exterminated the nine clans.

But just when Tianqi received the title book from the Sanfa Division again, Han Yu, the chief assistant of the cabinet, sent an urgent delivery, saying: "Your Majesty! Zu Dashou and other Liao generals jointly signed the book, pleading for Li Ruzhen, and please do not punish him." Li Ruzhen was sentenced to death, and said that if Li Ruzhen was executed, Liao soldiers might mutiny and destabilize the border town! So I have to ask Your Majesty for mercy."

(End of this chapter)

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