Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 258 is Daming Zhongxing, punishing its 9 clans, and beheading all its disciples and old offi

Chapter 258 is the great Ming Zhongxing, punishing its nine clans, and beheading all its disciples and old officials!

After Tianqi heard this, he remained silent for a while.

Han Yu took the initiative to say: "Your Majesty, from the perspective of the old minister, this Zu Dashou is testing and threatening the court in the name of interceding for Li Ruzhen. If the court really executes Li Ruzhen, they will definitely think that the court can no longer tolerate it." These military towns in the Liao region may rise up to rebel on their own, or they may directly defect to Jiannu."

Tian Qi looked at Zhang Gui, who was also here, and asked, "What do you think?"

Zhang Gui replied: "Your Majesty, what is the difference between being a general in the west of Liaoning and becoming a king or becoming a slave? The imperial court takes millions of Liao salary to support them every year, but they don't listen to the imperial court's dispatch, and He is still secretly delivering iron and grain to Jiannu. If Zu Dashou is threatening the imperial court as Yuanfu said, then he has already done so before threatening the imperial court!"

"So, the imperial court doesn't need to care about his threat at all. As for how to test the imperial court. Obviously, does the imperial court still need to appease these military towns that have deviated from the imperial court? It's getting worse! It will even increase the burden on the people in the mainland because the cost of appeasement of these people is getting higher and higher."

"To be honest, the people of the world have been suffering from Liao's salary for a long time! If the Liao's salary paid by the people these years can wipe out Jiannu, it will also lead to more and more thieves in the family they support. Now the court might as well go all out and goug out these A piece of rotten meat, so as not to rot and spread to Daming's whole body."

"In addition, as far as the Liao people are concerned, because the generals in the west of Liao oppressed and exploited the people very much, the large number of refugees was not increased because of the war, but because the landlords of the Liao oppressed too much. It is difficult for these people to enter the customs. The Liao generals will not allow them to enter the customs easily. Therefore, many refugees will only seek refuge in the Jiannu, thus increasing the strength of the Jiannu. Therefore, it can be said that the existence of the Liao generals will also increase the population of the Jiannu. Big day!"

Tian Qi nodded after listening.

But at this time, Wei Zhongxian came to report: "Your Majesty, Huo Weihua, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, Pan Shiliang of Dali Temple, etc. are outside Fuque to see Your Majesty."

Zhang Gui then said: "It must be because of Li Ruzhen! Li Ruzhen's prestige in the court is really high, and he is even popular among civil servants!"

As soon as Zhang Gui said this, a cold light flashed in Tian Qi's eyes.


After pondering for a moment, Tian Qi said, "Xuan!"


After a while, Huo Weihua, Pan Shiliang and other civil servants came to the imperial court.

Tian Qi then turned around and asked these civil servants: "Qing waited for Fu Que to ask for an interview, why did you come here? If you have anything to say, can't you go directly to the book?!"

"Your Majesty! This matter cannot be written. After all, the ministers did not intend to break the law of the country because of a traitor, but only for the sake of the ancestral temple and the community. I am asking Your Majesty to treat Li Ruzhen and his clan with caution!"

Huo Weihua said a word, and then said: "And I waited for the rumors that the border generals have pleaded for Li Ruzhen, and asked the court not to execute Li Ruzhen! Now it seems that if the court really wants to execute Li Ruzhen, it may lead to more border troubles. !"

Pan Shiliang followed suit: "Your Majesty, you should be tolerant in everything. As a king, you must never act willfully. Even if Li Ruzhen deserves to die, he can only let Li Ruzhen commit suicide instead of being executed by the court and sentenced to treason!"

Tian Qi smiled slightly after hearing this, and said, "I see, you go down first."

"His Majesty!"

Howard shouted again at this time.

Seeing this, Tian Qi lowered his face and asked, "Why do I have to agree to you now before I leave?!"

"I dare not wait!"

Huo Weihua hurriedly replied, and then left here in despair.

After all the civil servants left, Tian Qi looked at Zhang Gui this time and said, "The Li family of Liaodong really has a very strong foundation."

Zhang Gui asked directly: "Your Majesty means that Li Ruzhen should not be executed, or even charged with treason?"

After Zhang Gui asked, he thought to himself: "Isn't my Duke's mansion being threatened for nothing? You know, this Li Ruzhen planned to destroy his own clan at the beginning. How could he allow such a force to exist! Now that we have torn our faces apart, we can only Can live forever!"

Tian Qi said: "You can talk about your opinion again."

Zhang Gui thought for a while and took out the stack of letters in his sleeve: "Your Majesty, I understand what you mean. It is nothing more than worrying that the foundation of the Li family in Liaodong is really too big, and if you deal with it rashly, it will really damage the foundation of the court. But Your Majesty, you can read these letters, and you will know that the foundation of the imperial court is not these rich and powerful gentry colluding with each other, but them!"

When Tian Qi received the letter, he suddenly saw that the first letter was Cui Zhijun's suicide note.

"The servant Cui Zhijun kowtowed to the emperor under the Nine Springs, and at the order of the uncle of the country, he wrote a suicide note to the emperor, and the emperor forgives the crime. The slave and maid were originally Li's private, but they had always had a lot of contacts with the Li family. The taboo of foreign ministers! However, the slaves later found out that the emperor is a good emperor. Because of the emperor, the parents and younger brothers of the slaves survived, and now they have been given the land. What's more, the emperor also recognized the parents of the slaves. My younger brother owns the fields allocated by Xilin Academy!"

"The slaves also know that the emperor is doing this for the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty. But now, there are still people who want to take all of this and ruin the emperor's great cause, and there is Li Sanye among them!"

"The servant cannot abandon the emperor's favor and justice just because he has accepted his personal affair, so the servant is willing to die for the emperor! I only hope that the emperor can achieve a great cause as soon as possible. It would be great if one day the Liao pay is exempted, because the slave was in the past. It was because of the Liao’s tax increase that the family couldn’t afford the money, so they had to sell their slaves.”

Then, Tianqi looked at the second letter.

"Feng Boyan, the trainer of Chenshenshu Battalion, was ordered to join the Death Squad today. He carried the coffin to blow up Haizhou City, and left a suicide note as usual. I heard that the reason why Haizhou is difficult to fight is because the Liaodong ancestor's longevity was the enemy. The enemy of the state has been supplemented with food. The old minister’s suicide note today did not meet his life’s wishes. The horse leather shroud is the best destination for soldiers. He only impeached Liao’s general Zu Dashou and others for collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country. Envoys and others gave their lives in vain. The benevolence of a woman is indecisive, she would rather harm her own soldiers than cut off the bandits who lie on the couch and support the bandits! If this continues, the guards will be alienated from His Majesty, please Your Majesty destroy this enemy as soon as possible!"

"Since Your Majesty set up a military training school in Xishan, and envoys from a poor family can go out for the country, I hope that the Ming Dynasty will repeat the glory of the Han and Tang Dynasties as soon as possible. However, now, the land of Liao is not flat, and I fear that Your Majesty's great cause will not be accomplished!"


After the apocalypse, Zhang Gui wrote: "Your Majesty, Cui Zhijun and Feng Boyan were all killed when Li Ruzhen launched the coup. Among them, Cui Zhijun was killed by Li Ruzhen because he revealed Li Ruzhen's whereabouts, and Feng Boyan He was lucky enough to survive the bloody battle in Haizhou and was promoted to the Shenshu Camp as the General Guards Officer Academy, and was later killed by Li Ruzhen's old party in the Guards, which can be regarded as his death for the court."

After speaking, Zhang Gui said again: "I have long wanted to give the suicide notes left by these people to Your Majesty, so that Your Majesty can know what is the foundation of the imperial court? And those who really have a heart for the imperial court, and are even willing to sacrifice their lives for the imperial court. Who are they? And what do they want to see!"

"I can't bear them!"

Tian Qi sighed, said something, and then burst into tears.

Suddenly, Tian Qi's expression became serious again, and he shouted sharply: "Pass the decree! Li Ruzhen will be sentenced to death immediately! All his disciples and members of the nine clans will be executed! Anyone who dissuades him, even if he is an accomplice, will be punished!"

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

Zhang Gui cupped his hands and heaved a sigh of relief.

And Tian Qi continued to look at these suicide notes. Now, through the lines of these suicide notes, he seemed to have discovered more deeply that there were so many people who were paying for his Daming, sacrificing themselves for him, and also It turned out to be stronger than he sincerely hoped that Daming would be stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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