Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 259 Tear your face and kill!Heads rolling!

Chapter 259 Tear your face and kill!Heads rolling!

Prison prison.

Li Ruzhen was sitting cross-legged on a floppy bed, touching his freshly shaved head, and a beautiful woman in thin clothes was feeding meat into her mouth.

At the same time, the beauty said to Li Ruzhen from the side: "Zu Dashou and others have signed a letter, please forgive the death of the third master, and now Da Sikou and Pan Gong of Dali Temple have also gone to beg for mercy for the third master." , now it seems that His Majesty cannot kill you."

"The person who killed my third master hasn't been born yet."

Li Ruzhen replied with a sneer.

"There is a purpose! Let Li Ruzhen listen to the announcement!"

At this time, Huang Degong came with a group of officials.

At the same time, Huang Degong also shouted to those who tried to stop him: "We came here under orders, dare to act recklessly, do you want to lead to death?! Get out!"

As he said that, Huang Degong used a knife to force a cell leader to lead him to Li Ruzhen's cell door.

Li Ruzhen also heard the voice here, and stood up immediately.

The beauty's name was Xu Fu, and at this moment, she hurriedly knelt aside, but with a smile on her face, she said: "Now it seems that it must be your will to pardon the third master!"

Li Ruzhen also thought so, so he knelt on the carpet devoutly: "Criminal Li Ruzhen listens to the order."

"Fengtian Chengyun Emperor, the imperial edict says... Li Ruzhen has evil intentions and planned a coup d'etat...he is a heinous person, but I and the two previous emperors have always treated the Li family with great respect...how can I forgive Li Ruzhen for betraying the country so much! According to the law, Ling Chi will be sentenced to death, and the nine clans will be punished, and all the disciples, old and young, will be beheaded! Tell the world!"

When Li Ruzhen heard this, it sounded like Jiao Lei was ringing in his ears.

The hairs of the whole person stood on end for a moment, and the lower jaw trembled slightly.

"how so!"

"How is this possible!"

"How could the imperial court kill me!"

After Li Ruzhen thought so in his heart, he gritted his teeth and asked: "Dare to ask the superior, is this decree really sent by His Majesty?"

Huang Degong said in a cold voice: "The imperial edict issued so clearly, how dare I falsely announce it? Unless I don't want my own nine clans anymore!"

Li Ruzhen collapsed to the ground immediately after hearing this.

Although Huang Degong said the same thing or not, it still seemed to take away his last ray of hope.

At this time, Xu Fo who was kneeling on the ground suddenly stood up, lifted the veil on his face, and looked at Huang Degong: "This general, I am Xu Fo from Jiangnan. If the general can let the third master go, Xu Fo is willing to serve the general for life!"

"Xu Jun!"

Seeing this, Li Ruzhen hurriedly shouted.

Xu Fo was a generation of famous prostitutes he trained in the south of the Yangtze River. The rich and powerful gentry did not hesitate to spend 10 taels of silver to pay Xu Fo, but Xu Fo never agreed.

But now, Li Ruzhen didn't expect that Xu Fu would trade himself for his life in order to repay his kindness.

"Go away!"

Huang Degong shouted directly.

Seeing this, Xu Fu simply stood in front of Huang Degong: "If you want to take Mr. Li away, unless I die!"

Huang Degong drew the knife directly, and stabbed it into Xu Fo's abdomen.

Xu Fu looked at his abdomen in astonishment.

Then, Huang Degong kicked Xu Fo down again.


Xu Fu fell to the ground and was out of breath not long after.

Seeing this, Li Ruzhen looked at Huang Degong and said, "Why don't you feel sorry for Xiangxiang and Yuyu at all."

"Since she is your accomplice, she should die! Could it be that she is not against the party just because of her beauty?!"

Huang Degong asked, and ordered: "Cut off the head!"

Li Ruzhen: "..."

Then, Huang Degong ordered someone to take Li Ruzhen away.

Next, Li Ruzhen was taken to the execution ground.

At the same time, Li Ruzhen's family slaves and disciples Gu Jiu in the capital were also escorted out, and they were ordered to kneel on the ground row by row.


When Li Ruzhen was stabbed for the first time, the slaves and disciples of the Li clan were also executed.
Therefore, after Li Ruzhen screamed in pain, he saw his family slaves and disciples Gujiu being hacked to death one by one.

After Li Ruzhen heard the sound of these heads falling, he couldn't help crying out in pain: "Zhu Youxiao! You tyrant! Why are you so at the mercy of Uncle Zhang Guo, and you don't even care about your own foundation!"

"You still dare to scold His Majesty and Uncle Guo, sprinkle some salt!"


Li Ruzhen then felt more pain, and couldn't help shouting: "Don't, don't, I won't scold, I won't scold."

When Zhang Gui was watching Li Ruzhen being hacked, Chen Zizhuang, who was watching with him, couldn't help asking: "Why did His Majesty order Li Ruzhen to be hacked again? He even started to kill all the rebels."

Zhang Guidao: "Because Your Majesty now knows that it is the people of the world who want him to kill!"

Indeed, after reading the suicide notes of many people who died for the cause of Daming ZTE that Zhang Gui handed over, Tian Qi went straight to the killing spree.

Lai Zongdao, Wang Tiqian, etc. were all wiped out of the nine clans.

Moreover, Apocalypse also ordered a stele to be erected to record this matter, and these anti-party lists were compiled into a book, so as to leave a bad reputation forever.

And Li Guopu also found Ye Chengxue because of this: "Why are you involved in this matter?"

Ye Chengxue gritted his teeth and pretended to be angry and said: "Because the students also want to eliminate the national thieves as soon as possible! It's a pity that the students had to suddenly turn against the water because they knew in advance that someone like Cui Zhijun had secretly passed the news to Xichang. He informed His Majesty of his plan! Only then did Uncle Guo and His Majesty ask his ministers to follow their plan and imprison His Majesty according to the request of Lai Ge Lao and others, and after Lai Ge Lao and others appeared, they were first caught, and Li Ruzhen outside I don’t know that something happened in the city, and it showed its feet. Now, because of this, it is possible to avoid being wiped out of the nine clans together, and even added an official as the governor’s acquaintance.”

"Next time, if you want to do anything, you must get the consent of the old man! Otherwise, the old man will not want you as a student!"

Li Guopu said sternly.

Ye Chengxue hurriedly bowed his hands and said, "Enfu, calm down! Students, remember, never dare to act behind Enfu's back!"

"That's good!"

Li Guopu softened his tone, and then beckoned to Ye Chengxue to come closer: "Come closer to me."

Ye Chengxue moved closer to Li Guopu.

Li Guopu said in a low voice: "You have been secretly in contact with people around Xinwang these days, you must find out the whereabouts of Xinwang, the old man will entrust you with important things."

"Xin Wang?"

Ye Chengxue was astonished, and then asked: "Enfu, aren't you planning to act rashly, and just wait for the sun to set first?"

Li Guopu sighed: "Because of Wang Xueshi!"

Ye Cheng didn't learn well and asked again.

Li Guopu then took the initiative to say: "Your Majesty even directly cut Li Ruzhen this time, there are many things, so it is impossible to expect to stop here."


"Cut Li Ruzhen?"

Before Zu Dashou received the imperial court's reply to his request for Li Ruzhen's dismissal, he first learned of the news that Li Ruzhen had been hacked.

Because of this, Zu Dashou lost his composure.

Wu Sangui said from the side: "This is conclusive news. Uncle, it seems that His Majesty really doesn't intend to keep us Liao generals anymore."

General Zu Dashou's hand holding the tea cup trembled suddenly, and asked in a deep voice, "When will your father and your Uncle He come back?"

Wu Sangui said: "It will probably be soon!"

Zu Dashou nodded, and said again: "You send someone to contact Jiannu, and don't say anything else, just say that Li Ruzhen was cut by Zhu Youxiao!"


Although Zu Dashou had clamored that the court would lift the table to kill Li Ruzhen before this, but now after the court directly lifted the table, he was a little afraid to make a decision for a while, and he thought of counting on it first. Jiannu didn't say that he wanted to rebel.

(End of this chapter)

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