Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 260 After seeing the prosperity of the Daming Industrial Base, the Liao generals were shocke

Chapter 260 After seeing the prosperity of the Daming Industrial Base, the Liao generals were shocked!
West Hills.

When the rows of blue bricks and black tiles here, and the people of the Han family wearing Luo Chuansha, poured into He Kegang's eyes, He Kegang smiled knowingly as if seeing gold and silver all over the ground.

Dressed up as a merchant from Liaodong, he came here to inquire about the reality of the imperial court on the order of his ancestor's birthday. He did not expect that after going to the outskirts of Xishan, he would find that the people here are living so well!
The key point is that He Kegang found that there are many rich and well-off residential areas like this in the entire Xishan, stretching into a stretch, but there is no end in sight, and there are many people. Almost one residential area exceeds the population size of a big castle outside his pass. There are also free medical centers and social studies in these residential areas.

"I didn't expect the people in Xishan to be so rich, and their clothes are better than those of my servants!"

He Kegang sighed because of this, and said to Wu Xiang: "Brother Wu, tell me, how did the imperial court manage to allow so many refugees to live and work in peace and contentment in just a few years, and return them to live in brick and tile houses. The windows are all glass, the streets are paved with terrazzo, the main road has railroad tracks, and there are large carriages running, which are said to be buses. Many children take such large carriages to and from school, so they are not afraid of wind and rain.”

After He Kegang said this, he couldn't help muttering in his heart: "It would be great if the people of Liao could live like this in the future."

"Taking all the benefits of weaving and smelting in the world, now it is helping the people of Xilin to carry out reforms in the south of the Yangtze River by providing arms to the imperial court and arms to the Xichang, and earning the wealth of the officials and gentry in the south of the Yangtze River and the state money to Xishan. Do you think the people in Xishan can’t be rich? Back then, the Shanxi merchants who earned their wealth through smuggling to build slaves and plunder were not all rich enough to rival the country? Let alone Xishan!”

Wu Xiang said with a chuckle.

After hearing this, He Kegang said: "Although this is so, it also shows that the forces behind Xishan, His Majesty and Uncle Guo are different from Shanxi merchants, at least they did not monopolize their profits to make their lives more extravagant, or even used them for extravagance. It’s about making more people’s lives rich.”

"It is precisely because they use what they have seized from the world's powerful and bureaucrats to benefit the common people, instead of squandering it, it is even more terrifying!"

Wu Xiang said.

After hearing this, He Kegang couldn't accept the words, so he asked, "What's the explanation for this statement?"

Wu Xiang said with a sullen face: "So many benefits, almost tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of taels of silver, should not be squandered, but used to benefit the people, train and cultivate a large number of powerful soldiers belonging to the imperial court, and even Invest a lot of energy in the research and development of various skills, including firearms! For what? For the future, to win more profits!"

"It shows that they are not satisfied with the status quo, and are not satisfied with depriving the gentry of the south of the Yangtze River!"

"Through this method, they will make the riding and shooting advantages of Guan Ning soldiers and even the Tartars no longer exist outside the pass, and it will be more difficult for the aristocratic families to fight against the imperial court!"

"Because when the technology is improved to the point where an ordinary peasant and soldier can obtain a high-quality and cheap firearm and can easily kill a general who has been familiar with riding and shooting since he was a child, or even a commoner is so rich that any commoner knows how to speak up for himself, Then what is the advantage of us, the children of the great families? Why do people feel at ease as slaves for our family?"

"If the common people can be rich, peaceful, and live with dignity without first becoming a master, then it will be difficult for us, the children of aristocratic families who are above ordinary people, to be treated favorably by the court. You say, such an uncle and your majesty Is it scary or not?"

When Wu Xiang said this, he said: "It is precisely because of this that the powerful bureaucrats such as Yuan Zhongcheng and Jiangnan Xinchengbo desperately wanted to get rid of the uncle Guo, and even didn't want the crown prince to become such an emperor in the future."

"So, on the contrary, it is His Majesty and Uncle Guo who care about the common people and are not tolerated by the world's powerful?"

He Kegang sneered.

Wu Xiang also sneered and said: "That's exactly the reason! If Uncle Zhang Guo, relying on his holy favor, ran amok, oppressed the people, annexed the fields wantonly, and let His Majesty protect him, except for some people who read corrupt books and would be dissatisfied, No one will really do anything to him, or even rush to curry favor with him! Even if he is ten times worse than the relatives of the Xiaomiao Dynasty in the past, no one will really do anything to him."

"But one of his foreign relatives still cares about his people and the common people of the country! And today, he wants to be the emperor of the people of the world, not the emperor of the world's dignitaries and bureaucrats! Who can tolerate such a disaster?"

He Kegang smiled helplessly, but he disapproved in his heart. He didn't expect Wu Xiang to see it this way, to think that a relative who cared about the people of the country was abnormal, and even an emperor who cared about the people of the world was abnormal.

But He Kegang was not in a hurry to refute, because he also had to admit that Wu Xiang's reasoning was not unreasonable. From the perspective of the aristocratic family, the people were indeed rich, but the wealth of the rich and powerful bureaucrats like himself was no longer meaningful.

However, He Kegang doesn't know why, maybe it's because he has lived a life of rich clothes and fine food for a long time, and after being satisfied with the extravagant life of drunkenness and dreams, wives and concubines, he loses pleasure, and just unconsciously thinks of becoming an ancestor He even relied on his ancestral family relationship and his own efforts to walk step by step to the miserable life before becoming a high-ranking military official of the Ming Dynasty.

As a result, He Kegang is subconsciously thinking that if Liao people can be as rich as they are now, will there be no Liao youth like himself who have to go to the tip of the knife in order to survive? In the days of licking blood, even before Xianda, he had to live like a dog in front of his master, and even now he had to dare to speak up in front of his benefactor for the sake of some affection and interests.

how to say?

He Kegang suddenly thought very much, really wanted to make other descendants of ordinary people in Liaodong not have to live like himself.

Because he knows that although living like himself, it will be very beautiful after stepping out, but in fact, very few people step out, which is harder than picking one out of a hundred.

Wu Xiang, who was originally from a family of generals, did not have such an idea. He kept frowning, especially after seeing that the militiamen in Xishan also looked better in military discipline than his Guan Ning soldiers, and even looked more well-trained, and said: " Today's imperial court has indeed become terrible under the scourge of the current emperor and the current imperial uncle! Even if the country is destroyed and the family is destroyed, such a great Ming cannot be allowed to exist!"

He Kegang looked back at Wu Xiang in astonishment, his eyes seemed to breathe fire.

But he finally restrained his hatred.

Wu Xiang came over and asked an old man in a long robe who was selling candied haws to his grandson with a piece of silver, "Please forgive me for making a mistake, I don't know where the old man is from?"

"Liaodong Liaoyang."

The old man replied.

He Kegang was surprised when he heard this: "Since you are from Liaoyang, why did you come to the pass?"

The old man said with a smile: "The Tartars in Jianzhou rebelled, and our family ran to Ningyuan, but the soldiers in Liaodi didn't give us a way to survive. Not only did they rob my second daughter-in-law, they also robbed my granddaughter, and treated us The outsiders charged [-]% more rent and forced us to build the city wall, so we had no choice but to flee to the pass, so we fled here.”

He Kegang felt a little heavy after hearing this, and asked, "I must be living a good life here."

"Of course! Here, the imperial court still manages our life and death, and let our family settle down. The sons are all married to their wives now. The eldest son has become a senior technician and has started to take apprentices. The grandson has already started to come here. learned."

The old man said again: "It's just that the military masters and tartars outside the customs don't want us to live a good life. We have been really worried for a long time when we entered the customs recently! Fortunately, Uncle Guo and Lu Shangshu commanded us well. , Killed all the Tartars, and scared the bandits like Guan Ningbing back! Now I heard that even Li Sanye in Liaodong was suppressed because he wanted to rebel and was imprisoned by the nine clans. It's really satisfying!"

When He Kegang heard the old man say that he and these Guanning soldiers were bandits, he couldn't help but look at Wu Xiang in shock after hearing that Li Ruzhen was cut.

(End of this chapter)

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