Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 261 Take the initiative to ask Juntian!I kneel down to my uncle Zhang Gui for my surname!

Chapter 261 Take the initiative to ask Juntian!Kneel down for the people to worship the uncle Zhang Gui!

Wu Xiang's face was also a little ugly, and after that, she hurriedly bought a newspaper from a small vendor, and after she was convinced that Li Ruzhen was cut, she said to He Kegang: "I didn't expect things to be so bad!"

"Since Li Ruzhen was hacked, it means that the imperial court will no longer tolerate my Liao general. Do you think Commander Zu and the others will rebel because of this?!"

He Kegang nodded and asked.

Wu Xiang thought for a while and said: "Brother is eager to urge us to go back, presumably for the purpose of discussing this matter. Regardless of whether we raise troops or not, the imperial court will not allow us anymore. Jiannu will not rebel alone."

"Would you rather vote to become a slave than start your own army?"

He Kegang felt even more incredible after hearing this.

Wu Xiang said: "I know elder brother better than you. He won't let himself suffer easily. After all, if he rebels by himself, he has to pay the salary himself. It's hard to think about spending his own money to attract the imperial court's troops for Jiannu." deficit."


He Kegang nodded after hearing this, and continued: "Well, let's go to the capital to meet with Wang Xueshi first, and ask his opinion. We can explain the situation to the commander-in-chief after we go back."

"You go, I'll stay in Xishan, and think of a way to buy a few small officials from the Industrial Division to prepare for the future. Whether you want to become a slave or raise your own troops in the future, you need to know more about the secrets of Xishan."

Wu Xiang said.

He Kegang nodded after listening.

As soon as He Kegang entered the capital, he first came to Sui State's mansion to ask to see Zhang Gui.

"He Kegang, a lowly post Ningyuan guerrilla, met Uncle Guo!"

As soon as He Kegang saw Zhang Gui, he bent his seven-foot man's body, knelt down in front of Zhang Gui and saluted.

Seeing this, Zhang Gui hurriedly helped him up: "General He, why is this so?"

He Kegang said: "Even for the sake of Uncle Guo's keeping countless refugees from the Liao region alive, a humble job should pay respects!"

Zhang Gui didn't expect that He Kegang, a Liao general who belonged to Zu Dashou, would come to see him in secret, so he asked, "General He's sudden visit, what is the reason?"

He Kegang said: "I came here just to explain to Uncle Guo that I am willing to share my family's [-] mu of fertile land!"

What He Kegang said is equivalent to expressing his political attitude.

After Zhang Gui heard this, he laughed and said: "But the imperial court has not planned to equalize the land in the Liao area. General He, please go back first. If the imperial court really needs to do something in the Liao area in the future, I will consult General He and others for their opinions." However, the Liao land is restless now, and no one knows what other incidents will happen for a while. Therefore, if there is any major movement in the Liao land, please inform General He in time. At that time, you only need to order someone to bring the news to Ningyuan A place called Mingtai Trading Company in the city will do.”


After meeting He Kegang, Zhang Gui went to Xiyuan and reported the matter to Tianqi.

After hearing this, Tian Qi laughed and said: "It seems that the Liao general is not monolithic, but also a loyal minister with a conscience."

Zhang Gui nodded: "What your majesty said is that although the landowners of military towns in the entire Liao region seem to be in harmony with the imperial court, when it comes to a specific general in the Liao region, their positions are still different. , completely resolve the Liao issue! You don’t have to worry about the serious consequences that will happen if people like Zu Dashou really rebel or become slaves.”

Tian Qi smiled slightly and said: "Of course I won't worry that Liao affairs will really get out of hand. After you showed me the suicide notes of those loyal to the Ming Dynasty last time, I completely understood where the hearts of the people are. Now, I What we need to do is to make more people turn to the imperial court!"

"A large number of alternate officials who have received political training in the Zizheng School have been appointed, mainly to go to Shandong to implement the new policy, first clearing Zhang Tianmu and recovering the tax, and then there will be a series of new policy policies such as the integration of officials and gentry to pay food and errands, and the distribution of people to the mu. , will be carried out. I only hope that the officials can really carry out the New Deal. So that we can truly realize the prosperity of the country and the prosperity of the people within the Ming Dynasty.

Tian Qi then said a few more words.

"Your Majesty said yes."

Zhang Gui replied.

At this time, Han Yu came over and said to Tianqi: "Your Majesty, Kong Zhen, the governor of Shandong, came to report from time to time, saying that Shandong is now full of bandits and cults, and the remnant of Xu Hongru once again coerced the troublesome people into trouble, so please ask Shandong to suspend the New Deal." It will be implemented in the hope that the local area will be peaceful before it will be implemented.”

After hearing this, Tian Qi sneered and said, "This is an excuse!"

"It is also implying that the imperial court may not easily implement the New Deal in Shandong. This Governor Kong is obviously sitting on the side of the local officials!"

Zhang Gui said.

Tianqi nodded: "Then it's time to kill! However, there is no reason now. In addition, I don't know if he said this forcedly or on his own initiative. In any case, there is a layer of meaning in it. Shandong Dahu They don’t welcome the New Deal either, but the less they welcome it, the more they need to implement it!”

"What Your Majesty said is that if it is not implemented, no matter how much the wealth of the world increases, it will still not strengthen the country and enrich the people!"

Zhang Gui replied.

Therefore, Tianqi instructed Han Yu: "Write it like this when drafting the ticket, and ask him how he became the governor and how he made the bandits in Shandong rampant. In addition, tell him that the cult bandits must be suppressed, and the New Deal must be pushed back. Because the New Deal is the basis for calming the chaos. How do you know that the bandits in Shandong are not fixed, is it not because the New Deal has not been implemented?"



The current Ming Dynasty can be regarded as thriving.

The king who is determined to innovate and is willing to decentralize power has created the current situation where reformists are in power.

It's just that any decree will still encounter resistance in the specific implementation process. After all, this is moving the cake of vested interests.

Tang Ningbin, a scholar who graduated from the Zizheng School, has become the county magistrate of Xincheng, Jinan Prefecture, and is responsible for implementing the New Deal in Xincheng.

When Tang Ningbin first came to Xincheng County, a group of officials, gentlemen and people from Xincheng County also came out of the city to welcome him.

But Tang Ningbin had just got off his sedan chair and entered the city, and when he was walking towards the county town amidst the welcome of the soldiers and civilians, a group of masked cavalry suddenly rushed in.

A few of the cavalry rushed over directly, holding three-eyed guns, and fired a gun at Tang Ningbin's back.

Tang Ningbin fell to the ground on the spot after hitting several shots in a row.

Tang Ningbin's guards didn't react for a while.

The scholars and common people present were also taken aback.

On the contrary, the bandit himself shouted first: "I am Hou Liu, the deputy marshal of the world's soldiers and horses appointed by Emperor Fulie of Zhongxing! I killed Zhu Ming's dog official here today! You have a wrong and a debtor, you can tell the Emperor Daming yourself, Come and kill me if you have the ability, don't bully you scholars and people!"

Said, this bandit called Hou Liu rode away.

The so-called Emperor Zhongxing Fulie was the name of the emperor Xu Hongru, who rebelled in Shandong in the early years of Tianqi, called the emperor during the uprising.

But in this way, it would make people think that this matter was done by Xu Hongru's remaining troops.

But only among the squires in Xincheng County, a squire surnamed Wang knew the truth, and laughed: "Now it seems that I have to go to see Zhongcheng."

The Zhongcheng mentioned by the squire with the surname Wang was Kong Zhenshi, the governor of Shandong.

Kong Zhenshi was depressed because of receiving the decree from the apocalypse, and after the squire Wang came, he said directly: "Sima Wenzheng has a famous saying that the wealth of the world has a fixed amount. If it is not in the official, it will be in the people." Now the imperial court insists on continuing to take advantage of the people in Shandong, it is simply greedy!"

After hearing this, the squire surnamed Wang directly reported Tang Ningbin's murder by the bandit Hou Liu.

Kong Zhenshi was taken aback when he heard this: "Is it really the work of bandits?"

The squire surnamed Wang said: "Whether it was the bandits or not, Zhongcheng only needs to report the truth. And he should remind the other new officials who are going to take office in various prefectures and counties to be careful."

Kong Zhenshi nodded, and immediately reported the matter to the imperial court in a hurry.

Tian Qi's face turned cold when he received this urgent message, and made up his mind, saying to Han Yu: "Prepare to draw up a decree!"

(End of this chapter)

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